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Posts posted by Tyson.5160

  1. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > Dude... Seriously?

    > > > If the fact that you already have a easy mode for Fractals doesn't stop people from complaining about fractals difficulty/elitism, then a easy mode for dungeons surely won't stop people from complaining about the same things for dungeons....

    > > 1. it would stop _some_ of them.

    > > 2. it might bring more people to the mode

    > > (also, you meand raids instead of dungeons, right?)

    > >

    > > Also, notice, that complains about elitism in fractals are a relatively new thing (at least to the degree we're seeing now). They are a result of the game _changing_. Before that, almost all the complains about difficulty of high-tier fractals were targetting very specific mechanics (like, for example, the clown car dredge fight), and not in general (like being too difficult), but for more specific reasons (in te clow car case because it was too long and too boring).

    > >

    > > Basically, the complains now are not affected by existence of lower tiers, because they are not exactly complains about t4 difficulty. They are complains about _increase_ of t4 difficulty. They are not about existence of elitism in high tier fractals. They are about _increase_ of elitism and toxicity in high-tier fractals.

    > >

    > > So, apples and oranges.


    > 1. I doubt it. Seriously, anyone that's serious enough about raids will, sooner or later, be doing raids with or without the higher difficulty, especially since some of them are quite easy already. Escort, for example, is easier than any T4 fractal, and is a good way to introduce people to raids, get the masteries, and some of the rewards.

    > 2. See above.

    > 3. Yes, that was a brain fart, i meant raids.


    > Not really, there's always been complains. The thing is, people decided to hate on raids, and since that's a dead horse if there is one, the same forum warriros started veering towards fractals. The heart of those complaints is always the same. People want to take their open world barely effective builds (seriously you can always spot the guys with fractal/raid gear in World bosses/encounters, because they have 50% of the DPS) to what's supposed to be hard content. And when they fail, or people get tired of carrying those people and kick them, they complain.


    > Raids is the same thing, and again, while it would be nice to have a "Raids Light", kind of like Dungeon Story Modes, i seriously doubt it would make a dent on people complaining and whatnot, because the true rewards would always be behind the content they can't complete because they can't bring themselves to try and improve their game.


    > Also i'd argue that the _increase_ in toxicity and elitism in fractals, is actually not a thing? If anything atm fractals are way more chill than they were at various periods in the game.


    Having the easier mode may help them improve their game though, by introducing them to the mechanics.

  2. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > > > I voted let it stay as is. Because the problem isn't raids, it's player mentality.

    > > > Fractals have T1-T4 (so very easy, easy, medium, hard) an **still** people complain about elitism and other similar nonsense. So while i think a "story mode" raid would be an interesting thing, it will never solve anything because there will always be people that want the best rewards at no effort, because they're "entitled".

    > > > The first paragraph of the OP says it all... They can't be bothered to even try and put some effort into participating in Raids, but somehow, their own lack of interest and effort shouldn't exclude them from doing the content. Well, short of pointing a gun at their heads, if they can't be bothered, the won't be bothered.

    > >

    > > People complain about T1 Fractals?

    > >

    > No, they complain they can't do T4. If the objective of having easy mode raids is to get people that can't do "normal" go do easy, it doesn't work. Because Fractals has "easy mode" and people still complain.


    Doesn’t it though? If we only had T4 fractals there would be less people in fractals.


    > > > The first paragraph of the OP says it all... They can't be bothered to even try and put some effort into participating in Raids, but somehow, their own lack of interest and effort shouldn't exclude them from doing the content.


    Not sure if we can put all people into this category.

  3. > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

    > I voted let it stay as is. Because the problem isn't raids, it's player mentality.

    > Fractals have T1-T4 (so very easy, easy, medium, hard) an **still** people complain about elitism and other similar nonsense. So while i think a "story mode" raid would be an interesting thing, it will never solve anything because there will always be people that want the best rewards at no effort, because they're "entitled".

    > The first paragraph of the OP says it all... They can't be bothered to even try and put some effort into participating in Raids, but somehow, their own lack of interest and effort shouldn't exclude them from doing the content. Well, short of pointing a gun at their heads, if they can't be bothered, the won't be bothered.


    People complain about T1 Fractals?


  4. > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

    > I raid, and for me it’s fine as is. That said, I would also like a ‘normal’ mode for either practicing mechanics without a slipup being a wipe, or experiencing the story with friends who can’t raid high-end.

