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Diversity is back !

hotte in space.2158

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We all knew that FB/guard, necro and thief will be strong after patch. But I see classes like scrapper, tempest or druid performing really well in 2v2. Who would have expected this ?

Weaver, rev and warrior do their business as usaual and also mesmer is still on the list.

In my impression, its not anymore that important what class you play, but how you play it. Thats the way it should be !

Of course there is still a lot of work to be done for the dev-team, but I am very optimistic that the announced balancing will bring even more improvement in terms of equal leveled classes.

Go dev-team go, make BALANCE KILL META =)

After years of depression I am close to be hyped again^^

PS : 2v2 is great but we want 3v3 deathmatch as well :)


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Druid, Tempest, Scrapper? I see them performing, but not performing well. While diversity in 2v2 is somewhat ... diverse, the top spots will be _(already are)_ occupied by 3 professions only; Nec, FB, Rev.

Props to anyone who will make their way through FB + Nec/Rev or Nec + Nec to top by playing any other specs.

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Yeah who would have expected that more durable spec would perform well in a patch where damage have been nerfed...

Joke aside it was obvious that scrapper, tempest and druid would benefit as well. Ventari revenant will probably be added to the list soon. Or at least as soon as revenant will stop playing with their new new toys.

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Scrapper was never bad lmao.

What am i reading.

Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?


Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.

We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Diversity always comes back after a major shake up until people figure everything out. I can pretty much guarantee you that the number of builds considered viable will be much lower a month from now than they were pre patch.


I agree with you, this can happen of course. What I posted is a first impression

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Scrapper was never bad lmao.

> What am i reading.

> Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?


> Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.

> We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.


I played tempest and was positively surprised. If it wasnt like that, I would be the first one here in the forum, who attacks his own class

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> We all knew that FB/guard, necro and thief will be strong after patch. But I see classes like scrapper, tempest or druid performing really well in 2v2. Who would have expected this ?

> Weaver, rev and warrior do their business as usaual and also mesmer is still on the list.

> In my impression, its not anymore that important what class you play, but how you play it. Thats the way it should be !

> Of course there is still a lot of work to be done for the dev-team, but I am very optimistic that the announced balancing will bring even more improvement in terms of equal leveled classes.

> Go dev-team go, make BALANCE KILL META =)

> After years of depression I am close to be hyped again^^

> PS : 2v2 is great but we want 3v3 deathmatch as well :)



How are you working out druid spec? mind showing so i can test?


Is it a dps druid build? i'm guessing it is.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > We all knew that FB/guard, necro and thief will be strong after patch. But I see classes like scrapper, tempest or druid performing really well in 2v2. Who would have expected this ?

> > Weaver, rev and warrior do their business as usaual and also mesmer is still on the list.

> > In my impression, its not anymore that important what class you play, but how you play it. Thats the way it should be !

> > Of course there is still a lot of work to be done for the dev-team, but I am very optimistic that the announced balancing will bring even more improvement in terms of equal leveled classes.

> > Go dev-team go, make BALANCE KILL META =)

> > After years of depression I am close to be hyped again^^

> > PS : 2v2 is great but we want 3v3 deathmatch as well :)

> >


> How are you working out druid spec? mind showing so i can test?


> Is it a dps druid build? i'm guessing it is.


It was a druid in the opponent team. I just can say that he was very hard to kill and did decent damage

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thief in 2v2 against good players or in 2v2 in general = just not optimal


nice troll


druid? LOL ... why be an incompetent bunker to sponge dmg and just "be a target" when you can just run FB and be 20x more efficient in offense and support?


FB / Condi rev is best duo and will continue to be ... This patch didn't do much except shift a few things into more meta roles and make bunker / condi more optimal. Not saying it's not a breath of fresh air either because the change is nice, but forcing 2v2 in ranked is silly and the meta will be even more noticeably boring esp if they keep necro the way it is.

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> @"ArthurDent.9538" said:

> Diversity always comes back after a major shake up until people figure everything out. I can pretty much guarantee you that the number of builds considered viable will be much lower a month from now than they were pre patch.



Non gimmick and gimick rotations gap is almost nullified if not completely, meta and non meta are more alike each other, there’s more space for more functional builds.

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> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Scrapper was never bad lmao.

> What am i reading.

> Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?


> Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.

> We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.


Doesn't feel overturned to me when it has little to no place in 2v2 or 5v5s

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"Genesis.5169" said:

> > Scrapper was never bad lmao.

> > What am i reading.

> > Tempest isnt performing at all what are we living in alternate universes?

> >

> > Druids working yeah but the entire ranger class is quite over tuned right now.

> > We have less build diversity in favor of nolonger having to buy the expansions to be competitive thats what your feeling less specs work now then before.


> Doesn't feel overturned to me when it has little to no place in 2v2 or 5v5s


I'd protect my class too not mad at all. Honestly, fear the kinda nerfs you'd take if anet would nerf you so ill agree with you :heart:

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> Diversity is back until people figure out that everything is subpar outside FB, Necro, Condi Rev, and I'm hearing rumors of bunker staff thief


Yea, any major balance patch results in there being some degree of diversity in what people play as they try things out and experiment.


Then the dust settles and you end up with a meta.


Pretty much how it always works.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > Diversity is back until people figure out that everything is subpar outside FB, Necro, Condi Rev, and I'm hearing rumors of bunker staff thief


> Yea, any major balance patch results in there being some degree of diversity in what people play as they try things out and experiment.


> Then the dust settles and you end up with a meta.


> Pretty much how it always works.


Still if those become meta the gap between experimental and non/less meta is shorter which gives space for diversity to exist, a lot of thing has become more effective what’s we’re completely useless, try to spike with several healer fbs using spirit weapon bow... it’s a heal tick stacked on targets that is also a light aura and condi removal whenblasted.


And since it’s ammo based each fb can casting 2-3 times...

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