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Give ranger Beastmode ability to use autoattack from pet to feel the gap of 1 pet in combat


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Since this is their plan we should atleast get pet autoattack in beastmode too and rework of 80% pets... Ranger having 2 autoattacks would feel nice, just imagine jacaranda on condi build so you stack 5+different condis and hit more for each condition because thats what jacaranda aa is doing right now...Alot more depth would be added and this won t be such cheese class to play and would bring some strong condi builds combined with pet aa which could be used as cover condi and other things like i mentioned with jacaranda. Pet skills have long cd and having just 1 pet would make entering beastmode only rewarded with boons and cleanse if traited thats why i think giving ranger second autoattack along with other beast skills would make much more sense and feel the gap (even replace existing skill 1 with pet auttoattack something like mirage ambush but not that strong but still being able to get another aa from beastmode since you can leave it in 1 sec anyway would make much more sense. Also i think this is just good setup for future changes they want to do so its risky start but i admire it because i think it will slow down game and make it more meanigfull than just spam but still cc is not adressed and there is no interupts only crazy amount of hard cc and they removed some stun breaks. Changing it opposite way of having 1/4 daze (pure interupt) as 80% of universall cc across all professions and make hard cc such as taunt as ranger unique cc (making only 20% of all cc available for ranger so its not spamable) would make game shine much more and build diversity even stronger since you won t run 2-3 stunbreaks as must because now you don t waste stunbreak on 1/4 daze which is meant just to interupt you and keep stunbreak vs only 1 hard cc every proffesion would be able to trigger since its all changed for daze to fit line beetween interupts (1/4 daze active gameplay) and hard cc (all we have to day making game very passive). Still when outnumbered you will have 1 stunbreak for hard cc and being attack by 2 players would mean you need to be careffull about not eating both of hard cc from both players attempting to kill you.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> honestly that's not a bad idea except there are too many important f1 skills.


Even replace existing autoattack on weapon with pet auttoattack when merged. Something like mirage ambush but not that strong but still being able to get another aa from beastmode since you can leave it in 1 sec anyway would make much more sense than just entering it for boons since cd is mostly too high to fit active and fast in and out sb mode. It won t make it overpowered but will make it more depth and feel the gap of staying in beastmode with some active gameplay.

f1 have nothing to do with that if you replace current autoattack on weapon with pet autoattack... sounds much cooler than what we have because its not fair we can t use pet autoattack when merged. Soulbeast would be autoattack master and feel more like soulbeast than it feels now.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> I really dont understand th QQ about Soulbeast finaly getting its downside.


> Its such a minor weakness compared to other classes, its laughable.


> Be happy. It could have been much much worse.


> „Looks at berserker“ ?


Man some ppl need to differ qq from positive critic. I think this is fair tradeoff but if we enter beastmode just for boons that means proffesion is heavily dumbed down and thats why i think pet autoattack should add more depth to stay in beastmode and would finally help condi ranger be more viable all other changes are not bringing depth nad still leaving pew pew as only viable. So sad ppl don t know whats critic anymore here on forum because too much qq we see here. Im not newbie and i know what im talking when i say ranger will be noobfriendly class even more and will leave no option for more hardcore players. Adding autoattack from pet is not a big deal to make it op but its big deal for new builds and more fun and interactive gameplay. Its not that i want spaceship pet which oneshot everyone around... i just want normal pet which autoattack inflict vulnerability 1 stack on hit so i can use it as cover condi or jacaranda which will deal more dmg for each condi on target (its nerfed hard already). Bro nobody told you to not fight for your class if you think it will make a mess of it like i think ranger will be even more noob friendly and no real option for veterans to enjoy.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> I really dont understand th QQ about Soulbeast finaly getting its downside.


> Its such a minor weakness compared to other classes, its laughable.


> Be happy. It could have been much much worse.


> „Looks at berserker“ ?


