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Posts posted by Sigmoid.7082

  1. >And wouldn't really be so hard to change them into healing/differently supporting skills for pvp.


    Considering that Anet don't want skills /traits to be functionally different in different game modes and they would have to correctly balance these changes everywhere should something so ingrained in game be changed; I wouldn't be so sure.

  2. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > > @"Galmac.4680" said:

    > > > Burst was removed, see the patch notes. You have to live longer in fights to build up your amount of condi damage.

    > >

    > > > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

    > > > If you want burst you need to roll the power classes that still have plenty or it.

    > >

    > > You both missed OPs point. They are complaining about not getting any power damage when activating skills. Not sure in what circumstances this happens though.


    > You can't get serious power damage if your build is condition damage.


    That has very little to do with what the op is actually trying to raise as an issue.

  3. >The ax buffs are precisely: 3%, 1% and 0% for ax auto, ax 2, and ax 3.

    Only iff you took the trait before. If you didnt the buffs to axe are far more substantial. Especially as its trait no longer competes with awaken the pain or CoD.


    >Instead, Necro now has a buff to damage while things are feared. Great in theory, considering that on paper, Necro has 5 sources of fear.

    >In practice, however:

    >Source 1 is a shroud ability, admittedly useful.

    >Source 2 is Spectral Wall, which sits on a rather long CD, even when traited with a perk in Soul Reaping and gives a pitiful duration, and to boot said trait directly competes >with the fear duration trait.

    >Source 3 is a Fall damage trait in Curses.

    >Source 4 is a competing trait with the Spectral ability CD in Soul Reaping, and literally involves dying.

    >Source 5 is a downstate ability*


    Staff 5 and corrupting stab are missing from this list.

  4. > @"Galmac.4680" said:

    > Burst was removed, see the patch notes. You have to live longer in fights to build up your amount of condi damage.


    > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

    > If you want burst you need to roll the power classes that still have plenty or it.


    You both missed OPs point. They are complaining about not getting any power damage when activating skills. Not sure in what circumstances this happens though.

  5. >Dhuumfire change looks like a buff. Did the big nerf in the previous patch get revered?


    It was never nerfed. It was always bugged but now its been fixed hence the tag "fixed a bug". People were just over-reacting and readying the pitchforks because they figured out something people knew from all the way back to the beta weekends with scourge.

  6. > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > that's because of:

    > Unholy Fervor: This trait has been reworked and renamed Dread. It now causes fear you apply to also inflict 10 stacks of vulnerability for 5 seconds. It also causes attacks against foes inflicted with fear to deal 20% more damage.

    > Spiteful Talisman: This trait now reduces the recharge time of axe skills in addition to focus skills.

    > aka no more +10% axe damage.


    I want to go and find the quotes from when they introduced awaken the pain and members of the community said "this is good buff to power but the axe trait is important in the rotation due to the reduced cool-down. Patch is trash because we can't take them both".


    Also considering that every axe skill has overall been buffed by more than 10% its nothing more than an overall buff.



  7. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"xDudisx.5914" said:

    > > I think they will change torch 4.


    > There is objectively few things they can change on the necromancer to slow the condi ramp up.

    > - Torch 4

    > - Maybe _plagueland_ final pulse

    > - _Desert shroud_ reduce number of torment stack per hit but lengthen them

    > - CPC, reduce poison stack to 2 but poison last 4 seconds instead of 2 seconds

    > - _Epidemic_


    > This is honnestly all the skills that can be touch... And this would change nothing to the current situation in PvE/PvP/WvW


    You missed all punishment skills. Down to 1 stack for a longer time.

  8. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Airdive.2613" said:

    > > Not to mention you can actually capture the point while the thief is stealthed, which matters the most in sPvP.


    > I could care less about PvP, I want this to be done in WvW as that is the place I spend all of the time. I don't care if warrior is unplayable in PvP but WvW is where I play and roam. NOTE: I don't know why this was moved to PvP!


    So your post should be in that section not this one. Complaints about WvW mean very very little in this subforum.

  9. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

    > > Classic Hitman post. This can be added to the list of things they think are OP/unfair alongside:

    > > * Z-axis teleports

    > > * Warrior not having the most combo fields

    > > * Some classes being faster than warrior

    > > * The utility skill corrupt boon

    > > * Projectile blocking

    > > * Mesmers..all of them

    > >

    > > Im sure I have missed a few .All because orichalcum price has dropped too low and warrior is obviously the least played class in the game /s


    > The good and old ["poisoning the well fallacy"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_the_well), it never gets old, specially in the forums.


    What doesn't get old is your sense of logic. I don't need to discredit your ramblings since you do that yourself with you extreme inconsistencies or just pure fallacious arguments. All you have said , and all you do say , is I don't like X ( on Y class ) because it counters me. X is totally fine (on Z class) when it doesn't counter me and I can win. That's all a majority of your arguments ever are. The other being my class doesn't have/isn't the best at Y so Y is too strong and should be changed/removed. Anyone who has followed your post history knows it.


