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Posts posted by Blude.6812

  1. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > It’s because on the old forum there were threads asking for hearts to be re-doable as some thought it would be fun.


    > No accounting for tastes imo.


    Nothing wrong with hearts being re-doable, but locking the vendor until you redo!!!! One of the worst game play decisions ever.

  2. > @"infrequentia.3465" said:

    > crafting and vendors isn't enough?


    > heart vendors sell the PoF stats for trinkets.

    > recipes give the POF stats for weapons and armor.


    > just like HoT and CORE


    > the only difference is that HOT LS trinkets where stat choosable


    Nope, not as long as vendors are locked behind redoing hearts!!!! Redoing hearts are fine for those that care to do them, but forcing people to redo them to use a vendor is just extremely BAD game design and should never have been allowed by the lead.

  3. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > For PvP and solo pvE, Mirage might be a better option, but Chrono still works.

    > >

    > > Chrono has two builds for pvp, power shatter and bunker, and multiple power or support builds for PvE. Mirage is better if you want to run condi since the confusion nerf. But Chrono is still meta in all game modes with varying builds.


    > Did i say otherwise? I just said that Mirage **is better** because it is. In terms of single player pve (you'll want better DPS) it's stronger than chrono, even vs multiple foes, axe and jaunt are better than wells. And for PvP Mirage is apparently a stronger pick than Chrono. I didn't say Chrono wasn't good, just that mirage might be better.


    I recently switched from Chrono to Mirage to check it out. I doubt I will go back to Chrono.

  4. > @"Echoherb.6528" said:

    > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > There are so many options other than the wiki that the devs really don't need to spend time on this. Alt-Tab to a timer is no big deal.


    > I said I didn't think it was a big deal, but having it in game would be much more convenient. And seriously, I don't see why you would even be against this.


    more screen clutter, unless there is an option to turn it off. Waste of dev time for something that is available when there are many other things that devs have and need to do. As you said, it isn't big deal --so just alt tab or get an app and have it running on your tablet or phone, if you have multiple monitors you can always have a timer or map or anything for the game within your view. So many options.

  5. > @"Tom Gore.4035" said:

    > > @"Ohoni.6057" said:

    > > Part of the difficulty with JPs in PoF is the mounts. They didn't want to artificially clamp down on mount freedom since it was their showcase for them, but that made it a bit tricky to design truly challenging JPs. Yereton mentioned the Bone Palace "JP," but you can trivialize that one with a Griffon. There are plenty of tricky to reach locations, but at the end of the day complex puzzles are made a bit trickier. Any good puzzle needs to be specifically designed to not be something you can just fly into, unless you just want to be a jerk about it and put up a no-fly field.

    > >

    > > I would be interested in seeing a truly mount-crazy JP though, hopefully not one too punishing, but one designed so that the only way to successfully move through it is to recognize which mount you need to use for specific purposes, like jumps that only a Raptor can make (a Griffon would bounce off a ceiling), then you need to skim across some water and up through a tunnel onto a rise where you need a Springer, just constantly flipping mounts around, hopefully in some new and creative ways. It would be especially interesting if they could figure out how to use their attacks too, like have terrain obstacles that you can "kill" by using a Springer cannonball, otherwise it will damage you or something, or have critters that you need to "rez" with a Skimmer to perform some function.


    > On the other hand, the volcano JP in Ring of Fire demonstrated fairly well how problematic designing JPs even with just gliders is. People were literally tearing their hair off on that JP, sometimes just because in many cases you had no clear indication where to (try to) go next.


    > I would be super happy with more "classic" JPs that are no-mount, no-fly zones (maybe even no-portal). Just your trusty legs and a spacebar. The best part here is, everyone is on the same level here and grinding/buying your way into a better mount does not give you an advantage.



    Can Agree with everything but the no ports. That is a key skill for a mes and restricting it to certain activities would set a precedent for ALL professions. Maybe thief should not have stealth sometimes, or no speed boosts to increase jumps, or maybe no leap to target to help a jump etc. And getting a griffon is no big deal btw.


  6. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > since i don't believe in paying for runs (since i am not about to pay to get something as small as a skin anyone could get in-game) i personally think that Anet needs to be more strict about this, allot more strict.

    > if you want to help player do that because you like to do that, if you do it just for the gold you are just a low life to me, not worth my or anyone's time.


    Maybe anet gets a cut.

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