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Things that make me sad about the new Expansion announcement

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > If the price should be lower for those with less income, what does it matter which country those players live in?

> > Should ArenaNet subsidize me? I have low income.


> Yeah, exactly. OP doesn't realize his request is a big middle finger to everyone else. Anet can't accommodate everyone's situation just so they can play the game ... so they simply offer a flat rate for everyone. That flat rate is indicative of the the cost of other goods/services they offer ... so basically, if someone isn't willing to pay the entry fee, they aren't going to be a good patron once they get access anyways. ... The cost of the expansions are a good litmus test for what people are willing to pay to sustain the game. ... obviously the OP doesn't pass that test.


> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > People fail to realize that 40 usd (or the equivalent in any other currency is not the same in other countries. That is the issue.


> People are not failing to realize this because Currency exchange rates are not a problem. it's real simple here ... if the product or service being offered is not worth it to someone for WHATEVER reason, don't buy it.


If that was the issue no company ever would adapt its prices for other markets.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > If the price should be lower for those with less income, what does it matter which country those players live in?

> > > Should ArenaNet subsidize me? I have low income.

> >

> > Yeah, exactly. OP doesn't realize his request is a big middle finger to everyone else. Anet can't accommodate everyone's situation just so they can play the game ... so they simply offer a flat rate for everyone. That flat rate is indicative of the the cost of other goods/services they offer ... so basically, if someone isn't willing to pay the entry fee, they aren't going to be a good patron once they get access anyways. ... The cost of the expansions are a good litmus test for what people are willing to pay to sustain the game. ... obviously the OP doesn't pass that test.

> >

> > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > People fail to realize that 40 usd (or the equivalent in any other currency is not the same in other countries. That is the issue.

> >

> > People are not failing to realize this because Currency exchange rates are not a problem. it's real simple here ... if the product or service being offered is not worth it to someone for WHATEVER reason, don't buy it.


> If that was the issue no company ever would adapt its prices for other markets.


Not sure what issue you are referring to here but currency exchange is NOT the only reason a company could have to adapt it's price for other markets. Feel free to disagree .. but at least explain yourself.

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It's waaay to early to know what we're going to get with the expansion, low number of maps has been a complaint with them for a long time now so there is a chance that the next expansion which is taking us to a different continent btw will have more than 4-5 maps (and I really hope it does)


Mounts were also a thing for PoF so while i'm not ruling them out for the next x-pack.. I do not think they will be a major feature like they were with PoF.

Expect new things from X-pack 3 because Anet despite not delivering in some areas has always delievered on each X-pack brining some brilliant new changes to the game.

HoT give us the mastery system, elite specs, raids gliding and vertical map design which overall was where most of the dev time went imo hence the low number of maps overall.

PoF added probably the best mounts to date in any MMO and was significantly cheaper than HoT when it comes out despite having more maps and content.

Not to mention how much better Gw2 has gotten since PoF content was put in the game, living world especially has gotten amazing thes epast few years.


What's next? who knows but Anet has given us a good year at least in advance that it's coming and chances are they've probably been working on X-pack 3 for a while now but were not 100% sure if it was going to go to compleation.

Now that they know, we know and im looking forward to further info regarding it's development.

At this point all I can say is don't write it off yet, wait and see how things go and make that decision when you know what you'll be getting for your money.

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I actually hope it does NOT have too many maps. Players are already spread thin. I would rather an expansion have new things. New race/class/elites/weapons/skills/masteries/housing. Things that can be worked on, MUST be worked on, by doing new things in old places.

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I don't understand what the whole issue of this thread is. You either have the money to buy an expansion (product) or you don't. What's the deal now? Do you want mercedes to sell their cars cheaper to you? Do you want microsoft to sell their software cheaper to you? Do you want LG to sell displays cheaper to you? I don't get it. Is this about being cheap? If you are cheap then that's not an issue for ANet. ANet is a company that wants to earn money. Peroid.

If you can't afford something, then that's very unfortuante, but the reality.

Do we live in a time where people complain that they can not afford a product on a global (gaming) market? I wish we had these times when I was a kid. I would loved to get every game for $1. Or a brand new gameboy for $5.


