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Delita Silverburg.8632

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Posts posted by Delita Silverburg.8632

  1. > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > > Second, do you plan to say the same thing to the people who made extra sets of legendary armor?


    > Already did. It's precisely the same thing. The game changing now doesn't take away from the benefit they got of having multiple armor sets at the time. If there was no benefit to making multiple legendary armor sets, then they wouldn't have done it, but there 100% was. Again, to act entitled to something now, despite having used the benefit for as long as it existed, is exactly the same as demanding a refund because you paid full price for an expac on release just because it went on sale years later.



    You're throwing out terms like entitled and being condescending when people are just asking questions. I won't speak for anyone else, but if you look back to my original post, you'll notice that it was framed in the form of a question. I'm being rational and asking a question because this change has impact on people directly in a financial way. If Anet chooses to not do anything about the change, that's totally fine in my book. It's their product after all.

  2. > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

    > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > > So the fact that I made a bolt for my Chrono and another for my Revenant are useless now? Is there any plans for compensation for the gold we spent to work in the terms of your templates as you released them in the first place?


    > I have to assume you made bolt twice a long time ago before the 2nd gen legendary weapons came around, otherwise you would have made one of each. Assuming this is the case, you got literal years of benefit from the two before this change is implemented. You are entitled to nothing. This is like demanding arenanet refund you because you bought an expac on release at full price and then 5 years later it went on sale.


    Firstly, you made an assumption. I actually made my second bolt within the last week. The reason being is because it's far easier to do than the terrible process of gen 2 legendaries. Second, do you plan to say the same thing to the people who made extra sets of legendary armor? It's a lot worse for them than even it is for me. 1 extra weapon is about 2000g, and believe me that's a chore to farm, but for them it's like 15000g for 6 full sets of now useless armor. I can't imagine how they feel from this update.

  3. The two comments about raids being fine are coming from EU servers. I'm in NA and it's a whole other story over here. NA raid LFG is empty after Tuesday every week consistently. Ignore the fact that there is a new release of content this week as it has little impact on this point. My point is that it's always like this, and I think a daily reward could get people to raid more than just the first 2 days of the week.

  4. It's Wednesday night, I'm logging into my favorite game Guild Wars 2. It has the best form of combat in an MMO and I really love raiding. It's the most challenging content in the game and is really satisfying when you win. So I go to the LFG tool. I look, and there are no raids happening. Not a single one. It's the same old story. Everyone has already got their clears from the Monday-Tuesday rush. So I quietly log off the game, sad I didn't get to have my fun in favor of some inferior game.


    That's my typical night after Tuesday. Monday and Tuesday are great because everyone is clearing raid bosses with zeal. But think if there was a daily for kill a "specific raid boss" or kill a "PoF/HoT raid boss" that was part of the 10 daily achievement points, and it had a special little reward chest just like "Mist Guard Killer" or "Kryta Vista Viewer". Inside the chest is XX Gaeting crystals or Mag Shards respectively that don't count towards the weekly cap. Then people would at least be more inclined to run that boss or more generally run raids more than just 2 days a week heavy then nothing for the rest of the time.


    Also really hoping for news about Wing 8 soon! It's been 9 months and I'm excited for more challenging content!

    Strikes don't really do it for me, sorry, but they just are too boring and easy.

  5. > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

    > > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > > I also want to note that we've passed the 9 month mark and still no talk of Wing 8 for raids after stating that the team was going to focus on faster releases.

    > Actually there was communication on raid development as recent as early february of this year in the [message from Andrew Gray](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/97028/a-message-from-andrew-gray/p1):

    > > - Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, **the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract**.

    > To me that translates to _we can't afford to spend resources on raid development until we have more people raiding but hope to find them via strike missions_.


    Correct, but this was also said right around the release of W7.


    "We are planning to release raids with more regularity this season." - ANet Jason


    Basically my issue is from the backpedaling in February that you are referencing. I'm pissed they gave us hope, then waited 8 months to just rip it away again. Honestly, I really only play the game to raid at this point. What's the point in staying faithful to the game and spending any money on the gem store if all they're are gonna do is change their mind like the wind changes direction? They killed dungeons with raids and now they're gonna kill raids with strikes which are joke fights that offer no satisfaction to people looking for a challenge.

  6. I also want to note that we've passed the 9 month mark and still no talk of Wing 8 for raids after stating that the team was going to focus on faster releases.


    I'm sorry, but I know you're all for strike missions, but they are NOT raids. Too simple, not hard enough. I personally haven't touched the Whisper of Jormag because of how disappointing Grothmar and BM strikes have been, and likely won't touch this new one either.


    I want our next raid wing please. Wanting to push player skill levels up to raid levels is fine, but for those of us who are already doing raids weekly, we would like more content too. LFM is constantly empty since all raids are able to be completed by most groups in 4-6 hours of play and ppl are just done by Tuesday each week. Either a restructure of repeatability through rewards, or the next wing would be nice.

  7. > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

    > > > Why is a 5-10 man instanced strike _required_ to complete the story? Requiring other players for story content hasn't been a thing since before you made killing Zhaitan a soloable instance. I am not happy about this. I get you want people to do strikes, but forcing it on people who want to play the main story is not the way to go about it.

    > > >

    > > > I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends arent online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

    > > >

    > > > Bad choice Anet. Normally I am a "white knight" (as some people have tried to call me) about the game. But this really gets under my skin.

