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Posts posted by XYLO.7031

  1. I made the same mistake for the wristguards. Had to reroll my tutorial toon. My concern is: how will a pure beginner even realize this achievement if they don't have something directing them to the achievement panel?


    Is there a highlight, tooltip, or huge blinking arrow for brand new accounts that will lead them to this information in-game? Can anyone verify?

  2. > @"Genesis.5169" said:

    > Civility died when the forums made it their mission in life to kill mesmers...

    > Now there is only scorn and thief hatred as they have succeeded in thier endeavor.


    I am still sad that they've nerfed their greatest class into the ground. I still don't think there is a class like it in other games. Make MOA great again plx. To add insult to injury, they gave some other classes what they had excelled in: alacrity, portals, etc.


    I got hooked on mesmer just before they chain nerfed it into oblivion.


    I still play to mess around on beetle and do dailies, But I have to admit the good old days for mesmer are long gone. Chrono was a Masterpiece after it was released. Mirage too!


    The fact they gave up all of the best traits and skills to other classes means they knew mesmer was good.

  3. I generally agree with what both Westenev and Hugo presented here. I would like to add that some classes are so tightly tied to a race and their respective lore.


    For one: Mesmer. Mesmers are so deeply entrenched in Human Lore. If you read the novels, Human Mesmers created such massive illusions big enough to deceive entire armies of Charr.


    For Engineer, I would have to say Charr simply because of the in-game aesthetic. The steampunk turrets scream: BLACK CITADEL. Even the Scrapper is still deeply Charr with the huge wrench. If they were designed more toward lasers and futuristic models, I would say Asura for Engineer, but they're not. If we take it a step further and say Holosmith, I would say Asura for sure.


    Rangers (as well as their Soulbeast and Druid counterparts) I would give to Norn and Sylvari. Of all the races, both are the most in-tune with nature. I would take Ranger's Elite Specs of both Soulbeast and Druid a step forward and say Olmakhan Charr (if you plan on some lore and backstory) since they are more connected to nature than the high legions are.


    Thief and by extension Deadeye I will say Sylvari are the best mainly because of the PALE REAVERS in the HoT expansion. I'm personally not a fan of the Sylvari, but the PALE REAVERS alone made me want to make a Deadeye Sylvari.


    Revenant we only see through Rytlock's transformation so Charr would be my pick there. Unless something as deep as a group of Pale Reavers comes into the story, then I don't have much of an argument for other races and that new class.


    Necro & Ele are like what everyone's been saying: read books and become the class.


    Warrior I would say Charr and Norn for sure. They're the bigger, meatier toons and fit it to a T.


    Guardian I would go for Human because of Logan.

  4. I always go back to core GW2 before the existence of Raids which made this game like every other mmo out there.


    Open world metas and world bosses will and always will be the bread and butter of this game. TT World boss requires both 'hardcore' leaders to organize the event and the many many casuals who zerg. This world boss requires commanders, blockers, and optional condi if the blockers let husks out along with people who can keep the blockers pocket clear of added vets. Zerg do the mechanics of each wurm to activate the wurm's burn phase.


    My point is: well-developed world bosses and metas require both communities in cooperation to run these things. Any open world content that brings everyone together has always been the heart and soul of the game. Closed content is not and cannot bring these communities together in the sheer volume that open world does and will always do.


    This type of content makes the experienced, 'hardcore' type more approachable when they help the casuals learn in specialized, training before and during the boss run. Additionally, the best runs don't fail even when training new people at TT.


    By contrast, the cost in time is high when training for the small, closed-instance content in game. If people aren't getting a decent return on their time investment, why do it? Does it matter if you're casual or hardcore if you're not getting back something of value in return for your time?


    Of course not. The RPer always gets value from every moment they're in character. The small, gymkhana guild gets value from hitting their ramps and drift bowls throughout the open world. Bear in mind there are no achievement points to incentivize their respective playstyles or shinies for that matter. What they do and who they are has intrinsic value which is beyond any shiny or achievement point you can have in-game.


    Are they hardcore? For some, Yes. Just not in the traditional mmo sense of min-maxers who see their closed-runs as a speedrun opportunity and throw their own under the bus if they don't reach optimal clear times.


    GW2 started as a game that allows you to play how you want to play and should stay that way. If you're hardcore in something in-game, find people who are like-minded and leave other people alone. Same goes if you're casual.


    I could never agree with the mentality that there is only one way to enjoy something and that others should be forced into it. Do the things you like and you'll find people who share those interests.



  5. I am a casual. I do things in game that do not even have achievements. Those things are just fun to me and my small gymkhana group. One member is doing an all gymkhana wp route for all core tyria wps. I'm sure there is no achievement for that but we will be on his tail with our beetles when he has an ideal route. He made his own goals: one route with bond of vigor and another route without it based on momentum of boost, drift, and terrain slopes.


    I would say he is hardcore despite not being top deeps in raid, fractal, strike, etc. Nor does he care about WvW or PvP.


    I am happy drifting around our home course in bloodtide. I login for dailies, new story content, and that fantastic open world content.


