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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> Oh no no noooo, let's get the facts straight. There was NEVER any explicit solo queue in this game since the solo/team queue merge back in 2014. NEVER. What Crab posted, (season 11), was when 1600 players and higher were restricted from duo queuing. That did _not_ make this "solo queue only". No such thing.


> We've had solo vs teams ever since 2014.


it was a miscommunication on my part.


i was thinking about when things would really matter if you duo or not, and i admitted that in a later post with dan.

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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> Oh no no noooo, let's get the facts straight. There was NEVER any explicit solo queue in this game since the solo/team queue merge back in 2014.

And what you and all the solo queue whiners forget is that the solo queue back then failed! It had a leaderboard and matchmaking too!


Solo queue was briefly more popular than team queue when the choice was introduced. Over time, players migrated to team (parties of 1-5) queue. By the end, solo queue was a wasteland. That's why it was abandoned.


Why did solo queue fail while team queue succeeded? Solo queue was plagued by the same problems the current ranked system has:

* Toxic attitudes where it's everyone else's fault you lost.

* Solo mentality where players forget about winning a match and just want to boast about winning 1v1s. Only half the team cares about working as a team.

* Winning or losing is largely the luck of the draw. If you have a bad player or bad comp, you lose. Rarely do people pay what helps the team.


So let's not try to continue this failed solo-duo experiment nor repeat the previous failures of solo queue.



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IMO an elegant solution that could work to appease both solo-queue only, and duo/team queue fans would be to maintain the current mixed queue/matchmaker, but have separate leaderboards.


The basic idea;

* Each Account would have 2 different MMRs associated with it. A solo MMR, and a team MMR.

* There would be also two separate leaderboards, one for soloqueue, and the other for team queue.

* If a player queues up into the mixed matchmaker as a solo player, the matchmaker uses the account's solo MMR, and wins/losses in the match affects the account's solo MMR.

* If a player queues up into the mixed matchmaker as a duo+, the matchmaker uses the account's team MMR, and wins/losses in the match affects the account's team MMR.


That way, we can keep the current mixed matchmaker, and thus not "separate the community" into two PvP queues. Solo queue players will also compete against each other in the soloqueue leaderboard, and team queue players can compete against each other in the team queue leaderboards.



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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Reikou.7068" said:

> > IMO an elegant solution that could work to appease both solo-queue only, and duo/team queue fans would be to maintain the current mixed queue/matchmaker, but have separate leaderboards.

> You have to realize that the solo queue don't actually care about that. They only look to blame something for their losses and their lower than expected rank / leaderboard position. They refuse to admit to themselves that they simply aren't that good.


> Your idea wouldn't fix that, as you'd inevitably need to do mixed matching (some groups and some solo on each team).


I guarantee that some of these solo que players would win 1v1 vs each of these duo que players. So saying they all are bad while you only duo que most likely fb/rev fb/necro and beat solo ques purely based on skill not that not only do you play with the same dude forever you also play fotm op stuff every time and get to play vs 2 players who could be anything. Maybe if everytime your duo played vs another fb/rev fb/necro every single time you might be exposed as not good. And i bet you def would be exposed if you started solo queing instead of calling solo quer whiners. Idc either way but I can look at it from diff perspectives.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > I guarantee that some of these solo que players would win 1v1 vs each of these duo que players.

> Doesn't matter. It's a **team based** format. Part of player skill is being able to play as a team.


No, A team based format would only allow you to duo que or que as 5/10 or w/e the game allowed as max. Duo vs solo is an advantage in many ways. Premade guilds vs solo ques in other games is an advantage. Denying that and saying players are bad just because they solo que is false. Just like in WvW. 20 man guild group rolls over pugs. Somehow I catch members of them guilds alone and wreck them. Why is that? Why was he better with 20 vs my 20 random players then die easily alone vs just me? Because you can hide you deficiencies in a group and in gw2 5 v 5 with a team with a duo que vs all solo ques is less an advantage. Here in 2 v2 it's huge. To deny that is wrong. It is an advantage.