    The fact that different classes have strength and weaknesses, different mechanics and skill sets or that you can get countered or , god forbid, even out played seems like a complete mystery of a concept to you.

  10. > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > @"Vova.2640" said:

    > > No clue where you getting those changes from but...

    > > 1. It would be a good change because less stacks = less burst. Long duration condis will get cleansed anyway.

    > > 2. condi duration should be capped at 50%, or expertise should be 20 or 25 for 1%. Also flat condi duration runes/sigils need to go.

    > > 3. Resistance is dumb because some classes have absolutely no access to it, while others have too much of it.


    > I absolutely agree with change 2, but it should be accompanied by capping boon duration at 50% as well.


    If ferocity was also capped. Cant cap one without capping them all.

  11. Classic Hitman post. This can be added to the list of things they think are OP/unfair alongside:

    * Z-axis teleports

    * Warrior not having the most combo fields

    * Some classes being faster than warrior

    * The utility skill corrupt boon

    * Projectile blocking

    * Mesmers..all of them


    Im sure I have missed a few .All because orichalcum price has dropped too low and warrior is obviously the least played class in the game /s

  12. >Since its supposed to be a support class


    The only problem with this way of thinking is how the class is built and changes anet have made to reaper. It's clearly meant to be the go to spec for condition users due to the changes to condi on reaper and the entire middle traitline.


    Besides core necro still has a lot of corrupts,that really shouldn't change. And even if all the punishment skills and the master tier trait were changed to just remove boons people would still complain.

  13. > @Dreggon.6598 said:

    > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > @ArthurDent.9538 said:

    > > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

    > > > > > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > > > > > Can we do something about foefire. It's inline layout is really bad to play on, particularly for low mobility class, it's points are far to easy to bunker, and the mechanic ridiculously favors teams with mesmers.

    > > > > We've talked about potential changes to Foefire before, but people got a little mad about. Reducing the size of mid to specially reduce bunkering was on our list of potential changes.

    > > > > We do have to be careful with changes to it, as in it's current state, it's one of the most popular maps. Even if I think it could be improved.

    > > >

    > > > The problem with foefire isn't the large points, it is the fact that mid is directly between the two sides which makes it really hard to play sides since to go from far to home you need to go through mid or take a huge detour.

    > >

    > > Adjusting that was also on our list of potential changes. We felt that not having home close to spawn contributes to the snowball potential.


    > put a jump pad to get over mid point faster, there's some unused parts of the map if you leave a side point and head to the left and you can cross a bridge, maybe put something on the other side of that bridge


    I would put another bridge there and then on the other side I would put another archway. That way you can get across without having to directly go through mid.

  14. > It should, as it should precision.


    So the way to balance conditions is to make it require 4 stats? As well as have a higher list of possible counters? Its a completely ridiculous notion. Where in your idea is the reduction in cleanse skills or the removal of the resistance boon? Condi should never be 'power damage over time' like you are suggesting. Its has to mechanically function and feel different. Which it currently does.


    Condition damage should only ever focus on its own 3 key stats which is Condition damage (main damage stat), precision and expertise(force multipliers). Nothing more. A skill does to much damage? Change the stacks, duration etc. 'Condi builds only need 1 stat'? Augment skills to benefit less innately but better through on crit procs for extra damage to make precision more valuable, lower durations to make expertise a proper investment. Change skill cool-downs so burst is less repeatable etc etc.


    One of the most accurate posts I have seen on the forum so far this year is

    >And that's aside from the fact that 90% of complaints about conditions are actually complaining about necromancers specifically, and generalizing onto all condition builds in the game.

    In general if a power spec build does insane damage it usually gets called for that particular spec or skill to be changed. If a condi build or skill does insane damage all conditions are to blame.


    There are a lot of people who make suggestions on how to 'balance' conditions but in actual fact the idea or consequence behind their suggested change is to make conditions non-viable. Either that or the idea, be it good or bad, is just not feasible to implement into the game.


    Do certain condition builds and setups need looking at? Yes.

    Conditions as a whole? Not really.


  15. > @Shirlias.8104 said:

    > > @Zero.3871 said:


    > > daredevil-> unhindered combatant, perma remove of cripple


    > Perma.

    > Somebody kill that guy.


    Unhindered combatant used to give pretty much immunity to movement impairing conditions. It was half the reason it changed.


    Still a strong trait for that purpose just not completely overbearing as it was before.

  16. > @Solori.6025 said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > It's not just a matter of separating the pieces. For the same reason that Heavy, Light, and Medium can't be mixed, Outfits can't be mixed with any of those weights, as they are a separate weight, themselves. As stated previously, it takes ~9 months to create an Armor Set. Thus, it would take ~9 months to create the 'Armor Sets' for each Outfit. The Devs may feel that the playerbase would prefer _new_ Armor Sets released, rather than old Outfits turned into Armor Sets. /shrug


    > Yes, different weight classes are different, but would it be so hard as to make all the different weight pieces the same cosmetically?