Btw, regional pricing doesn't only work in one way. It's not like you spend $5 on a game and ANet magically get's $60 after the transaction is done. No, they get the same money you spend. So why exactly would ANet want to sell you a game cheaper when their costs and input remain the same? Just because you are from Brazil? I really don't want to be rude but that is kind of disrespectful. Wages and other costs don't magically decrease just because someone from Brazil bought a product from the US. As I said in the beginning, you either have the money or you don't. How many times did I want to have a game as a kid but didn't have the money? At least 300 times. Very unfortuante but the reality. Videogames are not a basic necessity that needs to be subsidized by a company or a government. Putting shame on ANet now just shows how entilted some people feel.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I actually hope it does NOT have too many maps. Players are already spread thin. I would rather an expansion have new things. New race/class/elites/weapons/skills/masteries/housing. Things that can be worked on, MUST be worked on, by doing new things in old places.


By definition, an expansion would... well, expand upon current content. I believe that an expansion, with new maps, has shown to be a significant enough draw to bring players to the game and spend money. While I agree that working on new things instead of new maps would be nice, I don't believe that it would generate enough revenue.

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Anet employees need to eat. They deserve to get paid for their work just like everyone else. I get it times are tough for everyone in this economy but still fair pay for fair work. They will be getting my 60 Canadian dollars or whatever it is. Its the least I can do for 7 years of fun.

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> @"wrathmagik.3518" said:

> You can earn gems through the game by playing and converting gold to gems. You have plenty of time to save up for the expansion.


You have never been able to get any GW2 expansion or the core game with GEMS money only. The only thing you can get with GEMS is the deluxe upgrade to the newest expansion, nothing more. Do what I do get the ultimate edition for $79.99 which gives you all the stuff that comes with the deluxe version plus $50 in gems the game before you remove the costs of a new character slot lvl 80 boost is $29.99

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You guys keep speaking like regional pricing wasn't something many other companies do. Arenanet doesn't, and it probably wont change, but telling him about how bad an idea it is or how it's completely senseless and ridiculous when many other companies do it is pretty awful.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> You guys keep speaking like regional pricing wasn't something many other companies do. Arenanet doesn't, and it probably wont change, but telling him about how bad an idea it is or how it's completely senseless and ridiculous when many other companies do it is pretty awful.


That's just being sensational ... The objection here isn't other companies don't do it. The objection is that the OP is justifying his desire for pricing to be 'fair' with regional considerations when would in fact be the complete opposite of fair. If he actually wanted and understood fair, he would realize why it's important everyone pay the same.


if he wanted to make a more reasonable claim, he would actually be honest and say pricing should unfairly consider factors that may change it for different demographics/regions/populations, etc...

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > You guys keep speaking like regional pricing wasn't something many other companies do. Arenanet doesn't, and it probably wont change, but telling him about how bad an idea it is or how it's completely senseless and ridiculous when many other companies do it is pretty awful.


> That's just being sensational ... The objection here isn't other companies don't do it. The objection is that the OP is justifying his desire for pricing to be 'fair' with regional considerations when would in fact be the complete opposite of fair. If he actually wanted and understood fair, he would realize why it's important everyone pay the same.


> if he wanted to make a more reasonable claim, he would actually be honest and say pricing should unfairly consider factors that may change it for different demographics/regions/populations, etc...


depends on what you consider "fair". I don't consider fair that in some countries buying gw2 is worth 1/200 of your salary and in others it's 1/20 of your salary for example. and that's taking about average salaries.

in some cases, companies decide to change prices regionally because they realize they might end up getting more money than with maintaining the same price, because more people will buy it then. in this case Arenanet decided it wasn't the case, so they didn't do it.

But it's not "unfair" or dishonest to ask for regional prices, which is a wildly common practice, nor does it mean they want to be subsidized by other players or anything.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > You guys keep speaking like regional pricing wasn't something many other companies do. Arenanet doesn't, and it probably wont change, but telling him about how bad an idea it is or how it's completely senseless and ridiculous when many other companies do it is pretty awful.

> >

> > That's just being sensational ... The objection here isn't other companies don't do it. The objection is that the OP is justifying his desire for pricing to be 'fair' with regional considerations when would in fact be the complete opposite of fair. If he actually wanted and understood fair, he would realize why it's important everyone pay the same.

> >

> > if he wanted to make a more reasonable claim, he would actually be honest and say pricing should unfairly consider factors that may change it for different demographics/regions/populations, etc...


