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WvW Mentor

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Hello everyone.


I have been playing Guild Wars 2 for bout 4 years now. Only played the story parts and that's it. Last year I got into WvW and my eyes have been open to a whole new game style. I'm learning slowly but with my EMS job it's hard to be consistent but I do try.


I'm looking for a Mentor to help me understand the lingo, the meta and how to play certain classes and build them to the specs I want to play. I'm currently trying to learn Scourge Necro and Scrapper Engineer, but my favorite is Renegade Rev.


I want to improve my gameplay while also gain confidence in my ability to play the classes my Warband needs and not let them down every game. If anyone is interested, comment down below or message me at RutanMisthorn#1072.


Thank you all.

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> @"LashShunketsu.3605" said:

> It's just trying to find the server discord server


Have you asked in your map chat for your, or your links server discord? Voice coms help when you’re in a group.

Not all discord servers will give you build information as some like to keep their builds private.

I’m sure your server will have a general chit chat area where you can ask away with your questions.

I suggest asking when on map if there’s anyone who can take a few mins with you to give you the discord info, and server info. I don’t personally have FAs.

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What others have suggested is as good as it gets I'm afraid but here's a couple more tips that I'm guessing you may have already tried.

Find a WvW guild and join it - most WvW guilds will train new members or help returning players get up to date.

Follow a specific commander and learn their routine (this one can only succeed if their performance is good obviously) and can also ask them questions after the raid.

Keep an eye in the forums or watch some videos related to WvW to understand how things work further more.

Lastly, join my server and I will train you - I'm a commander that enjoys running open squad and helping others learn the game mode.



~ Thalassius ~

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If you ever play early eu or 4pm server time, I'm available in na nsp. :)


Many have passed by my care to hold their own in their own timezone and servers.


Else, you can mail me and we can discord sometime, and give you the basics that I know. And maybe I can answer some of your questions



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