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The lack of combo fields for warrior is disastrous and it only shows anet's lack of interest.


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This [combo field list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo) sums up the current state of warrior. The lack of combo fields along with lone skill targeting mechanics makes the warrior the most boring class in GW2.


Edit: Just so you guys know the huge imbalance in combo fields, I leave the statistics here (or if you want to count them yourself check the [combo link](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo))

* Elementalist 26 fields

* Guardian 22 Fields

* Engineer 22 Fields

* Ranger 21 fields

* Mesmer 17 fields

* Necro 15 fields

* Thief 9 fields

* Revenant 8 fields

* Warrior 4 fields


Now look at that and tell me warrior is great! No wonder you see most players playing elementalist, guardians, engineers, rangers, mesmers....

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"Boring" is a subjective term and you are free to feel how you want about a particular profession, so I won't contest that.


For me, the warrior's lack of combo fields is thematically correct for the "keep-it-simple" mentality of the Warrior. The fancy dandies can stand around twiddling their thumbs and wax lyrical about setup all night long, but Warriors prefer to get stuff done.


So, no, the lack of combo fields for warriors **isn't** disastrous.

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Yet still warriors are currently top spot in every meta.


PvE they are required as Phalanx Strength or condi damage berserker.


WvW/Spvp they are near unbeatable as Spellbreaker.


I'm not sure you are going to gather a lot of sympathy for your "single metric evaluation". Balance is done on an overall scale, not 1 mechanic at a time.


That said, I love my cPS warrior in raids and enjoy playing him. I'd rather call the lack of viable power options a problem, not the lack of combo fields.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> This [combo field list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo) sums up the current state of warrior. The lack of combo fields along with lone skill targeting mechanics makes the warrior the most boring class in GW2.


You think a lack of fields is the worst thing you can complain about on warriors? Warriors must have it pretty good then. I think you have the wrong idea about who should have fields/blasts and why ...

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> "Boring" is a subjective term and you are free to feel how you want about a particular profession, so I won't contest that.


> For me, the warrior's lack of combo fields is thematically correct for the "keep-it-simple" mentality of the Warrior. The fancy dandies can stand around twiddling their thumbs and wax lyrical about setup all night long, but Warriors prefer to get stuff done.


> So, no, the lack of combo fields for warriors **isn't** disastrous.


Exactly why I literally main my war for 5 years. No alts.

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What's the "solution" here? What skills do you think could possibly lay down fields of lightning, darkness, light, poison, water, chaos, or anything else but fire for Warrior? Why would we want those? None of those fields help me feel more like a warrior and none of them increase our power in game by any noticeable amount.


Fire fields work for us on some weapons. Oh, you want more of those? Where are we going to put them and why?

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> @Throdin.8061 said:

> What's the "solution" here? What skills do you think could possibly lay down fields of lightning, darkness, light, poison, water, chaos, or anything else but fire for Warrior? Why would we want those? None of those fields help me feel more like a warrior and none of them increase our power in game by any noticeable amount.


> Fire fields work for us on some weapons. Oh, you want more of those? Where are we going to put them and why?


For starters:

* The [light field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Light_field) would go well with the warrior.

* The [Lightning field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_field) looks its is meant for warrior, but unfortunately, the field is on a 90 sec cooldown and on an elite.


The other field (less important and I could live without it) that I would give warrior is:

* The [Dark Field](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dark_field)


That is all, if warrior could have those fields, we could have so much more diverse play.

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> @Kaga.7629 said:

> Well.... it's called TEAMWORK.

> You're not supposed to have access to everything. because obviously kitten would be OP as fuu....


> Have your tried asking your friends to field you ? Or you just decided to go on the forums and complain ?



Team work? Like an elementalist team-working with itself? Or an engineer teamworking with itself? Or a ranger team-working with itself?

All classes but warrior can team-work with themselves because they have an insane number of combo fields, meanwhile, the warrior has access only to 1 combo field (2 if trained with Spell breaker).


Additionally, nobody asked to have access to everything, just to have access to reasonable combo fields. I did not ask to have smoke fields or water fields.

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You know you could also have plenty of fields tied to your damage skills and that make your teammate angry when you use them because their combo effect are unwanted. Or you could have almost no condi finisher or no trait to improve the effects on condi finisher...


Not saying but a lot of professions would drool over having fire fields on short cool down with plenty of combo leap and combo blast. (not to mention a trait that double the combo effects... I know that this trait is not well placed in the traitlines but at least this trait exist)

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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

> You know you could also have plenty of fields tied to your damage skills and that make your teammate angry when you use them because their combo effect are unwanted. Or you could have almost no condi finisher or no trait to improve the effects on condi finisher...


> Not saying but a lot of professions would drool over having fire fields on short cool down with plenty of combo leap and combo blast. (not to mention a trait that double the combo effects... I know that this trait is not well placed in the traitlines but at least this trait exist)


I would prefer if anet removes double combo effects and instead introduce more combo fields for warrior. Who uses double combo effects? I have not seen a single warrior use that because its useless. The warrior can get more might from great-sword than with fire combo fields.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> This [combo field list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo) sums up the current state of warrior. The lack of combo fields along with lone skill targeting mechanics makes the warrior the most boring class in GW2.


