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Delita Silverburg.8632

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Posts posted by Delita Silverburg.8632

  1. I wanted to propose the following idea for discussion and see if anyone else agrees with me.


    I think it would be really cool if we had some sort of collection that delved into lore that let us ultimately get an upgraded Legendary version of our gathering tools. One collection per type of tool. The benefit here would be that they function in the same way as any unbreakable tool, BUT would have an extra glyph slot. It also doesn't have to impact the gem store, since they could still sell the different skins of animations and glyphs etc. This would also pair well with the upcoming Legendary armory as it would allow you to get a set of items that can be character shared and you wouldn't have to keep swapping your unbreakable tools with shared inventory slots either! Well, let me know your thoughts on this idea. Thanks!

  2. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > Toughness based tanking has always been nothing more than their easy way out for the first wing. The idea that your most "tanky" person needs to be your tank in any situation seems so simple and basic. Most MMORPG veterans would know that games, especially one as complex as GW2, usually give you good reasons to look further than that. Not to mention that new players are known to wear quite a bit of thoughness gear for one reason or another. All of that makes their decision look pretty strange in hindsight. We should be happy the aggro isn't based on your individual HP pools.


    > I would very much prefer a dynamic system similar to Qadim2 that allowed us to pick our tank on the fly. Or one that allowed us to set the tank for the entire fight, if the ability to swap is considered too good.


    I really like the alternate idea of choosing tank with a mechanic instead of toughness, but I think Qadim2 was a poor execution of it. The reason I say this is because if the tank has to leave the center circle for any reason (such as getting the lightning strike mechanic) it randomly selects another person to be the tank that's in the circle. Then the only way for it to get back to the proper tank, is for everyone except the tank to leave the circle area so that it "randomly" selects the only viable target which is the original tank. I've had a few sloppy pulls where this has happened, and I firmly believe it's a poorly designed mechanic as a result. Soulless Horror's "Challenge" mechanic is MUCH better designed imo.

  3. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > So having a tank have at least 151 toughness is asking too much?


    > If a group is spending 5 minutes going over toughness, especially since soulbeast is the only class you’re claiming there to be issues with, the your group as some serious problems that have nothing to do with toughness itself.



    > It does not take that much time for everyone to ping their toughness and for the tank to adjust. Assuming players are using meta builds, a lot of the time you don’t need them to ping it. Exceptions maybe being the hand kiter at Deimos.


    We should be able to run a tank with 1005T without having to pander to 1 archetype. Period.

  4. > @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

    > Or just have someone capable of tanking use toughness food and maybe buy some cheap exotic trinket to get over 1150 toughness. True, it's 150 wasted stats but in 99.99% of wipes that shouldn't be the difference between success and wipe. For comparison, it's like everyone in one sub lacking 1 stack of might which isn't lethal. If the tank is support or condi dps, it's about 0,1-0,2% less squad dps total and if it's a dps tank (which only Kitty does apparently), it's 0,4% squad dps loss. With healer tank, it shouldn't be even noticeable at all. (Not that it'd be in other cases either realistically unless you're running with a squad of computers running exactly the same way every single time and RNG doesn't exist.)


    You're missing the main point of my suggestion which is for toughness, what you do to 1 class you should do for all. The devs intended to remove the toughness tank swapping issue by modifying the way eles and guards work, but did nothing to soulbeast. As a result, the exact same problem exists that they were trying to resolve. I mean sure the players can compensate for the problem by having the tank change gear etc, but that leads to more downtime when you're running through a wing where only one fight runs a soulbeast and all the other ones don't need it. Alternatively, if you're wanting the tank to always have 1151 toughness then you're just making your group overall worse for fights. Tbh, idc if it's 0.4% lower squad dps, having to adjust how you play for any 1 class isn't balanced. Additionally there is time loss setting up the fight. Even in a static group of the same 10 ppl, sometimes we lose 5 minutes of time talking about toughness just to kill the boss that takes 3 minutes.