    > In such a case I wouldn’t be harmed by a lesser mode with lesser rewards. But simultaneously, the ‘normal’ mode should yield less gold, and no LI’s or Magnetite shards since those are truly rewards for the challenge


    You could still reward LI, however make it so you get a single LI for a full wing clear, which would make it 5 LI a week, at that rate if someone wanted to grind the easy mode Raids it would take em 7 and a half months. Which may encourage the normal which if you clear each wing now is just over 2 months. You could also provide small magnetite shard rewards as well. Essentially your giving people a taste of the content, which may bring more people into the content.

  5. > @"yLoon.5289" said:

    > Yes I do raid.

    > Raid is fun when played with a close knit of friends, however, joining a PUG group could sometimes go down south. xD


    Sometimes Pugs can be really great, other times it can incredibly stressful. I’ve had to full out stop playing due to some of the verbal abuse.


  6. > @"Doctor.1384" said:

    > Ive read through a few threads about this issue and I guess ill post my perspective. I think the people that are defending arena nets decision to lock content behind raids are overestimating the flexibility of schedules that are chaotic like mine. Im a fairly new player that doesnt raid but does do fractal CMs, WvW, and pvp (I think fractal cms are comparable to raids in difficulty and gear required to run them efficiently on a daily basis, please dont set me on fire if you disagree). So far ive acquired HOPE, infinitum, and im working on the ascension. I do not think its tenable to claim that these items do not require hard work and dedication. I would like to get the legendary ring but the problem ive encountered in getting into raids is that even after learning mechanics (which I have done in public groups) I still need to establish a static group to run them effectively, and having a static group means that I have to allocate time each week that is not flexible. To add insult to injury I also see people selling raids as if trying to take advantage of people in my situation (sure theres no initiation of force but its still very annoying since im competent enough to do this content and id basically be paying people to play with me rather than be paying them for the carry). The reason Im able to work on the other legendaries is because I can work on them whenever I want, for example I can start my own 100cm room , and then it will be finished in a timely manner with the help of people that meet the base requirements I set to join the room. This cant efficiently be done with raids and I think others have adequately discussed why. Similarly with pvp I can queue for matches whenever I want, I dont need to go outside the game to coordinate with some guild or some discord server to get to work on my legendary. Being told that I need to join a guild to get these new legendarys is like being told that I need to join a union to work. I would gladly do two or three times the amount of work or work that is two or three more times more difficult than raids to get legendary armor skins and trinkets if It would mean that I could just work on them when I want to work on them (yes I know wvw and pvp now have legendary armor but the skins are still very deliberately locked behind raids). I could probably go on about this issue but since I want people to actually read this ill stop typing.


    Doctor, you did give me a bit of a new perspective on this issue that I have never thought before. It would a different story if you had to gather 9 other people for a pvp match or for a fractal, or for wvw before actually playing those modes. After joining up, you would then have people discussing Meta and changing your build, etc. Your right, it would suck big time if I wanted to make Bolt, but had to gather 9 other people in order to do it and not just once but several times.


  7. > @"Rennie.6750" said:

    > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

    > > > Raid content should have the least possible playerbase, to keep the "feel" of the content and its "rewards" "unique" and "elite".

    > >

    > > Eh.. remember.. you're playing GW2, not Wildstar. or something hard . Even the best GW2 player is looked upon as mediocre in the gaming world, and that's in the competitive PvP arena, it only goes down hill when they stat to talk about PvE.


    > That's not even remotely true. Wildstar has no unfair/bs mechanic, GW2 has plenty. There are many poorly telegraphed devastating attacks hidden in a sea of players effects and tons of little things you have to remember, again because of poor telegraphs. It would be true if mechanics were clearly communicated but they're not. I've played wildstar and most other MMOs out there and GW2 bosses are the most poorly done overall. You'd think it's only the older ones but no, it's really hit or miss. For some reason GW2 has a passion for minuscule bosses and pure animation tells you won't see due to your own effects so he can swing a sword all he wants for 0.25s, no one will see that and people will get downed and it will feel unfair. That's because it is.


    > To OP: if you want more players playing raids you're going to have to convince ANet to change how we learn raids. Right now I don't have time to devote hours to practising a raid boss but I've learnt fractals purely through pugs and right now I'm doing good. If the learning part is sliced into smaller parts then it becomes much easier to learn as it's one thng at a time. Fractal tiers apparently breed perfectly capable pugs even for t4, as I very rarely run into issues at this tier. Raids would need a similar mechanic.


    > I believe changing buffs would help too, waiting for a chrono to do something really gets tedious. Buffs are too strong to skip right now and that makes making some random group an exercise in frustration especially around peak hours as all chronos are busy already. I'd love to heal on my guardian too, but people want heals + might and I can't do that, so healing is still locked to 2 professions and that's really dumb.


