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Posts posted by XYLO.7031

  1. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > I like the ideas, but I'm fully against hairpin/sudden u-turns. I don't think the beetle or the drift works well enough (without a controller at least) for it to become a feature beyond improving lap times.


    > I do however like that these are map wide and utilise a significant portion of the map. i think that is key to a good race track. This is why I enjoy Brisban despite the over zealous medal times and why I hate Snowden


    No hairpins? :astonished:

    Well, if you don't like hairpins, we need a Divinity's Reach 500.

    I'm not going to draw the track (lel circle track) but there are 2 circles: commoner level and noble level.

    The second floor (noble level) has a slightly harder section built in.

  2. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > For Bitterfrost Frontier, two potential tracks, the yellow one require the ice wall at the end of the cavern to be broken during the race event. For red can be done without modifying anything.

    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/eeD7cHB.jpg)



    That one is good. I would have used the berry farm area myself. Lots of galleries at all times.


    Hugo, is it possible to use the spiral for something on the bottom right corner in bitterfrost?

  3. > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > Not submitting a map, but I think we need a Mistlock track, possibly in its own instance. It would have low gravity, vertical loops, places where you could save time by jumping over a valley (thanks to custom gravity) and maybe even parts where the gravity reversed and you raced upside-down briefly.


    > I was thinking of something like that, but in the sky around the Wizard's Tower. But something big enough to make a GOOD track would be huge. Still, we need our "Rainbow Road".


    I completely agree with Mistlock Sanctuary Track. I just love fooling around there WITHOUT a mount. I wonder what they could do if we DID have the ability to mount in that low gravity area.


    And I do agree with the Rainbow Road. I loved Mario Kart.

  4. That is one of the most hilarious parts of this course. I thought it was comical when I hit it. For me, going fast by landing tricks is rough sledding when you get propelled OVER the checkpoint and have to double back to get it. Penalty for fast makes me sad. I have seen this happen to many others during races. Petition for Labyrinth style Checkpoints with HIGH clearance. I'm so particular with my 'boost meet' (think clutch meet, lel) so it hurts because I like to have a continuous boost that I generated without the need for green orbs.

  5. Hi Guild Wars 2 Community,


    I don't know about you, but I am really enjoying the Beetle Racing Event. I honestly don't care if I win a prize or not; I just love the racing.


    I enjoy it so much that I was wondering if there would be future racing tracks built into the game.


    Additionally, I was wondering if we could have a track suggestion thread here on the forums.


    I've seen "We are Tyria Drift" [DRFT] guild videos, and I think they have some nice tracks that could be used in the game.


    My suggestion: Bloodtide Coast.


    [bloodtide Coast Track Overview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnqcwkDAbSM&t= "Bloodtide Coast Track Overview")


    Thanks Anet and Thanks to all the Beetle Racers out there!

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