> depends on what you consider "fair".


Which is sort of the point. Fair is subjective ... so the only way to resolve that is to charge everyone the same amount. Pricing is not about what's 'fair' anyways, so it's a ridiculous proposition to justify a change to pricing based on fairness to begin with. Pricing is based on the business model for the products and services a company sells, not what some guy in Brazil thinks he should pay for it.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > > You guys keep speaking like regional pricing wasn't something many other companies do. Arenanet doesn't, and it probably wont change, but telling him about how bad an idea it is or how it's completely senseless and ridiculous when many other companies do it is pretty awful.

> > >

> > > That's just being sensational ... The objection here isn't other companies don't do it. The objection is that the OP is justifying his desire for pricing to be 'fair' with regional considerations when would in fact be the complete opposite of fair. If he actually wanted and understood fair, he would realize why it's important everyone pay the same.

> > >

> > > if he wanted to make a more reasonable claim, he would actually be honest and say pricing should unfairly consider factors that may change it for different demographics/regions/populations, etc...

> >

> > depends on what you consider "fair".


> Which is sort of the point. Fair is subjective ... so the only way to resolve that is to charge everyone the same amount. Pricing is not about what's 'fair' anyways, so it's a ridiculous proposition to justify a change to pricing based on fairness to begin with. Pricing is based on the business model for the products and services a company sells, not what some guy in Brazil thinks he should pay for it.


charging everyone the same amount no matter the country is not the only way to resolve that. like you have failed to mention, many other companies have decided so. All I'm asking is that people stop blaming or ridiculing the op for suggesting something other gaming companies do. that's all. If you feel the need to continue doing it, claiming it's ridiculous or absolutely nonsense when it's more than demostrated it's not, it's ultimately your decision. I've spent more than enough time and effort in this topic just asking people to be civil with someone.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > > > You guys keep speaking like regional pricing wasn't something many other companies do. Arenanet doesn't, and it probably wont change, but telling him about how bad an idea it is or how it's completely senseless and ridiculous when many other companies do it is pretty awful.

> > > >

> > > > That's just being sensational ... The objection here isn't other companies don't do it. The objection is that the OP is justifying his desire for pricing to be 'fair' with regional considerations when would in fact be the complete opposite of fair. If he actually wanted and understood fair, he would realize why it's important everyone pay the same.

> > > >

> > > > if he wanted to make a more reasonable claim, he would actually be honest and say pricing should unfairly consider factors that may change it for different demographics/regions/populations, etc...

> > >

> > > depends on what you consider "fair".

> >

> > Which is sort of the point. Fair is subjective ... so the only way to resolve that is to charge everyone the same amount. Pricing is not about what's 'fair' anyways, so it's a ridiculous proposition to justify a change to pricing based on fairness to begin with. Pricing is based on the business model for the products and services a company sells, not what some guy in Brazil thinks he should pay for it.


> charging everyone the same amount no matter the country is not the only way to resolve _that_.


What do you mean by 'that'? I'm clear and you aren't. The fact that fair is irrelevant and subjective in pricing is resolved by charging everyone the same amount. So no, regional pricing is NOT a way to resolve that because the fact that fair is irrelevant and subjective on pricing STILL remains if you price regionally.


The only reason the OP is getting blame and ridicule is because his ask is very selfish; his reason was simply because he didn't want to pay, not because he couldn't. He said so himself. How do you THINK someone like that comes off? Again, do you think companies offer regional pricing just because people don't want to pay? Because that was EXACTLY his argument for Anet to do so.



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > > > > You guys keep speaking like regional pricing wasn't something many other companies do. Arenanet doesn't, and it probably wont change, but telling him about how bad an idea it is or how it's completely senseless and ridiculous when many other companies do it is pretty awful.

> > > > >

> > > > > That's just being sensational ... The objection here isn't other companies don't do it. The objection is that the OP is justifying his desire for pricing to be 'fair' with regional considerations when would in fact be the complete opposite of fair. If he actually wanted and understood fair, he would realize why it's important everyone pay the same.

> > > > >

> > > > > if he wanted to make a more reasonable claim, he would actually be honest and say pricing should unfairly consider factors that may change it for different demographics/regions/populations, etc...

