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I generally agree with what both Westenev and Hugo presented here. I would like to add that some classes are so tightly tied to a race and their respective lore.


For one: Mesmer. Mesmers are so deeply entrenched in Human Lore. If you read the novels, Human Mesmers created such massive illusions big enough to deceive entire armies of Charr.


For Engineer, I would have to say Charr simply because of the in-game aesthetic. The steampunk turrets scream: BLACK CITADEL. Even the Scrapper is still deeply Charr with the huge wrench. If they were designed more toward lasers and futuristic models, I would say Asura for Engineer, but they're not. If we take it a step further and say Holosmith, I would say Asura for sure.


Rangers (as well as their Soulbeast and Druid counterparts) I would give to Norn and Sylvari. Of all the races, both are the most in-tune with nature. I would take Ranger's Elite Specs of both Soulbeast and Druid a step forward and say Olmakhan Charr (if you plan on some lore and backstory) since they are more connected to nature than the high legions are.


Thief and by extension Deadeye I will say Sylvari are the best mainly because of the PALE REAVERS in the HoT expansion. I'm personally not a fan of the Sylvari, but the PALE REAVERS alone made me want to make a Deadeye Sylvari.


Revenant we only see through Rytlock's transformation so Charr would be my pick there. Unless something as deep as a group of Pale Reavers comes into the story, then I don't have much of an argument for other races and that new class.


Necro & Ele are like what everyone's been saying: read books and become the class.


Warrior I would say Charr and Norn for sure. They're the bigger, meatier toons and fit it to a T.


Guardian I would go for Human because of Logan.

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> @"XYLO.7031" said:

> For Engineer, I would have to say Charr simply because of the in-game aesthetic. The steampunk turrets scream: BLACK CITADEL. Even the Scrapper is still deeply Charr with the huge wrench. If they were designed more toward lasers and futuristic models, I would say Asura for Engineer, but they're not. If we take it a step further and say Holosmith, I would say Asura for sure.

Ha! Charr couldnt get their helicopters and airships to work without Asuran ingenuity, do you *honestly* believe a fat paw handed Charr could do a gyroscopically balanced miniturized AI driven drone that fits in the palm of brilliant Asura sized hands?


For turrets though, I'll give you that. The rifle turret is basicly just a rifle taped to a bunch of metal sticks. Very Charr.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> I don't really think there's a "best" choice for any of them. The professions are deliberately designed not to be race-specific, and when you're creating a character, you can definitely justify any combination you pick.


> As Westenev pointed out, among NPCs there are certain trends as to which professions are common for each race. I think the most extreme of these is for Revenant, since as far as I know there are only two NPC Revenants, both charr.


> There are a couple of norn mesmer NPCs: Vilnia Shadowing in Snowden Drifts, and (if I recall correctly) Ayla Piersdottir in one of Vigil story instances. I think there's another one somewhere else in core Tyria, but I don't remember where.


Well, there is a revenant in the heart of the mists you spar with. It is a Sylvari.

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The larger races - Charr and Norn - can have difficulty sometimes on various jumping puzzles or other places where getting too close to the ceiling messes with your camera. They also tend to look like they're too large for their mounts most of the time. They also SEEM as if they're moving slower (they aren't). Conversely, your Asura's camera can occasionally dip underwater in shallow swamps, and get lost in the tall grass where the other races' visibility is just fine. They also SEEM to be moving like a little bat outta hell (I LOVE their feet when swimming! They rival a propeller or a hummingbird's wings!)


Other than that, from an RP standpoint Charr and Asura would be more common as Engineers than the other races, being more technically inclined. Sylvari would be nice Druids. The Norn would be Warriors or Rangers. Humans are the most obvious Guardians. But they all cross over just fine. You can create your own personal back story for any race to fit any profession.


From a gaming standpoint, the only real differences are the cultural elite skills. And ANet made certain that they are poopy enough that hardly anyone ever uses them.

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Obviously everyone at everything but my favourites are:

* Asura necromancer, based on this guy who had the brilliant idea of combining necromancy and golemancy. I like to think the minions are lil undead golems instead of 100% organic.

* Norn ranger, mostly because they look real nice in medium armor. Also they can become a bear as well to keep company to their pet bear.

* Sylvari elementalist, I find the idea of a pyromaniac plant hilarious.

* Sylvari necromancer too, with a theme of decay and the mushroom hair.

* Charr engineer is a classic, but charr thief is better. Ashe legion forever!

* I was gonna say charr revenant but honestly, revenant doesn't have any strong themes for me that aren't covered by necromancer :/


I don't care about humans tbh. My main is sylvari mesmer, but mesmer looks good on anything haha.

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  • 6 months later...

asura: necro, ele, mes, engi

charr: war, guard, rev, ranger, thief, engi

human: all make sense but its a boring race

norn: all

sylvari: all

my list is based on what makes sense according to lore. of course every race/class combo makes sense to some degree but i prefer to choose what makes most sense.

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For each race, the most fitting professions come first. As you can see, humans can seemingly fit any role since they don't really have a very "unified" culture beyond the idea of kingdoms/politics and gods. The lore of other characters make some roles more fitting, and others maybe even downright taboo.


● Human (protection of king/queen and country as well as ordered society. The belief "gods" basically allow any role.)

Guardian, Warrior, Thief, Ranger, Mesmer, Necromancer, Elementalist, Engineer, Revenant


● Charr (disciplined society, and defined roles of legions. They are "cats", so stalking and hunting fits.)

Warrior, Engineer, Thief, Ranger


● Norn (Hunters, physically strong, traditionally "guardians of the mists")

Ranger, Warrior, Revenant, Guardian


● Asura (Interested in knowledge and the eternal alchemy (magic) as well as technology

Necromancer, Elementalist, Engineer (but kinda wrong tech. type?)


● Sylvari (Their whole being is an illusion in some sense, a part of nature, and interested in new secretive information as well as what "death" is)

Mesmer, Ranger, Elementalist, Thief, Necromancer

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I'd just like to point that in the book Sea of Sorrows, there was an Asura warrior who, in one of the most bad-ass scenes in the books, introduced the head of his hammer to the groin of an enemy Charr. Also, in the chapter of the PS for Charr, Blood can recruit a Mesmer into their warband, and Ash will do the same to an Elementalist.

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