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Posts posted by UnDeadFun.5824

  1. > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

    > As we sign off for our annual holiday break, we’re wishing you and yours a splendid season. In 2019, you brought down Kralkatorrik, defeated Qadim the Peerless, attended the biggest charr party ever as a guest of honor, and faced treachery in the Far Shiverpeaks. You’ve befriended skyscales, bonded with Raven, tackled four Strike Missions, and kicked back at festivals throughout the year.


    > Now it’s time to rest, relax, and look forward to what comes next! Before we head home to spend time with our families, we wanted to give members of the Guild Wars 2 team an opportunity to talk about these updates in their own words. [Read more here](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/looking-ahead-to-the-new-year/)!


    > ![](https://us.v-cdn.net/6027239/uploads/editor/vn/6uhv6wb2cael.jpg "")



    At least we have a clear roadmap to show us they are never going to address the real issues with templates. :/

  2. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

    > > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > Well, templates can be free by converting gold to gems and then purchasing them.

    > >

    > > We can argue this point until the cows come home but, That is not free(those Gems used in the conversion are gems bought by players with real money). Listen to Mike Z's announcement, "all these features brought to us for free".


    > Yes they are bought by someone. YOU don't have to buy them.


    As I said we will disagree until the end of time.

  3. I am a bit torn on this one. I main an Asura Reaper and have mostly Asuran toons. There are certain helms and outfits I like and think look good with my ears hidden. However, there are others that I like to see all my characters' corky features. For example, I like the Necromancer Reaper hood removing the ears, I do not like the Primeval Dervish outfit hood that is made to show Asuran ears, but I do like the Sunspear outfit helm, or Luminous armor helms showing ears, etc...


  4. > @"starhunter.6015" said:

    > > @"Jaidy.1824" said:

    > > removal of falling damage traits is silly. whats so complicated about it?


    > So much this, why in the kitten is falling damage trait being removed ?



    My personal belief is(tinfoil hat equipped), someone is peeved players use portals to circumvent jumping puzzles and this is one step to deter that.


    > @"Zetsuei.8942" said:

    > It doesn't matter how many times you buff shades for Scourges, the player not being considered a shade limits what the class can do in every aspect of the game. No other class has to jump through so many hoops just to access their offensive/defensive potential. Imagine if banners/druid spirits had a circular range of 300 and you only got those buffs if you're standing on top of them. Before you do any more changes to shades you need to revert the last nerf and go from there.


    This right here in PvE. Revert all nerfs on Necromancer PvE that were related to WvW/sPvP issues.

  5. > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:

    > Hi all, I have some more news for you. Like I mentioned in [last week's post](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1099265/#Comment_1099265 "last week's post"), we had a list of updates we felt confident we could start working on and planned to give you an update on that list early in the new year. That has changed because one of the updates to build and equipment templates will be ready earlier than expected.


    > This update to Build and Equipment Templates will go live on December 3. We'll still follow with another update early in the new year.


    Thank you Rubi for the update. Please advise the powers that be that this is the type of communication that some of us have desperately needed. Hopefully, they will give a list or outline of other things they are working on for the future of templates.


  6. > @"Fenella.2634" said:

    > > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

    > > One thing you can do to make it easier is set some hotkeys. I use Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc for the equipment templates, and Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 for the build templates.

    > > So when I want to change to the first "loadout" I press Ctrl-1 then Alt-1. For loadout 2, I press Ctrl-2 then Alt-2.

    > Which is yet another example of the clunky and unfinished design. People who do max out their loadouts are supposed to reserve 12 to 20 (after the expected upgrade to 10 each) buttons reserved just for switching builds? Who ever came up with that.

    > Why not just have 2-4 buttons total: "Next loadout", "next equipment", maybe also "previous" each.




    I already use shift+, Ctrl+ and Alt+ for many other skills. I really don't have room for any more hotkeys. If they make equipment and build templates connected would make more sense and function better. Or even make a UI tab/icon as they did for mounts or novelties.

  7. > @"Selient.6018" said:

    This is the 3rd thread you have started on the same topic(or maybe the 6th). Please just report as bots and move on. No one likes bots, we just have a realistic view of the situation. There are major updates being released with so many broken and bugged parts... clearly, Anet doesn't have time or resources to make everyone happy.



  8. > @"Rubi Bayer.8493" said:


    Thank you for responding.


