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Posts posted by XYLO.7031

  1. > @"Paclee.6189" said:

    > salesman: While displaying said outfit, you will be forced to wear METAL DIAPER.

    > me: "Nooooooooo! That's not true! That's impossible!"


    "METAL DIAPER" had me rolling. Lol. Sounds like a geriatric rock band. Hahaha.


    Everyone, let's give a big round of applause for........ METAL DIAPER!!!!!! :applause:


    On a more serious note, I'm with the more practical bunch who are opting out of key gambling. You DON'T just BUY this thing. It's a clear sign that things ARE going in a bad direction when this is targetting whales.


    For those who have spent cash on 25+ keys without getting what they want, I salute you. You da REAL VIPs funding our collective gw2 experience.


    RIP cash

  2. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"XYLO.7031" said:

    > > > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > > > Cause they buy the skins for gems they bought with real money. These types of players always will get the most attention. And I guess working people that only login 1 or 2 hours every day will buy a lot of new content and skins related to new Living World story stuff. (Also they have the money - when they work a lot.)

    > >

    > > I agree with this Luthan. I am such a player.

    > >

    > > On another note, is there any way we can have solid statistics on the activity by player populations in Open World, Raid, Fractal, PvP, and WvW?

    > >

    > > It would be good to know so that we can add a statistical layer to this discussion, and it would give us the ability to make calculations for monetary gain per mode.


    > Not really. Last time ANet gave some stats was roughly 90 something percent plays PvE and 30 something percent plays PvP/WvW(they were rolled into a single group) and I think it was around 60 percent that does both. That sort of data is not very clear.


    Thanks for the response. It explains a lot. I do kinda feel bad that that all the hardcore PvP and WvW people are neglected, but then again, I mained core engi since pre-expac gw2 and like the beetle mount (which has the least amount of skin purchases as stated on another thread I read). Neither are getting any real love lol.

  3. > @"Tiviana.2650" said:


    > Its going to be far shiver peaks, from the look of it, and that pleases me. I have had enough hot zones, jungles and deserts, take me to the cold and snowy mountains.


    Thanks for the response. My beetle is ready to fly off of every ramp-like surface I can find there. The snow is a godsend after being in the desert and branded purple areas all the time.

  4. If it's not about a dragon, I would be happy. The suggestion about the Inquest, Flame Legion, etc. would be something I would support so that the story seems less human-centered.


    Aside from that, why did they do this at the end of summer? Some people going back to school. Wouldn't it have been better before summer ended? I'm not even in college anymore, but I'm thinking about their perspective. Summer break and winter break are the best for big things.


    Did the other seasons get a special event like this one? What could it mean?

  5. > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > Cause they buy the skins for gems they bought with real money. These types of players always will get the most attention. And I guess working people that only login 1 or 2 hours every day will buy a lot of new content and skins related to new Living World story stuff. (Also they have the money - when they work a lot.)


    I agree with this Luthan. I am such a player.


    On another note, is there any way we can have solid statistics on the activity by player populations in Open World, Raid, Fractal, PvP, and WvW?


    It would be good to know so that we can add a statistical layer to this discussion, and it would give us the ability to make calculations for monetary gain per mode.

  6. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > Would like more roller beetles skins, way far more exotic not a simple recolor , something that just not look like the original mount, anything, a steam charr wheel/ holographic ball/ circular seesaw....


    I agree with Hugo. I would like to add an American Muscle theme for a beetle skin as well.

    Evening gown outfits and armor. Prom dresses. Heels to go with both (and not boots with heels either, shoes with heels, please).

    No more wrestler boots (anything that extends to the ankle and above). We have a huge collection of wrestler boots for all armor types.

    Regular skirts, regular jeans. No more butt skirts on random bottoms.

  7. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

    > Some people blame casualization on dads, saying they shouldn’t be playing video games. Well, what about a socially inept person playing a social game? I have no social skills, which keeps me from using voice comms, as I feel I would just ruin everyone’s fun with my awkwardness and insecurities. What do you think? Is it the socially inept players’s fault if they don’t mesh with a social guild? Or should the guild be more understanding of abnormal human behavior?