  5. So on the last balance patch the devs did a really cool thing for us raiders and removed the toughness buff on Guardian and Elementalist, but then Soulbeast became meta and since they did not remove it on Ranger we still face the same issue as before. I feel this was a small oversight, but for the sake of consistency, it would be cool if they implemented a similar effect as the 7% damage reduction that eles got when the change happened. We would prefer it if we could control who the tank is at all times and not have some random effect like merging with a pet of a soulbeast switching aggro. Thanks in advance!

  6. It just seems crazy to me that they made a full set of weapons that you can get from fractals, but no armor set to match. I have several friends who did fractals until they had all weapons but now refuse to reenter the content because they've exhausted the reward structure down to just daily gold. And while the augments were a cool addition to improve your account, having something to work towards in a game mode on a long term goal is always beneficial to keeping the player base active and lively.

  7. Daily fractals are an excellent source of gold for about an hour and a half of your time, but I think it would be really cool if you could get a set of golden armor to go with your golden weapons. Imagine how majestic you would be. Midas, eat your heart out! This would also incentivize the people who have already completed Fractal God achievements to come back to the game mode and play longer too! Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this suggestion, feel free to comment below on if you agree or not!

  8. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > It’s meant as a long term collection and there really is no other way to speed it up.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is the only collection from a festival that functions this way. All other collections can be completed in a single year if you grind hard enough. I find it surprising that it's so unique in this regard. I do get that there are other yearly achievements in the form of the "annual insert festival name here" achievements worth 50AP each., but the need to do 12.5 weeks worth of dailies is a bit much for a single back piece skin and 20AP.

  9. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > > You want raids to have better rewards? Weren't you the one complaining raids rewarded precursors?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101831/precursor-as-potential-reward-for-strike-missions-seriously

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > So 2 things with this.

    > > > >

    > > > > 1. That other thread was about strikes having better rewards than raids (aka chances at precursors) and how that didn't make sense to me as raids are harder content and therefore should be more enticing than the supposed content that Anet has made to feed them. (aka strikes)

    > > > > 2. This thread is about getting more people to raid more often than they are. Just look at the LFM any time after Tuesday in NA servers and you can see that there is a clear problem with the design of the content for retention.

    > > >

    > > > So instead you want to have raids having better rewards than strikes? That doesn't appear to align with Anet's direction for the game. I've seen zero raids released recently ... I've seen more than zero strikes released in the same time.

    > >

    > > Correct. Harder content should be more rewarding than easier content imo. Otherwise, people will just settle with what's easier since it offers more rewards as well.


    > So just to be clear, even though you understand Anet likely wants to promote strikes as the 'new raids', you think they need to adhere to some principle of harder content = better loot. So your argument is purely academic and ignores Anet's likely game direction and goals? OK.


    Anet's game direction was "We want strikes to promote people to play raids." This was stated multiple times by the dev team. To imply otherwise is your speculation of what you think they think, not what they have actually stated.

  10. So after doing every daily during Super Adventure Box this year, I am going to end up with only 4 of the Crimson Assassin Skins out of a total 16. You need a total of 200 tokens to complete the collection, and you can only get 1 each day with dedication and an extra 8 if you choose them from the chest instead of a super expensive (170ish gold) Kaiser weapon skin. That means that it's gonna take at least 4.5 years to complete this collection with the current system. Is there any other way to get the tokens that I'm missing, or am I just SOL until I play the festival for the next 4 years? This seems really poorly designed for any newer players or people like me that didn't really get into the festival prior to this year but still want to be completionists.

  11. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > You want raids to have better rewards? Weren't you the one complaining raids rewarded precursors?

    > > >

    > > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101831/precursor-as-potential-reward-for-strike-missions-seriously

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > So 2 things with this.

    > >

    > > 1. That other thread was about strikes having better rewards than raids (aka chances at precursors) and how that didn't make sense to me as raids are harder content and therefore should be more enticing than the supposed content that Anet has made to feed them. (aka strikes)

    > > 2. This thread is about getting more people to raid more often than they are. Just look at the LFM any time after Tuesday in NA servers and you can see that there is a clear problem with the design of the content for retention.


    > So instead you want to have raids having better rewards than strikes? That doesn't appear to align with Anet's direction for the game. I've seen zero raids released recently ... I've seen more than zero strikes released in the same time.


