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Delita Silverburg.8632

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Posts posted by Delita Silverburg.8632

  1. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:> > Apparently this was requested a few years ago: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1333/suggestion-deposit-all-materials-one-click-button> -> > @"Linken.6345" said:> > Just fail to see the suggestion that compact button should be there as well.> >

    > > really Anet? working on something that's 3 years old, with 3 thumbs up?> > should have worked on mine that's got 13 thumbs up, and will bring you a lot of $$$> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1294530#Comment_1294530> > ... and it's not even to specs, time to put a job advert out for a Business Analyst with CBAP certification> > > less risk of accidentally clicking Compact or something,> > the original poster wanted a toggle button to auto-deposit to material storage so that he doesn't accidentally click on Compact> > > > I went back and gave you a 14th thumbs up because you deserve it!

  2. > @"Lottie.5370" said:

    > I literally compact my inventory every single time before I close it (kind of a habit thing), it would be really annoying to have to "confirm" every time, especially when there are SO many types of bags that make it so you can't compact your items. Seems like a way easier fix to just use those tbh.


    Yes, let's all go and craft another 32 slot invisible bag for about 100g because of a change that took away our option to move the compact button away from the deposit all button... I'm sorry if this is "fine" for some people, but it's a point of contention for many of us and having to do something like that is rather time consuming and pointless imo.

  3. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > I think it's nice to have the 'Deposit All Materials' button outside the drop-down menu.

    > > Perhaps, moving the 'Compact' button to the other side of the 'cog' would suffice?


    > Yes but ideal for me would be able to remove it back to bottom of cog again.


    I agree. Deposit button good, Compact button bad.

  4. > @"aswedEMD.3597" said:

    > While I agree it would be nice to have a toggle, I would hardly say that no one wants it. I personally know quite a few people who have been playing the game for a long time and didn't even know those options were a thing so the new visibility helps a lot. Plus, it is now a lot faster for me to quickly clear a lot of inventory space while in the heat of battle if I notice my inventory is full.


    > Just because some people don't like a change doesn't mean everyone hates it. I, for one, am happy about it.


    Your rhetoric is putting a lot of words in my mouth that I never said like "No one", "Everyone" and "Hate". I simply stated that they messed with an already good thing for no logical reason and that I personally am against this change because it undoes the option to move the compact button away from the deposit button. Additionally, the argument that a button that is right next to the button that has been there for years somehow adds transparency to the button's existence makes no sense to me either. If people aren't going to click on the cog wheel button, they aren't going to click on the other two buttons either unless they are specifically told about it by someone.

  5. The new inventory buttons are an unwelcome change and I'd like the ability to go back to the way it was. Once again it's easy to accidentally click the "compact" button that is right next the the "deposit all mats" button. You gave us the option of putting the compact button far away from the deposit button for a good reason and I've already hit the compact button twice in it's new location since yesterday. Honestly, who asked for this? You remember when you told us you were going to talk to us before making changes that could potentially irritate your consumers? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  6. I feel it does a good job of challenging players to improve before they jump into T3/T4s. We need more challenging content on the lower end of things for people to prepare better for harder content instead of it being an immediate jump. Since the only barrier of entry to harder content in fractals is AR, which can be bought, it stands to reason the content should have a more linear progression of difficulty.

  7. I decided to go do some old achieves and I have 2 questions regarding this one.


    First, why do i have to go through all the dialog a billion times if I make even one little mistake. They added instance points for newer content, but didn't go back and do it for Season 2? A shame to me.

    Second, can anyone explain why i can't damage the mordrem pods at all? They are invulnerable to damage and the dragon isn't up long enough to dps down to any sort of phase past 75% then he heals himself back to full life. I don't understand what I am supposed to do to complete this achieve.

  8. I give my characters a backstory, Meet, Old Man Banners.


    He was a humble human who worked the fields of his simple farm in Kessek Hills. There, he lived with his wife Anabelle, and his two boys, Ash and Clive. It was a simple life, filled with hard work and happiness. He was visiting the local market in the town of Shaemoor, and then, the unthinkable happened. The centaurs attacked... A feeling of honor and duty overwhelmed him. He took up his trust logging axe and joined the fight. He helped the local militia ward off the event. Successful, he decided to return home. That's when the real tragedy struck. He found his wife and children dead in his home. Evidence of centaur presence was all too apparent, and this was when he went into his first rage. He took up his family crest on a flag and decided, this was personal. He joined the front, and thus his story begins...