    > >

    > > If you mean the Steelwarband stuff it's all just side story. It's similar to a dungeon to be honest just with public access.


    > Dungeons were never required to complete the story with the exception of killing Zhaitan and Anet changed that to a soloable instance for the story. This is a step backwards.


    I disagree wholeheartedly. You should have to do group content in an MMO. This is not a single player game. People who push this to be a solo experience are why many people only come back every 3 months or so to just complete story then move on to other games. Guild Wars needs to get back to fostering more people playing group content together instead of just forcing us all into easy encounters that can be solo ran. It's fostering why there is such a huge gap between the top and bottom skill levels of players. Ultimately, challenge in games is a good thing.

  8. First love the fixes to toughness across guardian, elementalist and warrior. However, now that soulbeast is a viable power build in raids, you should make the same adjustment to the 150 toughness increase that merging with your pet provides. We all adjusted our tanking builds lower after the shift of 250 toughness down on guardian, but we are seeing the same issue with soulbeast now at 1150T. Thanks for considering these adjustments as it makes for a better experience, but please keep it consistent.



    Every raiding tank that wants to run 1005T.

  9. With the upcoming release of build templates (and the limitations that it brings), I would like anet to consider upping the total number of shared inventory slots.


    I understand that it's not possible to let each character access your legendary gear at once due to the current infrastructure, but if we had extra shared inventory slots we could work around that limitation. I made legendary gear for convenience, not fashion. I want to use my bolt across all of the characters that can use a sword, along with all the other legendary weapons/armor; but the new templates you plan to will offer force me to remove it from ALL build templates to even use the weapon on a different character. It's going to be easier to just use the build templates for traits and ignore the equipment templates entirely from a perspective of sharing gear. Sure everyone could have full sets of ascended gear for each and every character, but that is ridiculously expensive and time consuming. Using a shared inventory slot seems like the only way to work through this limitation. Also, since we now have up to 32 slot bags, it would be nice if we could have each bag represented as a single row and the 24 shared slots looks mismatched with 32 slot bags.

  10. In response to some of the comments, I think that people are just too focused on the training area only being for DPS roles. My main reason for posting this in the first place is due to the fact that finding groups of people patient enough to let you practice something is nearly impossible. Most people stick around for 1 pull, even when it says "training please stay" or the like in the LFG. it just ends up being a huge waste of everyone's time. A major example of this would be Deimos hand kiting. It's super easy to mess up if you're inexperienced at doing this mechanic, but it's also locked behind the pre-event of the fight. So 10 people have to do a pre-event just for the one person to be able to practice the mechanic.


    Now just imagine if there was an option in the training area that said "Practice Deimos Hands". It simulates the hand on the ground and the mind crush mechanic. Nothing else, just those core things. You could on your own go into the SFTA and sit there until you felt completely comfortable enough to go into the real fight.


    The reason I mention this specific mechanic is because lfg groups will either A only do the first 3 bosses in Wing 4, or B state that it is a full clear wing and still only do the 3 bosses. And mostly it falls to a lack of enough hand kiters. Anybody can DPS though, and I truly believe that's because the golem exists to let anyone learn how to do a skill rotation.


    In reference to the work on the raid team, these mechanics already exist, so it's just a matter of creating the interface that allows the code to be copied over. I know I'm simplifying, but I don't feel it's an impossible task.


    I do concede that some things are outside of the realm of possibilities, but the biggest concern I have as a raider is that the community is quite small and many feel it's too big of a barrier to entry and I think a change to tools that let you get better at raiding could help with that.

  11. You know what I want out of Anet? I'll tell ya. A complete overhaul of the special forces training area. I think the below things would be sweet. The fact that at best the training area is a single stationary golem that doesn't fight back is just depressing.


    1. The ability to save your buffs and profession skills to a single button click the next time you enter the instance. (Saves time when training dps rotations.)

    2. The ability to train in fight mechanics without raid pressure such as the following.

    a. Vale Guardian Teleports/Greens

    b. Sabetha Cannons/Heavy Bombs/ Flak Kiting

    c. Deimos Hands/ Oil Kiting

    d. Sabir group CC phase.

    e. Dhuum Greens

    f. and all the other things I'm forgetting.

    3. NPCs that let a person practice healing as various classes with different configurations.

    4. A Golem that fights back to be able to practice timing tanking defensive skills.


    I mainly wanted to write this because I wanted to learn how to do Deimos hands, but if I don't have a bunch of people together to do the prephase of the fight, I can't even begin to practice. It just wastes the time of the other players. That's not fair to them.


    The training area is an excellent place to improve you ability to do a dps rotation on a stationary golem, but it could be so much more.


    Please let me hear your thoughts on these ideas and anything else you might think could be cool!

  12. Last night I commanded a raid group from VG through the spirit woods up to Gorseval. 4 people within the raid did not get the final chest from the spirit woods that has the LI. I would like to know what can be done for them as this happened to 1 of the 4 people 2 weeks in a row.

  13. 3rd major class change in less than a year's time. So the last 6 months I've spent gearing up my first class (Chrono) to finally be able to do raids has just been a complete waste of my free time and money. Thanks Anet, couldn't have done it without you! Look forward to seeing what you come up with next regarding overall class killing.

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