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Just make 5 sec cap of stealth , give daredevil ability swipe 1200 range back and remove unblockable+take stolen skills arsenal and give them just steal from thief which is 3 sec stealth (makes sense to differ it from thief having steal). Add initiative cost to sword 2 return so you are punished for bad attempt more + give up plan of giving them unblockable sb 4 cc and give that ability for ranger shortbow since its very weak compared to thief and its all fine. Rebalance mesmer trait with Mass invisibility to fit new 5 sec stealth limit since those 2 proffesions have most benefit of it (buff weapons on mesmer you nerfed because of mirage mechanics).

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Give other proffesions some reaveal on 20-30 sec cd per proffesion and take care when you nerfing other classes mobility (ranger nerf on swoop is very random for example) and leaving thief same because it will make game unplayable for most side noders but not all (war is op with mobility aswell if it stays same than ranger needs swoop recharge back).

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> Give other proffesions some reaveal on 20-30 sec cd per proffesion and take care when you nerfing other classes mobility (ranger nerf on swoop is very random for example) and leaving thief same because it will make game unplayable for most side noders but not all (war is op with mobility aswell if it stays same than ranger needs swoop recharge back).


I never get posters like this lol if warriors mobility stays the same ranger needs swoop reverted? Makes sense considering their 2 completely different classes with completely different strengths and weaknesses so their mobility should obviously be in line with each other haha. I guess cuz ranger and warrior mobility necro should get some leaps and dashes as well to bring their mobility up, or wait let's all get mobility buffs cuz thiefs exist lol.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> I never get posters like this lol if warriors mobility stays the same ranger needs swoop reverted? Makes sense considering their 2 completely different classes with completely different strengths and weaknesses so their mobility should obviously be in line with each other haha. I guess cuz ranger and warrior mobility necro should get some leaps and dashes as well to bring their mobility up, or wait let's all get mobility buffs cuz thiefs exist lol.


Ok you forgot soulbeast will have 1 pet in combat so none will play with swoop first of all. Swoop will be used if ranger wanna play more roamer style which is good option to have but with 1 pet only i don t think pew pew will run with bird in combat. Warior have 2 mobility skills on gs and bulls charge (2 of them evades aswell). Warior had better mobility than ranger before patch and thats ok if there is no trait which makes half your weapon skills + bulls charge remove movement condis and thats op. So pls tell me if you need more to stay alive and if you need more easy acces in malee ranger. Please also tell me if i want to play some condis based on control movement instead power ranger how (if im bored of it maybe) can i atleast keep war out of range for bit of time since im ranger and i should get some advantage from range (yes im talking about shortbow). So you think warior duelist should have 2 times better mobility than potential ranger roamer build which also can t cripple imob and chill war because its uselles with op trait warior have. Thanks you really think you know something about ranger just because you used to play vs pew pew builds 99% of time. Warior needs to suffer from ranged builds he should not bypass it like its not there with 1 trait and you know that...than mobility of war wouldn t be issue but this way its just 2:0 for war and you are dare to talk about rangers mobility for alternative builds. There is other side of war which is suffering and its same for ranger but you clearly can t see that. Hammer on warior and shortbow on ranger will never be played if its up to your idea of balance and that 2 weapons should be core of those proffesions atleast be part of choice.



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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> > I never get posters like this lol if warriors mobility stays the same ranger needs swoop reverted? Makes sense considering their 2 completely different classes with completely different strengths and weaknesses so their mobility should obviously be in line with each other haha. I guess cuz ranger and warrior mobility necro should get some leaps and dashes as well to bring their mobility up, or wait let's all get mobility buffs cuz thiefs exist lol.