Althoug i agree mostly with you there i cant agree To the statement of losing the class mechanic can be comparable to warrior nerfs, losing one pet is very strong shift in the class and nothing compared to berseker which mostly is fine. If you are talking about all the stuns not doing damage anymore look at the ranger section you'll laught when you see the extra long list of pets they get their damage gutted.


The QQ is because until now having 2 pets was the panic button if a ranger messed up, it could swap the smokescale for the owl, fly away and use the heal. Now if a soulbeast messes up there is no escape. I personally think is fine to have just one pet during combat and if that means we can use the pet swap traits effectively i'm happy with the exchange.


If you want to compare Soulbeast nerf compare it to Mirage nerf, now only have one dodge and it will not stunbreak anymore. Thats is the level of nerf soulbeast is having.

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> Althoug i agree mostly with you there i cant agree To the statement of losing the class mechanic can be comparable to warrior nerfs, losing one pet is very strong shift in the class and nothing compared to berseker which mostly is fine. If you are talking about all the stuns not doing damage anymore look at the ranger section you'll laught when you see the extra long list of pets they get their damage gutted.


> The QQ is because until now having 2 pets was the panic button if a ranger messed up, it could swap the smokescale for the owl, fly away and use the heal. Now if a soulbeast messes up there is no escape. I personally think is fine to have just one pet during combat and if that means we can use the pet swap traits effectively i'm happy with the exchange.


> If you want to compare Soulbeast nerf compare it to Mirage nerf, now only have one dodge and it will not stunbreak anymore. Thats is the level of nerf soulbeast is having.


No ranger won t be fine this way its still pew pew class now even more made for nub gameplay and no utility to compete in higher pvp thats why pets need big rework to make them active with ranger and pets autoattack need to be added so there is reason to not jump out of beastmode after 2 sec after you get boons and used long cd skills)

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:


> > Althoug i agree mostly with you there i cant agree To the statement of losing the class mechanic can be comparable to warrior nerfs, losing one pet is very strong shift in the class and nothing compared to berseker which mostly is fine. If you are talking about all the stuns not doing damage anymore look at the ranger section you'll laught when you see the extra long list of pets they get their damage gutted.

> >

> > The QQ is because until now having 2 pets was the panic button if a ranger messed up, it could swap the smokescale for the owl, fly away and use the heal. Now if a soulbeast messes up there is no escape. I personally think is fine to have just one pet during combat and if that means we can use the pet swap traits effectively i'm happy with the exchange.

> >

> > If you want to compare Soulbeast nerf compare it to Mirage nerf, now only have one dodge and it will not stunbreak anymore. Thats is the level of nerf soulbeast is having.


> No ranger won t be fine this way its still pew pew class now even more made for nub gameplay and no utility to compete in higher pvp thats why pets need big rework to make them active with ranger and pets autoattack need to be added so there is reason to not jump out of beastmode after 2 sec after you get boons and used long cd skills)


Don't forget the traits and skills which buff your pet also buff the soulbeast when in beastmode.... You should play with soulbeast properly and learn, the subclass is pretty deep once you come out from the "easy to learn"

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> >

> > > Althoug i agree mostly with you there i cant agree To the statement of losing the class mechanic can be comparable to warrior nerfs, losing one pet is very strong shift in the class and nothing compared to berseker which mostly is fine. If you are talking about all the stuns not doing damage anymore look at the ranger section you'll laught when you see the extra long list of pets they get their damage gutted.

> > >

> > > The QQ is because until now having 2 pets was the panic button if a ranger messed up, it could swap the smokescale for the owl, fly away and use the heal. Now if a soulbeast messes up there is no escape. I personally think is fine to have just one pet during combat and if that means we can use the pet swap traits effectively i'm happy with the exchange.

> > >

> > > If you want to compare Soulbeast nerf compare it to Mirage nerf, now only have one dodge and it will not stunbreak anymore. Thats is the level of nerf soulbeast is having.

