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ANET balance team should be required to play each class for a day for 2 weeks in pvp.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > Cause it sure feels like ANET balance team is solely going off of metrics and numbers and not playing their own game.


> While losing time playing the game if you can ask the "knowledgeable community" what needs a nerf and what needs a buff.


LMAO the pvp community has been shelling out information vehemently, non-stop, since the patch preview was shown with information and nothing can really come of it. I mean people called Necro and firebrand being OP BEFORE the new patch dropped and Anet did shit about it. Plus the information on the forums paints a pretty different picture from what actually happens in practice when you pvp.


So yeah, that is why. First hand knowledge > Second hand forum knowledge



**Plus I don't think it is outlandish to request that the people balancing the game actually play it**

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> @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > > Cause it sure feels like ANET balance team is solely going off of metrics and numbers and not playing their own game.

> >

> > While losing time playing the game if you can ask the "knowledgeable community" what needs a nerf and what needs a buff.


> LMAO the pvp community has been shelling out information vehemently, non-stop, since the patch preview was shown with information and nothing can really come of it. I mean people called Necro and firebrand being OP BEFORE the new patch dropped and Anet did kitten about it. Plus the information on the forums paints a pretty different picture from what actually happens in practice when you pvp.


> So yeah, that is why. First hand knowledge > Second hand forum knowledge



> **Plus I don't think it is outlandish to request that the people balancing the game actually play it**


Pretty arrogant for you to assume they don't already do that & since you question it, that such a tiny amount of time would actually achieve anything.

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> @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > > Cause it sure feels like ANET balance team is solely going off of metrics and numbers and not playing their own game.

> >

> > While losing time playing the game if you can ask the "knowledgeable community" what needs a nerf and what needs a buff.


> LMAO the pvp community has been shelling out information vehemently, non-stop, since the patch preview was shown with information and nothing can really come of it. I mean people called Necro and firebrand being OP BEFORE the new patch dropped and Anet did kitten about it. Plus the information on the forums paints a pretty different picture from what actually happens in practice when you pvp.


> So yeah, that is why. First hand knowledge > Second hand forum knowledge



> **Plus I don't think it is outlandish to request that the people balancing the game actually play it**


It's the modus operandi of ANerf, come to the forum see what certain individuals are crying about and nerf it. ANerf are clueless regarding their own game which is kind of sad.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > > > @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > > > Cause it sure feels like ANET balance team is solely going off of metrics and numbers and not playing their own game.

> > >

> > > While losing time playing the game if you can ask the "knowledgeable community" what needs a nerf and what needs a buff.

> >

> > LMAO the pvp community has been shelling out information vehemently, non-stop, since the patch preview was shown with information and nothing can really come of it. I mean people called Necro and firebrand being OP BEFORE the new patch dropped and Anet did kitten about it. Plus the information on the forums paints a pretty different picture from what actually happens in practice when you pvp.

> >

> > So yeah, that is why. First hand knowledge > Second hand forum knowledge

> >

> >

> > **Plus I don't think it is outlandish to request that the people balancing the game actually play it**


> Pretty arrogant for you to assume they don't already do that & since you question it, that such a tiny amount of time would actually achieve anything.


You think spending 10 days, 8 hours a day pvping would be a waste of time? What? I don't see "80 hours of experience" being a small amount of time. I mean it is their literal job. Seems like they would learn a lot, or learn even more 'if they are already doing that'.


And yeah it doesn't feel like the balance team plays their own game. There is so much overlooked and a so much that goes contrary to their 'standards' in what they say. I mean you have a vast number of people saying what everyone already knows on the forums yet the ANET balance team seems to have their head in the sand and be totally disconnected from what the reality of the game is at times.

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Before they change my build, a dev should load up my class, and beat me in a private arena 1v1, I'm no pro, but I'll bet my account I'll murrdurr them every time, what would it matter to lose, the game is unplayable now, and to beat me they need to know how the class works.

This patch wasn't even based on numbers, most of the changes are arbitrary numbers inconsistent with any form of balance, and are obviously as bad on paper as in game.

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> Afaik CMC is a pretty good ele main?


Just leaves 7 other classes they should be familiar with.


Balance team should know their game inside and out if they want to stop being ineffectual at their jobs. But then again that is some common sense stuff right there. You should know the information about the the thing you are wanting to manipulate if you want to get proper outcomes and stop shooting in the dark. Hurr

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You do realize the big balance patch was only the first step and was (mostly) meant to decrease the powercreep overall? Of course not everything is perfect, there is still broken shit that needs to be looked at, but it was a patch that Anet can follow up on the following weeks/months.

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> @"Xca.9721" said:

> You do realize the big balance patch was only the first step and was (mostly) meant to decrease the powercreep overall? Of course not everything is perfect, there is still broken kitten that needs to be looked at, but it was a patch that Anet can follow up on the following weeks/months.


Really? Cause to me it looked like business as usual. A new patch that feels like it is based on metrics and not actual gameplay. A patch that drops and busts up a bunch of things and creates a new flavor of the month. This is the same story we've had for like 4 years now.


It is literally the same thing but now with less power coefficients, more condis. Nothing really got fixed cause everything is still broken.

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So here's the problem, OP.