    Correct. Harder content should be more rewarding than easier content imo. Otherwise, people will just settle with what's easier since it offers more rewards as well.

  12. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > You want raids to have better rewards? Weren't you the one complaining raids rewarded precursors?


    > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/101831/precursor-as-potential-reward-for-strike-missions-seriously




    So 2 things with this.


    1. That other thread was about strikes having better rewards than raids (aka chances at precursors) and how that didn't make sense to me as raids are harder content and therefore should be more enticing than the supposed content that Anet has made to feed them. (aka strikes)

    2. This thread is about getting more people to raid more often than they are. Just look at the LFM any time after Tuesday in NA servers and you can see that there is a clear problem with the design of the content for retention.

  13. > @"flog.3485" said:

    > Nah raid dailies are a bad idea. It would be better to have an endgame reward which could potentially make you play raid on a daily basis outside out of the weekly reward and which makes you play raids in conjunction with strike missions for example.


    > Imagine if you could upgrade the crystals obtained in SM by participating in raid encounters :)


    My idea for this thread was to spur reasons to get people to raid more often than Mon-Tues. This is a cool outside the box idea to get that result. I still think a raid encounter daily would be a good idea, but definitely like that you're coming up with alternatives that could achieve what I'm trying to make happen! :)

  14. > @"Henry.5713" said:

    > The rather infrequent content release schedule is the only real issue I see. There needs to be a new wing every six months (not even considering the hardcore players here) to keep people busy. We are talking about a game that does not require you to grind levels or gear between releases afterall. Even the more casual groups manage to finish the newest wings in just a few months, to then be forced to go through another long period of boredom. That's not how you maintain a healthy community.


    > Not sure about "better rewards". There would need to be something crazy to make the old crowd return and get excited over. I don't see that happening. ArenaNet knows how much of a controversy that would be.


    I don't think something crazy needs to be offered. Just some sort of incentive. Look at strikes. They have a rotating daily and a new weekly chest you can open in EotN that offers a chance at precursors and other highly desirable items albeit at an extremely low percentage. If they implemented something like this for raids, it would offer a reason for people to form groups after mag shard and gaeting crystal capping by Tuesday.

  15. > @"Bjonk.3189" said:

    > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > > > @"Bjonk.3189" said:

    > > > Slightly off topic but i hate how the ticket rewards are top loaded. The tickets should be rewarded evenly over the entire reward track. This would allow the more casual player to get the most out of their time in WvW, especially if they never get to reach diamond.

    > >

    > > The intent of this design is to keep player volume up throughout the week. if it was evenly distributed ppl would stop playing the game mode much sooner as the rewards would be easier to get. Also in terms of flavor, a diamond chest should have more in it than a wood one.


    > That also makes no sense to me. Top loading effectively punishes the casual WvW player, by that i mean people who purely WvW but have limited play time, that puts in just as much effort as someone who can play for much longer periods. I maintain that the each reward level should contain the same number of tickets as the next. Players with more time will still get all of the tickets and casual players will get rewarded, quite rightly, for their limited time.


    It actually isn't top loaded. That's a misconception. It's more like a bell curve since wood chests require 25 pips where as diamond requires 55. So the time needed to complete a diamond chest is more than double that of a wood. If you calculate it based on tickets/pip you find that the most are in the platinum chests then it tapers off.


    Additionally, to get the total weekly reward of 365 tickets, it requires 1450 pips. People who are higher rank and have put in the time are rewarded with extra pips/5 min intervals, thus lowering their needed time investment. This isn't intended to punish a casual player, but to reward a player who puts in the effort/time.


    My only suggestion to you is to get to the next pip level so that the limited time you have to put in gets you more rewards. Either that, or afk farm like many other do while watching a movie, reading a book or doing laundry, etc. around the house. I.e. cap a camp, sit for 10 min, wash rinse repeat. It's not ideal, but that is the nature of the design Anet chose.


    Final thought: Remember, they are a business first, so getting ppl to stay in game longer increases the chance of them getting you to spend money on gems.

