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Posts posted by Supreme.3164

  1. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > I must have ascended to the quantum level because I'm on both sides at once.



    All parties are to be blamed for this chaos and most of all **I agree with your idea of professions have their own identity** but for most part this community refuses to accept these identities : if any MMO if I fight say..a ranger I would be expecting to be ranged to death..but here people are angry about the idea? If I fight an elemental mage I am expecting to be torched/electrocuted/blinded etc etc....but here people say no to that......If I fight a thief/assassin...yeah it's gonna be a tough/annoying fight...but here people whine about it?


    This community is the first do not accept the identity of each class...asking for nerfs when this identity goes against their idea of "fairness"


  2. > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > (...) **MMO are all about collaboration between professions/jobs to reach a common goal not for you to have a glorius 1v1**.

    > > (...)


    > When a build can fight 90% of the situations (teamfights, duels, +1 situations) and gets countered by a build which only wins these duels, is this really stone-paper-scissors?



    Would have not been better in that case to add something new to the "duel only" class to bring something to teamfight while lowering the teamfight potential of the other at the same time?


    -Most players would call it "powercreep" but...for me adding a teamfight utility or trait to the "duel only" class , sounds like "increased build diversity"

    -It has always been absurd that people would consider normal that in a game with 9 different professions, you watch a tournament being played by "mirror builds" teams in a 5vs5 gamemode


    Powercreep happens when you take something that it's already strong in its role and you make it stronger....**increasing build diversity is not powercreep**, when you have only one way to play your class...and it gets nerfed...you can't play the class anymore, can that really be called improvement?



  3. > @"Morde.3158" said:

    > Ranger does not auto beat Necro, Ranger used to lose against anything until it got buffed starting with the longbow buffs. What game are you guys playing and how long have you been playing it?


    Nothing auto beat anything unless you practice, sure they are good and bad matchup as one would expect from a MMO but...an unexperienced ranger won't win automatically against a ranger..actually the very opposite would happen. Now you have wrong opinions on both sides : Necros thinking that every ranger won the match solely because they play that class...and Rangers thinking they should win always against necro........players on both sides refuse to admit that you need to practice to beat anything and outside **extreme cases** you mostly always lose because you get outplayed

  4. There is no best way to describe the current situation than using a **famous quote**

    ![](https://i.imgur.com/uRx3vKl.jpg "")


    The more you nerf...the more the game stagnate because people will always gravitate toward the "least effort=biggest reward" gameplay , which will always exist in a game with 9 different professions and will continue to do so unless you "virtuall" remove all but a single profession and a single build or...change all professions to a carbon copy of the same profession to give people the illusion of choice ( I tend to believe that this is what people really want in the end).


    The idea itself that you should have always a "fair" fight in a MMO is what has brought us here, the idea itself that a MMO should be treated like a PvP game...it's again: insane. **MMO are all about collaboration between professions/jobs to reach a common goal not for you to have a glorius 1v1**.


    I blame Anet for not curbing this wrong ideology , Anet should have never allowed for this way of thinking to proliferate ...........


    Anyway the game itself is already **unsalvageable** for a good part, the mentality of the playerbase cannot be changed and people will keep asking for nerfs until everything is a "fair fight" in their mind but...there won't be a game to play by that time..truly a shame, this game could have been so much more...but it's far too late for anything now

  5. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > Hmm given that ranger is one of the weakest if not the weakest profession in top tier sPvP right now. I would disagree with most of this. Greatsword for example, has been overnerfed - and imo is too weak to see true competitive use. Yeah, yeah. I know. There is not really a competitive scene. But balancing for anything other than top tier just means that ranger will stay underpowered.


    > Things that really need to be changed:


    > Lower some GS CDs a little. They're too high right now.


    > Nerf sustain on Wilderness Survival (and sustain across the board for other professions). This is the main problem with ranger being too powerful. It is not that Soulbeast has too many damage modifiers now. If you run soulbeast dps without WS you are just as glass as you deserve to be for the damage you do.


    > Nerf Jacaranda immob or damage.


    > Axe if fine. There are no "good" ranger tank builds. Many other things side node better than ranger. The era of side node tank ranger is gone and will stay gone for quite some time imo.


    > Druid is trash and needs all the help it can get. As long as it doesn't have stab, it will forever be a build for memes and nothing truly good.


    > Nerf Trap runes.


    They literally already **buried** all form of sustain on ranger :


    1) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rugged_Growth - nerfed to the ground, virtually useless in all game modes, **you can remove it and it would make no difference**


    2)https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Windborne_Notes - same as above......not worth even slotting it, even with extremel levels of healing power


    3) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Resounding_Timbre - the only form of selfsustain left on ranger....**already hardcore nerfed in PvP**...it's basically the only thing left which allows rangers to play anything but a +1-shot meme build from the shadows and from 1500 range distance, sure I understand that's all some people want to play on ranger but...what about the rest of us?


