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Posts posted by Blude.6812

  1. > @"Nick Lentz.6982" said:

    > > @"Ezzi.3670" said:

    > > I'm wondered.... I did full yellow heart in place. When next day heart turn empty...

    > >

    > > Is it bugged?


    > You summer child, Anet made repeatable hearts! That EVERYONE wanted! It was the greatest idea. I mean it eliminates fetch questing!!!!!


    > >! /sarcasm


    But having to redo them to open up the vendor again is just forced grind.


  2. > @"BloodySaker.2365" said:

    > Does anyone know the response time for tickets at this moment? I made very explicit ticket about a problem about 4 days ago and I'm still waiting for a response. I've seen a person on the forums that made a ticket after I did mine and got a response in just 8 hours. Should I resend mine?


    Resending it will only move you further down the que. Update the current one.


  3. Yep agree and have always felt that the targeting system was sub par and needs to be fixed. I just love it when I am grabbing flax at the farm in Tangled Depths and the wyvern are mobbing me, kill one and the system decides to target the frog/cavern bat that is a level below, can't even be seen . Just a bad system over all.


  4. I just boosted a Necro to 80. I played the core game and did 100% map completion. All the HP sites are easy there but only worth 1 pt. Go to Dulfy and look for his HP guides. Easy to find using the guides there (for HoT and PoF.) Do the Ist mission in PoF to get a raptor. It really helps you get around. The bunny is nice to have too (jumping to many HP areas that above you). But I had all the mounts all the mastery traits(gliding , poison etc) unlocked from HoT and PoF from my other characters which made it easy and fast to complete and got Reaper and Scourge in a week. LFG for HP trains in HoT will get help (as mentioned above).

  5. > @"diogene.6249" said:

    > Hello everybody. I was thinking of going back to Guild Wars 2 again (it would be the third time ... I hope it's the right time to stay). I am very intrigued by the new expansion and, in particular, by the new mounts. Since I would like to start everything from the beginning, by eliminating my old character and creating a new one, I would like to know: if I take the new expansion I will immediately expose a mount?? Because it would be much more comfortable to explore the world (once again O_o) riding your pet. It would certainly give new life to the game and it would be much more hasty. Thank you.


    Why delete your old character? You will lose your characters birthday gifts. Just start a new toon. Unless you have a lvl 80 character, forget about entering POF with a new low level character unless you use the lvl 80 boost or use your old character to do the 1st mission to get a mount.

  6. Needed to read about how transfers work and cost before committing and paying for a change. Sorry it didn't work out for you, but coming and complaining, sending bugs reports for something that has been a part of the game isn't going to change anything. Maybe support will be nice and put you back on the server you want, but if not start mining and make gold and mark it off as a learning experience.

  7. > @"Methuselah.4376" said:

    > ...that Anet are so obsessed with necromancer not being overpowered (which results in it being nerfed to hell and back) because they are actually don't want to seem biased for it?

    > Hear me out.

    > First Elder Dragon we're introduced to is Zhaitan, who is basically the necromancer of the Elder Dragons. We have Palawa Joko, a powerful lich (and necromancer by proxy) who has conquered all of Elona and considered powerful enough to be treated with by a god (albeit fallen one). The leader of the pact until the end of Heart of Thorns was a necromancer. One of our most valued allies is a necromancer. The biggest enemy of the first ever Guild Wars campaign was a lich (again, necromancer). So could it be, so as not to seem that they favour the necromancer, Anet is always more worried about necromancer's "balance" due to the game already having a relatively prevalent necromantic presence?

    > Or....

    > I am just bored and reaching....


    I have made them all (except an engineer) and leveled them to 80 with ascended and the odd legendary. Trust me the only profession bias Anet has is the ranger--- they hate , ignore and provide useless elite skills that make necro nerfs pale by comparison.

  8. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > As above, enable two- factor authentication and you should be fine. The game really promotes, it so you might allready have done it.

    > afaik, Arenanet doesnt actively ban accounts for accountsharing unless.

    > 1: There is a dispute of ownership and the true owner can not be identified.

    > 2: The account sharing was done to give a banned player access.

    > 3: the account sharing was done in combination with other illegal actions like paying someone with real money to play for you or matchfixing.


    > So you should be fine.


    That is not what the TOS says, "Each Account may only be used by one person." They may not be 'actively" looking but is is against the TOS. As to your points, please link them up with an official dev response /quote. Thanks.

  9. It can take up to 72 hrs ( and more if the queue is longer). You have to wait. And do not create another ticket, it will delay the response more. Use the search above for support response time and you can see just how long it takes in past.


  10. > @Shagaliscious.6281 said:

    > They should disable mounts in Silverwastes too. It's an unfair advantage for the people with PoF to be able to loot more chests just because they bought the expansion.


    WAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Just buy the expansion but NEVER punish those that have bought it.

  11. The Acid etc don't go into your bags anymore. They added a wallet for them and they go into the wallet automatically. And you have to have lost bandit keys a well as the shovels. You can view the wallet from your inventory. As well you can add any you have in your bags to the wallet to open up more storage space.

    From the patch notes

    "A new Keys category has been added to the wallet, and it contains a currency version of several existing items. These items can be consumed to convert them into the new currencies. Content that once required these items to be in a player's inventory will now check for the currency instead. This change affects the following items:


    Zephyrite Lockpicks

    Bandit Skeleton Keys

    Pact Crowbars

    Exalted Keys

    Vials of Chak Acid


    Trader's Keys"


  12. Another selfish 'play the game how I want you all to play' topic from the OP. It doesn't harm you in anyway. If you want to jump all the puzzles, you can. If someone else wants to glide or use a mount they can. It has no impact on yours or anyone else for that matter other then getting their shorts in knot because they don't want others to play in a different way. I did all the JPs 'properly' and only do them now for the odd daily and really can't be bothered to redo them. So just play how you want and let others play how they want. No need for any change whatsoever.

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