> Ok you forgot soulbeast will have 1 pet in combat so none will play with swoop first of all. Swoop will be used if ranger wanna play more roamer style which is good option to have but with 1 pet only i don t think pew pew will run with bird in combat. Warior have 2 mobility skills on gs and bulls charge (2 of them evades aswell). Warior had better mobility than ranger before patch and thats ok if there is no trait which makes half your weapon skills + bulls charge remove movement condis and thats op. So pls tell me if you need more to stay alive and if you need more easy acces in malee ranger. Please also tell me if i want to play some condis based on control movement instead power ranger how (if im bored of it maybe) can i atleast keep war out of range for bit of time since im ranger and i should get some advantage from range (yes im talking about shortbow).




See I read first sentence and all I think is yeah u get one pet, some of which are very effective ie smokescale and it will do ranged and close combat to aid u, follows players pretty far chipping and ccing them. Then uve got merge that gives u improved stats aaannnddd 3 new skills that are very good ie smoke field, knockdown and tele all of which are great additions. Slb with is bersitiliry and dps potential at the range it has it most definitely should have less mobility than a spec that other than one meme build requires fights to be melee oriented. The type of mobility that warrior has assures it's not just free food to pew pew spamming rangers that would otherwise just kite and laugh at the poor wareior lol. Anet already messed up in the fact rangers melee viability is up there with warriors(the melee class of the game) which it definitely should not be.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:



> See I read first sentence and all I think is yeah u get one pet, some of which are very effective ie smokescale and it will do ranged and close combat to aid u, follows players pretty far chipping and ccing them. Then uve got merge that gives u improved stats aaannnddd 3 new skills that are very good ie smoke field, knockdown and tele all of which are great additions. Slb with is bersitiliry and dps potential at the range it has it most definitely should have less mobility than a spec that other than one meme build requires fights to be melee oriented. The type of mobility that warrior has assures it's not just free food to pew pew spamming rangers that would otherwise just kite and laugh at the poor wareior lol. Anet already messed up in the fact rangers melee viability is up there with warriors(the melee class of the game) which it definitely should not be.


I agree about ranger shouldn t pair war with malee but you still kited the question which is how you want to counter the war on sb or even axe when movement condis are not hiting the war at all because of 1 trait and there is also no mobility for ranger, so pls explain me how (no matter of war acces in malee) should i play against war if range dmg is already lower than malee dmg and benefit of its movement impairing condis which are worthless because warior can get in close range with 1 skill (2/3 of them is evade) and remove those condis aswell which are main mechanic to keep balanced fight. Im not telling war doesn t need cleanse of movement impairing condis but it needs more effort than just use 1 skill with 1 trait to make it and kite range like mad which is definitly not balanced. There is no line between range and malee now because warior can t be snared and it need 1 skill to get in malee which even evades which makes fun of ranged concept. They messed with classes too hard i can agree with that but playing range should be beneficial vs malee and right now thiefs, wariors and revenants just kite it like there is no range between them. Snare need to work vs warior and warior should have tools vs that but right now its just done so badly that there is no point crippling/imobbilize/chill warior because he have cheap trait which works with half of warior build. I already talked about thiefs having 5 times better version of shortbow than ranger which is even more disturbing of concepts, while revenants atleast don t have ability to easy escape from fights as thiefs.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> >

> > See I read first sentence and all I think is yeah u get one pet, some of which are very effective ie smokescale and it will do ranged and close combat to aid u, follows players pretty far chipping and ccing them. Then uve got merge that gives u improved stats aaannnddd 3 new skills that are very good ie smoke field, knockdown and tele all of which are great additions. Slb with is bersitiliry and dps potential at the range it has it most definitely should have less mobility than a spec that other than one meme build requires fights to be melee oriented. The type of mobility that warrior has assures it's not just free food to pew pew spamming rangers that would otherwise just kite and laugh at the poor wareior lol. Anet already messed up in the fact rangers melee viability is up there with warriors(the melee class of the game) which it definitely should not be.