  9. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > > 30g/hr from SW that you can do any hour of any day, but us raiders can only do each raid once a week. Still think it's unfair? I can tell you it is, but not from the direction you think.

    > Have you actually tried doing SW? 30g/hr is a meme, most people i know can at best get like 10-15g/h, and not on consistent basis. Very few players can keep up farming mindlessly too long, day after day. While there are people in SW everyday, most of them are there only for relatively short visits. The actual "pro" SW farmers, the ones getting those mythical good incomes from that place (and not getting burned out after a week or two) are probably a group more elite and much smaller than the raiding community.




    That's a completely fair point, but the other person was arguing that they had a barrier of access to making gold in a reliable way. Farming may not be fun for everyone, but it is certainly available to anyone who wants to put in the effort, which in that case, is nothing but time and auto-attacking for credit.


    Raids on the other hand do require some initial investment to participate. It's not exclusionary, but if you don't have boons, heals and dps, you will suffer to get kills. Each kill nets you an average of 2.5g, and some bosses are significantly harder than others with unique mechanics where you need specific professions. Which means you have to spend time learning how to complete them before you would have them "on farm". Given that there are 25 total bosses, and most static groups can complete that in 5-6hrs, for a total of about 64g from kills, you are averaging around 13g/hr. from kills on the high end, plus whatever from lucky drops. Not to mention you have to kill each and every boss to be close to this projection. Also again, as a reminder, you can only do that till you kill all bosses for the week. So you can't continuously farm raids like say, fractals or open world, since raid currency is even capped at less than killing every boss.

  10. > @"Mil.3562" said:

    > But those rewards are only for the elitists. Raids are for the know-all-BiS veterans, as one of my guild officers so discreetly try to explain it. But still not discreet enough...


    > What about us casual players? We probably pay more real money to buy your gem store stuff than those 'elitists' who always use gold conversion and never have to spend a single cents.


    You're making a few very bad assumptions here.

    1. The idea that raiders are elitists is a false statement. Just like with any community, there are bad apples, but just as many good ones. There wouldn't be raid training discords and guilds if everyone was as "elitist" as you think. Some of us actually want to grow our community to get our game mode new content, since that's what Anet told us it would take to get Wing 8 and beyond.

    2. I, a person who is in your "elitist" category of raiders, spend a significant amount of real world money in the gem store to support the game I love. Presuming that you spend more than X player and also thinking that entitles you to anything is just a wasted effort of your time.

    3. You can actually earn more gold from just farming open world content like Silverwastes and Drizzlewood Coast than you get from raiding. It's just a matter of what you want to spend your game time on. 30g/hr from SW that you can do any hour of any day, but us raiders can only do each raid once a week. Still think it's unfair? I can tell you it is, but not from the direction you think.

  11. Also unrelated, but relevant, I did the math. Given that 2000 gaeting crystals gets you 275g for a peerless infusion after costs, having to spend 1 gold and 50 gaeting crystals for a trophy shipment is a bit of a joke. you get 40 trophy shipments for the 2k crystals, that on the high end give you 2g each. that means you spend 40g to get 80g so a 40g profit if you're lucky, vs a 275g profit. Infusions win hands down. Only putting this here for people to know not to waste their mats on the shipments.

  12. For anyone who doesn't know. The Treasure chest for completing the 5 CMs for the week gives the following, on top of 10 extra gold for the week.


    10 Provisioner Tokens

    50 Gaeting Crystals


    As some people have mentioned above, for anyone who is able to successfully complete 5 CMs for a week, we don't really need provisioner tokens. By the time you're even considering doing CM raids, let alone on a regular basis, you've likely got leggy armor already, and only whales will get legendary runes/sigils.


    If the matter isn't already set in stone and decided, I would love for them to consider some other option of rewards than this as well.


    I would also suggest using data mining metrics to look at just how many of your active raid groups are actually completing this challenge with the current reward you put out. I bet it's only a small portion of our community.