> >

> > No ranger won t be fine this way its still pew pew class now even more made for nub gameplay and no utility to compete in higher pvp thats why pets need big rework to make them active with ranger and pets autoattack need to be added so there is reason to not jump out of beastmode after 2 sec after you get boons and used long cd skills)


> Don't forget the traits and skills which buff your pet also buff the soulbeast when in beastmode.... You should play with soulbeast properly and learn, the subclass is pretty deep once you come out from the "easy to learn"


Oh wait you are trying to learn me about class i play since start and got bored so hard that i spend experimenting with condi ranger for 1 year now making it way to plat 3 in few times with dagger dagger and shortbow. Top 50 druid in times of HoT and top 100 soulbeast in times of PoF. Also played gw1 ranger which was much more depth and made my teambuilds being played by top teams in Ha and GvG. Ok thank you it sounds egoistic i know but i rly don t wanna talk about your fake vision of ranger being class with skill but in same time it was all about pew pew build since start... Condi druid was thing before amulet nerfs and few ppl played it but do you srsly think ranger is hard proffesion since this pew pew build is now geting even more noob friendly mechanics because we lost pet rotations. I think ppl like you are bigest enemies of ranger since you think its ok that pew pew is only viable build for whole class and you even fail to see that it is still outshined by mobile classes in mat and high pvp. Ranger is forgotten class from anet don t try to hide that fact. Look Druid man it have 20 sec recharge on f5 mostly because of op traits combined with entering and leaving CA and you need to build full astral force to enter it. Now look at reaper which can enter it every 10 sec without building full life force and than hit 15k with skill 4 also have fear and stab on same skill and now compare it to druid which should negate that dmg with healing atleast smooth it out. I think you should start playing game and start noticing things around.

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ANet compensated the "loss" of the pet while in beastmode by a stat buff based on the type of pet you use as well as an access to 3 active skills.


If you want to have a damage proc every now and then you'd have to give up to the stat buff and 2 out of the 3 active skills. The better option would have even been to get the pet's F2 original skills and the proc of damage every 1 to 2 seconds when in beastmode in my opinion.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> ANet compensated the "loss" of the pet while in beastmode by a stat buff based on the type of pet you use as well as an access to 3 active skills.


> If you want to have a damage proc every now and then you'd have to give up to the stat buff and 2 out of the 3 active skills. The better option would have even been to get the pet's F2 original skills and the proc of damage every 1 to 2 seconds when in beastmode in my opinion.


I agree but it will be unbalanced and you already can control f2. Would be cool if they somehow implement it with eternal bond which was uselles before 300% recharge time nerf which is on its way. So for example leaving beastmode casts f2 skills with 30 sec cd which should be there to fit longest f2 cd since it differs from pet to pet. Now you will be able to gain stealth from jaguar or even bristleback spike but best one would be juvenille cheatah which have 1200 range shadowstep. Problem with that is still you need to target it so beastmode should get changed icon when trait is up so you will be aware of targeting before leaving beastmode because most f2 needs target. Since anet is lazy with ranger proffesion which we can see with variety of ranger builds and usable pets which is all about pew pew in 2 variations core and soulbeast using 3-4 same pets. Thats why i think entering beastmode should change our skill 1 for more active gameplay and it would mostly help condi builds which struggle from start on ranger.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > ANet compensated the "loss" of the pet while in beastmode by a stat buff based on the type of pet you use as well as an access to 3 active skills.

> >

> > If you want to have a damage proc every now and then you'd have to give up to the stat buff and 2 out of the 3 active skills. The better option would have even been to get the pet's F2 original skills and the proc of damage every 1 to 2 seconds when in beastmode in my opinion.


> I agree but it will be unbalanced and you already can control f2. Would be cool if they somehow implement it with eternal bond which was uselles before 300% recharge time nerf which is on its way. So for example leaving beastmode casts f2 skills with 30 sec cd which should be there to fit longest f2 cd since it differs from pet to pet. Now you will be able to gain stealth from jaguar or even bristleback spike but best one would be juvenille cheatah which have 1200 range shadowstep. Problem with that is still you need to target it so beastmode should get changed icon when trait is up so you will be aware of targeting before leaving beastmode because most f2 needs target. Since anet is lazy with ranger proffesion which we can see with variety of ranger builds and usable pets which is all about pew pew in 2 variations core and soulbeast using 3-4 same pets. Thats why i think entering beastmode should change our skill 1 for more active gameplay and it would mostly help condi builds which struggle from start on ranger.