> I agree about ranger shouldn t pair war with malee but you still kited the question which is how you want to counter the war on sb or even axe when movement condis are not hiting the war at all because of 1 trait and there is also no mobility for ranger, so pls explain me how (no matter of war acces in malee) should i play against war if range dmg is already lower than malee dmg and benefit of its movement impairing condis which are worthless because warior can get in close range with 1 skill (2/3 of them is evade) and remove those condis aswell which are main mechanic to keep balanced fight. Im not telling war doesn t need cleanse of movement impairing condis but it needs more effort than just use 1 skill with 1 trait to make it and kite range like mad which is definitly not balanced. There is no line between range and malee now because warior can t be snared and it need 1 skill to get in malee which even evades which makes fun of ranged concept. They messed with classes too hard i can agree with that but playing range should be beneficial vs malee and right now thiefs, wariors and revenants just kite it like there is no range between them. Snare need to work vs warior and warior should have tools vs that but right now its just done so badly that there is no point crippling/imobbilize/chill warior because he have cheap trait which works with half of warior build. I already talked about thiefs having 5 times better version of shortbow than ranger which is even more disturbing of concepts, while revenants atleast don t have ability to easy escape from fights as thiefs.


Well I can tell u there are many times I get knocked back,immobilized,stunned and tangled in those god forsaken roots when all my physical skills are on CD or only have one off cd in which usually another cc follow up anyway keeping me in place. A rapid fire if I dont have shield block up or am knockbacked or cc'd clears a lot of my hp if set up right, even if I disengage using gs2 and 5 usually the rangers able to stick close enough to either pew pew me taking my hp down while all their cd come back or tele to me with smokescale etc. There definitely are ways for a ranger to use range to take out a warrior or weaken them enough to finish them in melee. Tho as I said warr on even ground should be set up to have an advantage vs ranger in melee situations. It is funny sending knock backs back or gaining invisibility with shield master if its traited lol. Every class has issues in some respects because anet built counterplay to counterplays lol. like I said in another post warrior is set up to hard cc and burst, look at 100 blades and u can see that yet right now the warrior hard cc is so predictable and telegraphed added with the high amounts of stunbreaks in the game paired with stability landing their hard cc isnt easy and if u do the opponent if their decent springs back up before u get one hit of ur burst off. At this point were all used to classes being pretty overloaded and ranger as a example has enjoyed to much mobility for its ranged pressure potential for so long I think people's expectations are slightly askew.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:



> Well I can tell u there are many times I get knocked back,immobilized,stunned and tangled in those god forsaken roots when all my physical skills are on CD or only have one off cd in which usually another cc follow up anyway keeping me in place. A rapid fire if I dont have shield block up or am knockbacked or cc'd clears a lot of my hp if set up right, even if I disengage using gs2 and 5 usually the rangers able to stick close enough to either pew pew me taking my hp down while all their cd come back or tele to me with smokescale etc. There definitely are ways for a ranger to use range to take out a warrior or weaken them enough to finish them in melee. Tho as I said warr on even ground should be set up to have an advantage vs ranger in melee situations. It is funny sending knock backs back or gaining invisibility with shield master if its traited lol. Every class has issues in some respects because anet built counterplay to counterplays lol. like I said in another post warrior is set up to hard cc and burst, look at 100 blades and u can see that yet right now the warrior hard cc is so predictable and telegraphed added with the high amounts of stunbreaks in the game paired with stability landing their hard cc isnt easy and if u do the opponent if their decent springs back up before u get one hit of ur burst off. At this point were all used to classes being pretty overloaded and ranger as a example has enjoyed to much mobility for its ranged pressure potential for so long I think people's expectations are slightly askew.


