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Does it make sense for every skill with a CC to have a multiplier of .01?


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The cc having .01 coefficient change is as idiodic as the many ideas the teams implemented in the past that should have never made it thru even early stages of consideration. Gw2 is a dynamic game and each class has it's own set of dynamics as well with different designs and playstyles, non of which are considered with such a change.

Classes that arnt designed to utilize a lot of heavy cc to do a significant part of their overall damage, short bursts included will fair far better than a class like warrior for example. Warriors burst are designed to happen after hard cc cuz let's be real no ones eating hundred blades otherwise and still usually don't cuz stunbreaks. The warrior damage were all used to came from bursts and cc but with these changes not only does their burst get lowered like everyone else the hard cc damage is gone which was designed to be part of their burst so this games warrior class is gonna end up weak in melee fights of all things lol. Their hammer kit 3 of 5 skills will have .01 coefficient attached to it. The team needed to evaluate classes that were designed around having and utilizing a lot of hard cc to get its rotations off as well as how much the kitts were designed to have the hard cc compliment their burst damage and make the appropriate changes to compensate for the loss of damage, especially when u consider such a blanket change and how little it effects classes who dont rely heavily on hard cc in their rotations.

Anyway this patch is going to be a mess when it drops lol.

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> @"Neil.3825" said:

> I think it's a temporary measure. They can't address all in one. This patch is for having a healthy basement. Next ones will address balance.

> Take it as an event "cc don't do damage". It will not last long (1 or 2 months), I'm sure of it.


Have to agree with this cuz alternatively they would have to massively rework classes heavily dependent on hard cc as part of their damage due to how prevalent the cc is in their kits otherwise balance would be way off in some cases.

Let's hope.

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> @"Neil.3825" said:

> I think it's a temporary measure. They can't address all in one. This patch is for having a healthy basement. Next ones will address balance.

> Take it as an event "cc don't do damage". It will not last long (1 or 2 months), I'm sure of it.


Temporary why? They cannot have a dev bother to test things out?! Any change need to be measured on its impacts on builds, its class and other classes. Do you think warrior hammer will be usable with the suggested current changes? Is it usable currently to begin with?


Do some CCs need to lose damage? Sure, but others needed to lose duration, increased cast time, evade (if applicable), being unblockable or even remove the CC. There are so many factors to take in consideration that a dev need to do, what may come as a surprise here, **WORK**, to figure out the best way to tackle every skill. This is not professional work. This is mediocre work.


If Anet cannot figure out how to fix issues, maybe they should not implement the patch till they do. We are not beta testing here. Or we can, if they put this on a test server, instead of dropping this crap on live. And do you really think it will take them a month or two to fix issues? Are you new here? Man, it takes typically 6-12 month to get an over performing build back to where it needs to. They usually nerf the wrong stuff, and it ends up being unusable. Example? Scourge. And even if theoretically fix stuff quickly, why drop something that is already broken, to begin with?

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It's kinda hard to predict how this will pan out after the patch - damage has def gone down, CC + damage has gone down. On the other hand, defenses have also seen some nerfs - not nearly as much as damage, obviously, but if my opponent is less likely to have prot...Or their healing has been slashed, making it more difficult to recover from damage (so the VALUE of damage goes up as the numerical value of damage itself goes down).


Seems like CC durations have gone up a little, so you have slightly more time to get an extra whack or two in? Anywho, I expect anet will eventually readjust some CCs to have, on average, low AA level damage (so 400-500ish tooltip).



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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > Reaper shroud 5 will be a funny skill to see hit for 20 lul


> Haha yeah such a weighty feeling animation followed by embarrassing damage


It would honestly probably feel better if they did no damage at all, like, didn't even pop up a number. Its just anti-climatic for stuff to hit for like 10 damage.


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > Reaper shroud 5 will be a funny skill to see hit for 20 lul


> Haha yeah such a weighty feeling animation followed by embarrassing damage


they can fix it making it stun in area or below % the stun is longer, if below 10% the target get killed

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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > Talking about DS, the skill already requires aiming and setup. It’s damage was buffed recently by 80% cuz the risk and the reward of the skill we’re completely out of whack. To an extent it is still a bit under powered.

> >

> > Now Anet removes the damage and adds and additional 0.5 sec cast time. I gurantee you whoever made the change to this skill (as they majority of the balance changes) had no idea what the skill is or does. You would be an absolute moron if you ever even attempt to use this skill in sPvP.

> >

> > This goes to many of these weapon changes. Like warrior hammer and mace.


> Agreed. While the reasoning behind their attempted changes are 'cute', the skill itself will be completely out of competitive viability until it's reverted or changed further in the unforeseeable future. DH's bow damage is low as it stands, and their missile speed is, correct me if I'm wrong, lower than ranger's longbow. With all of their skills more telegraphed than any of warrior's, how on earth are they supposed to deal damage outside trap cheese? None of the traits will be able to save this clunky mess.