    I'm really thankful for this current saga. I really enjoy it. I really want to bleep bleep bleep that Bangar after what he did to my character. Remember, I came back from the dead and killed the God of War. He's just a Bangar who looks really cuddly but he GOTS to GO!


    I'm just like that described veteran who logs a lot of hours to wind down from real life. I do not need work part 2 in a fictional game which won't get me ahead in real life.


    Wind down, have fun, and be a good patron to the designers and developers of the game I enjoy by monetary donations in gems.

  6. Guess this should be closed. You made your choice. I agreed with Connor Fallon. The engineer in this game is directly lore related to the Charr and their technology.


    I guess going Asura is a unique choice for RP if you make a story of the scatterbrained, Asura outcast who uses primitive Charr tech. Because you know, Asura tech is way futuristic and laser based. Asura have lasers for everything: dragons, doors, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if they had laser can openers.

  7. > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

    > I like some of the Unique mount skins like the Humming Bird for Skimmer and the Deer for Jackal.


    > Next I would like a Unicorn/Pegasus hybrid for a Skyscale Mount skin.

    > not sure if some special effects could also be a thing. Maybe since there is already a fire effect skyscale. But a Running on a beam of light animation, when flying, for this would seal the deal for me.


    I like unique ones too. I can't stand any recolor skins of the pugfaced default no matter how shiny the rest of the skin is designed. That goes for griffon too. Pugface? Nope.


    I like my horsie face pegasus griffon, even with its Gorilla Feather arms and webbed front feet.


    The fact that many don't like it means my choice will stay unique so I'm more likely to sport it.


    I have only seen one other person with it while playing alongside me.


    As a side note, I can dive more accurately because of the pegasus slender head.

  8. > @"DoRi Silvia.4159" said:

    > I'd say it's still early in release so everyone is busy doing the new story , meta / drakkar , masteries grind.


    > But in saying so near reset time there are plenty of people doing it, they also award u a mastery point the first time u crack it so there will definitely be groups... just at the right times


    This is on point. I do my story. Then I do open world, the bread and butter of the game.

  9. > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

    > > Make it shorter


    > ^^ this.


    I agree. It's not a raid boss and shouldn't be as complicated as one. If they make the open world bosses similar to raid boss mechanics, they may as well make raids open world metas so they can get more people on those maps.


    It could be around TT difficulty, but it isn't designed that way with the 3 heads. It's fine as is to me. Been with groups that failed because there wasn't enough DPS. I was in 3 so far that were successful. If by the 13 minute mark Drakkar has more than 50% HP, rip unless a flood of people come in. That's an opportunity for hero level DPS folks who can save those runs when they load in.


    As a side note, I'm really happy the boss doesn't interfere with the meta. They occur at different times: Drakkar at 5 after the hour, meta at :45. I can jump from Drakkar into the meta without hesitation.

  10. > @"BENICE.3284" said:

    > For search I actually think a highlighter could make things a lot easier just for knowing what players are actively doing. Highlighting the category and subsection for any with a party/squad.


    I agree. Like app bubble notifications on your phone. They could make money through a server Megaphone to alert people about organizing big metas or events too.

  11. There was a similar thread to this before. Canach for sure. Canach overall has a great backstory. Back when you relive Caith's memories in ls2 with Faolain, he was abducted by the Inquest. The Commander replays Caith's memory when she and Faolain save Canach. It's this event that illustrates who Caith and Faolain really are. Canach is still a mystery to me because he could be holding a huge grudge against the Inquest. He even got into the service of Anise then experienced freedom after his service was completed. Then he saw to helping the Commander against Kralk and Joko despite being free to do as he pleased. I know they probably won't go into exploring this character more in this saga because the Commander is now KaBraham's assistant in his story, but it's something to think about. Canach plx.

  12. Most of what the game offers are wrestling boots. The majority of footwear goes well above the ankle. I too would like things that go with a dress. So far, I've defaulted to Aurora shoes for light armor, assassin shoes for medium armor, and well good luck finding something similar for heavy armor.


    The reason? If I chose noblilty as my backstory, I would like to rp that with more options in my wardrobe. Wrestling boots don't help. I would love shoes that you can take to a ball, dance, or some DR formal event. Build on the beautiful world and setting the game offers through wardrobe options.


    The majority of wardrobe options available to RP Smackdown in Gw2 are endless. My in game wrestling buddy named John Cenaaaaaa is proof. He's a great replica AND he plays the trumpet in game with his theme song. Lol.


    Queen Jennah too classy for wrestling boots. I'm not surprised she's barefoot or wearing the invisible slippers.

  13. I would like to add metas. My Post Reset TT fam deserves a lot of credit. They make this game much more enjoyable by keeping things organized and open to the community to learn to this day!


    I second the other poster who said Dragon Stand. Full map meta made it feel like a a real war. Much respect to those people who helped streamline the tactics to keep it consistent and even pugable with the right know-how.


    Those huge map metas and world bosses really brought players together. They still do to this day! Whether you're in the Silverwastes farming away, core Tyria, or HoT, those two formats were and always will be the bread and butter of this game.


    I'm so glad they're moving toward it again with the recent metas and the new boss in the new episode approaching. I joined this game for OPEN World, not closed instance.

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