> > > >

> > > > depends on what you consider "fair".

> > >

> > > Which is sort of the point. Fair is subjective ... so the only way to resolve that is to charge everyone the same amount. Pricing is not about what's 'fair' anyways, so it's a ridiculous proposition to justify a change to pricing based on fairness to begin with. Pricing is based on the business model for the products and services a company sells, not what some guy in Brazil thinks he should pay for it.

> >

> > charging everyone the same amount no matter the country is not the only way to resolve _that_.


> What do you mean by 'that'? I'm clear and you aren't. The fact that fair is irrelevant and subjective in pricing is resolved by charging everyone the same amount. So no, regional pricing is NOT a way to resolve that because the fact that fair is irrelevant and subjective on pricing STILL remains if you price regionally.


> The only reason the OP is getting blame and ridicule is because his ask is very selfish; his reason was simply because he didn't want to pay, not because he couldn't. He said so himself. How do you THINK someone like that comes off? Again, do you think companies offer regional pricing just because people don't want to pay? Because that was EXACTLY his argument for Anet to do so.





some companies figure out that in some 3rd world countries, they might either sell 1000 copies at 40$usd or 5000 copies at 30$usd, as an example. therefore they make more money by selling it cheaper on that country. that's all. business, nothing else.

the OP was saying that ANET should consider that, because brazil, and other countries in Southamerica (I come from one too) 40$usd is expensive, and even if we CAN pay it. it's still expensive for us, and definitely more expensive than in other countries. that is all. he's not being selfish. no one cannot afford to pay 40$usd. but it's a much more sacrifice for people in some countries. and refusing to look at that only shows how self centered and selfish other people are too. he's not asking for anyting special. but again, you're refusing to see it.

anyways, like I said, more than enough trying to make you guys act like adults, and turn a conversation that should have been basically just about economic desicions, into rude replies to the OP.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > @"coso.9173" said:

> > > > > > > You guys keep speaking like regional pricing wasn't something many other companies do. Arenanet doesn't, and it probably wont change, but telling him about how bad an idea it is or how it's completely senseless and ridiculous when many other companies do it is pretty awful.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That's just being sensational ... The objection here isn't other companies don't do it. The objection is that the OP is justifying his desire for pricing to be 'fair' with regional considerations when would in fact be the complete opposite of fair. If he actually wanted and understood fair, he would realize why it's important everyone pay the same.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > if he wanted to make a more reasonable claim, he would actually be honest and say pricing should unfairly consider factors that may change it for different demographics/regions/populations, etc...

> > > > >

> > > > > depends on what you consider "fair".

> > > >

> > > > Which is sort of the point. Fair is subjective ... so the only way to resolve that is to charge everyone the same amount. Pricing is not about what's 'fair' anyways, so it's a ridiculous proposition to justify a change to pricing based on fairness to begin with. Pricing is based on the business model for the products and services a company sells, not what some guy in Brazil thinks he should pay for it.

> > >

> > > charging everyone the same amount no matter the country is not the only way to resolve _that_.

> >

> > What do you mean by 'that'? I'm clear and you aren't. The fact that fair is irrelevant and subjective in pricing is resolved by charging everyone the same amount. So no, regional pricing is NOT a way to resolve that because the fact that fair is irrelevant and subjective on pricing STILL remains if you price regionally.

> >

> > The only reason the OP is getting blame and ridicule is because his ask is very selfish; his reason was simply because he didn't want to pay, not because he couldn't. He said so himself. How do you THINK someone like that comes off? Again, do you think companies offer regional pricing just because people don't want to pay? Because that was EXACTLY his argument for Anet to do so.

> >

> >


> no.


No? You need to go back and read the thread if you didn't catch that.


> some companies figure out that in some 3rd world countries, they might either sell 1000 copies at 40$usd or 5000 copies at 30$usd, as an example. therefore they make more money by selling it cheaper on that country. that's all. business, nothing else.


Again, that shows you don't understand Anet's business model and what you think you know doesn't really apply here. Anet doesn't make the majority of their revenues from selling copies. It's gem sales. If you didn't drop in half way through the discussion to defend the OP's desire to get something on the cheap just because he doesn't want to pay, you would have seen that was already discussed. There is little compelling reason for Anet to regionally price if most of their revenues come from gems. The cost of the expansion is simply an entry fee to access a greater spread of goods and services within the game. If someone reluctant to pay the entry fee, it's unlikely they are going to be a good patron of the game and purchase anything in the Gemstore.