    I remember seeing a post a long while ago where someone suggested being able to spawn bosses in the training arena, where you could work on certain mechanics that were causing issues, such as practicing jumping or dodging Samarogs slam attack or practice dodging Sloth flame breath and Sabethas flame wall, not sure if that would help or not. Might be worth some time to do some practicing when waiting for a party or during down time. Guess it could also let people practice rotations while dealing with mechanics.

  8. > @"Vinceman.4572" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > I’m often surprised when a first pull ends in a success, usually the party has to marinate a little and find its footing before a victory occurs. As for time, not sure how a problem like that can be solved unless we get an overhaul to the lfg system for raiding, which has more customization. Any thoughts regarding arding future wings having no legendary collection? Good idea or bad idea?


    > With more experience you'll see that you can literally oneshot all bosses in W1-4 very easily, W5 till Dhuum is also not very hard with a group of 10 players knowing the content by heart. You don't have to be very highly skilled for that, you're just not used to raiding that long so you haven't played together with experienced people or maybe not all of them were experienced.

    > Also, there are sometimes these bosses where you hop into a pug group, join the raiding instance, take your food, ready check, kill the boss and gg ty + bye bye - all in all 5-15 minutes like good old dungeon runs.


    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > Yeah, I’ve looked into finding a raid guild, however I play during non peak hours and most guilds raid in the evenings and weekends while I’m at work.


    > See, and that is still your own issue. Sorry for that but during the usual peak time there is not much waiting for a raid group. I rarely have to wait more than 5 minutes to find a squad if I pug and with my static it's a non issue to find single players as well within minutes.

    > I doubt that a high increase of new players will make it easier to find a squad for you. It's instanced content and even during dungeon peak time it hasn't been easy to find appropriate or good groups at night, during early morning or forenoon. And those are 5 man content, same goes for fractals.


    Oh I realize it’s my issue, I’ve come to terms with that as It would be a stupid reason to quit my job so I could play at peak hours. I was simply answering Cpt comment.


  9. > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

    > > @"Wandering Mist.2973" said:

    > > > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

    > > > *sigh* Performance requirements in GW2 raids (hardmodes excluded, can't judge them properly) are anything but high. Something like 50% peak performance coupled with very, very few mechanics you can't recover from if you fail is pretty faceroll.

    > >

    > > Well that depends on where you are and what server you play on. I am in Europe and playing on the EU server I get 30-50 consistent ping. However, the guild I raid with is made up of people from Australia playing on the NA server, and they get 200-250 ping. That is a huge difference in performance and it completely changes how you do the fights.

    > I don't think it's reasonable to use a worst case scenario when judging the difficulty of a (semi) action-based online game. What about those people with a computer that manages only 5 fps or has other issues? Should devs balance for them, too? No. High ping from a distant region certainly adds a layer of difficulty, but that's an artificial one that should not be addressed by ingame balancing, but server tech as far as possible.


    > @Tyson: That waiting thing sounds like the need for a proper guild.


    Yeah, I’ve looked into finding a raid guild, however I play during non peak hours and most guilds raid in the evenings and weekends while I’m at work.

  10. > @"CptAurellian.9537" said:

    > The reason is simple, but I'll gladly repeat it: Not everyone is interested in everything. And that's fine. Like everything else in this game with the exception of open world content, raids are niche content designed for a certain demographic. For that group, they look pretty successful. Other niches like sPvP or PvD have virtually no barrier to entry at all and yet the available statistics don't look as if even a third of the playerbase participates regularly.


    I’m very interested in the content and love the fights, it just not fun with all the waiting. Generally it’s not the actually fights that take up the time but the down time in between and people leaving.

  11. > @"Zoltreez.6435" said:

    > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > > I accept that I don't have the time or skill. What burns me is that there isn't an option to play the raids on an easy setting with zero rewards so I can at least experience the story. I'm stuck reading a wiki for that :(


    > yep i never in my life gonna ever see DHUUM in this game... Locking a Core Lore figure in the GW world away into Raids.... THX ANET !!!!! not....


    Did you fight Dhuum in gw1? I would have considered him a raid like boss back in the Underworld. I recall having to gather several different groups in an attempt to fight Dhuum and eventually I got a kill. Not sure how it’s any different now.