Well, ranger used to have a strong condi build in HoT and in this patch (at least in global change) a part of this power is gained back. I don't think having the very slow pet AA as your AA would benefit the soulbeast in beastmode thought (To me it's more of a huge nerf than anything).

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > >

> > > > Althoug i agree mostly with you there i cant agree To the statement of losing the class mechanic can be comparable to warrior nerfs, losing one pet is very strong shift in the class and nothing compared to berseker which mostly is fine. If you are talking about all the stuns not doing damage anymore look at the ranger section you'll laught when you see the extra long list of pets they get their damage gutted.

> > > >

> > > > The QQ is because until now having 2 pets was the panic button if a ranger messed up, it could swap the smokescale for the owl, fly away and use the heal. Now if a soulbeast messes up there is no escape. I personally think is fine to have just one pet during combat and if that means we can use the pet swap traits effectively i'm happy with the exchange.

> > > >

> > > > If you want to compare Soulbeast nerf compare it to Mirage nerf, now only have one dodge and it will not stunbreak anymore. Thats is the level of nerf soulbeast is having.

> > >

> > > No ranger won t be fine this way its still pew pew class now even more made for nub gameplay and no utility to compete in higher pvp thats why pets need big rework to make them active with ranger and pets autoattack need to be added so there is reason to not jump out of beastmode after 2 sec after you get boons and used long cd skills)

> >

> > Don't forget the traits and skills which buff your pet also buff the soulbeast when in beastmode.... You should play with soulbeast properly and learn, the subclass is pretty deep once you come out from the "easy to learn"


> Oh wait you are trying to learn me about class i play since start and got bored so hard that i spend experimenting with condi ranger for 1 year now making it way to plat 3 in few times with dagger dagger and shortbow. Top 50 druid in times of HoT and top 100 soulbeast in times of PoF. Also played gw1 ranger which was much more depth and made my teambuilds being played by top teams in Ha and GvG. Ok thank you it sounds egoistic i know but i rly don t wanna talk about your fake vision of ranger being class with skill but in same time it was all about pew pew build since start... Condi druid was thing before amulet nerfs and few ppl played it but do you srsly think ranger is hard proffesion since this pew pew build is now geting even more noob friendly mechanics because we lost pet rotations. I think ppl like you are bigest enemies of ranger since you think its ok that pew pew is only viable build for whole class and you even fail to see that it is still outshined by mobile classes in mat and high pvp. Ranger is forgotten class from anet don t try to hide that fact. Look Druid man it have 20 sec recharge on f5 mostly because of op traits combined with entering and leaving CA and you need to build full astral force to enter it. Now look at reaper which can enter it every 10 sec without building full life force and than hit 15k with skill 4 also have fear and stab on same skill and now compare it to druid which should negate that dmg with healing atleast smooth it out. I think you should start playing game and start noticing things around.


Bjesus my dude, id like ask you to use puntuation and paragraphs, it makes the reading much easier and allows you to empathize the text you want. Those text walls with no organization makes it unnecessary harder. You lost me at "Me top NA player playing with condi pepega druid".

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:



> Bjesus my dude, id like ask you to use puntuation and paragraphs, it makes the reading much easier and allows you to empathize the text you want. Those text walls with no organization makes it unnecessary harder. You lost me at "Me top NA player playing with condi pepega druid".


