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Posts posted by UnDeadFun.5824

  1. > @Loosmaster.8263 said:

    > > @"Shining One.1635" said:

    > > I miss the old Guild Wars 1 approach to gear. Best-in-slot gear was very easy to attain from multiple sources. Of course, you still had the prestige items that required some effort. The only differences were the skins.

    > >

    > >

    > > I think there should be more paths to legendary functionality, but the various modes should have their own skins/effects.


    > That's the problem. Functionality is not what this is about. They want the skins that are locked behind certain content.


    Please don't start lumping everyone all together, not all of us want that. I would like to see other ways to obtain the functionality. Leave to prestige skins where they are.


    *edit: I do not want anything to be an easy hand out either.

  2. > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > @UnDeadFun.5824 said:

    > > > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > > > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > > > You are insisting on treating raids as a part of PvE. The people you are arguing with insist on considering the two separately, since they appeal to VASTLY different subsets of players. So long as you continue to ignore that they are holding that position, you will never be able to come to any sort of agreement with them on the core issues of this discussion.

    > > >

    > > > That's because raids are PvE any effort to deny that is absurd and shifting the goalpost.

    > > > Here's a friendly wiki link just for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Player_versus_environment

    > > >

    > > > Now please try and argue that Raids are not scripted encounters against ai controlled entities also frequently refereed to as mobs.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Just like you continue to state that WvW and sPvP are two separate game modes. WvW is PvP.


    > I can enter WvW and get legendary armor from it without once engaging an enemy player. Only attacking AI....Sounds like it has PvE elements to me which makes it a unique mode of play that is both PvP and PvE that has a unique objective thus creating its own mode of play. But hey do i know, it's not like WvW isn't just RvR by another name, which also had elements of PvE in it.


    > But quick quick tell the purist out there that is solely a PvP experience.

    I can admit Raids are part of PvE, but you will go all ends to try and never admit your wrong.


    **_World versus World (also known as WvW) is a Player versus Player game mode _**where players from three different servers, or worlds, battle in the Mists. It features open-world combat on five large maps with up to several hundreds of players per map. In World versus World, players can besiege objectives such as Keeps and Towers with siege weapons, and battle over resources, to win rewards for their world and World Experience for themselves.

  3. > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > > You are insisting on treating raids as a part of PvE. The people you are arguing with insist on considering the two separately, since they appeal to VASTLY different subsets of players. So long as you continue to ignore that they are holding that position, you will never be able to come to any sort of agreement with them on the core issues of this discussion.


    > That's because raids are PvE any effort to deny that is absurd and shifting the goalpost.

    > Here's a friendly wiki link just for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Player_versus_environment


    > Now please try and argue that Raids are not scripted encounters against ai controlled entities also frequently refereed to as mobs.



    Just like you continue to state that WvW and sPvP are two separate game modes. WvW is PvP.

  4. > @Edelweiss.4261 said:

    > I'd like this change as it means that I could eventually get legendary armor. Doing something I don't enjoy for legendary armor isn't worth it to me.** I'd even be alright with it if OW legendary was legendary without the special cosmetics.**

    I Agree with this.


    > @lokh.2695 said:

    > > @Lunarlife.5128 said:


    > That is a really good summary.


    >**** Legendaries should be a grind, always and no way of aquisition will change that. Legendaries will never be easy handouts for second place. ****


    I haven't seen anyone here say they want an easy way to get Legendaries, just a different one. People keep saying they don't want to see "easy hand outs" yet I can open my wallet and buy raid clears with no effort at all. How is that fair to those who can not. I and others here are only asking for a different way. You and others have pointed out that there are many ways to acquire Legendary pieces already, well what's wrong with one more. Well unless those people belong to one of the raid Guilds who sell raids I suppose. I'm sure if they are making good gold/money they don't want to lose it.


    I just want to reiterate, I don't want Legendary Armor to be easy to get, I just wouldn't mind seeing another option, even if they didn't have the look of the current but the utility.


  5. > @Zaklex.6308 said:

    > Let's make this much simpler for everyone to comprehend why the current set up is fine as is: you have 3 game types, sPvP, WvW, and PvE(which is composed of 3 subsets; OW, Fractals and Raids). Each of the game types has it's own Legendary items...therefore nothing needs to be changed.


    Actually, it was recently pointed out to me, there are only two game types; PVP(WvW being a subset of PVP) and PVE(OW, Fractals and Raids). So now that brings up the issue, why does PvP have two ways and PvE only one.

  6. > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > @Cerberus.4315 said:

    > > > @TexZero.7910 said:

    > > > Gonna go with no.

    > > > The current system is fine and there's no reason to change it to placate the OW only crowd.

    > >

    > > owpve has got to out number all other game modes together 10 to 1, without those players u wouldn't hav a game within 3 months


    > and if everyone in said modes had legendary armor its prestige and wow factor would be 0. **_Thus it needs to be in modes where people have to actually put forth a dedicated effort to attain it. _**


    > Sorry you don't like that, but im sure if you group with the 10 other people to the 1 that already raids, you can get through it.


    You mean like non raiders buying raids ?

  7. There has always been elitism in this game. It was isolated around dungeon speed clears. Where ever there are challenges, there will be people there to conquer them and surrounding that group of people there will always be a small percentage of puffy chest elitists. It is in our nature, you cannot fix that. However, Just thinking out loud here, why couldn't Anet have made Dungeons and raids in normal mode and hard mode like in GW1. They made that more or less with dungeons when they created Fractals, same dungeons repeated with increasing difficulty and challenges. This will not fix elitism but I think it will allow more room for others to learn and grow.

  8. Actually, at this point I almost would like to see Anet remove the shroud mechanic all together. I'm so tired of getting nerfed or not getting buffed because of our "second health bar". I'm not looking for top dps, but tired of hearing you can't have this or that because you have sustain. What good is sustain without bringing serious dps or support, _true group support_.

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