    Talking on voice communication software IS abnormal behavior. There is no way to gauge nonverbal cues, eye contact, gestures, etc. It's a bunch of people talking over each other and becomes a real poopshow if it isn't regulated. For me, social is IRL and only in IRL. I think the good news is: if you are awkward, no one can see it since it's just typing and random chatter on comms.


    I think it's great to organize and explain with limited voices on voice comms, however, it gets to be a free-for-all if it isn't controlled in some manner and very annoying.

  8. I find it ironic that the easiest mount to control in the air and the safest to AFK and hover and explore all of the open world which would serve a disabled person well in this game is the hardest to get for a disabled person altogether.


    If the journey to acquire a mount matched the difficulty of mount control, the gryphon and beetle should have the most grueling acquisition methods because they are difficult for the physically challenged to maneuver and control precisely and the skyscale acquisition should be simplified to that of the jackal.


    For the people who can control gryphon and beetle well (I have seen few), the rush is endless. Speed is a drug. Haste has nothing on these 2 mounts.

  9. Aside from the title of OP's post, I pretty much agree with all of what was said.


    Fractals is completely vertical progression, not horizontal by any measure, and you have to grind AR to get the acceptable amount to survive T4 so that you're not just a useless pile of flesh on the ground waiting to be risen, awakened, forged, etc.

    WvW I understand the issue too. I would like to add that even if you get into a server with all your buddies after all the gold and gems, there would be a long queue for the more popular servers and times.

    PvP needs to implement a penalty system for AFKs like HotS or LoL that and to actually balance out the OP classes.

    Raids I also agree that it's very accessible on paper since they tuned it for exotic equips, but in reality, it isn't because of required training, time allotted to do said training, schedule, groups willing to train w/out turning it into a job, gearing up for the group you're with (which isn't as difficult as fractals), etc. The fact that OP found a nice group is amazing. However, I would rather beetle around Tyria than be in Raids for hours, even if the raiders were nice.

  10. Omg. I remember that. I got that way back. My gripe with JPs isn't with the JPs themselves in 2019, it's with the huge "no mount" zones around them.

    I'm speeding around mapping waypoints on my beetle, gymkhana style of course. I have my euro beat playing in the background. I pass another WP with that dopamine inducing sound like a checkpoint. YEAH!

    But then. Dismount. Wth! Every time around that strip of land going south on both Lorner's and Timberline. Underneath the JPs. Sadface walking. I didn't even want to cheat the stupid JP. I was on my beetle. Wth.

  11. > @"Genesis.7864" said:

    > We need a change of pace, hopefully someone new would help that along.


    I would like to add to that. I think we need a character who BONDS with the Commander not just for a new season of content but for the rest of the story. The above mentioned cast seems loosely connected to the Commander. That and I agree with everyone who said the Commander is more of a spectator in the group's decisions rather than well, a Commander?

  12. I know there are traditionalists out there who say we should only have one guild, and yes, I hear where they're coming from. However, our game here has given us the ability to have 5 guilds. The old system of 100% rep for influence is long gone.


    So these days, more is better for a few reasons. Since we never really had a working friend list where we can just talk to friends all at once, you need to be part of one guild just to talk to the people you like. Our current friend list, follower list, and block list all act in a similar fashion: they are just categorized silent lists with the exception of the block list preventing communication.


    I honestly wish I could track down buddies like in other games and be on their exact instance to surprise them without going through the whole "get me in a party or squad so we can be together" deal we've had. And so, my first and longest relationship is with [Pure] Silver Knights. I like chatting with my old buddies who helped me in learning the game freely.


    So one guild for friends is a must.


    Next, we have different game modes: PvP, WvW, and PvE. Rest assured, not all of us engage in all three types equally. I honestly don't know or care about what happens in PvP or WvW. They're entirely different games in my opinion. At any rate, you would need at least one other guild for the game modes you play.


