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Infinite Gathering Tools as part of Equipment Templates

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Since the Equipmen Templates been introduced i can't not to notice that Gathering Tools are not part of Equipment Templates in any way.

I think thats a really big oversight on part of Equipment Templates.

The main reason here is simple: Infinite Gathering Tools act like any Legendary gear. Glyphs that we use in those tools can be swapped freely without the loss of Glyph itself.

If Infinite Gathering Tools will be added into Equipment Templates, they ( since they act like Legendary item ) will be able ( or atleast should be able ) to hold two different Glyphs in two different Equipment Templates.


Simple example: I have character for WvW. But i also use this character for Open World. In Open World i prefer to use 'Additional Resources' Glyphs. While in WvW i prefer to use Glyphs of Industry. There is no other choice but to swap them manually. Adding Infinite Gathering tools as part of Equipment Template will solve this problem, bringing more comfort into game.


Hope this suggestion won't be ignored, cheer.

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> Since the Equipmen Templates been introduced i can't not to notice that Gathering Tools are not part of Equipment Templates in any way.

> I think thats a really big oversight on part of Equipment Templates.

> The main reason here is simple: Infinite Gathering Tools act like any Legendary gear. Glyphs that we use in those tools can be swapped freely without the loss of Glyph itself.

> If Infinite Gathering Tools will be added into Equipment Templates, they ( since they act like Legendary item ) will be able ( or atleast should be able ) to hold two different Glyphs in two different Equipment Templates.


> Simple example: I have character for WvW. But i also use this character for Open World. In Open World i prefer to use 'Additional Resources' Glyphs. While in WvW i prefer to use Glyphs of Industry. There is no other choice but to swap them manually. Adding Infinite Gathering tools as part of Equipment Template will solve this problem, bringing more comfort into game.


> Hope this suggestion won't be ignored, cheer.


God no! That would mess up things for all of us who use the same set of tools on all characters, swapping via Shared Inventory!

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Aeon.4583" said:

> > Since the Equipmen Templates been introduced i can't not to notice that Gathering Tools are not part of Equipment Templates in any way.

> > I think thats a really big oversight on part of Equipment Templates.

> > The main reason here is simple: Infinite Gathering Tools act like any Legendary gear. Glyphs that we use in those tools can be swapped freely without the loss of Glyph itself.

> > If Infinite Gathering Tools will be added into Equipment Templates, they ( since they act like Legendary item ) will be able ( or atleast should be able ) to hold two different Glyphs in two different Equipment Templates.

> >

> > Simple example: I have character for WvW. But i also use this character for Open World. In Open World i prefer to use 'Additional Resources' Glyphs. While in WvW i prefer to use Glyphs of Industry. There is no other choice but to swap them manually. Adding Infinite Gathering tools as part of Equipment Template will solve this problem, bringing more comfort into game.

> >

> > Hope this suggestion won't be ignored, cheer.


> God no! That would mess up things for all of us who use the same set of tools on all characters, swapping via Shared Inventory!


It would also be inconvenient if you do swap tools/glyphs but those don't line up with your equipment templates, it would be annoying if every time I wanted different glyphs I had to use my raid equipment. I suppose the solution there is to keep the same tool/glyph combination in every equipment template and continue to make changes manually, but I'm not sure what would happen when you do need to make a change - would you need to change every single template you're using each time you want different glyphs?


Overall I think it would be simpler to have _separate_ templates for gathering tools, so multiple combinations of tools and glyphs can be saved and swapped with a keybind, so it's less clicking for those who do want to change them regularly, but you're not forced to match them to equipment templates.

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If not implementing Infinite Gathering Tools into current gear templates. Simple alternative will be to add 2nd Glyph slot to Infinite Tools, that will serve as active WvW glyph.



Infinite Mining Pick:

Glyph 1 - Leatherworker.

Glyph 2 - Industry.

In any PvE content Glyph 1 will be active. In WvW Glyph 2 will be active. Providing the single respective effect.


In situation:

Glyph 1 - Leatherworker.

Glyph 2 - None

Glyph of Leatherworker will be active in both modes.

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While having a seperate wvw glyph "loadout" would be a nice thing, i also think that not having the same functionality for PvE would be bad. Depending on what resource you're gathering, where, and for what purpose, if you want to extract as much as you can out of every gathering node in PvE too you will also need to swap glyphs constantly even on the same tool. bounty, industry, reepaing, leatherworker, volatile and unbound are all fairly useful for the same tool, and even if your only purpose is gold/time then there's still industry/bounty/leatherworker to swap between depending on if guild hall/home instance/node in world/what node is etc.


And tying that function to templates would be bad - you'd have to switch templates each time you wanted a different glyph which makes people run a set up they don't want to, which IMO is much worse than swapping out a glyph for all templates.


I've always wanted a seperate gathering tool part of your gear where skins + actual tools + glyphs could all be stored and accessed from one place, allowing to customise your tools without needing to forget which character you let your shared inventory tools on when you switch.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Shared Inventory Slots are the way. And it really doesn't take all that much effort to use them.


agreed. However if they would get their own shared slots from which they can be used without swapping, it would be a nice convenience upgrade that Anet could monetize. Sometimes I do forget to swap them. :)


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