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Posts posted by UnDeadFun.5824

  1. I certainly agree we could use some more movement. Rather than reworking a whole weapon, which I cannot see Anet doing. How about revamp one skill on an offhand weapon for movement ? Just some examples, obviously not all of them.


    Focus - Reapers Touch: Send yourself in spirit form to target, target foe teleport to that foe and causes vulnerability, target friendly and teleport to friendly causing regeneration.

    Warhorn - Wail of Doom: Send yourself to target in wraith form causing target to become disoriented/dazed.

    Dagger offhand - Deathly Swarm: send yourself in a deathly swarm flying to target and blinding them.

  2. > @"mazut.4296" said:

    > Necro need another fast hitting melee weapon. I say hammer or mace.


    If it had to be a fast hitting melee weapon, I'd prefer sword. Sword could have a faster auto attack and maybe some movement like a leap or blink on second or third weapon skill(turn into spirit, wraith, swarm of locust flying to target etc ..).

  3. I agree with you but hate to break it to you but ...


    "An inexorable force on the battlefield, the reaper empowers itself enough to wield a cleaving greatsword to harvest its foes. **Slow and hard-hitting**, these deadly combatants call out the impending doom of their enemies with piercing shouts. Upon accumulating sufficient life force, they can enter the reaper’s shroud, a deadly form that grants them a dark scythe of malevolent energy and the abilities to match it. Capable of heavily afflicting their victims with chill and other conditions, the reaper wades into melee receiving and dealing blows knowing nothing can save its foes!


    — Reaper release notes

  4. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

    > > Rifle/Longbow just don't fit.


    > Because longbow fitted guardian? A sword fit an elementalist or an engineer? Double dagger fit warrior (probably the most ridiculous up to now)?


    > In guild wars 2 anything fit. If I had to chose between rifle and longbow (and I'm pretty sure both can fit), I'd say rifle fit pretty well as a long range weapon for the necromancer, using cursed bullets or whatever necro like that you'll shot from afar to disable your foe. Even "deadeye" would have been a fitting e-spec name for a necromancer.




    Actually to me Longbow fit quite naturally to Guardian. A sword fit quite naturally to any spell caster like a battle mage. Sword on Engineer does not. Double Dagger on Warrior, yes it fits. Warrior is suppose to be a Master of Arms. I like the rifle on Warrior and Thief. If they did it right I might like it on Necro too.

  5. I remember the old dungeon lfg with "No Necro No Ranger". I have been kicked just before the boss after playing medic picking up the rest of the team the entire run. Necromancer has always been and will always be the third wheel. Every time our dps get too close to the top dps, the community creams OP and Anet happily hammers us back into the ground(quick patch, it was a bug fix). So to all the Necromancers currently enjoying a little lime light in PvP and WvW your days are numbered. To the rest of us in PvE expect the worst and maybe we will be relieved when it's not as bad as we ~~ know~~ think it will be.

  6. Every time I see a nerf Necromancer thread I cringe. Scourge might need an adjustment in sPvP and WvW but every time Anet does PvE gets hammered. If Scourge was truly meant to be support then Anet needs to make it support, period. However that also means going back and reworking Core and Reaper Necromancer.

  7. > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

    > Maybe ANet should make an invisible "tally" that builds up the longer a player AFKs at a single spot WHILE attacking. If you are around the same spot and haven't moved anywhere and you're constantly attacking enemies (and attacking the air perhaps) then the tally slowly builds up and over time, you'll be notified to move out of the spot to prevent getting suspended. The notification may occur after 20-50 minutes (randomly to prevent bot countercoding) after doing such a practice, which then a conscious, non-bot player would then understand and move out of the way and find another spot.


    > It's highly unlikely that a conscious player would trigger the tally, since I believe it's possible to set up an algorithm that captures bots mostly instead of conscious players, even if the conscious player is farming. Even then, conscious players are generally moving around to slay as many enemies as they can (most of the time) rather than waiting for respawns on a singular spot.


    Anet have officially stated that AFK Farming is ok, botting is not. As long as you respond to a GM and are not determined to be botting you can afk farm. The original comment from Chris Cleary is no longer available on the old forums, maybe some one has it on screen shot.

  8. > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > i just hope ppl don't automatically see necro's as bad, i main a necro but never AFK in groups......


    Unfortunately it's too late for that. Necros might as well be the new "Bear Bow", the dirty name given to players with bad skill and tons of half naked bots running ranger with bear when this game began. Many people use Necro to AFK farm and "2nd Health bar" mentality(bad player skill combined with ignorance) leaves people with a poor view of Necro players anyway. Every time Necro get anything near good dps(in pve) there are massive hyperbolic threads and complaints ...(sorry off topic). end rant.


    If you think someone is afk farming Anet has deemed this "o.k." get over it. If you think someone is botting, Report it and move on. End of Story.

  9. Builds from a few patches ago, may not be optimal, but can give a base line to start with.



    Builds for min/max optimal end game content(which unfortunately means Necro is not desirable by speed groups and min/max crowd) But is still in sPvP and WvW meta




  10. > @"Lemondrop.5216" said:

    > > @"UnDeadFun.5824" said:

    > > > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > > > @Cerberus.4315 said:

    > > > > > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > > > > Gonna go with no.

    > > > > > The current system is fine and there's no reason to change it to placate the OW only crowd.

    > > > >

    > > > > owpve has got to out number all other game modes together 10 to 1, without those players u wouldn't hav a game within 3 months

    > > >

    > > > and if everyone in said modes had legendary armor its prestige and wow factor would be 0. **_Thus it needs to be in modes where people have to actually put forth a dedicated effort to attain it. _**

    > > >

    > > > Sorry you don't like that, but im sure if you group with the 10 other people to the 1 that already raids, you can get through it.

    > >

    > > You mean like non raiders buying raids ?


    > I'm terrible in raids, I get kicked from every group I've ever been with because I suck at them.

    > I got the hint, so I avoid them.


    I was simple pointing out to TexZero that his point about Legendary armors being "in modes where people have to actually put forth a dedicated effort to attain it" was faulted by the fact that someone can buy raid clears with no effort on their part. It was in no way meant to put down anyone on either side of that.


    edit** I agree with you, raids are not for everyone, just like wvw and spvp are not for everyone. So why can't we have an alternate method to obtain legendary armor. I don't need them to be easy to get and I don't want them to have the prestigious skins of raids.

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