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Chicken Chaser Title & Bullying

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > > This thread alone makes me want to venture into PvE just so i can get this title! Lol.

> >

> > judging by the nature of the responses on here from the community, I can see that my assessment of this title and what it represents is correct.


> Not only are you correct, but I am LMAO at how many people are apparently incapable of reading what the OP actually says! Reading Comprehension failed...but that's par for the course on the internet.


Yah, its almost as if they are more interested in assaulting my character instead, which I suppose is a reflection of the mindset that would advocate for the use of the chicken chaser title. Truth hurts I suppose.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> judging by the nature of the responses on here from the community, I can see that my assessment of this title and what it represents is correct.


I find it odd that you have reacted like this, which means if it annoys people. Then its worth getting. Im not the kinda person that will jump over someones body or anything unless they ganked me in groups and i got them 1 Vs 1 then of course some times i will. I have never really seen titles as anything important at all, didnt even know about this title until i saw this thread. Maybe people wore it and i didnt see, either way i never knew about it before.



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Yeah it is correct, so what?

"You have to treat every enemy like your friend and aren't allowed to attack them". Screw that. Whoever is outraged that they're being attacked in WvW should go play PvE or grow a thicker skin.

And the rest of you: Go get that title!

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> @ThomasC.1056 said:

> I don't think the OP's issue is fight back is 1 vs 1. It's more about people that don't know how to behave, and hide behind "it's a fighting game" nonsense to be jerks.


> For example, the one who use humiliating emotes (laugh/dance) when they down you in a not so fair fight, just like that mesmer I saw yesterday, who obviously had a macro set because he was able to land 12 skills in a split second. Like, you're minding your business, and you drop from 22000HP to 0 by the time the little "power lock" noise is over, and your log gets all those skills that hit you... And then, he comes, and proceeds to dance. Typical kind of guy running with a "chicken chaser" title. (I reported for botting).


> I don't mind a good fight, but I don't like players with cancer builds whose sole purpose in life is pour dolyak poo in other people shoes. The game mode is toxic enough as it.


> And yes, I know there nothing that can be done about players' behaviour. But they also can be disarmed, by removing some emotes and titles.


i like wacking people in backline or trying to get back to their blob.

i dont dance tho i dont do anything beside get my kill and lurk for next lonely guy.


look at my point of view, when i run around lonely and i stumble into a blob for w/e reason and i dont gtfo within a split second whole blob will run over me.

so why should roamers (assholes or no assholes) spare these lonely people.

i have no mercy with any1 beside people standing at duel spot or obvious spectators in GvG.

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> @reddie.5861 said:

> > @ThomasC.1056 said:

> > I don't think the OP's issue is fight back is 1 vs 1. It's more about people that don't know how to behave, and hide behind "it's a fighting game" nonsense to be jerks.

> >

> > For example, the one who use humiliating emotes (laugh/dance) when they down you in a not so fair fight, just like that mesmer I saw yesterday, who obviously had a macro set because he was able to land 12 skills in a split second. Like, you're minding your business, and you drop from 22000HP to 0 by the time the little "power lock" noise is over, and your log gets all those skills that hit you... And then, he comes, and proceeds to dance. Typical kind of guy running with a "chicken chaser" title. (I reported for botting).

> >

> > I don't mind a good fight, but I don't like players with cancer builds whose sole purpose in life is pour dolyak poo in other people shoes. The game mode is toxic enough as it.

> >

> > And yes, I know there nothing that can be done about players' behaviour. But they also can be disarmed, by removing some emotes and titles.


> i like wacking people in backline or trying to get back to their blob.

> i dont dance tho i dont do anything beside get my kill and lurk for next lonely guy.


> look at my point of view, when i run around lonely and i stumble into a blob for w/e reason and i dont gtfo within a split second whole blob will run over me.

> so why should roamers (kitten or no kitten) spare these lonely people.

> i have no mercy with any1 beside people standing at duel spot or obvious spectators in GvG.


It's not a matter of "spare" or chivalry or whatever nonsense of that kind. I usually engage whatever is red in my sight, and doesn't look like an outnumbered fight. Just like you're saying : I gtfo when I feel like the blob will roll over me. There're only 1 case I never engage : players waiting for veteran creature. And it also happened that the red one didn't want to bother fighting me, nor did I want to bother fighting, so we just go our path, and noone's hurt, both in game, and on the chair. There's nothing wrong with engaging lonely opponents because that's what the game mode implies. Just like there's nothing wrong to let them go for one or another reason. I therefore think we share the same point of view.


Now, I'd just like to remind that WvW is not war or whatever. It's just a game. If it's red it's dead ? Yup, that's the rule. It's a competitive game mode, I get it. Yet I know _no_ competition that lacks respect. I know _no_ martial art when the gold medal shits and jumps on the silver one. Players who don't know how to behave are braindead jerks that can't seem to get everyone is there to have fun, everyone does his best, and every _player_ deserves respect, no matter what team he joined. There're emotes, jumping, ganking, macro-ing, siege burrying, and (I discovered that in that thread) titles that are obviously used as attempts to twist the game mode into both a self confort, and a humiliation of others. It's a thin line, but it exists...

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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > This thread alone makes me want to venture into PvE just so i can get this title! Lol.


> It's rather easy to get it, you just need to go to Bitterfrost Frontier and keep kicking a chicken until it get furious and one-shot you.