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> @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

> > @"Ghostof Luzifer.6159" said:

> > > @"SPESHAL.9106" said:


> > > You obviously are new. They originally had strictly separated team ques and solo ques. Then, they merged them. Then, they limited to 2 people max que. Then, they allowed only duo que below high ranks. Then, they did no duo que only solo que. Then, they changed their mind and went back to duo que without any restrictions on rank. I may have missed an iteration or two in there, but it's clear you knew none of this.

> > >

> > > Before running to your keyboard and sharing "wisdom", make sure you actually know what you are talking about. The win/loss ratio for strictly solo que was the most reasonable and accurate indication of INDIVIDUAL skill yet. The fact that people are debating this and concocting ridiculous rationales for the current leaderboard win/loss rate is comical.

> >

> > I play spvp since launch.. but sure buddy if it lets you sleep at night. Good arguments :+1:


> Sorry I can't say the same for your arguments. You obviously couldn't refute what I said so sarcasm is all that's left.


> As long as they show and reward ONLY INDIVIDUALS on the leaderboard, the que should be just INDIVIDUALS ONLY. It's not that hard to understand simple logic.


If u want to go with simple logic, this games a team based game 5v5, 2v2 so there should be a team que and non of this solo que wineing in a formost team based game mode.

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I agree that it is a bit unfair for duo teams to be in 2's, but the biggest problem I saw this weekend was the game limit for top 250.

You can do far more matches in a much shorter period of time with 2's, that the 15 game limit per week doesn't make any sense.


Basically, people waited until Sunday to queue up as duos and then get their 60+ games in to secure a spot in top 250.

If the game limit was much more reasonable, there would have been *much* less players in top 250 that waited until the last day.


The fact you could queue up as a duo, put a serious disadvantage to players like me.

I quit the game like 5 years ago and came back. Because I went from mid silver to gold t3 in a short period of time, even if I made friends I basically outskilled them and could no longer play with them anyway.


I ended up losing top 250 by 3 points, I was in top 250 for like 2 weeks. It took awhile, (580 matches) because again, I quit like 5 years ago and came back.

Something tells me because Conquest enforces a maximum of 2 players being grouped and it also has a much larger game limit (with longer matches) that top 250 will be much easier.


The real simple fact is, the more games you play, the more accurate your rating. If it takes games like Overwatch 200+ games to really get your true rating, I cannot expect a game like Gw2 to be more accurate.


I have serious doubts that many of those in top 250 are actually that rating because they haven't played enough matches to stabilize their real rating.

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> @"Chase.8415" said:

> I agree that it is a bit unfair for duo teams to be in 2's

What's not fair? You can find a friend and queue together.

> You can do far more matches in a much shorter period of time with 2's, that the 15 game limit per week doesn't make any sense.

Conquest is capped at 15min. Most games last 10-12min (not counting ready-up time).

Compare that to 2v2. Let's say you play 4 rounds average and each lasts 3min. That's the same amount of time. The only time it goes faster in 2v2 is when you have two DPS heavy teams.

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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"Chase.8415" said:

> > I agree that it is a bit unfair for duo teams to be in 2's

> What's not fair? You can find a friend and queue together.

> > You can do far more matches in a much shorter period of time with 2's, that the 15 game limit per week doesn't make any sense.

> Conquest is capped at 15min. Most games last 10-12min (not counting ready-up time).

> Compare that to 2v2. Let's say you play 4 rounds average and each lasts 3min. That's the same amount of time. The only time it goes faster in 2v2 is when you have two DPS heavy teams.


Vast majority of my 2's matches did not take that long. I'd say maybe one match out of 10 they would actually go to timer for multiple rounds. Other than that, they were usually very quick.


Thanks for ignoring my part where I said it was not feasible for me to find a friend.

I went from mid silver to gold t3 in the same season.