  16. > @"Bjonk.3189" said:

    > Slightly off topic but i hate how the ticket rewards are top loaded. The tickets should be rewarded evenly over the entire reward track. This would allow the more casual player to get the most out of their time in WvW, especially if they never get to reach diamond.


    The intent of this design is to keep player volume up throughout the week. if it was evenly distributed ppl would stop playing the game mode much sooner as the rewards would be easier to get. Also in terms of flavor, a diamond chest should have more in it than a wood one.

  17. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > Boneskinner is heal spam and walking circles around him.


    > Yeah that's the cheapo cheese tactic brought on due to it's raid like difficulty.


    > In all honesty doing Boneskinner the way it's supposed to be done is way waaaay too hard for Strike mission content.

    > Strikes are supposed to be easy introduction type content to raids, they're not supposed to be harder than raids and Boneskinner is harder than some raid bosses.

    > It's giving people a false experience using the cheeseo healo tactic beacuse you can't do that in raids when a bosses mechanics get too annoying to deal with.



    Laughs in VG greens, Gorseval blacks and Cairn greens with cheeseo heals and skill tactics.

  18. I feel as though my point has been misinterpreted. I am talking about the chest in the Eye of the North that can be looted weekly that has a "super rare" chance at each precursor. They added a daily reward structure for strikes that can be farmed to get 4 shots at this chest each week. I'm not just talking about regular drop rates, I get how that part of loot works. What led to my complaint is that they are pushing strikes like it's no tomorrow and using a carrot such as the most expensive items in the game to entice people to play it but on the same point doing literally nothing to improve the content that strikes are "supposedly" (used VERY loosly) preparing players for; aka Raids. Strikes are faster to fill, require no real composition of players to beat and now offer a higher reward structure than the raids they are meant to prepare players for. The question this leaves me asking is at what point does it become pointless to try and continue to be a raider if some other form of 10 man content that I can just be lazy on offers more value for my time?

  19. I'm honestly shocked that the devs put precursors as rewards for doing strike missions. I have been raiding with the same group of people for over a year and a half now and not once has a precursor dropped in the exotic spot on a raid. I'm convinced that it isn't even a possibility as I've never heard of one dropping from raids. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here.)


    It's honestly insulting to us that the devs once again are hand feeding a guaranteed possibility of something so coveted as a precursor to the easy mode content that are strike missions, but not doing anything to encourage more people to join the raiding community. My suggestion of a change for this would be to create some sort of a similar chest/daily reward system in the aerodrome that can be opened weekly that has a possibility at obtaining legendary armor precursors. The common and uncommon drops could be mag shards, gaeting crystals, mini's ascended drops, etc. This would help newer raiders have a nice carrot of a possibility on top of already being able to work towards the collections and also keep it fair between the easy mode of strikes and the hard mode of raids.


    Right now it just seems that being a raider is getting kicked in the teeth with the constant delays of releases of raid wings and then a new strike comes out every 2-3 months like clockwork.

  20. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > Well with a new raid would need new Legendary carrot or something. Another Legendary trinket?


    > I also wouldn’t be surprised if they saved the new raids for Cantha or at the very least have strike missions. They seem to be able to pump those out at a fast rate then raid wings, for obvious reasons.


    The prospect of having to wait another year plus for Wing 8 hurts my soul. I get that their most recent communication said it's difficult for them to justify putting out a new wing due to the audience, but right before that they also said they intended to release raids at a faster rate. It's wishy washy info.


    Truth be told, strikes are a poor substitute and will never be raids. I maintain that the only reason they are getting such attention right now is due to the daily reward structure they just came up with. People are reward driven after all.

  21. > @"Manny Lennix.4236" said:

    > I like the ways this feature sounds, and I'm excited for it to come to the game. I also think guys should make it so Legendary Armor, and weapons can be sold for the people who have more than one. Luckily, I am not one of these people and I'm not sure why people would make the same set over again unless they're a truly **lazy kitten**. I feel bad tho about buying the max number of shared inventory slots because I use them to move all of my gear to another toons. Hopefully I can find a better purpose for these slots.


    I recommend using converters, salvage kits, portal tomes and such in those slots. It's nice because then you don't have to remember to go to your bank every day to get the free stuff from the ley-line converter, etc. each day.

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