It was very easy to get, i didnt care about titles before but this is going to be my Title forever now ^^

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> @Blodeuyn.2751 said:

> Stop running and learn to fight. ;) Also, what @thrdeye.1028 said.


The funny thing is the people the OP is complaining about are the ones who do exactly this if the fight isn’t going their way, playing classes that find it extremely easy to run away.


Make no mistake I think the OP has been drinking or eating some special kind of kitten to complain at a title like this.

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> @reddie.5861 said:

> > @ThomasC.1056 said:

> > I don't think the OP's issue is fight back is 1 vs 1. It's more about people that don't know how to behave, and hide behind "it's a fighting game" nonsense to be jerks.

> >

> > For example, the one who use humiliating emotes (laugh/dance) when they down you in a not so fair fight, just like that mesmer I saw yesterday, who obviously had a macro set because he was able to land 12 skills in a split second. Like, you're minding your business, and you drop from 22000HP to 0 by the time the little "power lock" noise is over, and your log gets all those skills that hit you... And then, he comes, and proceeds to dance. Typical kind of guy running with a "chicken chaser" title. (I reported for botting).

> >

> > I don't mind a good fight, but I don't like players with cancer builds whose sole purpose in life is pour dolyak poo in other people shoes. The game mode is toxic enough as it.

> >

> > And yes, I know there nothing that can be done about players' behaviour. But they also can be disarmed, by removing some emotes and titles.


> i like wacking people in backline or trying to get back to their blob.

> i dont dance tho i dont do anything beside get my kill and lurk for next lonely guy.


> look at my point of view, when i run around lonely and i stumble into a blob for w/e reason and i dont gtfo within a split second whole blob will run over me.

> so why should roamers (kitten or no kitten) spare these lonely people.

> i have no mercy with any1 beside people standing at duel spot or obvious spectators in GvG.



hmmm. i do remember a time when duels -often- were started with /bow @ (enemy targeted) when ready .. if u win u let defeated opponent rezz up and see if he goes for another round .. must have been the time when zergs or blobs let them do their thing oftenly .. nowadys it´s standard .. duels interrupted .. kitten kittenerz fleeing the fights and trolling.. wvw became more and more crap ..

Behavior of a lot players nowadays pisses me of and .. guess it might have been influenced by ppk .... so i started to behave like themselves if i get insulted oder ganked or whatever maybe it helps them seeing what pureminded idea it is kittening other players in an mmorpg.


See... would they behave like that in rl and treating people around them in such ways .. (hope they don´t) they would stop this kind of behaviour quite quick i´m sure ..

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> @Choppy.4183 said:

> Has everyone forgotten that the OP regularly makes threads like this to troll out responses? It's an obviously absurd premise and no further posts are necessary.


This is 100% correct. It wasn't bullying when he complained about not being allowed to join a commander's squad, just as it's not bullying to attack and kill enemy players in WvW. It's not worth replying to, because he'll only run to a moderator claiming that you're bullying him on the forum.



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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Oh I never said that I had a problem with bullying, or that I had a problem 1v1ing people. I just said that I noticed people with the title bullying others. I feel like the title was designed and used by people to pick on others.


And others have said you might be suffering from confirmation bias. I feel like you've draw a conclusion without anything close to sufficient evidence.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> Oh I never said that I had a problem with bullying, or that I had a problem 1v1ing people. I just said that I noticed people with the title bullying others. I feel like the title was designed and used by people to pick on others.


If you don't have a problem, with bullying in general or with being bullied yourself, why did you post in the first place?


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> And others have said you might be suffering from confirmation bias. I feel like you've draw a conclusion without anything close to sufficient evidence.



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You should try being in a match up against Maguuma....



You just equipped your zerging gear, start heading out to commander. 8 people jump out of stealth bomb to hit you while you're alone, 6 people /laugh, all 8 let you bleed out slowly while jumping on your corpse, 1 whispers how bad you are. On a character called "Death by Snu Snu", ask the guy to hurry up and fist you so you can respawn, guy laughs and jumps on your corpse again. (happened yesterday)


Yea, titles mean nothing in comparison.

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> @Jana.6831 said:

> > @caveman.5840 said:

> > death by snu snu ,,, what a great name **I love futurama,,,** although rick and morty is a good replacement



> Sorry, had to - "Death by snu snu" with a CJ guy really made me snort out loud =)


what is a CJ guy ?


-cool jazz

-carl Johnson

-complete jeep-- got a old school one of those before they where sold to fiat and became junk

-comprehensive journalism

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> @Jana.6831 said:

> Yeah it is correct, so what?

> "You have to treat every enemy like your friend and aren't allowed to attack them". Screw that. Whoever is outraged that they're being attacked in WvW should go play PvE or grow a thicker skin.

> And the rest of you: Go get that title!


Just a clarification: please re-read the OP and then tell me who is outraged that they're being attacked? And please provide the quote. Thanks.

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> Just a clarification: please re-read the OP and then tell me who is outraged that they're being attacked? And please provide the quote. Thanks.

I did. And I'm not in the mood to quote you every time anyone has been outraged they've been killed by someone in wvw. Just read the thread.


ETA (Edit To Add) : You seem to get the OP wrong but assume everybody else does and that everybody who writes in this thread only writes to the OP, which again is wrong. I wrote a bunch of posts in this thread, the first was directed to the OP, the rest wasn't.

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