    > They have done that with the foe fire gloves, the salvaged forged pieces, and even with the addition of the Dhuum armor pieces currently in the wardrobe


    > I also don't think taking existing code and cutting it up would take 9 months especially since the art, most of the coding, etc. is already done.

    > I would hope they have a base code to assign different cosmetic items to certain weight classes.




    You are vastly oversimplifying the problem.


  17. > @Lahmia.2193 said:

    > Funny you say this. Agony no longer effects barrier as Sigmoid said. And Anet already did make barrier last 1 second longer (degen starts 2 seconds, after application, instead of 1) and made it fully degenerate after 4 seconds instead of 3.


    Only a small correction.



    >Barrier: The duration before decay begins has been increased from 1 second to 2 seconds. The time for the barrier to decay has been reduced from 4 seconds to 3 seconds.

    Barrier went from 1 second start, 4 second decay to 2 second start , 3 second decay. The total time you have barrier is the same. 5s. Though the time spent a higher values of barrier is much better. Its good for builds who deliver many packets of barrier like support scourge or weaver.

  18. > @Skobel.6920 said:

    > > @Astralporing.1957 said:

    > > Raids' target audience is not "the greater whole". Devs never meant for them to be done by more than a minority of players.



    > Any quotation on that, or any other form of confirmation of this statement?


    Full quote by lead raid designer.


    > @"Crystal Reid.2481" said:

    > New forum, so I'll jump in with a new post on this.


    > We won't be adding a different difficulty tier at this time. **Raids need to continue to remain the most challenging content in the game, and they aren't designed to be accessible by everyone from a skill perspective.** Could they be more accessible from a "finding 9 other players to play with" side? Sure. That isn't always an easy problem to solve, and any solution would detract away from the team making more raid content. We'd love to get more content out to you guys faster really.


    > I see a lot of comments about W4 difficulty, so I'll add some notes on that as well. Balance came in later than expected since we had far more bosses and content to test than usual. Are we totally happy with how balance turned out? Yes and no. The Mursaat Overseer base difficulty is too easy, but we were very happy with the CM difficulty. For the next release we'd like to get difficulty tuned more back in line with Spirit Vale. However, some of that original difficulty and magic is hard to re-capture. You never forget your first raid boss kill.

  19. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > > @Raguel.9402 said:

    > > If you can’t handle T4, run T3, if you can’t handle T3, run T2 and so on.

    > >

    > > It’s like complaining about a hard mode being too uhm „hard”?


    > T4s are not hardmode, CMs are. Fractals were promised to be our substitue of dungeon level difficulty :)


    Could you point me to where they said this or made this promise?

  20. > @Crinn.7864 said:

    > > @Sigmoid.7082 said:

    > > I would rather just lower the duration of most conversions, boon and condition, and remove the scaling with duration. In fact there are a bunch of duration and stack changes that should happen to the tables.

    > >

    > > Besides the current conversions make sense by type. Going from doing more damage to doing less damage and taking less damage to taking more damage makes more sense than doing more damage then taking more and taking less damage then doing less. Also means they don't really need to re-balance a whole bunch of active defence on necromancer.

    > >

    > > None of this removes the fact that boons, conditions, damage and defence are all far to prevalent and high. Though the community should be careful what it wishes for because when it gets it the likelihood is it wont like it.


    > As a necromancer main, I would argue that having my class's self-defense hedgepinned on the assumption of being able to maintain 100% weakness uptime from might corruption is not healthy for my class.


    > Also while yes the current conversion table makes sense thematically, it's not to hard to justify the proposed table either. If might is the mechanical representation of our character's strength, then losing that strength would leave our character more vulnerable.



    Yeah I've mained necro just as long as you have.


    I never said 100% but its always been high and not just from might corruption. It would have, is, and always will be taken into consideration. Changing the table won't change that. The only problem is because of the increase in boons and the resulting increase in corruption its become the main source. Also disagree with your justification its harder to do since might isn't the representation of character strength since your character is already strong, its extra strength. Losing extra strength in no way would make you any more vulnerable than your base ability but having it flipped on you is far more likely to make your attacks feeble,being drained of strength, than make you suffer greater from damage. Its not only makes sense thematically but mechanically. when it comes to the expected swing in combat.


    No boon or condition for conversion should last any more than 2~3s. They should be short lived but impactful so the goal isn't to convert everything without care but to remove stuff with an aim to capitalise on the swing in combat. The tables are outdated for how much the game has changed.


    None of this detract from the fact that there still is currently too much of everything for anything to be considered truly impactful..

    I would honestly rather see PoC changed.

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