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Posts posted by ugrakarma.9416

  1. Thanks the 6 gods. Now we can have a "proud" pvp armor, not a mock that was the glorious armor set, specially male pants.


    And finally a armor set that fit a weaponset, perhaps Anet is finally learning that players like coeherent armorset+weaponset?





    to show that they learned the lesson, they should give us a title too, "warlord".

  2. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > _Zhaitan_ was used too early. They should have had a non-ED problem to solve for the initial plot, before setting us up against the "impossible to kill forces of nature" that are the Elder Dragons.


    Agreed, in novels/fantasy plots with multiple bosses, normally the "dead lord" or whatsover is setted up to the end, because, after all theres no big threat the fight the death itself............ but i guess they bandwagoned into other mmos where undead stuff shows too early too like neverwinter(Valindra Shadowmantle and the dread scourge) and Wow(Arthas ~ undead guys).

  3. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > I wonder if all those people who throw around Lovecraft's name actually have read his works.

    > It feels like as soon as something just remotely touches a matter Lovecraft used in works works, people scream his name.


    > Lovecraft was neither the first nor the last that used "mind attacks" in his works.

    > Even the so-called _Cthulhu mythos_ isn't made alone by him, many other authors built onto his works to broad said mythos.

    > Also, Lovecraft was an extreme racist (so much so, that it reviled people around him, despite racism having been common during his life time), it even is reflected is his works. Yet this is suspiciously absent when people talk about _Lovecraftian_.

    > Lovecraft wasn't only about minds and tentacles, he works are about far more.

    > Even Bloodborne, the **objectively** most _Lovecraftian_ game, only barely touches the surface.


    > Therefore, this is not even close to Lovecraft.

    > It might very remotely, barely resemble tidbits of what he used, but that's not even close to be sufficient of calling it _Lovecraftian_.


    recently i revisited some movies based on stephen king, so to me Icebrood Saga had seems have more a "stephen king" like atmosphere, or a hitchcock too.

  4. > @"Loules.8601" said:

    > I also consider myself a fairly active buyer of the gem store, so I will insert my 5 cents into the conversation. (+1 to the need for an expansion. I'm sure that many leave, because they think that the game is close to the ending already)


    > And few points about revenue and why, even if I have money, I can't spend it at the gem-shop:


    > **1. Very few "game-lore" skins.** Yes, the alchemist glider has finally appeared, but most skins look like toys for small children. Yes, it's fun to buy a glider that transports your character with small dragons, but half of my characters are brutal and clad in steel, or focused on the magical theme. And there is almost nothing on this topic in the gem store.

    > Moreover, we have a huge number of things related to elementalists (elements in all their forms), but almost nothing related to the mesmers. as example. Or warriors, Rangers, Deadeye, and many others.

    > I have the ability to buy any item in the gem shop, but **I can't find a suitable** glider for a Charr-thief, for example. Or a glider for the classic-theme guardian, except for the already slightly banal white wings.


    > **2. I would buy mounts if there were interesting models.** For example, where are the armored mounts? There are fire-ones, corrupted-ones, but really armored - only skin dreadnought (lizard). Although it would seem that this is the easiest option for skins - and always popular, not as banal as horses. And as a result, even though I would like to buy mounts , I can't find almost anything that suits my game-thematic characters.

    > There are no armored mounts, no magic mounts (those on whom mages could ride lore-wise - with some magic books at the saddle, runes, etc.).


    > **3. Skins.** Just imagine, I want to make a Mesmer-Mirage in the theme of classic arcane-magic (or battle-mage - not that outfits, that can't be combined with everything other): there are hundreds of skins with hearts, tons of skins with fire, tons of skins with a star theme. And nothing that is associated with the theme of Mirage - or, maybe, some runic-weapons, or assassin-weapons. Or something whitch can be paired with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Marksman_Rifle - for example. Tons of skins, which hard to connect to anything else.

    > Well there is a weapon-set for Chronos at least (Time Keeper or something like that). But for most cases, it is very, very difficult to find something suitable for the topic of serious-thematic transmogrification (I can't even find epic full-plate armor for charr-warrior, which can cover every part of body - not small hat with open neck).


    > **4. Improvements for the home instance.** Yes, perhaps only the most persistent players buy them, but I think it's easier to make them than to draw new skins, and many people are pleased that the "house" (or rather its similarity) becomes more "complete". But there are almost no improvements for the home instance. I bought everything that was sold - but I can't "catch" flowerbeds for my house for a month (even write about this in corresponding theme on forum). And I think that the more possible (even paid) customization for a home instance, the better.

    > However... a chair with hay and another new things for the elementalists: I think to remove all the characters on which I did not find a suitable appearance, and create elementalists. There will be a lot of variety there.


