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Schimmi.6872's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. > @"Nilkemia.8507" said: > Problem is, most if not everything now is gated behind achievement grind, timegated grind, or just contrived grind. Example : I was interested in the Illuminated Boreal Weapon collection, only to discover that one of the major materials needed to make it has its recipe gated (via achievement) behind the Stormcaller weapon collection...which is from another map and has nothing to do with the previous collection, aside from both being in IBS. That turned me off fast. You don't need the recipe, lodestones can also be craftet in the mystic forge for the same amount of materials (the recipe was just added later to make it a bit faster to craft them).
  2. > @"Abraxxus.8971" said: > My guild tried to fight the Whisper of Jormag twice tonight since it was the daily strike mission, and both times it bugged on the third phase. The first time, all his attacks were going off rapid fire, and the second time, he appeared for an instant at the start of the third phase and then fell through the floor. We just gave up after that. These bugs have been happening way too often. They should have been fixed by now. The bugs can be annoying and should be fixed, yes. But as we don't know when this will happen (if ever), you can at least try to avoid some of the bugs. Afaik most of the bugs in the third phase only happen when whisper is stunned while the 25% port happens. So if the breakbar appears too close to the phase, don't use CC.
  3. Are you using any addons like arc, if yes, you should deactivate or update it?
  4. > @"Drakonhammer.2148" said: > > @"Feyd Rautha.7298" said: > > Ahh, the wiki, just gives lucent motes, 'salvage' vs 'recover'. Slightly deceptive description. Don't buy this thing, ugh > > It was changed with the rune/sigil update in 2018 or so. Maybe you can get a refund / give the item back if you start a ticket and explain it to ANet, but yeah, I don't see much point in the Runecrafter's since that update. The Runecrafter's Salvage-o-Matic was released after the rune/sigil-update.
  5. > @"Fangoth.4503" said: > 5 CM: >~~ -50 magnetite ~~ > -50 gaeting cristals > -10 provisioner tokens > -10 golds The achievment gives no magnetite shards, only crystals, gold and the tokens.
  6. If you have arcdps, you can use the log-feature to get much more details from your test, this might help to find the differences.
  7. > @"Oxstar.7643" said: > Okay, but being able to see cooldowns off-weapon is not minor. It's a very big deal for ease of use and getting the most out of your damage. And that's the problem, because as far as I can remember, the reasoning to disallow the development of such addons was, that the advantage especially in compettitive modes would be too big.
  8. Which part of the story needs this event? It has been a long time since I did it, but I can't remember that Gates of Arah was needed for any part.
  9. > @"leila.7962" said: > I'm not sure if it's intentional, but when I try to apply the Raven Ceremonial Garb on my characters, the pants also change to the same set style aka Raven Ceremonial Gown. If it's a separated piece, why does it keep changing my pants ?? My characters are all asura, idk if that happens to other races as well. Kinda sucks because it's a beautiful skin but I don't want to use it with the gown part. Guess you tried the medium garb, because light and heavy shouldn't have this problem? Sadly for medium, the gown is attached there, because that's normal for the medium armors - trenchcoats.
  10. > @"sorudo.9054" said: > > @"Hesione.9412" said: > > > @"sorudo.9054" said: > > > > @"Hesione.9412" said: > > > > > @"sorudo.9054" said: > > > > > all i can say is, welcome to guild wars 2. > > > > > a place where stats are linear and roles are reduced to 1. > > > > > > > > But they're not. There is a viable condi and a viable power version for all professions - first dps role. There is also often (always?) a viable heals/support iteration - second role. In some cases, there is even dps versus support versus heals (guardian), where support can be support/heals or support/dps - third role. Sometimes, depending on the situation (e.g. WvW, fractals) a player needs to be flexible about what build to use in which situation. This isn't always about swapping from condi dps to power dps, or vice versa. > > > > > > answer me this, can i make a tank and be called viable? > > > if not then you just answered my statement being true. > > > > Yes, for multiple-player encounters where the boss is attracted to the person with the greatest toughness. You will hold the aggro and you have to stay alive. > > > > Also, healers/support who do very little DPS are a role. So, even ignoring tanks, that gives us two roles: DPS plus support/healer. No tank required to show that there is more than one role. > > and toughness isn't working as well as power, if it did tanks would be far more common. But the gear is not the reason for this, tanks aren't common, because most parts of the game have no aggro-mechanics a tank could control. So with the exception of some raid bosses with controllable tank-mechanics, this role doesn't exist.
  11. > @"Sindrela.1846" said: > silly question, but didnt engineer used to get little backpacks for each toolkit? Yes, but the animations were reworked, the engi now carries the items (like a bag of grenades or a big bomb) in the hands. Think it was changend because people wanted to see their normal backback while using kits.
  12. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > > I wonder what they'll make 500 Jewler do. Cause there's basically free trinkets in LS3 for unbound magic and some gathered stuff. Not to mention cheap ones for laurels, from fractals and WvW... So it would be useless to actually craft them. Unless they'd somehow be even cheaper. > > > > Legendary infusions. > > Oh i haven't thought of that! That would indeed be nice! :smile: > That's basically the only legendary missing right? Depends which slots you count, if every piece should be legendary, you would also need the aquabreather, the enrichment and the swimspeed infusion.
  13. > @"Moradorin.6217" said: > Title says it all. I have a stack of Exquisite Serpentite Jewels in my bank they are account bound and clicking them doesnt consume/convert or otherwise make them tradable. therefore, I am left to believe this is a bug which needs fixing to make the 1/19 patch factual. > I guess the existing ones sadly won't be changed, because there is this sentence at the start of this part of the patchnotes: > Some items are becoming tradable. For the following notes regarding items becoming tradable, **existing account-bound items will remain bound**, but items acquired after updating the client will be unbound. Updated materials can be unbound by depositing them into material storage.
  14. If this marks are treated like the other DRM marks before, you can exchange them to wallet-currency as soon es the special event is over.
  15. > @"Xethal.7180" said: > The thing is, why does it exist on raids/strikes missions and not fractals/Dragon response mission ? Why create such a difference ? > > Moreover, the system is still abused. I've been more than once abused this way in fractal CMs, peoples of a guild coming in my group in LFG, clearing everything, and kicking at less than 5% of the final boss health. People will always find ways to abuse this systems, but why should it get easier for them. The Raid-system (which is also used for strikes) was abused too, but then anet added mechanics to remove most issues. Now you can't kick people during fights and prevent them from getting their loot (because the important things were added as bouncing chests), but the way dungeons and fractals work, this won't help much there.
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