Don t comment than. You are fine with playing pew pew for the rest of your life using smokescale and other pets being just a decoration for ranger since there is no active combat. I can t see the point in being on forum because ranger is already what you want and it was always very versatile with power modifiers when you enter beastmode. Bro you opened my eyes pls ask some buffs for smokescale and greatsword+longbow since there is no other weapons and pets for ranger. All i want is condi ranger variant but yes there comes a guy which says its okay we still can pew pew and gain dmg modifiers with merging from pet. Amazing bro.


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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:


> >

> > Bjesus my dude, id like ask you to use puntuation and paragraphs, it makes the reading much easier and allows you to empathize the text you want. Those text walls with no organization makes it unnecessary harder. You lost me at "Me top NA player playing with condi pepega druid".


> Don t comment than. You are fine with playing pew pew for the rest of your life using smokescale and other pets being just a decoration for ranger since there is no active combat. I can t see the point in being on forum because ranger is already what you want and it was always very versatile with power modifiers when you enter beastmode. Bro you opened my eyes pls ask some buffs for smokescale and greatsword+longbow since there is no other weapons and pets for ranger. All i want is condi ranger variant but yes there comes a guy which says its okay we still can pew pew and gain dmg modifiers with merging from pet. Amazing bro.



Hey relax, I want a condi variant as well. I want more build variety on the ranger in competitive, i am sick of being forced to play the same WS\BM\X builds in druid or soulbeast as you need cleanses and you need the pet to be able to hit the target.


[Look I already pointed out that problem in the last wvw balance thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1149324#Comment_1149324) and I really want the ranger to have some build variety, most importantly when the solutions seems so simple as restore removed traits or move them around a bit.


More importantly when other classes like revenant is getting a full traitline rewrok every other balance.

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I guess forum is place for ideas but right now ppl either want op things or they want nerf op things. I thought having 4 (3 in combat) possible autoatacks would be cool style of playing ranger. One wolf pack should be done like your atacks procs pet autoatack and using it instantly gets you inside beastmode no matter of recharge so dmg would kinda stay same but you will be able to use it on condi builds too but in exchange pet won t benefit from stance share since you instantly go inside beastmode when you activate it (that will nerf smokescale smokeassault proc if you know how to time it but smokescale would remain strong anyway). I don t care if soulbeast numbers will be big if its unfun and forces you to play only 1 build.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> I guess forum is place for ideas but right now ppl either want op things or they want nerf op things. I thought having 4 (3 in combat) possible autoatacks would be cool style of playing ranger. One wolf pack should be done like your atacks procs pet autoatack and using it instantly gets you inside beastmode no matter of recharge so dmg would kinda stay same but you will be able to use it on condi builds too but in exchange pet won t benefit from stance share since you instantly go inside beastmode when you activate it (that will nerf smokescale smokeassault proc if you know how to time it but smokescale would remain strong anyway). I don t care if soulbeast numbers will be big if its unfun and forces you to play only 1 build.

Yeh the issue I see with smokescale is that all the core canines should use it as template and they don't.

All canines should drop some kind of combo field so the ranger could make use of it. Also if you like my comment in the wvw thread don't forget to drop a like, maybe that way we may get some attention at last.


Did you realize in the last episode they even forgot Rox (the ranger of the group) existed at all? It is a charr centric story yet the ranger charr is nowhere to be seen.


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> @"anduriell.6280" said:


> Hey relax, I want a condi variant as well. I want more build variety on the ranger in competitive, i am sick of being forced to play the same WS\BM\X builds in druid or soulbeast as you need cleanses and you need the pet to be able to hit the target.


> [Look I already pointed out that problem in the last wvw balance thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1149324#Comment_1149324) and I really want the ranger to have some build variety, most importantly when the solutions seems so simple as restore removed traits or move them around a bit.


> More importantly when other classes like revenant is getting a full traitline rewrok every other balance.


