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Pet and "Activate Pet" unavailable after dismount (Soulbeast)

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When you dismount the pet is now consistently stow (it happens before the patch but not as consistently as now) which is already a bug, and the Activate Pet button is disabled (which is a second and more important bug) if your in combat (Mount Skill 1) !?. Bad enough that we can't switch pet in combat, can we at least activate it ? (or stow it for that matter since the stow button is grey out also (why ?)). The only workaround is to merge (F5) then unmerge as soon as possible, but still losing 10 sec in the process.

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Same for me as well as the 'unstow' not working . Now the only way I can get my pet to be active is to go into beast mode which takes time as well as being locked into one pet (thanks to the update) if i dismount into combat. Please, the pet is as much a part of our skill set and survival as the different elements are to an Elementalist for an example. Fix this please once and for all.

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> @"Ipomoea Jalapa.6897" said:

> Yesterday's patch notes say it's fixed, but I'm still getting a stowed pet upon dismount some of the time. For what it's worth, I never noticed any problems with Activate Pet being disabled. But I always use a key I have bound to it and never the point-and-click button, in case that's a factor.


I had this happen on occasion prior to the latest change/patch, but it was intermittent and probably less than 5% of the time. Is this happening to you with more frequency? (I haven't tested post fix)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Ipomoea Jalapa.6897" said:

> > Yesterday's patch notes say it's fixed, but I'm still getting a stowed pet upon dismount some of the time. For what it's worth, I never noticed any problems with Activate Pet being disabled. But I always use a key I have bound to it and never the point-and-click button, in case that's a factor.


> I had this happen on occasion prior to the latest change/patch, but it was intermittent and probably less than 5% of the time. Is this happening to you with more frequency? (I haven't tested post fix)


It's happening about 1/3 as much as before the latest patch, but still noticeable. I haven't figured out any consistent patterns yet except that it tends to happen shortly after I use a waypoint or rezone.

I stumbled upon something else that probably isn't related, but just in case: Right after the last patch, when I looked at my Build tab yesterday, it was displaying my #2 pet while I had my #1 pet equipped and vice versa. I fiddled around with the Manage Pets dialog until the displayed Build was in sync with my pet bar. Because of the timing, I suppose the lower frequency of the glitch could be explained by either the patch or this out-of-sync-Build thing.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> They only fixed the bug caused by the most recent patch. The bug that already existed before that was untouched.


> The previous bug occurs after using a mount while gliding(has to be gliding not just in being mid air).


I think there must be other causes too because I've been getting the bug once every hour or so, and I rarely mount while gliding.


Also, I just realized that there is no keybind for Activate/Stow Pet!!! I thought there was, but I was just using Soulbeast Toggle (which also isn't ideal, because you always activate in Soulbeast mode that way). But sheesh, core Rangers and Druids need to click on a tiny button when this bug happens. If we want to be using the mouse for something else at the time or are in Action Mode or something, we're screwed. No pet for you.


This bug is actually also a fairly significant nerf, like a "5% Chance of Spontaneous Pet Napping" or something. It happened to me yesterday right after someone ambushed me in WvW, and in the 3 seconds it took me to find the freakin' Activate Pet button I was already dead.

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