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What size did you make your character and why?


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> @Panda.1967 said:

> While working on map completion on my Asuran Mesmer today I found myself face to face with just how tiny I am... take a look


> ![](https://imgur.com/HcUYkia.png "")



Some asurans are tiny i know mine is. i was running through my mini pets earlier standing in rata sum was a player asura just afk next to my minis spawn location i was amazed how some minis was bigger than her char well coulda been a he with female either way you get my point lol. Theres a mini in that mini preview list you need to find near bottom in list via wardrobe a skeleton this mini (called spooky skeleton I think) is big probably tallest one in the game it is easily 40% as tall as my sylvarie he rides in around at about 70% on the height slider. I'm not sure if even in game yet or maybe planned to be or if anyone actually has it, as I've never actually seen it out n about. But you might find the comparison as interesting as I did lol.

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I make all my characters max height anymore. Two reasons: I am tall and I like being tall; and to better see the details on my armor/weapons. My first character was a medium height female Sylvari Ranger, but I was inspired by Brienne on GoT to try a max height Norn female, and I felt more comfortable with the tallness. I made a minimum height female Asura because I thought it would be cute, but I was kinda dismayed that she looked like a little blob. If I'm going spend time/money making my characters look the way I want them to, I want the results to visible. So, max height everything since.


Even max height Asuras, you lose all detail on their weapons especially because for some reason, they are scaled too small.

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Depends on the idea i have the character, atm the only 2 ones i have are my Charr Thief and Charr Engi.


Made the Thief Tall-ish (3/4th of the slider or so) and slender to fit his more mary-sue hero type (he's always going to be the real "Pact Commander" within my characters).


While my Engi is short and bulky, cause i just imagine him as a more gruff but fun-loving character who drink and eat a lot (he's my cooking character too).


I wayyyyy overthink my characters lol.

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Pretty small, most of the time. Primarily because I like the illusion of speed you get when you play small characters, makes the game feel a lot more fast-paced than it actually is. I tried playing big characters, I even tried playing a large Norn with the Endless Embiggening tonic... Good god I was about to fall asleep, they are so slow and so sluggish just... Ugh.

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> @Dawdler.8521 said:

> > @akenoyuki.8210 said:

> > As short as possible human female

> > It's cute and that's the only reason I need

> That's not cute, you're just gonna look like a giant and pretty ugly out of proportion Asura.


> Also, shortest Asura.



B-But... small things are always cute :'(

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my female hummies are all the smallest size, because i dunno it seems like the normal size to me XD

my norns are always max size, because why play norn if you aren't going to be huuuge? XD

i have a smallest size feme char because i think they look cute like that, and a max size male char because they look like brutes! :sweat_smile:

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I tend to make most of my characters on the smaller size, makes it easier for me to navigate jumping puzzles that way. The only exception I made was with my human ranger, because he partners up with my fiancee's Norn Necro. She made her Norn the smallest a Norn could be, so I made my Human the tallest he could be, so he's just about even in height with her :)

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