Thats nice to hear and I m sorry for my reaction. I really gived my best at trying to bring some ideas which are not broken but in same time make ranger more fun to play. I get it it didn t go well even through i had alot of ups and downs building condi ranger for 1 year and im proud of making it work vs pro players and meta abusers (still mobility of some classes is over the top and we are the ones geting swoop nerfed...). My build is now getting nerfed with beastly warden delay and 1 pet making it imposiblle to have sustain and dmg in same time while its made for roaming and swoop got random nerf. Very sad fact is ranger sb needs active interupt gameplay to make condis work sb 5 is hard cc and long cd (better give us unblockable fast daze with 2 counts on 15 sec recharge )to fit interupt style but no thief shortbow which is best weapon in game already (works with power and condi) got that on skill 4... Thats why i was rude because it seems like you was trying to convince me that its okay at how it is while anet is doing lazy job on ranger since start.



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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > I guess forum is place for ideas but right now ppl either want op things or they want nerf op things. I thought having 4 (3 in combat) possible autoatacks would be cool style of playing ranger. One wolf pack should be done like your atacks procs pet autoatack and using it instantly gets you inside beastmode no matter of recharge so dmg would kinda stay same but you will be able to use it on condi builds too but in exchange pet won t benefit from stance share since you instantly go inside beastmode when you activate it (that will nerf smokescale smokeassault proc if you know how to time it but smokescale would remain strong anyway). I don t care if soulbeast numbers will be big if its unfun and forces you to play only 1 build.

> Yeh the issue I see with smokescale is that all the core canines should use it as template and they don't.

> All canines should drop some kind of combo field so the ranger could make use of it. Also if you like my comment in the wvw thread don't forget to drop a like, maybe that way we may get some attention at last.


> Did you realize in the last episode they even forgot Rox (the ranger of the group) existed at all? It is a charr centric story yet the ranger charr is nowhere to be seen.



I will read your post and help you out later this day because i need to go now. I would like to show you condi soulbeast ingame if you are interested because you will get my point about this post much easier since i don t have video for you but im planning to do it. Last thing i want to tell you before i go is about beastly warden delay will hopefully trigger now properly with juvenille cheatah 1200 range teleport making it taunt from 1200 range (hopefully once again). That will be some fresh thing to use on druid since this kind of pet will be able survive now aswell since power lvl is droped down.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> ANet compensated the "loss" of the pet while in beastmode by a stat buff based on the type of pet you use as well as an access to 3 active skills.


> If you want to have a damage proc every now and then you'd have to give up to the stat buff and 2 out of the 3 active skills. The better option would have even been to get the pet's F2 original skills and the proc of damage every 1 to 2 seconds when in beastmode in my opinion.

I feel like having 1 pet and the current cds is going to feel quite restrictive and weak. Before you would merge a few seconds / unmerge fast if you were using a build like sicem but soon you are going to merge and skills will still be on cd. The design was clearly not made to have 2 pets of the same family or having the same beast skill.

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Merge skills and pets are already advantageous enough for a Soulbeast player.


They are the only profession in the game where their pet does high damage and can crit.


Turrets can't do that.

Mesmer clones can't do that.

Minions can't do that


And this is ontop of Ranger's own damage which isn't weak by any means.


Count yur lucky stars that someone at Anerf didn't decide

"hey, let's drop Ranger base damage by 15% cos their pet does good damage too."

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> @"aymnad.9023" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > ANet compensated the "loss" of the pet while in beastmode by a stat buff based on the type of pet you use as well as an access to 3 active skills.

> >

> > If you want to have a damage proc every now and then you'd have to give up to the stat buff and 2 out of the 3 active skills. The better option would have even been to get the pet's F2 original skills and the proc of damage every 1 to 2 seconds when in beastmode in my opinion.

> I feel like having 1 pet and the current cds is going to feel quite restrictive and weak. Before you would merge a few seconds / unmerge fast if you were using a build like sicem but soon you are going to merge and skills will still be on cd. The design was clearly not made to have 2 pets of the same family or having the same beast skill.


