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Lowest Character Model+Limit does not work correctly.

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I know it is been for years like this, but i think it is time to bring that up. Because... if not bug then i don't know what it is.


I play GW2 on my Laptop from time to time. My Laptop is not latest but not really oldest one. I prefer to use lowest possible settings to have low GPU stress ( as you know air cooling in laptops not so efficient as desktop PC ). And the main reason i make this thread, because it is more and more frequent situation to see characters with overstacked infusions...


While i play alone, doing resource farm, it is ok.

Also while i do something with others and standart model character is loaded for my nearest allies it is also fine.

But when i meet someone with **overstacked infusion effects**, **fancy legendary weapons and backpacks**, game adds really unnecessary GPU load and therefore more heat.


This is example

![](https://i.imgur.com/R6mU9bp.jpg "")

I have **character model limit and character model quality to lowest.** Yet, despite of that, game engine loads alot of particle effect from list above.


Can we, please, somehow disable the load of Infusions, weapons and backpacks, leaving only standart character model?

Or atleast what kind of settings can be set to prevent the load of those items in Open World and PvE?

I believe there are settings for WvW, but they work only in WvW and it seems only for Enemies.


P.s. That standart character model looks ridiculous with those infusion auras. And amount of particles it adds from infusion aura is overwhelming.

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Try to lower your post-processing setting or disable post-processing in Option. What you show isn't character model that make things shiny, but bloom and other (light) effects that is realated to post-processing setting in this game. There is also a setting for Effect LOD which might reduce something of the more shiny effect some auras have in this game. Also make sure reflection is reduced to only show sky and terian based reflection, not water as that have large impact on FPS even on stronger machines (this is depending if you are near any water source - even those that aren't visiable).



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> @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

> Try to lower your post-processing setting or disable post-processing in Option. What you show isn't character model that make things shiny, but bloom and other (light) effects that is realated to post-processing setting in this game. There is also a setting for Effect LOD which might reduce something of the more shiny effect some auras have in this game. Also make sure reflection is reduced to only show sky and terian based reflection, not water as that have large impact on FPS even on stronger machines (this is depending if you are near any water source - even those that aren't visiable).


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Options#Advanced_Settings


Non of that works to prevent the load of weapons, backpacks, and any aura effect that goes outside of armor from any other item. Idea here is not limit something, is to remove them completely.

I have all the possible game settings that suppose to limit particles, they simply ignore items that not in main 6-armor-slots and display them in full force.

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To be honest, simple solve to this over-infused standart model characters will be **Character Model Limit - Zero**

Nameplates still showing when character model is not. from them player can target character.

Maybe targeted character's model ( ally or enemy ) can be loaded to checkout the gear or be efficient in fight against that character, but otherwise **Character Model Limit - Zero** will not load any character models at all. And with it, overstacked infusion auras will not load aswell.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> That person has ONE infusion and it's not even that visually annoying. Effects are not included in the character model settings and many people have wanted something like that already. Nothing to see here.


Load five of them with hell lot more of infusions on low profile GPU and see heat results. And please read the first message very very carefully.


P.s. there are 2 infusions in that character and someone's backpack in left edge.

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