Not only the projectile speed, but also the AA deal less dmg.

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> @"Neil.3825" said:

> The funniest cc will be Drop the hammer nearly 2sec cast time for 2 sec stun with no damage. :')


There's gonna be so many skills that look absurd given their damage. A warrior in heavy armor stampeding u with bulls charge body checking u to the ground- knockdown but tickles lol here take a shield bash to the face, sure that would stun anyone but hurt? Nahh that's silliness lol. I could see the shockwave of holo not doing much physical damage but it should do some heavy damage if ur under the holo getting smashed on the head lol. But executioner Scythe with huge wind up gonna look funny as kitten lol.

I donno the cc= 0.01 coefficient I think won't last for long as there's a lot more variables to consider for each individual class.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> To be honest, CC skills should be CC only, no or very low damage just enough to trigger the CC. However, other skills in the weapon set should have high meaningful damage.


That's not really possible for every weapon. Look at Warrior's hammer. **3/5 skills will deal no damage.** That leaves the Auto Attack and 1 other skill... This should not be happening.

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > To be honest, CC skills should be CC only, no or very low damage just enough to trigger the CC. However, other skills in the weapon set should have high meaningful damage.


> That's not really possible for every weapon. Look at Warrior's hammer. **3/5 skills will deal no damage.** That leaves the Auto Attack and 1 other skill... This should not be happening.


No it shouldn't, the weapon skills that have hard cc should produce a amount of damage that when combined with the hard cc feels in line with classes that have less hard cc in their kit but more damage, even if that means the hammer skills do 50 of the original damage it's still far better balanced than a blanket .01 coefficient stuck on every cc skill regardless of what kit the cc skills is part of. It's a lazy approach that has become the norm for gw2

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > To be honest, CC skills should be CC only, no or very low damage just enough to trigger the CC. However, other skills in the weapon set should have high meaningful damage.


> That's not really possible for every weapon. Look at Warrior's hammer. **3/5 skills will deal no damage.** That leaves the Auto Attack and 1 other skill... This should not be happening.


Yeah that sucks way more then my gravity well doing no damage as an elite having a entire weapon get destroyed. I commented on that in the official spvp patch note thread thats absolutely horrendous they did that and i dont play warriors and i have no intentions of playing one.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> No it shouldn't, the weapon skills that have hard cc should produce a amount of damage that when combined with the hard cc feels in line with classes that have less hard cc in their kit but more damage, even if that means the hammer skills do 50 of the original damage it's still far better balanced than a blanket .01 coefficient stuck on every cc skill regardless of what kit the cc skills is part of. It's a lazy approach that has become the norm for gw2


I agree, very lazy. It's like they didn't even try. These type of changes should **not** go live. I think a 50% damage nerf would've been more appropriate

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> @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > Reaper shroud 5 will be a funny skill to see hit for 20 lul

> >

> > Haha yeah such a weighty feeling animation followed by embarrassing damage


> they can fix it making it stun in area or below % the stun is longer, if below 10% the target get killed


or they could remove the stun and keep the damage?

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > To be honest, CC skills should be CC only, no or very low damage just enough to trigger the CC. However, other skills in the weapon set should have high meaningful damage.


> That's not really possible for every weapon. Look at Warrior's hammer. **3/5 skills will deal no damage.** That leaves the Auto Attack and 1 other skill... This should not be happening.


That way I see it, Warrior's hammer has too many CC skills when they should have at least 3 damage skills. I agree with their decision on the CC skills and I believe that the base damage should also be reduced. Then they should re-balance the weapons skills, including the Warrior's hammer, to make sure that it's not hit too hard by converting one of the skill from CC to damage.

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > > To be honest, CC skills should be CC only, no or very low damage just enough to trigger the CC. However, other skills in the weapon set should have high meaningful damage.

> >

> > That's not really possible for every weapon. Look at Warrior's hammer. **3/5 skills will deal no damage.** That leaves the Auto Attack and 1 other skill... This should not be happening.


> That way I see it, Warrior's hammer has too many CC skills when they should have at least 3 damage skills. I agree with their decision on the CC skills and I believe that the base damage should also be reduced. Then they should re-balance the weapons skills, including the Warrior's hammer, to make sure that it's not hit too hard by converting one of the skill from CC to damage.


This would be another solution but instead warrior hammer will go on for years with autos and 1 skill that does damage lol which is pathetic. Look at headbutted elite, a elite cc skill that had a 3.0 coefficient now does 0.01 lol a elite. Honestly the laziness of these devs are epic at this point.

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Although I agree with the dmg reduction for CC skills, reducing all CC skills to 0.01 is too much. Considering 2.0 as the top coefficient for skills that only do DPS and nothing else, I believe that 0.1-0.5 would be a good range for CC skills, depending on how strong the CC is. It was insane that things like Rush had a 2.0 coefficient and could hit like a truck, but 0.01 is way too brutal of a nerf.

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