Most people don't drastically jump ranks like that, so if I made a friend in silver, I'd obviously would have to ditch him if I wanted to move beyond silver.


The reason why it's not fair is the simple fact that you get to control the entire outcome of your team, including voice communications. This is not really much of an issue for 5v5 because they have disabled teams of 5 in 5v5, for this exact reason... makes it very unfair to those who solo in the game, which is the vast majority of the population in PvP.



There were very few duo teams I'd face, until the last day when everyone was trying to get top 250. Because the game limit was so short, people who didn't play at all for the entire season ended up in top 250, because 60 matches wasn't very much.


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> @"Chase.8415" said:

> Thanks for ignoring my part where I said it was not feasible for me to find a friend.

> I went from mid silver to gold t3 in the same season.

> Most people don't drastically jump ranks like that, so if I made a friend in silver, I'd obviously would have to ditch him if I wanted to move beyond silver.

Sounds like an excuse to me. If you were solo queuing the entire time, surely you ran into someone decently skilled. If you had a good round, you could say "hey, want to queue as a group for a few games?" That's how I used to find people for conquest before queue limits.

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> @"Chase.8415" said:

> > @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > > @"Chase.8415" said:

> > > I agree that it is a bit unfair for duo teams to be in 2's

> > What's not fair? You can find a friend and queue together.

> > > You can do far more matches in a much shorter period of time with 2's, that the 15 game limit per week doesn't make any sense.

> > Conquest is capped at 15min. Most games last 10-12min (not counting ready-up time).

> > Compare that to 2v2. Let's say you play 4 rounds average and each lasts 3min. That's the same amount of time. The only time it goes faster in 2v2 is when you have two DPS heavy teams.


> Vast majority of my 2's matches did not take that long. I'd say maybe one match out of 10 they would actually go to timer for multiple rounds. Other than that, they were usually very quick.


> Thanks for ignoring my part where I said it was not feasible for me to find a friend.

> I went from mid silver to gold t3 in the same season.

> Most people don't drastically jump ranks like that, so if I made a friend in silver, I'd obviously would have to ditch him if I wanted to move beyond silver.


> The reason why it's not fair is the simple fact that you get to control the entire outcome of your team, including voice communications. This is not really much of an issue for 5v5 because they have disabled teams of 5 in 5v5, for this exact reason... makes it very unfair to those who solo in the game, which is the vast majority of the population in PvP.



> There were very few duo teams I'd face, until the last day when everyone was trying to get top 250. Because the game limit was so short, people who didn't play at all for the entire season ended up in top 250, because 60 matches wasn't very much.



I mean I agree with you not so much other guy, I even have some trouble because some ppl I que with are too afraid to que with me since they are like gold 3 and I can ezily solo to plat2-3. But tbh where you seem to missing out on is the fact that it’s a mini season, ofc top tier players are gonna have insane win rates because a mini season is supposed to be ez for top players, this discrepancy in rating is no where nearly as bad for 5v5 also it’s a little ezier to play with someone not in your own rating during normal season. Hopefully u find this better when 5s come out and hopefully you can find some more ppl to play with, not to put down your current friends but the more friends the better

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:


> If u want to go with simple logic, this games a team based game 5v5, 2v2 so there should be a team que and non of this solo que wineing in a formost team based game mode.


You win the award for the most illogical comment yet. These comments keep getting more desperate and ridiculous. Now we have someone running to their keyboard to use the logic that there should be no solo players.


Here's a news flash for you...When you put 5 solo people together, it makes a TEAM. When you put 2 people together, it makes a TEAM. If both sides are made up of such TEAMS with an algorithm for matchmaking ranks, then it is about as even as you can get for an online video game.


BTW, the leaderboard lists INDIVIDUALS, not premade teams, so LOGIC says that you put ONLY solo que versus solo que.


There are tournaments for premades where rankings are shown by team.


The fact that this is even debatable and people are desperately coming up with any excuse to justify a CLEARLY corrupted leaderboard is pathetic.

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