Man i get your point pew pew ranger is op (im not big fun of that playstyle) but same can be told for warior. I think if ranger gets reduced mobility because it have range atacks which feel the gap than warior also need to be more vulnerable from snare and can t have such easy acces to remove condition impairing conditions. Warior is big part of meta for reason and ranger is not. So ranger loose mobility and warior should get cd for removing movement impairing condis so it takes more effort for them to keep in malee. If you don t see that than you are clearly one sided and don t care for balance at all. Pew pew won t benefit from it since it have very few cripple and knockback is what they rally on. What suffers is any other build on ranger based on shortbow and axe + dagger offhand and thats only about ranger. Not being able to gain anything from range feels bad vs war and him having ability to close the gap with safe evade mobility skills combined with movement condi removal proc without cd in same time is kind of cheap and bad balance overall. Warior is well telegraphed and thats good but you can t prove me wrong with fact that its easy effort and it will continue to grow even more after the patch. Range was always the counter for malee and right now there is no range between malee classes and ranged ones, and that needs to change. If you have all physical skills on cd thats your mistake because you have plenty of them which means you spammed them not keeping 1 for defense and yet shake it off is offcd aswell (also not so often scenario if its not l2p issue or being outnumbered). Warior is taken for side noder because he can roam and he have great potential to escape being +1 while it strong duelist. This game lacks interupts and have too much of hard cc and it should be opposite so we don t have to take 2-3 stunbreak per build because interupt is something like 1/4 s daze just to interupt action not to stunlock target. There is no real line aswell with 1. hard cc made for setup bursts/stunlock and 2. soft cc (1/4s daze) made for interupts only. Those 2 styles of using cc shouldn t be messed up like they are now but thats another topic. Im sure its more fun to get interupted than each cc making you wanna stunbreak until suddenly you loose cd on stunbreaks because each cc in game is powercreeped. I made this suggestion based on gw1 experience and i play gw2 for same amount of time as gw1 back in days, and i can surely say interupts prevent spam fest while hard cc bring more spam if there is no line between those aspects of cc.



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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:


> >

> > Well I can tell u there are many times I get knocked back,immobilized,stunned and tangled in those god forsaken roots when all my physical skills are on CD or only have one off cd in which usually another cc follow up anyway keeping me in place. A rapid fire if I dont have shield block up or am knockbacked or cc'd clears a lot of my hp if set up right, even if I disengage using gs2 and 5 usually the rangers able to stick close enough to either pew pew me taking my hp down while all their cd come back or tele to me with smokescale etc. There definitely are ways for a ranger to use range to take out a warrior or weaken them enough to finish them in melee. Tho as I said warr on even ground should be set up to have an advantage vs ranger in melee situations. It is funny sending knock backs back or gaining invisibility with shield master if its traited lol. Every class has issues in some respects because anet built counterplay to counterplays lol. like I said in another post warrior is set up to hard cc and burst, look at 100 blades and u can see that yet right now the warrior hard cc is so predictable and telegraphed added with the high amounts of stunbreaks in the game paired with stability landing their hard cc isnt easy and if u do the opponent if their decent springs back up before u get one hit of ur burst off. At this point were all used to classes being pretty overloaded and ranger as a example has enjoyed to much mobility for its ranged pressure potential for so long I think people's expectations are slightly askew.