  13. First, I would like to thank Anet for giving us a reason to repeat CM content! This is the most excited change to raids we've had this year! (Only change, but that's beside the point. ;))


    As for the trophy shipments for gaeting crystals and mag shards. Seems like a cool update, but not yet sure if it's more profitable than infusions. The only thing I want to ask about, is why not do the same for Insights and Divinations? Right now, once you finish your legendary armor sets and ring, there really isn't any use for insights/divinations. I suggest doing the same thing with them for trophy shipments and some reasonable rate as well. that way we can at the very least use the currency somehow. At 25 of them a week max, it really only takes about 24 weeks total to amass enough for 3 full sets of armor and the ring, then they are collecting dust in your bank. I have friends who have 500+ extra insights just lying around at this point due to raiding each week.


    Some people might say you can get more asended armor, but 2 things on that. 1. Legendary armory and 2. if you're full clearing raids, you already have more ascended armor than you know what to do with.

  14. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > Toughness wasn't removed from those classes due to raids, but because they could stack it too high.


    > If your tank's trying so hard to be glass that other players get targetted, that's the problem with the tank and the group, not something that deserves a class nerf through the entire game. These are some of the ideas that brought us to where we are.


    If that were true, then tell me why the devs would give the elementalist a 7% damage reduction in place of the 150 toughness making it function in the exact same way across all game modes EXCEPT where the actual toughness value itself impacts play? Might want to research a little bit more before you start making baseless claims because you aren't a fan of raiders who want to phase the boss faster with higher dps. We spend a considerable amount of time calculating every little thing in the game before we make claims in the forums.

  15. > @"Solvar.7953" said:

    > I wonder if the EMP (and portable waystation) was sort of the devs way of silently affirming the CC was an issue, and make an easy way for every class/player to have an easy to use CC skill.


    But all the waystation does is reaffirm to the average player that they don't need to understand which skills in their class do CC because they'll be given an "easy button" at each relevant meta event. It's relying even more on the veteran players at world events like Dragonstand to bring a Drizzlewood Coast map specific thing to other encounters. Nothing about it is useful in teaching or training players for end game content. My idea goes across the board and implements well for high end raiders and meta event players alike. For example, High end raiders would like to know exactly how much cc is needed to phase a boss properly, and anyone in a meta can see the difference between a big number and a little number when they use their skills. Information and feedback to the player is how they are going to learn and thus be more beneficial to the group content, regardless of what they like to play.

  16. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > Gah, it's a break bar, not crowd control.

    > These days I just yell "EMP", although most people seem to have the idea once the waystation goes down.


    IMO the waystation actually makes the problem worse. People need to know which skills do CC in their natural classes and not rely on a tool like that. Especially if they want to be raiders some day. The goal here for me, is for people to get a better understanding of the game mechanic, and an ez button like EMP does it a disservice.

  17. > @"Harak.8397" said:

    > > @"Alteron.3561" said:

    > > Probably Thunderhead peaks right now.. almost unplayable when you freeze and lag for minutes at a time through any events


    > Great to hear from others on this. I thought my internet connection was having problems.


    Gotta lower your graphics. I have found that my computer can handle any map with low LOD and minimal animation graphics. It's all the visual noise bogging down your CPU.

  18. @"Noah Salazar.5430"


    Don't think that my post comes from a place of frustration. It doesn't. I feel the forums exist for us to talk with the Devs about ways to make the game better for players and developers alike. The devs don't like getting berated by the community, and players don't like getting berated by each other either. To me, this seemed like a good enough idea to bring to the forums for discussion, and based on the response so far, I'd say people tend to like it. @"Solvar.7953" showed another idea that could be useful of helping newer players to know which skills CC as well. I think all of the discussion on this post so far is coming from a positive place, so let's keep that energy going! :)

  19. You've all been there. In a meta event where a commander is yelling CC at you. Some of you know what to do, but a lot of you might not. Here is an idea that might help!


    I was playing the other day on my heal scourge and had a bit of a eureka moment that I wanted to bring to the community for discussion. I noticed that Healing numbers come in as "green text", damage is obviously "white text" and barrier is "yellow text". I was thinking why not add a "blue text" with a value for damage done to the break bar as well as perhaps a percentage value so that players can perhaps learn which of their skills do how much damage in terms of soft CC vs hard CC? Not everyone reads every tooltip to know that their pull skill does X and their knockback does Y, but giving some sort of feedback besides a blue bar that just does down, might lead to people actually understanding the mechanic better.

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