Yes, I *rarely* see dev tags in PvP, at least in NA servers PvP Lobby. I'm also aware they can turn off their tags, too, but like... why would you conceal it unless you're going into an undercover thing which is bizarre but it can serve its purposes I suppose. I doubt they spend 2 games a day in PvP conquest. I really do. That being said, the ones that do shouldn't necessarily need to play all the classes, but should definitely have played enough (i.e., 100) games on a class to know what seems really OP in terms of that class and where it severely underperforms. The fact that ranger slipped through the nerfs seemingly unaffected really makes me question the quality control of patches.


What also makes me have little faith in the abiltiy to balance is that in addition to the direct damage and condi/boon duration nerfs, they increased a lot of traitline and utility skill cooldowns which makes no sense because of how drastic a change the gameplay will experience following such nerfs.


I know the forum warriors like to meme about me all the time, but they continuously ignore some of what I've got to say. One doesn't simply take away all the damage Prime Light Beam does and expect people to use it 25% of the time evenly along with the other elite skills accessible to holosmith. If they're looking for balanced usage, they really did themselves ugly because now Prime Light Beam only has CC application. Heal Turret is also somewhat crippled by its long 30-second cooldown. Elixir H and Medkit have pretty much emerged as the stronger healing skills now because of their low cooldowns and greater healing power than Heal Turret and especially Coolant Blast (which had its cooldown NERFED to 25 seconds, when it really struggled to be competitive vs. the other engi healing skills).


The lack of stability across all professions, too, is stifling and slowing down games. Whereas you think you've bled someone off node, They start getting ressed, and two people who are DPS classes can't counter many professions' single player revive power. It's pretty bad.


That and burn damage is still too dramatic from at least weavers and possibly guards, too. I recall a 1v1 I had the other day with a weaver, and I received 160 hits of burning for over 73K damage.... and btw, that was with Medkit cleansing, healing, Prismatic Singularity, sigil of cleansing.... you may be saying to yourselves, "Oh, holo shouldn't engage in that fight." How about weavers shouldn't be able to do cast burning which 5+ seconds of duration with Sage Amulet on? The condi damage is bursty, which is contrary to the intent of the developers, which, while I am criticizing it for being a bad change in the first place, should at least have consistency in its philosophy. Now the condi AoE burst classes and the super bunkers are the ones that win and it's made the game the least fun to play in the 2 years I've been playing it.

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They rarely play or don’t play for the most part. It also doesn’t help if they are bad (not to be mean) but if they don’t understand how to play they are going to gain much from play testing. I worked there and all I will say is PvP/WvW is just about the lowest priority for the company, not that this is a news flash.


The most successful games hire/compensate in some way the professional players to test their games.


A PTR would also go a long way.



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> @"Dralor.3701" said:

> They rarely play or don’t play for the most part. It also doesn’t help if they are bad (not to be mean) but if they don’t understand how to play they are going to gain much from play testing. I worked there and all I will say is PvP/WvW is just about the lowest priority for the company, not that this is a news flash.


> The most successful games hire/compensate in some way the professional players to test their games.


> A PTR would also go a long way.




Well shit

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Turning on ANet tag doesn't help with testing. In fact, it makes testing much harder. Everyone is gonna just target the ANet player, regardless of whether that will help or lose them the game.


CMC is a top tier player, let him do his job. So far the results have been encouraging.

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> @"Sunshine.5014" said:

> Turning on ANet tag doesn't help with testing. In fact, it makes testing much harder. Everyone is gonna just target the ANet player, regardless of whether that will help or lose them the game.


> CMC is a top tier player, let him do his job. So far the results have been encouraging.


I dunno man. Yeah these recent patches have been said to be 'A step in the right direction!" But to me it is just the status quo. New patch came out, even with the hotfix, 2-3 classes dominate the meta. And it will be that way until the next patch drops and 2-3 more classes are the new flavor of the month.


Just because the title of the 'Big Balance Patch' has a new name, it is essentially just resuming the cycle that ANET was already on. I'm not going to believe it until it see it cause to me.


It was just another patch, another flavor of the month class picks for a month, and a new cycle for it to start all over again in the next patch.


I'll believe it when I see it cause it has been 4 years of the same shit.

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> @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> > @"Sunshine.5014" said:

> > Turning on ANet tag doesn't help with testing. In fact, it makes testing much harder. Everyone is gonna just target the ANet player, regardless of whether that will help or lose them the game.

> >

> > CMC is a top tier player, let him do his job. So far the results have been encouraging.


> I dunno man. Yeah these recent patches have been said to be 'A step in the right direction!" But to me it is just the status quo. New patch came out, even with the hotfix, 2-3 classes dominate the meta. And it will be that way until the next patch drops and 2-3 more classes are the new flavor of the month.


> Just because the title of the 'Big Balance Patch' has a new name, it is essentially just resuming the cycle that ANET was already on. I'm not going to believe it until it see it cause to me.


> It was just another patch, another flavor of the month class picks for a month, and a new cycle for it to start all over again in the next patch.


> I'll believe it when I see it cause it has been 4 years of the same kitten.


It's a stretch to say it's 4 years of the same thing. The big patched landed only 2 weeks ago. And they have another patch to shave FB, Necro, Condi Rev just last week. That's unprecedented.

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