    > So yes, in the gem shop there is nothing to buy, even if there is a desire for it.


    > I could spend another couple of hundred dollars on a gem shop this month, but I have nothing to buy in the current store (._.)


    Im also a frequent critic of the lack of consistency, lack of "themed" skins in paid and no-paid content. after POF its get a little better but still hard make thematic/"lore" characters in GW2..


    In heart of thorns for example, we had bladed armor, but no bladed weapons, we have auric weapons, but no auric armor.


    In POF if u want a "Forged" themed character, all stuff is scattered: weapons is random loot, warbeast armor is crafted, and the backpiece is gemstore. War god weapons is gem store. if POF was a PWE game(that produced neverwinter) u will have a warbeast armor, warbeast weapons, warbeast backpiece, or "Forged" all obtainable in maps/bosses with a some title "warbeast", and just remembering that PWE is a company greed as crazy.

  5. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > My interpretation of that bit - especially with the "the bulk of this content will be built in a way that it is still playable after the Icebrood Saga comes to a close" closing bit - is that there will be points where there is a community progressional bar to unlock additional content (most likely not main story, but open world stuff). I can imagine Drakkar's boss fight being updated not on February 11th, but instead after a bar that gets added on Feb 11th gets filled, for example.


    perhaps a "weekly" boss that is reseted at friday like wvw wars, to avoid the fiasco of "unreapeteable" content like LS1.

  6. > @"Amaren.9326" said:

    > I really loved the ending, and folks have already clarified the counter points I would have made but I am confused about exactly how Aurene lead them to the Eye of the North. I actually totally missed that the doppelganger fight was the commander succumbing to the whispers, but that's brilliant.


    the dialogue is vague but suggest that Aurene "guided"(some vision?) the crew in some way.

  7. by Dialogue from some NPC`s in Tarir, ppl are "jumping" into the mists in some way to become revenants.


    > Bartimus Swordheart: What do you make of all the revenants running around lately?

    > Obstructor Rora: Their ability to channel power from the Mists is fascinating.

    > Bartimus Swordheart: Hmmm, bet they're pretty good with swords.

    > Obstructor Rora: (snort) You aren't smart enough to become one. **You'd only wind up trapped in the Mists.**

    > Bartimus Swordheart: I didn't say I wanted to become one, just curious what you thought of them.


  8. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > Agreed. I genuinely can't work out Jormag's endgame. Now it could end up quite anti climatic, but for now it does draw me through this Saga. I haven't got much else to cling to, but this is something I want to see play out. Drakkar's demise seemed almost a game to Jormag at times, so there is clearly a motivation we can't yet understand behind all this. It's very manipulative and there is a great feeling of being in a cosmic chess game. I think they've over achieved on their goal there if nothing else.


    i presented this doubt at ep 01, the "jormag strategy" or goals, is quite unclear.




    > a) why commmander need be lured? hes already not going there because of Bangar?

    > b) if commander not intended goes after Bangar, why Jormag want bring to there someone who could stop Bangar?


    > hipotesis c) Jormag had fear of Bangar and wants Commander to defend itself by causing a "proxy war", but still make no sense, if this is the case its just a matter of let commander do his job that is stop anyone who wants mess up the magic balance of Elder Dragons.


    > d) the real fear of Jormag is Aurene? all this mess is just to setup a lure to bring Aurene into the party?


  9. - Bangar is too dumbed down, one thing is being blind by ambition, one thing is being "cursed", but hes gotta enough evidence that he cant be turn into "jormag champion" without pay a price, and still insists on that path, even worse, hes smart for everything except this.

    - Its seems they wrapped all female characters into Crecia, shes too worried about the commander when he fall, her reaction its like if shes was kasmeer, jory or Taimi.

    - Braham turned into wolf, and supossely spanked them, and they just gone? so the brave charr just run? the enraged norm let they go? he even didnt get his bow back? its just like a parent discipline a child and "now u can go i have slaped u alredy enough".

    - Bangar tried to kill commander, and when commander woke up, he just "its all ok, nothing happened" then Aurene says "let us just sit and watch whats coming next"... what??

  10. Didnt played it yet, but i have a feeling theres old problems came to stay:


    - the tradition of episode 3 of each season have rushed map: **bitterfrost frontier, domain of Kourna**.

    - their hate for coeherent content, the only new title is locked behind a jumping puzzle, the "new" armor didnt have appeal to anyone who want roleplay a "winter wasteland adventurer". how much i miss neverwinter where titles/armors/rewards are tied to boss u kill/map u explore, for example if u kill a dragon whatsover on a "dragon nest" map u get a "dragon killer title", also u get titles for completing armors, and the armors was related to content that deliver them....,

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