  12. I’m often surprised when a first pull ends in a success, usually the party has to marinate a little and find its footing before a victory occurs. As for time, not sure how a problem like that can be solved unless we get an overhaul to the lfg system for raiding, which has more customization. Any thoughts regarding arding future wings having no legendary collection? Good idea or bad idea?

  13. I’m curious about wing 7 as I assume wing 6 will have a collection for the gift of the ring. Potentially wing 7 may have no Legendary item associated to it.


    As for your other response, how could Raids address the time aspect. This is the one area of Gw2 that find takes up a lot of my time, mainly waiting for other players to join etc. I still remember when gw2 came out, the developers advised that they knew that people’s time is important and that things can be done within an hour and progress can be made. I find raiding to be the opposite. I’ll spend 8 hours raiding with maybe a kill or 2 and left wondering where all my time went. I also find that I spend most of my time waiting to have fun then having fun. Don’t get me wrong, I love the raid bosses, I love the challenge and the mechanics, however even I’m wondering where all my time went and what I gained during that play session.

  14. Anet tends to add more story on certain villains post-mortem, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they added more to Balthazar’s story...

  15. Fissure of Woe would be neat to revisit, I also like using Raids to expand the world map too. A nice Desert raid would be nice. I wouldn’t mind a raid involving Lord Odran as well, possibly involving the wizards tower.

  16. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > > > > > I still don't see why people are blaming "Raids" when the real blame is on inadequate group finding tools.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > If the game had proper filtering, request, restrictions and had ways to find people and guilds which are active in your timezone who do similar activities as you, im sure that'd solve the problem more than anything anyone can do to "Raids".

    > > > > >

    > > > > > What would be the difference between a pug raid made with the current tool and the new one?

    > > > > > I mean, given 10 players which sucks or tend to be upset easily... what improvement could bring a better LFG tool in terms of efficiency?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > To me, the only things that could change is the time needed to set up the raid, but the outcome would be the same.

    > > > >

    > > > > Notice i didn't say new LFG. I said better group finding tools.

    > > > >

    > > > > The guild system for one is extremely dated for modern MMO's. As a starter there's no effective way to search for guilds and ultimately you rely on 3rd party websites/in-game map chat spam or word of mouth from an acquaintance.

    > > > >

    > > > > That's where i'd start if i was a designer looking to improve the experience for everyone. As stated this should come with not only a member count but also be able to be parsed by peak activity levels and have the guilds be able to flag associated content PvE/PvP/WvW. Once the Guild overhaul is done with and there's a reasonable way to find a guild for people i'd wager half of the complaints about group finding will diminish. Leaving the vocal majority being the lone wolf crowd who refuse to join a guild because reasons.

    > > > >

    > > > > Then i'd work on a proper LFG that is not automated. Doing this gives the group full control on what criteria they wish to accept people in thus removing the forceful side of the argument that everyone deserves to be in a group. Now everyone can join a group if they adhere to the groups criteria. Be it a kill proof (i dont care if a group uses one to filter), Gear, class or traits.

    > > > >

    > > > > Now you'll likely say but how is any of that different than current outside of a better presentation ? The answer is simple it places the agency in the player(s) whom want to raid hands and removes the nature of the poor pitiful me complaints.

    > > > >

    > > > > Additionally, to answer the last question if people are going to be upset or fail when raiding that's not an issue proper group finding will ever fix nor is it an issue any dev should waste time trying to fix. No raid encounter should come with a guarantee of completion.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > If Raids are gonna cause that much a problem, that you now expect them to revamp the LFG and Guild system for content that is only run by 3 - 7% of population, they better off removing them, and put that effort into making something more people will enjoy that won't need entire other systems overhauled.

    > >

    > > These things would also benefits fractals, story missions and other party generating tools. My fear is this, I like Raids, however I think most of us can agree that it would benefit from having many more players experiencing the content regardless of the niche type of content it is. What happens if player population dwindle. I would not be surprised if the raid team would fall into the same category as dungeons with Anet advising that there are now 6 or 7 wings for raids are out that they no longer support this type of content. Living World would probably never get axed and in a few short episodes there will be a complete set of Legendary weapons for the 2nd generation. I guess it would also depend if W6 would be part of the gift of the ring collection as well, which I suspect it will be, but where does that leave for W7? I just hope that this game mode doesn’t become unsupported content like dungeons.


    > Messing with the LFG or Guilds. would have no effect on Living story ,and Fractals have been doing just fine for half a decade with the current system.


    > Right now, Anet has made it clear, this Raids are their hard stuff, it's not meant for the masses, and if sometime in the future if the raid teams wants to save their jobs or whatever, and needs to find a way to bring in the masses, I am sure they can suddenly figure how to make a "story mode" work.


