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Posts posted by XYLO.7031

  1. I would love to have another player to hop into the passenger seat of my beetle for a test spin. I will call it "Spill your guts Sundays" or "Throw-Up Thursdays" or "Toss your Cookies Tuesdays" or "Lose your Lunch Fridays." And with that said, I would also propose a special auto-emote for a passenger leaving the vehicle early or after an extended duration of spinning, drifting, and big air jumps. :smiley:

  2. Solid 8. I marked best because saying it's just a decent game means to me 5 to 7. I really enjoyed this game way back before xpacs. The community was nicer. There was Freedom in builds (I like freedom); Build inclusion was much more apparent back then than it is now. I honestly do think like Hugo and others here that the game has lost its way in terms of play as you want. If the Beetle mount never came into existence, I would have stopped playing. I know I'm a minority when I use the beetle for most anything (along with my beetle buddies), but I don't even need an official or guild track. I can just go rally race around a map for fun.


    Additionally, people have been really hard on Anet in this thread so far. I can't speak for anyone else, but they've been nice to me in terms of online support. They always answer my tickets and help me out. Though we didn't get to hear voice acting on the release of the latest episode, they could have just stopped releasing anything altogether in light of our current pandemic, but they didn't! We all still get to play, and we all should be thankful for at least that. Aren't they all on the west coast? Aren't they going through some stuff right now?

  3. To make a cheerful looking male Asura is a challenge, but it's possible. I created one that looks like a happy human kid. I have at least one of each race and yes, Asura look like they're permanently angry or judgmental (maybe because they're the most intelligent of all the Tyrian races?). So aside from that design challenge, an effeminate Norn (male or female), a fluffy cute Charr (not intimidating), are among other design challenges for the player to tackle in game but perhaps much more possible than the Asura one.

  4. This is a casual game. Hence, Casual is the majority. The core of this game is casual. That is the foundation of this game. Fractals, Raids, and Strikes did not always exist in this game. Back then, we used to just hang out in town and help people with things they needed in the open world.


    Back to the topic: they shouldn't be pugging something if they wanted to be selective; they should just select from their own private circle. They should build their own community of people who they do not have to question. (that's on them)

    Maybe don't join those groups either and make your own so you can be selective? That's a different choice too. (that's on the individual)

    This only happens for closed, instanced content which does not dominate the beautiful, open world community of gw2.


    When I think about it, It's really funny to me as a retired, competitive player (fps) because if people are really good, they can solo/carry (depending on the game).


    In this game, I've only met 2 extremes (there are many in-between in the spectrum) which are super casuals and the ones you've described.

    I have not met a true 'legendary' pro who was both kind-hearted AND who could join pugged, closed instance groups and carry because he knew his class so well that he was flexible in build and play style. A person like that could build a wonderful community of people who could find help at all levels. It seems as though the community is great around open world areas where there are bounties, world bosses, map metas, and everything that is accessible. But as you chug along in this game and get to the 'closed' elite content, people are on edge and demand so much out of people when the blatant majority of this game is casual.


    It is unfortunate that the kind-hearted people disappear when it comes to the closed-instanced, elite content. There needs to be more kind people in a game built on good community in all game modes and levels.


    But seriously, are people are going for a 7-figure cash prize right? A trophy with sponsors and endorsements? No? So why are they giving regular people a hard time? It is completely illogical to be pushing hardcore in a game where there isn't any tangible (monetary, glory, trophy, or other reason) incentive to do so. Are they making money? Is this a job? I would completely understand if this were a job. I'm hardcore 100% in my career. I think that's important: to go hard where it counts.


    Lesson: people like them aren't worth your time in an imaginary world where you're taking a break from real life in a casual game. Find and collect people who are decent and when that community builds, you won't have to worry about looking; it will be more about providing enough opportunities for your great community. Or you can be uberlegendary prosaint that carries exo-geared, non-meta randos in pugs. I'm just sayin. You have choices. DO YOU! :)

  5. I'm playing less though I'm a veteran casual. Since I work from home, they given me a ton of work to do, and I'm swamped almost every other day. I try to get my dailies in but it doesn't always happen because work is an alt+tab away now. At least I got some people into the game (Anet sale tipped the scales), I hope they stay.

  6. > @"realviizz.4982" said:

    > I can honestly not tell you much about the forums. The only time restrictions that are known to me are 3 days for currency exchange/guild warehouse stuff and 5 days for anything related to the trading post. It could very well be that either of those also applies to the forums.

    > As you said she's no longer a free player, so it should be lifted in the near future.


    She just recently cleared the guild warehouse and trading post exchange. I guess maybe in a few more days then.

  7. Hello GW2 fam,


    I have a guildie who was a free player early last week but was so impressed by the game's world that she has bought the PoF expansion that included HoT on the sale that was going on until the 8th of May.


    Although she's been trucking along in the game and using the wiki, there are times when she wanted simply to post on the public forum for some feedback/questions.


    However, she was unable to post since she didn't have the option to do so.


    My question on her behalf: how long will it take for her account to gain forum privileges?



  8. There are dark amber bubbles floating up from my character. She used the level 40 experience scroll so it can't be from an infusion. I checked the effects on my toon and there's nothing that refers to the effect. I checked the wiki and the lvl 40 experience scroll I used says nothing about applying such an effect. Then I did a search here, but you can't do a search if you don't know what you're looking for. I just need an explanation of what this is from and why I have it before I start using more of these lvl 40+ scrolls.


    Thank you and good day.

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