> Man i get your point pew pew ranger is op (im not big fun of that playstyle) but same can be told for warior. I think if ranger gets reduced mobility because it have range atacks which feel the gap than warior also need to be more vulnerable from snare and can t have such easy acces to remove condition impairing conditions. Warior is big part of meta for reason and ranger is not. So ranger loose mobility and warior should get cd for removing movement impairing condis so it takes more effort for them to keep in malee. If you don t see that than you are clearly one sided and don t care for balance at all. Pew pew won t benefit from it since it have very few cripple and knockback is what they rally on. What suffers is any other build on ranger based on shortbow and axe + dagger offhand and thats only about ranger. Not being able to gain anything from range feels bad vs war and him having ability to close the gap with safe evade mobility skills combined with movement condi removal proc without cd in same time is kind of cheap and bad balance overall. Warior is well telegraphed and thats good but you can t prove me wrong with fact that its easy effort and it will continue to grow even more after the patch. Range was always the counter for malee and right now there is no range between malee classes and ranged ones, and that needs to change. If you have all physical skills on cd thats your mistake because you have plenty of them which means you spammed them not keeping 1 for defense and yet shake it off is offcd aswell (also not so often scenario if its not l2p issue or being outnumbered). Warior is taken for side noder because he can roam and he have great potential to escape being +1 while it strong duelist. This game lacks interupts and have too much of hard cc and it should be opposite so we don t have to take 2-3 stunbreak per build because interupt is something like 1/4 s daze just to interupt action not to stunlock target. There is no real line aswell with 1. hard cc made for setup bursts/stunlock and 2. soft cc (1/4s daze) made for interupts only. Those 2 styles of using cc shouldn t be messed up like they are now but thats another topic. Im sure its more fun to get interupted than each cc making you wanna stunbreak until suddenly you loose cd on stunbreaks because each cc in game is powercreeped. I made this suggestion based on gw1 experience and i play gw2 for same amount of time as gw1 back in days, and i can surely say interupts prevent spam fest while hard cc bring more spam if there is no line between those aspects of cc.




Man I'm a fan of ranger and have alot of hrs on soulbeast, peon most used in pve between all my toons. I'm simply saying for a spec as versitile as ranger is with swoop CD nerf and the only one pet while in combat nerf ranger still has mobility in line with where it should be. Sure if ranger doesnt run gs or bird mobility is greatly reduced just as if warrior doesnt run gs or BC right? Or any other class with mobility running non mobility builds. Not being able to pressure a warrior at range is kinda off cuz I've been plenty pressured by rangers using range as well as being +1 by them using range so I donno and conditions with where there at even with brawlers recovery and shake it off I get hard cc'd and condi destroyed often enough lol

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:




> Man I'm a fan of ranger and have alot of hrs on soulbeast, peon most used in pve between all my toons. I'm simply saying for a spec as versitile as ranger is with swoop CD nerf and the only one pet while in combat nerf ranger still has mobility in line with where it should be. Sure if ranger doesnt run gs or bird mobility is greatly reduced just as if warrior doesnt run gs or BC right? Or any other class with mobility running non mobility builds. Not being able to pressure a warrior at range is kinda off cuz I've been plenty pressured by rangers using range as well as being +1 by them using range so I donno.


You are talking about pew pew which is dmg build and im talking about movemant impairing condis on ranged weapon which they rally on. They are just uselles vs war making you don t get any benefit from using ranged weapon vs warior...its not all about longbow power dmg. If you get killed by pew pew ranger 1 vs 1 you probly messed something but if you get killed by good +1 than its justified and its not balance issue because right now war is very hard to +1 and thats one of the biggest reasons why they are part of meta for so long.



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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:



> >

> > Man I'm a fan of ranger and have alot of hrs on soulbeast, peon most used in pve between all my toons. I'm simply saying for a spec as versitile as ranger is with swoop CD nerf and the only one pet while in combat nerf ranger still has mobility in line with where it should be. Sure if ranger doesnt run gs or bird mobility is greatly reduced just as if warrior doesnt run gs or BC right? Or any other class with mobility running non mobility builds. Not being able to pressure a warrior at range is kinda off cuz I've been plenty pressured by rangers using range as well as being +1 by them using range so I donno.


> You are talking about pew pew which is dmg build and im talking about movemant impairing condis on ranged weapon which they rally on. They are just uselles vs war making you don t get any benefit from using ranged weapon vs warior...its not all about longbow power dmg. If you get killed by pew pew ranger 1 vs 1 you probly messed something but if you get killed by good +1 than its justified and its not balance issue because right now war is very hard to +1 and thats one of the biggest reasons why they are part of meta for so long.