> Edit: Just so you guys know the huge imbalance in combo fields, I leave the statistics here (or if you want to count them yourself check the [combo link](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo))

> * Elementalist 26 fields

> * Guardian 22 Fields

> * Engineer 22 Fields

> * Ranger 21 fields

> * Mesmer 17 fields

> * Necro 15 fields

> * Thief 9 fields

> * Revenant 8 fields

> * Warrior 4 fields


> Now look at that and tell me warrior is great! No wonder you see most players playing elementalist, guardians, engineers, rangers, mesmers....


There are a ton of issues with this "analysis". For ele in particular: 3 of those fields are traits which proc a skill that they have, meaning its the same as the skill, and therefore doesn't count as a separate field. 3 more are on conjured weapons that are free for anyone to use, so are irrelevant to this discussion. This brings ele down to 20 fields first of all.


You also ignored combo finishers, of which warrior has plenty. You paint it out as if mesmer has >4x the combo potential that warrior has, when in reality warrior has significantly more potential to combo. Even though mesmer has 17 combo fields, it only has 14 combo finishers. Warrior has 47 combo finishers among its skills. Ele only has 31 combo finishers.


Why are you always trying to convince everyone that warrior sucks? Is it perfect? No, but no class is. And you are definitely not furthering your cause by deliberately leaving out important, relevant information from your "analyses" when you complain about warrior.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > This [combo field list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo) sums up the current state of warrior. The lack of combo fields along with lone skill targeting mechanics makes the warrior the most boring class in GW2.

> >

> > Edit: Just so you guys know the huge imbalance in combo fields, I leave the statistics here (or if you want to count them yourself check the [combo link](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo))

> > * Elementalist 26 fields

> > * Guardian 22 Fields

> > * Engineer 22 Fields

> > * Ranger 21 fields

> > * Mesmer 17 fields

> > * Necro 15 fields

> > * Thief 9 fields

> > * Revenant 8 fields

> > * Warrior 4 fields

> >

> > Now look at that and tell me warrior is great! No wonder you see most players playing elementalist, guardians, engineers, rangers, mesmers....


> There are a ton of issues with this "analysis". For ele in particular: 3 of those fields are traits which proc a skill that they have, meaning its the same as the skill, and therefore doesn't count as a separate field. 3 more are on conjured weapons that are free for anyone to use, so are irrelevant to this discussion. This brings ele down to 20 fields first of all.


> You also ignored combo finishers, of which warrior has plenty. You paint it out as if mesmer has >4x the combo potential that warrior has, when in reality warrior has significantly more potential to combo. Even though mesmer has 17 combo fields, it only has 14 combo finishers. Warrior has 47 combo finishers among its skills. Ele only has 31 combo finishers.


> Why are you always trying to convince everyone that warrior sucks? Is it perfect? No, but no class is. And you are definitely not furthering your cause by deliberately leaving out important, relevant information from your "analyses" when you complain about warrior.


The warrior has combo finishers that are projectile finishers because of rifle and bow, throw bolas, throw axe, throw great sword sword, which have a 20% chance of activating.

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> @Hitman.5829 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > @Hitman.5829 said:

> > > This [combo field list](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo) sums up the current state of warrior. The lack of combo fields along with lone skill targeting mechanics makes the warrior the most boring class in GW2.

> > >

> > > Edit: Just so you guys know the huge imbalance in combo fields, I leave the statistics here (or if you want to count them yourself check the [combo link](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo))

> > > * Elementalist 26 fields

> > > * Guardian 22 Fields

> > > * Engineer 22 Fields

> > > * Ranger 21 fields

> > > * Mesmer 17 fields

> > > * Necro 15 fields

> > > * Thief 9 fields

> > > * Revenant 8 fields

> > > * Warrior 4 fields

> > >

> > > Now look at that and tell me warrior is great! No wonder you see most players playing elementalist, guardians, engineers, rangers, mesmers....

> >

> > There are a ton of issues with this "analysis". For ele in particular: 3 of those fields are traits which proc a skill that they have, meaning its the same as the skill, and therefore doesn't count as a separate field. 3 more are on conjured weapons that are free for anyone to use, so are irrelevant to this discussion. This brings ele down to 20 fields first of all.

> >

> > You also ignored combo finishers, of which warrior has plenty. You paint it out as if mesmer has >4x the combo potential that warrior has, when in reality warrior has significantly more potential to combo. Even though mesmer has 17 combo fields, it only has 14 combo finishers. Warrior has 47 combo finishers among its skills. Ele only has 31 combo finishers.

> >

> > Why are you always trying to convince everyone that warrior sucks? Is it perfect? No, but no class is. And you are definitely not furthering your cause by deliberately leaving out important, relevant information from your "analyses" when you complain about warrior.


> The warrior has combo finishers that are projectile finishers because of rifle and bow, throw bolas, throw axe, throw great sword sword, which have a 20% chance of activating.


It's rare when projectile finisher are 100%. Warrior have this few combo and finishers:



Revenant don't even have half this amount of combo, mesmer are still far from warrior (outside the fact that nobody care about etheral fields)... etc.


We get the point that you are frustrated by the fact that there is no variety in the combo fields that the warrior produce, but you cannot change the fact that the fire field was, is and will still be the best combo field in the game. You cannot change the fact that a warrior can litterally spam those fire field with it's longbow. You cannot change the fact that warrior have the best tools to combo with thoses fields.


Heck! Most necromancer would sell their soul to have a blast finisher that is as reliable as warriors. They would also sell their kidney for a weapon with good projectile finisher, and they would sell everything else for a leap finisher.

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