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Thoughts on patch, specifically concerning necro?


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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > > I can't wait to read a core necro's feedback on this...assuming any will be bold enough to actually play core after this gutting..

> > >

> > > Are you playing the same game as the rest of us? Core necro is off the charts powerful in wvw atm.

> >

> > Roaming? Yeah, quite good.

> > Zerging? Not enough cleave or big dmg


> I agree in Roaming the tanky build now plebs use is simply too much of a meme.. Corruptions and conditions are busted off the scale at this moment (from a WvW perspective right now) Reaper and Core being the worst offenders.

> I would not touch the inherent tankiness or corruptions but something needs to be done about the condition spam.


> Scourge is weird right now as i haven't been able to find a good build atm. But a couple of experimental builds hold promise so my guess it will be fine.

> In WvW it is still mandatory if you want to play in an squad.



But fun fact, the Condi spam of other classes is just as insane, if not even better than necro's, since they apply more damaging conditions


And even with deathmagics Condi removal + antitoxin rune I had a hard time fighting a Condi mirage (that was nerfed). The Condi mirage just hat to put up his clones and run away or hide in stealth. The Condi application from the autoattacks is just way stronger than any necro skill.

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Core necro has “garbage” power damage (outside of Lichform), very low mobility, no access to stability, few long cooldown break stuns, no invulnerability. Most of its damage comes from slow projectiles that can be blocked, reflected, or even evaded by sidestepping. Also, it has good damage resistance, potentially high life steal (situational) and condition cleaning.


Reaper has better damage, mobility (from Shroud 2) and stability, but it has to fight a lot in melee range.


Their weaknesses are very easy to exploit, but probably many people reacted to the power nerf by using a more tanky build and using less CC skills. Now some of these people want to easily kill necromancer even doing low damage and low CC pressure.


The current necromancer is exactly what Arenanet wanted it to be, with even more exploitable weaknesses than before.


I can “see” few solutions:

1- People can stop pretending to kill necromancer with low damage and low CC pressure, adapting their builds to the current state of the game.

2- Arenanet could nerf the necromancer sustain and buff its damage.

3- Arenanet could rework the necromancer to be more similar to other professions, taking away passive defences and giving active defences and more mobility to it (I don’t expect it to happen and I don’t want it to happen).

4- Arenanet could remove from PvP the amulets used for tanky builds, forcing people to play more offensive builds (my currently preferred solution).


I expect a balance patch to nerf condition damage for every profession, similarly to the power damage nerf.

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I agree with Black Storm.


A lot of people are playing low damage sustain builds and it makes fighting them a breeze. The only classes I've had to worry about are damage focused soulbeast, all guardians except firebrand and condi revenant who were very threatening and very mobile or packing good defenses depending on the class. Fighting them felt like pre-match combat in a very fast paced do or die type of fight.


Core necros I'm loving right now because I do enough damage to kill them but they offer no counter pressure in return outside of lich form which is just screaming chain fear me.

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I thought Arenanet mentioned more frequent balance patches so expect some adjustments in March.


Conditions sound like they are ripe for trimming but I am less sure about corruption as Necro's place in the game seems to be a counter to boons and to encourage professions to slot condi management tools.


Nerfing Reaper Shroud and Scourge Shades will, I hope, show Arenanet just how dependent the profession has become on Shroud and LF for damage. Maybe changes in how the profession works will result.



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