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Hybrid build i made for fun. Tweak advice welcome :D


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Hey i just spent a hour throwing this pve build together. Its for open world/meta/basic dungeons.




Any advice is welcome :D


Side note, i currently run a GS/axe+horn Marauder Minionmancer build in pve and wanted to try out something new.

Also used to run viper reaper way back. Would viper be a better choice over grieving?


And for the elite i could also use flesh golem for good break bar ability if needed.

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For a PvE build I would change Chilling Darkness to Insidious Disruption.

Unless you're getting bonus damage from chill then it's probably better to get extra Torment on stuns, pulls, fear etc rather than extra chills on blind.

You already get access to a decent amount of chill without this trait anyway so i'd replace either Chilling Darkness or i'd take advantage of Deathly Chill and get bonus bleeds from chills, that would mean sacrificing Dhuumfire though which personally I prefer as well so i'd give up Chilling Darkness myself but that's just me ^^

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If yur going for Chilling Darkness, yu should be going Deathly Chill instead.

This will make yur GS 4 apply alot of Bleeds, but this is generally better if yur intent on going for a pure Condi Reaper build.


Alternatively yu can change Terror to Master of Corruption and pick up Plague Sending instead, and field more Corruptions.

This allows yu to Corrupt boons onto yurself and proceed to pass it onto the enemy with Plague Sending.

Corruptions yu can consider are Corrosive Poison Cloud (CPC) for example, which can be used together with Shroud 4 for some potentially crazy Poison stacks if yu wish to run Reapers Onslaught, since the only Ice Field yu can apply is from Shroud 5 and it has a hefty cooldown if yu wanna use it to Bleed stack with Deathly Chill.


Consume Conditions is also a very very strong Heal that heals more while eating up Conditions affecting yu.


The reason yu shouldn't really run Terror is that yur kit doesn't have much Fear to work with, and usually mobs in open world do not have any Stability whatsoever to Corrupt.



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I Changed Fear of Death to Soul Barbs, Terror to Master of Corruption and chilling darkness to plague sending so i can send the condis i put on myself from corruption skills to the enemy :D

I didnt pick Insidious Disruption cause my only way of procing it is DS 5.

@Taratus i do get bonus damage from chill. 15% for the grand minor trait in reaper, but your right i have enough chill already.

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> @"Terek.8923" said:

> I Changed Fear of Death to Soul Barbs, Terror to Master of Corruption and chilling darkness to plague sending so i can send the condis i put on myself from corruption skills to the enemy :D

> I didnt pick Insidious Disruption cause my only way of procing it is DS 5.

> @Taratus i do get bonus damage from chill. 15% for the grand minor trait in reaper, but your right i have enough chill already.


Ahh I was referring to the Reapers grandmaster Deathly Chill trait for bonus damage as that gives you bleeds every time you chill not the increased damage from the minor but yeah that is also good too have ^^


With Insidious Disruption you'd also pop torment on shroud 3's Terrify (AoE), Greatsword 5, Harpoon/Spear 4 (AoE) Trident 4 as well as shroud 5.

You'd also be able to take advantage of certain combo fields to pop daze/stun too but yea it is pretty situational overall, you'd probably need to change a utility skill or two to really make the most of it.


Corruption skills are pretty fun, I have a Corruption based Hybrid Necro build myself but it's pretty glassy and i've accidentally killed myself a couple times with my own condis haha XD

I played a Necro in Gw1 so this kind of self sacrifice for power thing is a nice throwback to Gw1's health sacrifice mechanic that Necros had much more of back then.


The big drawback of Corruption skills though is group play.

With Corruption play being aabout stacking conditions on yourself to either buff your healing with Consume Conditions or to transfer for bonus condition damage.

It becomes a real pain in the rear when you are constantly having your conditions cleansed off you or pulled off you by another player as it screws with both your damage potential and your healing.

It can become extremely annoying in PvE, specially around bosses or large events, even in solo play sometimes another player will come along and think they're doing you a favour by cleansing you of condis..

So that's something to watch out for if you're going to run corruption ^^


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> @"Terek.8923" said:

> What about rune and sigil choices? Theres prob better options than what i chose right?


[Rune of the Berserker](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Berserker) for sure, but those are costly.



A cheap alternative is [Divinity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Divinity) for more health and durability.

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