I get destroyed by condi guards,weavers and necro's within seconds and get hard cc'd often enough that's for sure and that's running peak performance,shake it of and brawlers recovery. Without them in the state the games in warrior wouldnt be standing toe to toe with anyone in melee let alone ranges. I get cc'd a ton as running all those things so. It helps that warriors so predictable to know when to cc them and if they had no good defensive strategy against it they'd be food.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:



> I get destroyed by condi guards,weavers and necro's within seconds and get hard cc'd often enough that's for sure and that's running peak performance,shake it of and brawlers recovery. Without them in the state the games in warrior wouldnt be standing toe to toe with anyone in melee let alone ranges. I get cc'd a ton as running all those things so. It helps that warriors so predictable to know when to cc them and if they had no good defensive strategy against it they'd be food.


You are clearly kiting the point of snares not hiting the good war at all and on druid for example its Gm trait for imob and wars just negates it with tier 1 major trait and so on with every other movement impairing condi. Atleast it should be on GM trait choice to have tradeoff or it needs cd on it if it stays like this. Otherwise you have no idea of what the snare is and why its used to. Wariors are not the food and they are in totaly opposite state idk if we are talking about same proffesion anymore.



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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:



> > I get destroyed by condi guards,weavers and necro's within seconds and get hard cc'd often enough that's for sure and that's running peak performance,shake it of and brawlers recovery. Without them in the state the games in warrior wouldnt be standing toe to toe with anyone in melee let alone ranges. I get cc'd a ton as running all those things so. It helps that warriors so predictable to know when to cc them and if they had no good defensive strategy against it they'd be food.


> You are clearly kiting the point of snares not hiting the good war at all and on druid for example its Gm trait for imob and wars just negates it with tier 1 major trait and so on with every other movement impairing condi. Atleast it should be on GM trait choice to have tradeoff or it needs cd on it if it stays like this. Otherwise you have no idea of what the snare is and why its used to. Wariors are not the food and they are in totaly opposite state idk if we are talking about same proffesion anymore.




Naw we are u just over exaggeration which is the norm in the forums lol no offense. Yeah I break outa stuns often but my point is so does everyone else so, and with the high amounts of all sorts of cc's flying around me as a warrior still can use up my resources very quickly and be caught in the cc's and or condis without breakstuns or clears left. Warrior is not invincible to cc's and condi's like u make it out to be. Heck few nights ago I was playing in a match vs a soulbeast and was very careful to make sure when I bullscharged he had no stability up and gues what it did all match? Nothing and was like I just charged into a wall lol I remember knocking him down once the whole match as I made it a point to continually try as I found it weird that my cc's were useless even though I never saw stability once on his bar, and I'm dead serious and not exaggerating so can u explain that?

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> >

> >

> > > I get destroyed by condi guards,weavers and necro's within seconds and get hard cc'd often enough that's for sure and that's running peak performance,shake it of and brawlers recovery. Without them in the state the games in warrior wouldnt be standing toe to toe with anyone in melee let alone ranges. I get cc'd a ton as running all those things so. It helps that warriors so predictable to know when to cc them and if they had no good defensive strategy against it they'd be food.

> >

> > You are clearly kiting the point of snares not hiting the good war at all and on druid for example its Gm trait for imob and wars just negates it with tier 1 major trait and so on with every other movement impairing condi. Atleast it should be on GM trait choice to have tradeoff or it needs cd on it if it stays like this. Otherwise you have no idea of what the snare is and why its used to. Wariors are not the food and they are in totaly opposite state idk if we are talking about same proffesion anymore.

> >

> >


> Naw we are u just over exaggeration which is the norm in the forums lol no offense. Yeah I break outa stuns often but my point is so does everyone else so, and with the high amounts of all sorts of cc's flying around me as a warrior still can use up my resources very quickly and be caught in the cc's and or condis without breakstuns or clears left. Warrior is not invincible to cc's and condi's like u make it out to be. Heck few nights ago I was playing in a match vs a soulbeast and was very careful to make sure when I bullscharged he had no stability up and gues what it did all match? Nothing and was like I just charged into a wall lol I remember knocking him down once the whole match as I made it a point to continually try as I found it weird that my cc's were useless even though I never saw stability once on his bar, and I'm dead serious and not exaggerating so can u explain that?