    > Saying we have to mess with everything else to make raids work.. just makes them look like a huge pile of more trouble then they are worth.


    I worry about this because I understand that it’s niche content, however with potentially wing 7 what would the carrot be? Another legendary item, no legendary item? I understand people want the challenge, but what if there is no legendary reward?


    Also once this wing is out, will raiders still want to do as much raiding? Would this then shrink the niche content into an unpopular content aka Stronghold, that the devs will no longer support, but will obviously keep in the game just like dungeons?


    I think Anet should be trying to increase this niche content somehow before they decide to not support it because if they decide it’s not worth the development time, it’s over.

  17. > @"STIHL.2489" said:

    > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > > @"Shirlias.8104" said:

    > > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > > > > I still don't see why people are blaming "Raids" when the real blame is on inadequate group finding tools.

    > > > >

    > > > > If the game had proper filtering, request, restrictions and had ways to find people and guilds which are active in your timezone who do similar activities as you, im sure that'd solve the problem more than anything anyone can do to "Raids".

    > > >

    > > > What would be the difference between a pug raid made with the current tool and the new one?

    > > > I mean, given 10 players which sucks or tend to be upset easily... what improvement could bring a better LFG tool in terms of efficiency?

    > > >

    > > > To me, the only things that could change is the time needed to set up the raid, but the outcome would be the same.

    > >

    > > Notice i didn't say new LFG. I said better group finding tools.

    > >

    > > The guild system for one is extremely dated for modern MMO's. As a starter there's no effective way to search for guilds and ultimately you rely on 3rd party websites/in-game map chat spam or word of mouth from an acquaintance.

    > >

    > > That's where i'd start if i was a designer looking to improve the experience for everyone. As stated this should come with not only a member count but also be able to be parsed by peak activity levels and have the guilds be able to flag associated content PvE/PvP/WvW. Once the Guild overhaul is done with and there's a reasonable way to find a guild for people i'd wager half of the complaints about group finding will diminish. Leaving the vocal majority being the lone wolf crowd who refuse to join a guild because reasons.

    > >

    > > Then i'd work on a proper LFG that is not automated. Doing this gives the group full control on what criteria they wish to accept people in thus removing the forceful side of the argument that everyone deserves to be in a group. Now everyone can join a group if they adhere to the groups criteria. Be it a kill proof (i dont care if a group uses one to filter), Gear, class or traits.

    > >

    > > Now you'll likely say but how is any of that different than current outside of a better presentation ? The answer is simple it places the agency in the player(s) whom want to raid hands and removes the nature of the poor pitiful me complaints.

    > >

    > > Additionally, to answer the last question if people are going to be upset or fail when raiding that's not an issue proper group finding will ever fix nor is it an issue any dev should waste time trying to fix. No raid encounter should come with a guarantee of completion.

    > >

    > >


    > If Raids are gonna cause that much a problem, that you now expect them to revamp the LFG and Guild system for content that is only run by 3 - 7% of population, they better off removing them, and put that effort into making something more people will enjoy that won't need entire other systems overhauled.


    These things would also benefits fractals, story missions and other party generating tools. My fear is this, I like Raids, however I think most of us can agree that it would benefit from having many more players experiencing the content regardless of the niche type of content it is. What happens if player population dwindle. I would not be surprised if the raid team would fall into the same category as dungeons with Anet advising that there are now 6 or 7 wings for raids are out that they no longer support this type of content. Living World would probably never get axed and in a few short episodes there will be a complete set of Legendary weapons for the 2nd generation. I guess it would also depend if W6 would be part of the gift of the ring collection as well, which I suspect it will be, but where does that leave for W7? I just hope that this game mode doesn’t become unsupported content like dungeons, which clearly Anet isn’t afraid of doing.

  18. > @"Eramonster.2718" said:

    > Kinda off topic but,


    > Altho it can be managed (eg.Daily: Kill any boss in w2) I don't think there will be a raid daily because it will limit non-expansion players.


    There already expansion only dailies already such as desert and heart of Maguuna resource gathering and vistas.


    I think giving people a daily reason to go back might bring more raiding people back in get additional rewards.



  19. > @"TexZero.7910" said:

    > I still don't see why people are blaming "Raids" when the real blame is on inadequate group finding tools.


    > If the game had proper filtering, request, restrictions and had ways to find people and guilds which are active in your timezone who do similar activities as you, im sure that'd solve the problem more than anything anyone can do to "Raids".


    100% agree with Tex on this one. We need better tools.

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