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What size did you make your character and why?


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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> Varying sizes for all of my characters. My Humans are fit but around medium height (no way to calculate 5' 6'' - 5'8'' in game so I just guessed as best I could).


> For my Asura, I have tall Asura, short Asura, beefy Asura, lanky Asura, small Asura, chubby Asura...just about any size you can think of.


You are very reassuring. I can respect that lol

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Every single one of my characters are the tallest height they can be because I'm usually considered tall (at least in my family).

That and I can't really make "kid" size characters, or I would've made a few of those. (Unless I made a human and consider it a child as I've seen quite a few kid Norns with human faces and heights.... but then the voice problem)

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**I have :**

9 max size Norns -All- female

4 max size Humans 3 female and 1 male

9 max size Sylvari 7 female and 1 male

2 max size Charr 1 female and 1 male.

No Asura.


**Why ?:**

* I find it easier to find my characters

* I'm 2m04 myself and I got really upset playing Asura

* It's way nicer to have bigger mounts, bigger weapons

* It provides more detail and clarity of the characters.

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Two average sized humans, because I like to play your average everyday human

One above average sylvari, because there was a lot of detail to see

One average Norn, because of reasons

One tall asura, because she has a competitive streak regarding the smaller asura

Two Charr, one average for reasons, and the other a max sized widebody oafish clodhopping dunderhead, because I have a soft spot for extremely large, clumsy, accidentally destructive but good-natured characters who are extremely shy and self conscious about how large and clumsy they are

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I of course have a certain image in mind when creating a character, but I also don't want them all the same height. So I got two max height charr, one at around medium height, another one at smallest height, a roughly medium size human and sylvari, a max height norn and another at between max and middle height.


It's just... yeah, because reasons.

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> @Hakata.6742 said:

> I'm on a max-sized Charr at the moment, and I'm considering using a make-over kit to make him the smallest size.


> What was going through your mind when you decided on your character's sizes?


I wanted my characters to have a realistic size, so I compared to NPCs until I had a good grip on what was approximately 1.75 m, 1.85 m, and so on.


The NPCs in the Royal Terrace V.I.P. area serve as an excellent means of measure for Humans and Sylvari. As for my Charr, I compared to the NPCs in the personal story, then adjusted him to be a notch shorter than the male average. My Asura I compared to the first couple of NPCs outside of Rata Sum, then remade him right away to get the size right.


It really is a shame that there has been no real improvement in the character creator between GW1 and GW2 regarding sizes. You can't even compare between the races to get a clear picture of what you are doing, and (if I recall correctly) also women are always a notch shorter when you select the same level on the measuring meter than men, which I also find unnecessary and confusing.

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I tend to make my humans short, and my charr and norn tall.


I get the feeling that charr and (especially) norn sizes got nerfed between lore and the game. So, make them big and make the humans small, and it's a bit closer to how it should be, right?


I do have one max height human, because his backstory involves an adventurer mom that was joked about being part norn. And one small charr, because ... well, complex reasons.


I think I also have small humans in part because of the "small but fierce" trope. I love that trope.

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It varies depending on character. My Charr Ranger is pretty close to min size because I wanted him to seem less physically dominant to partly explain why he's a Ranger and relies on his pet heavily in combat. My Sylvari Guardian is close to max size because it felt right for a Guardian to be larger to better take hits and shield allies. My Sylvari Mesmer is slightly above average / default, while my Asura Elementalist is slightly below average. My Charr Necromancer is near max height (and the heaviest build) for maximum intimidation factor. My Charr Engie is halfway between average and tallest. Asura Revenant is near max height because heavy armor works better on a larger body, particularly since Asura are already small to begin with. Sylvari Theif is close to minimum height for the sneakiness factor.


The only real "rule" I adhere to is that I never go 100% max / min for height (or anything else when doing character creation, really... the only thing I ever crank up 100% is Sylvari glow). I figure a lot of people just go min or max and this way I have a little variance compared to others.

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