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Are Guardian and Human compatible lore-wise? And where can I read Guardian lore in general?


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Greetings, Guild Wars 2 Community!


I'm sorry for the overly, ahem, zealous salutation lol! It's just a sign of my respect and affection for the GW2 Community. I've come to understand in the three or four months of playing this marvelous and beautiful work of art called Guild Wars 2 that its near _perfect_ existence is matched only by the awesomeness of the GW2 Community (with a capital 'C'), and exceeded only by God. Anyhoo, I was just wondering if anyone could tell me whether the _Guardian_ profession is compatible with the _Human_ race, as far as lore is concerned. The Guardian seems to be closest to my favorite class archetype from WoW and similar fantasy/steampunk/bad-ass MMORPGs with which I am very familiar, namely the Paladin/Crusader/Knight or, in this case, Guardian. B)


I know it's a lot to ask, but I was also hoping to get a pointer or two on where to find Guild Wars 2 lore in general. I mean like the really deep stuff. I've read all the basic stuff, I believe. If either of these questions have been answered previously, and I doubt not that they have been, I offer my humblest apologies. I tried to find the info without success. I'm still a newbie. I took a break from Defiance/2050 and Trion in general and decided to try GW2. Two weeks after I started, I upgraded to both expansions—right before Christmas—and never looked back, nor wanted to. I am officially and hopelessly hooked. But I am still newbish to a very large degree. My achievement rating is only ~400, to give an idea of just _how_ very newbish. =(


Thanks in advance for any help you can offer in terms of tips or places of knowledge on the subject. It's greatly appreciated. In fact, thanks just for reading this, since it means you're probably a kind and helpful person in general. Of course, the fact you GW2 is a good indicator of that as well. :P


-Yours most sincerely,


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Guardians were formed by the teachings of monks, paragons, and ritualists - all predominantly human professions - and the first guardians known were, you might have guessed it, humans.


There's not a lot of profession lore in GW2, and for guardian, the best in-universe lore would be from the novel Sea of Sorrows which briefly touches on it when a guardian shows up. But overall, the lore is summarized here:



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Well, the best summaries of recent Tyrian history will be presented in the wiki, for each GW1 title, and for each GW2 Living Story Season and expansion.


As to the deeper stuff? My advice to you is to think of something that really intrigues you and to research as much as you can. Asking questions of this forum helps too, although it never hurts to keep your troll repellant handy.


Good luck, mate.

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Konig pretty much answered it. Humans and Guardians are fully compatible. To be honest, there isn't really any depth to these things. ANet often leave such parts of their lore at face value or seeded with just enough workable info to avoid overcomplicating things or let people speculate on their own (and there are people who wade waaaay too deep into the over thinking for this game).


As you are newish to the game, it is worth knowing that the GW1 Wiki was renowned for being one of the best game wikis and really set the trend for info-filing for MMO's. GW2's wiki is no less useful and can be accessed in game as well by typing /wiki before you type which will bring it up in your browser behind the client. It's not infallible, but you will by and large find everything you ever need there since it will be pulled by the lore players straight from the game.

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Guardians evolved from the "religious" classes of GW1 in human culture, so humans are naturally the most suited for the Guardian class in terms of paladin-like play.


Sylvari, with their general racial optimism, strong ideals from the Ventari tablet, their close faith-like relationship with the Pale Tree, and many favorable options in their character creation, also are well suited to be Guardians. My own Guardian is a Sylvari. Noon bloom, Dignity, "Act with wisdom but act", Green Knight...an idealistic man of action and ardent defender. Classic hero. The Shield of the Moon option is also a good one for Sylvari Guardians.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Sylvari, with their general racial optimism, strong ideals from the Ventari tablet, their close faith-like relationship with the Pale Tree, and many favorable options in their character creation, also are well suited to be Guardians.


Wow, I never would have even thought of Sylvari, not because I don't agree with you, but just because I'm very self-limiting sometimes creatively. You are _SO_ right, jimbru! I love what you said about Sylvari. I have a Sylvari Ranger and I **love** that race. They're so awesome, and although they are strong and worthy allies or opponents, except for the Nightmare Court they seem to be peaceful, friendly and caring, and that can stand as a good example for all "races", real and in-game in my humble opinion hehe. =) But I totally agree with you, and I'm grateful for the idea. I'm thinking of making a Sylvari Guardian if not Human. Maybe I'll even make both, one for healing/support/"tanking" and one for mainly dps. Like I said, it's always been my favorite "archetype" of class lol. Thanks again, jimbru! You rock. :)


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