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Posts posted by XYLO.7031

  1. > @"Shikigami.4013" said:

    > Although not technically a bug but rather a "quality of life" topic, I second this suggestion. It would be nice to have either a notification of where the item will go when you buy it, or a dropdown selector box where you can select which guild it should go to, defaulting to the guild you currently represent. Additionally, it would be cool to be able to change the number of items you are buying, right now you can always only buy one at a time.





    Thanks. I posted in QoL thread.

  2. :(> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

    > > @"XYLO.7031" said:

    > > > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > > Huge thanks to Anet for that very cheap set of decorations purchasable at racing vendors. Really Apreciated, I can finally think about creating a skatepark and slopes instead of using jade, stone blocks and gaming room floor tiles.

    > > >

    > > > Like the previous leviathan decos, you have several shapes like:

    > > > -curves

    > > > -ramps

    > > > -slopes

    > > > And many others, around 10 I would say, will post screens when I have them.

    > >

    > > Where do they go? I bought some but I don't know where to find them.


    > Directly into the storage of the guild you are representing when buying them.






    Wrong guild everything.


  3. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > Huge thanks to Anet for that very cheap set of decorations purchasable at racing vendors. Really Apreciated, I can finally think about creating a skatepark and slopes instead of using jade, stone blocks and gaming room floor tiles.


    > Like the previous leviathan decos, you have several shapes like:

    > -curves

    > -ramps

    > -slopes

    > And many others, around 10 I would say, will post screens when I have them.


    Where do they go? I bought some but I don't know where to find them.

  4. You can have an unofficial jackal race or any mount for that matter. Just use the same beetle track. LOL I tried it and it WORKS! The only problem is that they're really slow compared to beetle so you may only get to finish one lap before the race is officially over. I did Diessa's Ghostfire run on Raptor @ 3:45 and Jackal @ 3:50 lol. 4:45 on skimmer lel.

  5. > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > > @"XYLO.7031" said:

    > > > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > > > All of the eurobeat I had on my youtube playlist was deleted. Over 60 songs. Ironically, I don't even listen to it when racing - I listen to it all the time.

    > > >

    > > > Here's what's left of my playlist:

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > We troll guildies with that song. LOL. In-guild rick-roll.

    > >

    > > To add more, I specifically love all the songs in this episode:

    > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CklPErSARgk&t=0s


    > tbh I haven't even seen Initial D. I have never been much of a sports anime fan.


    I just like the driving. It's the only series I like.


    Games that died that were niche for racing lovers: Rallisport 2 and Project Gotham. I know there are Gran Turismo fans out there but those were my favorites.


    But more music:




    Someone Else's Playlist with race music:


    [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAihS1JLPtbSB8dtZKK0t77gl-kPOtGOf](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAihS1JLPtbSB8dtZKK0t77gl-kPOtGOf "https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAihS1JLPtbSB8dtZKK0t77gl-kPOtGOf")

  6. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > So before i get into the obligatory Eurobeat that i play and now have embedded in my brain let me give an honorable mention to...




    I second all of those by Tex.


    I have my own list here:


  7. > @"Zeefa.3915" said:

    > Female light armor has plenty skimpy armor sure, although they also got modest options. Medium armor does not have as much skimpy armor... infact for my female sylvari ranger where I would very much like an open back, so I could actually see that beautiful glow pattern, there is a grand total of 2 options, and I like neither one. So yeah, given up on that....

    > Oh how I would love the elite druid armor set from GW1 on my sweet sylvari.


    I agree. Female light armor has the most 'skimpy' options.


    But Heels? I haven't seen anything that looks even remotely like stilettos or anything like Cinderella's glass slippers (which I would buy with real cash if we had). Everything looks like wrestler boots all the way up to the knee.


    The aurora shoes are the only shoes that look like actual shoes you'd wear with a gown, but I don't think they're in bad taste at all. To me, they're the only good ones.

  8. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > > @"XYLO.7031" said:

    > > That one is good. I would have used the berry farm area myself. Lots of galleries at all times.

    > >

    > > Hugo, is it possible to use the spiral for something on the bottom right corner in bitterfrost?


    > You could simply follow the spiral by drifting for a complete turn or two and then go north as on the track.

    > Yeah if caverns not usable, we can use berries farm and grawl caverns.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/HrlSCNR.jpg)





    That is tokyo drift elite. I'm wowed. You may see me or a guildie just spiraling around there.

  9. > @"starhunter.6015" said:

    > We have the Guild Kite which needs fixed so others can acquire it in game once more. but I could so see a Racing league kite with the beetle silhouette on it. Maybe even a "Masked Roller F " kite.


    Guild Kite like a huge flag behind you. That would rock.

  10. > @"Lonami.2987" said:

    > This is a heated topic, but let's have a serious discussion about it.


    > ---


    > **Raids are not profitable for ArenaNet**


    > Let me say this clearly: I do raid, and I love challenging content, but I have many friends who are utter noobs, and can't learn to raid with what we have now. They simply can't. Don't start lecturing me about training groups and whatever. They can't.


    > *Then they don't deserve raiding.*


    > No one has entitlement to any game mode ever, specially hardcore players, who are pretty much those contributing the less to the game's finances, since they already have a lot of gold and convert it to gems instead of using real money. If we went by a simple metric of what is good for *this game*, raids are pretty much at the bottom. ArenaNet would make more money by just releasing open world zergfest content, than with raids. Raids are a special snowflake, and that's why it can't hold on forever, not like this.


    > Hell, if tomorrow they scrapped raiding altogether, and started doing dungeons again, you think the happy people wouldn't outnumber the angry people? Think about it.


    > Raids are neither viable nor profitable being exclusive content. We need more raiders.


    > ---



    > So that's it. Feel free to vote in the poll, and whatever your opinion is, please express it civilly below.


    I voted and I quoted to discuss some points about this game and why it's special to the people who've been playing it long.


    If anyone remembers, this game was WITHOUT raids for a long time.


    Because of this, this MMO was the casual MMO.


    Compared to more hardcore MMOs, this game was easy to get into with its welcoming atmosphere.


    It was non-competitive and you could be as flexible as you want with your builds because you weren't going after a RAID wing and no one would tell you otherwise.


    The introduction of raids changed the game along with the expansions.


    Many of us in the community glossed over raids because we didn't start playing this game because of raids at all.

    It was the casual structure that kept us and continues to keep us, not raids.


    However, it brought in more competitive aspects that brought a whole new brand of MMOer to this game, the competitive raider.


    You competitive raiders deserve one another. Let there be a HARD mode for you all.


    Give the rest of us a ZERG mode (not easy). Same rules just lots more people.


    The reason why the majority of this game's content is enjoyable is the fact that many can partake. Remember, this game was originally structured on inclusiveness and NOT exclusivity.


    But for you minority hardcore raiders, be thankful for those of us that fund this game out of our pockets because we really don't make our lives here and just want to enjoy it as a casual game on the side.


    I grind and train enough in real life to build my career into what I want it to be; I can't do both in-game and rl.


    If you grind and train here to be the best you can be at raids, go for it. Just remember the game isn't centered around raids and us casuals are funding the game.







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