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Quick, simple, question. Anyone in the know, will know the answer instantly. To wit . . . .

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If you are in possession of :

(1) a Utility Primer


(2) an Experience Booster.


Then, how does the "timing" really work?


A) The Utility Primer states that " Any utility item consumed while the primer is active will have the same remaining time as the primer, rounded up to the next hour. Does not stack."




B) The Experience Booster states that "Grants the following benefits for 2 hours:


+50% Experience in All Game Types

+50% Reward Track Gain in PvP and WvW

Up to 100% Bonus Experience for Kill Streaks


Sooooooooooo, Does this mean that:


One can start the XP booster and run it for 1 hour and 55 minutes,

and then

add the Utility Primer at that point,

and then get another 12 hours from it --

giving you almost 14 hours of XP boost . . .




Does it mean that the Utility Primer has to be started first, and then


XP Booster can only be started immediately after that to get just the 12 hours boost?


I'm sure somebody SMART here has looked into this and has a succinct answer.

Looking forward to that response!!



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The simple answer here is that an Experience Booster is not a Utility Item.

Here is the Utility Item page on the wiki, where it lists just about every utility item available.

At least I'm pretty certain, I've never actually tried it myself, but from my understanding it wouldn't work based on the game's definition of Utilities vs. Boosters.

Hope this helps!

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As stated, it won't work at all as presented, for reasons already explained in the thread.


However, with buff items that do work with Utility Primer, it functions thus:

Using the Utility Primer grants a 12-hour buff which triggers the *next time* a Utility item buff is applied. The Primer buff then replaces the new Utility buff's duration.



It cannot be used to artificially extend preexisting buffs.

As long as it takes you less than 1 hour to use a Utility item, the total Utility duration will be set to 12 hours.

It does not function with multiple Utility buffs, because Utility buffs replace each other.

- It CAN, however, apply to different Utility buffs as long as the Primer is still in effect. It will set the time according to its time remaining, NOT the full 12 hours.

Using multiple Primers are redundant. It will only set the Primer buff timer back to 12 hours.

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