10 stab for 8s every 60s.

passive that moves CC to pet.

2x stunremove.

nuff said

when you fight soulbeast you dont get to CC them unless they run glass cannon with no stunremoving tools.

in general weaver/thief/rev/soulbeast are REALLY hard to CC and have it stick.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > > I get destroyed by condi guards,weavers and necro's within seconds and get hard cc'd often enough that's for sure and that's running peak performance,shake it of and brawlers recovery. Without them in the state the games in warrior wouldnt be standing toe to toe with anyone in melee let alone ranges. I get cc'd a ton as running all those things so. It helps that warriors so predictable to know when to cc them and if they had no good defensive strategy against it they'd be food.

> > >

> > > You are clearly kiting the point of snares not hiting the good war at all and on druid for example its Gm trait for imob and wars just negates it with tier 1 major trait and so on with every other movement impairing condi. Atleast it should be on GM trait choice to have tradeoff or it needs cd on it if it stays like this. Otherwise you have no idea of what the snare is and why its used to. Wariors are not the food and they are in totaly opposite state idk if we are talking about same proffesion anymore.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Naw we are u just over exaggeration which is the norm in the forums lol no offense. Yeah I break outa stuns often but my point is so does everyone else so, and with the high amounts of all sorts of cc's flying around me as a warrior still can use up my resources very quickly and be caught in the cc's and or condis without breakstuns or clears left. Warrior is not invincible to cc's and condi's like u make it out to be. Heck few nights ago I was playing in a match vs a soulbeast and was very careful to make sure when I bullscharged he had no stability up and gues what it did all match? Nothing and was like I just charged into a wall lol I remember knocking him down once the whole match as I made it a point to continually try as I found it weird that my cc's were useless even though I never saw stability once on his bar, and I'm dead serious and not exaggerating so can u explain that?


> 10 stab for 8s every 60s.

> passive that moves CC to pet.

> 2x stunremove.

> nuff said

> when you fight soulbeast you dont get to CC them unless they run glass cannon with no stunremoving tools.

> in general weaver/thief/rev/soulbeast are REALLY hard to CC and have it stick.


I was thinking the pet cc transfer but everytime? Lol I always made sure stab wasn't on their bar, they didnt immediately get up after the cc the just carried on as if it was nothing, guess they coulda hit stunbreak fast enough to not get knocked down at all.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> We need to nerf the affect that player salt has on the DEVs for real.

> Maybe then we get good pvp again.


^this is the best :p


Assumed this is right, that would mean:


PvP dev-team just pretends to be friendly with their community. In reality they are pretty pisssed because of all the incompetent and toxic stuff written in the forum.

As an act of conspiracy they make OP-classes like weaver or thief and never balance anything to take revenge and to punish the players.


So lets all go to the gem-store, spending huge money bills there and just write only nice comments without any kinds of criticism.


And they praised for arena-net, and arena-net finally gave them balance and they lived happy together til the end of times.


Sounds plausible, that could work it out !

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > We need to nerf the affect that player salt has on the DEVs for real.

> > Maybe then we get good pvp again.


> ^this is the best :p


> Assumed this is right, that would mean:


> PvP dev-team just pretends to be friendly with their community. In reality they are pretty pisssed because of all the incompetent and toxic stuff written in the forum.

> As an act of conspiracy they make OP-classes like weaver or thief and never balance anything to take revenge and to punish the players.


> So lets all go to the gem-store, spending huge money bills there and just write only nice comments without any kinds of criticism.


> And they praised for arena-net, and arena-net finally gave them balance and they lived happy together til the end of times.


> Sounds plausible, that could work it out !


its funny that you mention it out of all the people, you that made salty post about stealth xD

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