    > Thank you for all the constructive feedback you’ve provided about templates. We’ve spent a lot of time reading and discussing your thoughts, and we’ve identified a few updates we feel confident we can start working on.


    Please roll back and remove templates until they are actually ready.


    > • Automatically switching build and equipment templates when a character enters or exits PvP and WvW. We’ll need to make updates to this functionality to further integrate templates with PvP.


    This is a good start.


    > • Ease of swapping legendary equipment between characters.

    > • Greater flexibility when making experimental changes to templates.


    I hope this means a fix for hot-swapping legendaries and creating a save button.


    > Because we have limited time to program, test, and implement these changes before the winter holidays, we’ll be able to give you a progress update early in the new year.


    > We’ll keep reading your feedback, so please continue to share your thoughts as you play with templates.

    > Thank you!



    Thank you for responding but this needs more attention. Please, re-sticky this thread and ask that someone working on it gives us a clearer outline of changes Anet is willing to make.

  9. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

    > > I can't believe with all the recent issues with the game this topic makes it back to the top of the discussion, again.

    > I think that this is because there are those players who feel unattended farming grants a certain advantage to those who do it.



    I would understand if the OP had not already taken action and received a response from a GM. Simply report as botting and move on. Yet he still decides that action is not enough to create a forum thread only to point out he didn't actually read what the GM advised him to do. Not to mention the dozens of previous threads on both official forums and Reddit on the very same topic. All which end in the same manner, If you encounter behavior in-game which violates the tos, report and move on. Then, of course, you have the dozens of people arguing in the same threads about what is afk vs idle farming vs botting. In any of the examples previously mentioned, just report for botting AND MOVE ON!

  10. There are bots and hacks in WvW, bots and hacks in sPvP, bots teleporting all around maps from gathering node to node above and below the map. I'd could really care less about idle/afk farming. Anet has not been able to balance skills and more recently borked templates. If Anet employees waste time on afk/idle farmers they might as well stop releasing new content. I can't believe with all the recent issues with the game this topic makes it back to the top of the discussion, again.

  11. I like how they change it from rez 3 to rez 1 but then buff Chrono to rez an entire zerg.

    > @"DrakusEnderBorn.7904" said:

    > Since it's stated :

    > > **Mesmer**

    > >

    > > * Descent into Madness: Removed fall damage functionality from this trait. Renamed to "Method of Madness"

    > > * Medic's Feedback: This trait no longer increases revival speed. It now causes Feedback to revive allies inside it by 5% per second.

    > Would that mean if a Mesmer casted normal feedback it would revive people? So if they mimic -> feedback -> feedback -> revive for medic's feedback and then cancel to proc after that 18s the person would be ressed 90% from full dead? If so wouldn't this be too broken in WvW lord ressurecting or ressing wiped people in a Zerg v Zerg fight? Esp since it just states "allies inside it" theoretically you could revive an entire zerg with 2+ mesmers placing feedback.



  12. > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > Because you lost ArcDPS, something that you were warned about in every ways to not be official, shouldn't upset anyone as it feels like everyone took it for granted. Just like DX12pxy that could vanish anytime, wouldn't make me react much knowing I have made the agreement that it's unofficial.


    > There's a lot of abuse for any convenience that people can get nowadays, let alone for free. It shows that nobody cares enough to notice.


    If you like them, fine. however, I think you are the one missing something here. Among the many reasons here are just a few ...

    Why allow a free third party app? ( which was better than official templates)

    Why advertise them as free but then charge for them?

    Why overcharge? It is cheaper to buy another character slot then expand templates?

    Why are they so greedy to separate templates into 3 sections to monetize each?

    Why release templates when they clearly did not test them?

    Why not allow players to opt-out of the system?

    Why not allow people to still use the free third-party app if they are sure of the quality of their product?


    I have been a loyal GW2 customer for 7 years, a loyal GW1 customer even still today. I have bought multiple copies of each game and its expansions.

    I have probably spent more money in the gem shop than it would have cost me to have paid for a monthly subscription game.

    I don't mind paying for convenience, I do expect quality and do not want to be overcharged.

    If you are a paying consumer and you are not satisfied with the service provided, you have options. I will voice my discontent and if the company does not meet my satisfaction I will get those services elsewhere. ... and nothing is free, if think for a minute that all these updates and "conveniences" Anet provided were free you need to wake up.



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