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Thomas Dolby and Barrage

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So I was (all stories destined to go off the rails begin with "so I was") doing a heart completion at Choya-town with my second character through PoF, my Ranger, and fighting a few Scarabs, I think they were, and they blinded me. That's fine, I'll just swap to my bow and throw a barrage out there. Miss miss miss miss miss.


So when you are blinded, any attack you launch that is, oh I don't know, bound by physics, gravity, trajectories, "things of such nature" (thank you, Arnold), "gravitivity and polarity" (thank you, 'Hollywood Shuffle') is also blinded? Blinded by association? :/

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Okay, fair enough. Just seemed odd to me. It didn't show that my barrage like 'missed' in it's placement. I suppose it would make more sense if I were blinded, and targeted my barrage, the effect would be that there was a high chance the actual target area was different than intended, missing entirely or partially. Once arrows are falling from the sky, if anything is in the target area, it doesn't make sense that they would miss them because _I'm_ blind though. Unless I was telepathically directing my arrows based on what I could see.

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No it doesn't make sense *from a simulatonist perspective*. From a game perspective, especially from a PvP perspective, however it makes perfect sense.


Blind is one of the primary defenses in this game - so when I apply Blind on you I know you're gonna miss your next attack. It doesn't matter *what* that next attack is, *it'll miss because that's what Blind does*.

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