Besides ... that argument isn't limited ... I don't care what country you are in ... Anet is more likely to sell more copies in ANY country if they made it cheaper and if that made them more money then you have to ask yourself why they haven't done it already ... You're obviously missing something in your logic ... the best part is that I know what that something is.


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I think OP and @"coso.9173" are _not_ saying something as broad and shortsighted as they're being accused of saying.


Their point about regional pricing is predicated on the assumption that there are enough South American players/buyers to make it worth considering regional pricing. Their argument is simply that at a lower price point, ANet might move enough copies to outperform revenues at the normal price point. That's not necessarily a bad argument at all - we just don't know if that fundamental assumption (that there are enough South American players willing to pay) holds up.


What I _do_ have a problem with is the idea that ANet _not_ doing regional pricing is somehow "unfair." Big nope. Big, big, big nope. If it really is true that ANet could make more money in South America by doing regional pricing, the refusal to do so might be less efficient or profitable, but for damn sure it's not unfair. Hate to break it to you, SA players, but if ANet isn't doing regional pricing it's probably because it's not worth it for them.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> (...) If you didn't drop in half way through the discussion to defend the OP's desire to get something on the cheap just because he doesn't want to pay, you would have seen that was already discussed. (...)


Never said any of that. That’s only your interpretation.


> @"Obtena.7952" said:

>(...) the best part is that I know what that something is.



Of course you do friend...


Again, this is nothing new, online games do regional pricing, including "gems" or equivalent, the argument about how its not viable should go to all the other companies that do it already (because the balance is positive, as every company like money). if you are unhappy because you think its unfair that you would pay 40 USD and i'll pay 30 USD, i'll not, in Brazilian currency i'll have paid the same amount in relative terms.


In fact some companies don’t do just regional pricing, but use metrics to do individual pricing based on every person particular buying power. You have to adapt your business to the market you are in in order to sell more copies of your game, or virtual currencies, and if you are a global company, like this not USA/EU locked is, you should look more in to it.


This is beyond you and me though, all i want is to ANET/NCsoft to take us seriously, and also look the third party official "distributor" that they have in Brazil that don’t look too invested in their game anymore, and make at least an text only Brazilian Portuguese translation of the game.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> I think OP and @"coso.9173" are _not_ saying something as broad and shortsighted as they're being accused of saying.


> Their point about regional pricing is predicated on the assumption that there are enough South American players/buyers to make it worth considering regional pricing. Their argument is simply that at a lower price point, ANet might move enough copies to outperform revenues at the normal price point. That's not necessarily a bad argument at all - we just don't know if that fundamental assumption (that there are enough South American players willing to pay) holds up.


> What I _do_ have a problem with is the idea that ANet _not_ doing regional pricing is somehow "unfair." Big nope. Big, big, big nope. If it really is true that ANet could make more money in South America by doing regional pricing, the refusal to do so might be less efficient or profitable, but for kitten sure it's not unfair. Hate to break it to you, SA players, but if ANet isn't doing regional pricing it's probably because it's not worth it for them.


Yes exactly this, but if we from SA, give more feedback on the subject maybe they will consider more research on the market, give more of a look, and investment. That’s what i'm doing here, its important to show interest in the product, so the company knows other markets want more of it in a fair way.


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> @"Karkara.9067" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:


> > (...) If you didn't drop in half way through the discussion to defend the OP's desire to get something on the cheap just because he doesn't want to pay, you would have seen that was already discussed. (...)


> Never said any of that. That’s only your interpretation.


Well, it's not, because you already admitted you **could** afford to buy it, you just don't **want** to pay the prices that are typical of GW2 releases because of 'region'.


> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> >(...) the best part is that I know what that something is.

> >


> Of course you do friend...


> Again, this is nothing new, online games do regional pricing, including "gems" or equivalent, the argument about how its not viable should go to all the other companies that do it already (because the balance is positive, as every company like money).


Nothing here changes what I said. What other companies do is irrelevant; What is relevant is that pricing isn't about 'fair' and Anet's business model is what determines it.


> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> I think OP and @"coso.9173" are _not_ saying something as broad and shortsighted as they're being accused of saying.


> Their point about regional pricing is predicated on the assumption that there are enough South American players/buyers to make it worth considering regional pricing. Their argument is simply that at a lower price point, ANet might move enough copies to outperform revenues at the normal price point. That's not necessarily a bad argument at all - we just don't know if that fundamental assumption (that there are enough South American players willing to pay) holds up.


That assumption is also incomplete. What is missing is the fact that Anet's revenues are not just determined by selling copies; I'm willing to bet that MOST of their revenue is not from sales of game copies and expansions; it's from gems sales. That raises a whole bunch of questions about the value of increasing the population of customers who aren't as able to patronize Anet with gem sales if they aren't even willing to pay the entry fee to get access. You can bet Anet already has stats on customer spending patterns ... if it was as lucrative as the OP would have us believe to lower the prices to get more customers ... it would be happening EVERYWHERE, not just in 'region'. I think a more reasonable assumption is that the price is what it is because Anet is executing a business plan, not because they are trying to be charitable to have-nots.



> What I _do_ have a problem with is the idea that ANet _not_ doing regional pricing is somehow "unfair." Big nope. Big, big, big nope. If it really is true that ANet could make more money in South America by doing regional pricing, the refusal to do so might be less efficient or profitable, but for kitten sure it's not unfair. Hate to break it to you, SA players, but if ANet isn't doing regional pricing it's probably because it's not worth it for them.


Precisely. Again ... if there was a massive opportunity for Anet to make a whole bunch of money in S America by lowering their price there, then the first question is WHY aren't they already doing that? Second question is why is that limited to some region? We don't think N Americans would increase their uptake if the game was cheaper to purchase in this 'region'? The idea that it's a 'good idea' and specific to S America is just self-justified wishful thinking. These questions have been posed ... no answers.

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Some people realy fail to see the intent of regionally different prices. The point is: Pricing tries to make the most money. Ideally you'd sell to everyone at the max amount that one is willing to pay. Hard to do that. You can't negotiate with every customer individually and others would notice the product getting sold to some people at lower price and hide that they'd actually value the product a bit higher in order to also get the lower price.


With regionally different prices it is possible to enforce them: Forbidding the resellers/merchants to export it back into other countries with higher price to have seperated regions with seperated prices. Online you have IP checks and stuff. (Which might be the problem here since this could be bypassed with VPN, proxies and stuff.)


For students in some countries there even exist cheaper prices for the same product. (Cause you'd expect them to have less money available and you can control the access somehow by verifying that they are a student.)


If someone is willing to pay 50, another person is willing to pay 30 ... you can't just sell for 40. The one willing to pay 50 would buy for 40. You earn 40. The other one is not buying. Better 50 (you earn 50) or 30 (you earn 60 ... both guys buy at 30).


Now if they make it cheap for Brazil they don't have higher costs actually. I mean how much additional cost is generated by selling one more product? Okay there is one more player ... how much online time do thes players have on average and how much is the server upkeep increased by that? (Development cost and stuff like that ... already is generated in the past and future cost probably the same to keep content coming to satisfy the other people with lots of money buying stuff in the gem store.)


(Also Brazil people might inflate the gem price you have to pay in gold ... if they don't have real money to buy gems and farm ingame stuff a lot. Leading to other people from other countries to buy more gems for real money instead cause the convertion rate is too high for their taste and they have more real money and can just pay that. Could indirectly lead to more money there.)




Lot's of people here whining "i don't want other people to get something cheaper than me" - it is interesting. Something psychogological I think. And not that rare. I see it often in other areas of everyday life. (I'm from a country with lots of social security where more wealthy people argue against social security cause their money gets taken away and others get it "for free".)


Helping to understand the ideas behind something ... might make it easier. So don't try to hide your hate against "people getting something cheaper than my" as trying to help ArenaNet getting more money. When they actually don't earn more money. There surely is some point at which they can't sell it anymore. But we in the forums can't now this with actual market data. (I guess they did some research on this. Personally my biggest concern is that people from other areas might try proxies n stuff or "a friend in Brazil" to get the cheaper price as well which doesn't allow for this kind of pricing. Happens a lot on Steam ... there are actually guides for getting to pay foreign cheaper prices.)

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