    Next up is specialized content. Again I can't go into WvW or PvP but PvE has loads of different things to do and guilds that are better than one thing over another. I never touch raids but there are many raiding guilds out there so that's just one more guild of people you would need to organize people and experience the game. I am in two dungeon guilds, one that speed runs with pros like Kojaa in Friends vs Dungeons [FvD] who can solo Arah (shout out to May, Trying, Niier, and Bird) like nobody's business and another guild who gives full explanations in Deep Space Nebula [sTAR] to help people understand wth is going on (shout out to Farah and Fate). I honestly like both guilds but for different reasons. I started repping more on STAR because I like the name, it matches my stardust mount skins, and I wanted to promote them because we could use the people and are not maxed out in level.


    Next there's meta event guilds as well as boss train and bounty train guilds. If it weren't for the guild limit, I would probably be part of Nem's Bounty Train Company [NBTC] because I've been going to their runs sporadically since they started running those consistently. If Post Reset TT people formed one guild (shout out to Jayne, Mustard, Daremai, Tami, Invi, Enki, Wild, Annisha and the whole lot of you from years back with AA, Dino, and BE guilds omg take a break like Trix and Harle did LOL) I may join them too if they ever organized under one guild banner and if I had the space. I only contributed because of Sienna. Sienna always asked me nicely so I led wurms or pulled adds away from blockers and zerg or condi killed husks when new blockers were training.


    Next are chill out my shenanigans type guilds. Shout out to [TINY] guild of smols with Pew, Taimi, Jilly, Slooty, Spekki, Pip, Plorrt, Quisa, Rick, etc. (so many smols), Asura only. By far, the most fun guild to hang with in DR and run a parade with. I also like to do some casual RP as Gorrík. Yes, I have the name and toon all matched up. People complain about mount collections on map chat when they see me. Lol. The most unique thing about [TINY] is that they never advertise in map chat for recruitment. People just see the culture and ask to join (or we see an unguilded Asura and pitch to them individually).


    I have a small gymkhana guild for beetle stunts as well. I know there are racing guilds out there like Tyria [DRFT] and Guild Wars Grand Prix [GWGP] too.


    I almost forgot to mention Storage and Bank guilds.


    I honestly don't know a single guild that can provide ALL experiences in game equally enough to deserve 100% rep when we have 5 slots and need more to accommodate all the various interests in the game.


    TL; DR. 5 guilds are not enough. I wouldn't have dropped a single guild if it weren't for the limit.


  13. There should be less. I personally don't like chrono, but it shouldn't just instantly be nuked into the ground like what is planned for tomorrow. I don't think ANY spec or class deserves to be automatically irrelevant after a patch. I made chronos for portal and Moa. Now the distance for port is short and Moa isn't breaking any break bar unless you have a full team of chronos.


    A balance patch should fix what's broken. Vanilla core engineer comes to mind, a class I mained since I started years ago and abandoned recently because it had no love. I went to guardian instead.


    Think about it. Timeless games have had little or no balancing needed. Think chess and checkers. My favorite open world WvW PvP game Fantasy Earth Zero (core game before greatsword) was balanced between warrior, scout, and mage in a rock, paper, and scissors type of balance. Warrior was strong against scout and weak to mage. Scout was strong against mage and weak against warrior. Mage was strong against warrior and weak to scout. They had perfect balance between classes until the introduction of greatsword and other classes thereafter. I heard they had even reached balance between their old and new classes after a while.


    I would still be playing if they didn't abandon it in the US since it was mismanaged.


    Coming back to our game here, I wish there were more done prior to the release of any class or spec. It would take a lot of work (remember we have three game modes and specialized content in each) as well as skin purchases by the community to fund it. Again, no class or spec should be either so broken that it needs to buffed to the nth degree nor should any class or spec be neutralized to the point of "why should I even use this?"


    TL:DR - If it were balanced, you wouldn't need to patch it. If it needs a patch, it wasn't balanced to begin with.


    RIP chrono

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