Well, it is restricted compared you've been used to until now. However, in itself, the current beastmode lift some of the restriction that the core profession have without applying new restriction. This make Soulbeast effectively "powercrept" compared to the core ranger. I mean, in beastmode you're effectively using your pet skills but it doesn't put the skills of your pet on CD. You and your smokescale can use back to back _smokeassault_ and it doesn't bother you in any way, in fact it's a pleasant feeling. But the core ranger can't even dream of such wonder, the core ranger is a lot more restricted in it's ability. ANet just put a trade off and it was a trade off suggested by players if my memory isn't wrong.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Merge skills and pets are already advantageous enough for a Soulbeast player.


> They are the only profession in the game where their pet does high damage and can crit.


> Turrets can't do that.

> Mesmer clones can't do that.

> Minions can't do that


> And this is ontop of Ranger's own damage which isn't weak by any means.


> Count yur lucky stars that someone at Anerf didn't decide

> "hey, let's drop Ranger base damage by 15% cos their pet does good damage too."


Man you are missing a huge point and that is, turrets and minions which are utilities and not primary mechanic while mirage clones deal more damage than pets with IH while main mechanic is their shatter abilities but yes clones are part of primary mechanic. Your point is like comparing ranger spirits with necro double hp pool which is laughable Im sorry but i don t know if you are trolling here. Ranger having aa from pet won t make it op it will just make class more fun and new posibbilities for condi builds with jacaranda autoattack for example. Power ranger wouldn t be any stronger and if you make it work like entering beastmode changes your weapon skill 1 for autoattack of pet instead of having it on f1 would make it even slightly less powerfull.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"aymnad.9023" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > ANet compensated the "loss" of the pet while in beastmode by a stat buff based on the type of pet you use as well as an access to 3 active skills.

> > >

> > > If you want to have a damage proc every now and then you'd have to give up to the stat buff and 2 out of the 3 active skills. The better option would have even been to get the pet's F2 original skills and the proc of damage every 1 to 2 seconds when in beastmode in my opinion.

> > I feel like having 1 pet and the current cds is going to feel quite restrictive and weak. Before you would merge a few seconds / unmerge fast if you were using a build like sicem but soon you are going to merge and skills will still be on cd. The design was clearly not made to have 2 pets of the same family or having the same beast skill.


> Well, it is restricted compared you've been used to until now. However, in itself, the current beastmode lift some of the restriction that the core profession have without applying new restriction. This make Soulbeast effectively "powercrept" compared to the core ranger. I mean, in beastmode you're effectively using your pet skills but it doesn't put the skills of your pet on CD. You and your smokescale can use back to back _smokeassault_ and it doesn't bother you in any way, in fact it's a pleasant feeling. But the core ranger can't even dream of such wonder, the core ranger is a lot more restricted in it's ability. ANet just put a trade off and it was a trade off suggested by players if my memory isn't wrong.


While being true I cannot help but feeling like something is missing. Reaper and firebrand are different (transformations and kits) but are way more exiting. Berserker / warrior is probably the closest to soulbeast / ranger and they get more incentive to stay in berserker and have shorter cds. Going in / out is not that great now (at least for power slb) and perma merge looks boring.

Edit : also being overspecialized is (has always been) a weakness on slb. Sicem is weak when you get pressured and boonbeast is weak mid.

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> @"aymnad.9023" said:

> While being true I cannot help but feeling like something is missing. Reaper and firebrand are different (transformations and kits) but are way more exiting. Berserker / warrior is probably the closest to soulbeast / ranger and they get more incentive to stay in berserker and have shorter cds. Going in / out is not that great now (at least for power slb) and perma merge looks boring.

> Edit : also being overspecialized is (has always been) a weakness on slb. Sicem is weak when you get pressured and boonbeast is weak mid.


If it can help you see my position on thing, I'm of the opinion that both berserker and spellbreaker also need a trade off. In their case both berserker mode and the block are enough and could be used as a total replacement for the burst skills. As for firebrand it is in a dire need of a trade off, it gain 12 additional skills, it's hand down the most powercrept e-spec in the game. Reaper shroud is just death shroud with a new skillset so there no true addition to the kit.

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