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Posts posted by Blude.6812

  1. > @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

    > Not here to complain, just hoping to compare notes. Like the title says, I've been playing for a while now and I'm starting to wonder if I just have abysmal luck. In all this time I've spent clubbing everything that looked at me crossways I've never had an ascended lootbox drop, let alone a precursor. Some notes: Account MF is at 149%. I rarely use food that increase MF, and even more rarely use boosters. I don't raid or run fractals. The vast majority of my playtime has been spent in open world PvE participating in most events I come across, the occasional TD/AB meta and bullying a great many random mobs. Given all that, would you guys say that my results are to be expected? Or have I just been beating the odds in the worst of ways?


    Their RNG formula is a P O you know what. Been playing since the beginning and the drops of good stuff have been absent. It called an outlier account and like me, you are not going to get a decent drop. Their is a problem with the game drops.

  2. > @Zionka.6897 said:

    > I know this is an old subject, but I haven't seen it brought up for a really long time. It's the biggest thing missing for me, and it makes me sad every time I enter my "home instance" it's a neighborhood, not a home.. sheesh. I recently got a bunch of the cats and can't even find half of them in any of the instances, because they're all so big. Is it truly that hard to have an option of instancing one of the buildings in the cities, rather than a whole neighborhood?

    > Player housing has always been a part of games for me that I've enjoyed tinkering with. I realize some people have every single item and node available in the game, and could create some issues with placements... maybe a large courtyard or back yard? I dunno.. I mean, we did save the world and all, we can be afforded a large home I think! I've looked for other threads on the topic, but nothing comes up other than blogs from like 2014. Is this not an issue for most players? I don't really care if things remain auto-placement.. I just want to be able to find them in my own space. That's all. It just seems like it wouldn't take a whole lot of development, so I don't know why we still don't have homes.


    Yep it's an old subject and not worth revisiting . Except for placement of the lost bandit chest (on a side the devs can't even be bothered to make them visible in some placements). Bottom line all nodes are easy to find in a home instance once a player has been through there home instance a couple of time. Bottom line it's not worth the dev to make or to change something that is soooooooooooooooooooooooo easy to do. Don't need to waste any dev time making a 'home' that already exists.

  3. > @CarbonylGoat.5147 said:

    > > @Palador.2170 said:

    > > The game timers march on and do not care about DST. We the players in the USA, however, do need to take it into account. Everything's now one hour off to me, and it takes time to remember that. It's possible that for a day or two some events may be under-populated.


    > Sounds a little tricky to deal with DST.


    ???? Reset is an Hr earlier (7:00 PM in stead of 8:00 PM for me now). No big deal and easy to adjust to.

  4. > @chronometria.3708 said:

    > Not hugely surprising really. Kudzu is a fairly ugly longbow by most peoples standards. I mean, a charr holding a bow made of daisies - not good.


    Actually even designing the my little pony bows was not good. I could have had/made both a long time ago, but no way would I be caught dead with them on my ranger or dragon hunter etc. Hopefully the new models will be something much better.

    But back on topic, the more the prices drop actually doesn't reflect how much the item the cost to make or obtain , but how much people want them and in this case, not so much,

  5. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Today's Dailies:


    > Lumberer - Guild Hall easy-peasy

    > Land Claimer - PvE in WvW pretty easy

    > Veteran Creature Slayer - completely PvE in WvW easy-peasy


    > And there's always the PvP rooms set up just for Dailies.


    > Or, if it is too irritating, one could always earn the 2 Gold elsewhere...shouldn't take too long.


    > Good luck.


    Easy peasy when there aren't a bunch of hats guarding the vets or land claims just to stop you from the daily. Every single daily from every single area (core/Hot/PoF) should be open for the player to choose and not arbitrarily restricted by some dev. One has BOUGHT all the exp and should be able to access all the dailys. Simple as that.

  6. This topic has been discussed many many many..........time both here and in the old forums. It has been explained and why they have this policy and have had for quite a while. In fact you gems may take even longer. Goggle search and you will have all the answers without rehashing them again and again. Buying the game and with gems is different from buying gems in game.

  7. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

    > Thanks for making me aware that there may be a discrepancy between forums as far as signatures. I had no idea! We're going to align the DE, ES, and FR forums to match the English, since that seems the best of the options we have at hand. Granted that will appear to be "taking away" something from some forum members, and I regret that very much. On the other hand, all of us who are involved with the forums fully discussed and agreed on the elements, including signatures availability, so I think it's best to not continue with a "have" and "have not" situation. This is all subject to testing, because while I do believe you're reporting accurately, I wonder if there's an off chance that the signatures are "client side" and not visible to others. In the end, we want to make sure that we have things properly aligned for *all* members in *all* languages.


    > Thanks again.



  8. > @Seriously.7953 said:

    > I asked the question about money because every year people ask them to update halloween & wintersday but nothing really happens. What I get from this poll is that a huge majority use the content (currently showing about only 4% don't participate), and a significant percentage of people would even be willing to pay for it to be improved.


    > Hopefully anet sees the potential and improves these events!


    I wouldn't call the results 'significant' in any way and only reflects a personal opinion as well as a bias of the op. 127 votes is hardly reflective of the numbers that play the game.

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