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Give ranger Beastmode ability to use autoattack from pet to feel the gap of 1 pet in combat


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"aymnad.9023" said:

> > While being true I cannot help but feeling like something is missing. Reaper and firebrand are different (transformations and kits) but are way more exiting. Berserker / warrior is probably the closest to soulbeast / ranger and they get more incentive to stay in berserker and have shorter cds. Going in / out is not that great now (at least for power slb) and perma merge looks boring.

> > Edit : also being overspecialized is (has always been) a weakness on slb. Sicem is weak when you get pressured and boonbeast is weak mid.


> If it can help you see my position on thing, I'm of the opinion that both berserker and spellbreaker also need a trade off. In their case both berserker mode and the block are enough and could be used as a total replacement for the burst skills. As for firebrand it is in a dire need of a trade off, it gain 12 additional skills, it's hand down the most powercrept e-spec in the game. Reaper shroud is just death shroud with a new skillset so there no true addition to the kit.


Deadeye i think is the most powercreep in game. Not only has access to all the toolset from the thief, but also gain a long range weapon ranger style, the malice damage multiplier which you can not remove which works with all the thief toolset and on the top of all of that the ability to remove Reveal... With 2 charges in case 1 is not enough.

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> Soulbeast has more than it needs. I don't see a point in giving it another additional features.


Lol man what they have is 3 skills and few pets where all of them are usefull. Entering Beastmode have no meaning than procing pet swap now because most of those skills are long cd mostly 2x from beastmode cd. Giving autoattack will make some other pets worth a pick and will make staying in beastmode more meaningfull than jsut entering it for boons while it won t make it op and will just help condi ranger be viable since you will have acces to single cover condi on aa of the pet. Much more fun and active change adding diversity to class and meaning to stay in beastmode and yet most ppl want passive and high rewarding things and can t see benefit of this because all they want is to pew pew. Great to be a ranger main since all of those pew pew players are making 90% of class and telling others whats needed or not while they have 0 sense of anything besides pew pew ranger.

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> > @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > Soulbeast has more than it needs. I don't see a point in giving it another additional features.


> Lol man what they have is 3 skills and few pets where all of them are usefull. Entering Beastmode have no meaning than procing pet swap now because most of those skills are long cd mostly 2x from beastmode cd. Giving autoattack will make some other pets worth a pick and will make staying in beastmode more meaningfull than jsut entering it for boons while it won t make it op and will just help condi ranger be viable since you will have acces to single cover condi on aa of the pet. Much more fun and active change adding diversity to class and meaning to stay in beastmode and yet most ppl want passive and high rewarding things and can t see benefit of this because all they want is to pew pew. Great to be a ranger main since all of those pew pew players are making 90% of class and telling others whats needed or not while they have 0 sense of anything besides pew pew ranger.


Still more skills than warrior gets from especs if we ignore utilities and traits.


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> @"RedShark.9548" said:


> Still more skills than warrior gets from especs if we ignore utilities and traits.

> Lul.


Warrior have fast weapon swaps and can use those skills more activly and it fits their recharges + rotation. Right now soulbeast will rotate in beastmode just to gain boons and thats only providing passive playstyle. If there is no sic em there would be not much of reason to stay longer since those f1-f3 are on high cd-s mostly. Some of traits and utilities are still not adapted to make sense using them in beastmode like emphatic bond in WS. I like weapon skills synergy with pet and beastmode but that idea is still not enough for ranger to stay in beastmode for more than 3 sec because you will loose boons since you delay your beastmode recharge. Thats where i see 1way of playing soulbeast rewarding and its boonbeast. Soulbeast should grant more active playstyle which rewards good players and i don t think boonbeast is healthy mechanic to go.

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> @"MysteryDude.1572" said:

> what do u mean ''autoatack''? the actual autoattack or the pet skill?

> im cofused XD

> but having the pet skill for loss of one pet would be cool

> cheetah shadowstep eg would be awesome :D


Hahaha u gone too far thats other thing i suggested keeping cheetah in mind and thats eternal bond rework [en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97606/eternal-bond-now-moves-you-on-your-pet-location-after-merging#latest](http://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97606/eternal-bond-now-moves-you-on-your-pet-location-after-merging#latest)


Its normal pet aa which we usually don t have control of... would not be big deal for power builds but will help condi builds for some cover condis since some aa do vulnerbility and jacaranda autoattack is unique one as it deals more dmg for each condi on target (would be cool for some hybrid builds aswell as condi). But it definitly will feel the gap and make tradeoff since if we are pet than we should gain pet autoattack aswell so we will have 4 potential autoattacks. Atleast its cool idea to start with to make soulbeast feel more like soulbeast than just boonbeast :)

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What I want more than any of this is updating all the other pets. Anet keeps nerfing smokescale and it keeps getting used because of its reliability in attacking moving foes and it's able to drop a CC and the F2 is pretty useful.


Most of the other pets can't attack moving targets, lack any combat utility, or have really weak skills that do low damage with a huge windup that misses on anything that can sidestep. You can't even hit a CC'd person with their skills because the windup is so long.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE having pets which is why it took me so long to start playing soulbeast, I love having that permanent companion, which is why I'm drawn to ranger.. but let's be honest here only a handful of pets are actually useful - I would love to use the brownbear, devourers, moas, and drakes in combat but they're almost completely useless; if you think otherwise you don't play in any PvP environment.


I would love to see a day where each ranger you come across runs around with their own unique, but useful pet - unlike today where if you accidentally have a brownbear on you get immediately kicked from groups because you're called a noob.

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