    Before you could play bunker ranger....nerfed out of existence; druid bunker....nerfed out of existence replaced by a meme immobilize gold rank build; boonbeast...yeah was a tap OP and was rightly nerfed....**ofc it was overnerfed though** with the soulbeast "drawbacks" and 80% nerf on Moa Stance....now what is left for this class?


    The only prominent role left is **roamer in WvW** that's the only part of the game where ranger could be considered meta...so I am asking @"Eurantien.4632" ...what sustain you want to nerf on this class?


    What has all this nerfing done for GW2?


    -Reduced PvP population

    -Increased queue times as a consequence of the limited population

    -More bots in game


    You tell me @"Eurantien.4632" ...how more nerfing would improve this game at this point

  6. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > > 10 target cap friendly skills were the dumbest thing introduced to this game since AoE caps on offensive skills.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Also WET tempest is by far the strongest support in smallscale post february. Zerging could be done naked anyway so who cares...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > They did not nerf druid at all and Rev is not an support class why is tempest THE ele support class nerfed?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Replying to the wrong person?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I also don't think WET tempest being the strongest in smallscale is at all a bad thing. Since the reason is just that its the most well rounded support with the most consistent heals and not that it provides any blanket immunities.

    > > > >

    > > > > More talking about the 10 target cap as the shouts where less about def and more about aggsive over all this update was about remove aggsive effects then support effects and most tempest shouts where used as such. Auras and there applied effects are not that good support and now they are worst.

    > > > >

    > > > > Wvw is becoming an all boon only game play no one can be stun or rooted to land real dmg so all the dmg can come from pure burst you cant see making what dose kill players harder to deal with and less fun over all. This is the WORST way to balance this game. You know when a tempest runs on you to be ready for a aoe root shouts as its a massive risk reward but now you just have ele root 5 ppl from a skill that you cant see and from a range its just silly balancing.

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > > > tempest shouts were nerfed because 10 target 3s immob was too strong by a wide margin.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you let a tempest get that close to land a full 10 target root that more on you then the ele as the class is still an ele lacking a lot of effects that let ppl get in with out getting destroyed.

    > > > >

    > > > > Just a compel lack of understanding risk reward ele is the highest risk class to get in melee ranged in the game there should be a real reward for going in with that risk for the tempest class.

    > > >

    > > > Eles all have access to a 'you cant touch me but I can run away' utility. If you couldn't hit 10 targets with a 600 radius shout, thats on you champ

    > >

    > > You cant use skill during "you cant torch me". 600 with you at the center not a ground target effect like arcain wave. There was real counter play to it and it was not something you could land that well on 10 targets. Now there is no point for tempest to ever go into a fight there no reason to ever get into melee balls there just no reward for it.


    > you don't need to use anything during the channel if your issue is getting locked down in melee, which shouldn't be the case on a support tempest in the first place. You can already melee dive on full glass dps toons, no reason you can't do it on a support tempest. If you're unable to do it currently on tempest, the issue is player skill or build. If the player has little positioning knowledge or skill on tempest, you have access to a plethora of escape skills: mist form, lightning flash, obsidian flesh, earth shield, earth overload, harmonious conduit, lucid singularity, stone heart, arcane shield, rebound....


    > Tempest is actually preferred for melee balls due to immob and shocking aura. idk what to tell you if you can't go into melee other than git gud =/


    > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > > > 10 target cap friendly skills were the dumbest thing introduced to this game since AoE caps on offensive skills.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Also WET tempest is by far the strongest support in smallscale post february. Zerging could be done naked anyway so who cares...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > They did not nerf druid at all and Rev is not an support class why is tempest THE ele support class nerfed?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Replying to the wrong person?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I also don't think WET tempest being the strongest in smallscale is at all a bad thing. Since the reason is just that its the most well rounded support with the most consistent heals and not that it provides any blanket immunities.

    > > > >

    > > > > More talking about the 10 target cap as the shouts where less about def and more about aggsive over all this update was about remove aggsive effects then support effects and most tempest shouts where used as such. Auras and there applied effects are not that good support and now they are worst.

    > > > >

    > > > > Wvw is becoming an all boon only game play no one can be stun or rooted to land real dmg so all the dmg can come from pure burst you cant see making what dose kill players harder to deal with and less fun over all. This is the WORST way to balance this game. You know when a tempest runs on you to be ready for a aoe root shouts as its a massive risk reward but now you just have ele root 5 ppl from a skill that you cant see and from a range its just silly balancing.

    > > > >

    > > > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > > > tempest shouts were nerfed because 10 target 3s immob was too strong by a wide margin.

    > > > >

    > > > > If you let a tempest get that close to land a full 10 target root that more on you then the ele as the class is still an ele lacking a lot of effects that let ppl get in with out getting destroyed.

    > > > >

    > > > > Just a compel lack of understanding risk reward ele is the highest risk class to get in melee ranged in the game there should be a real reward for going in with that risk for the tempest class.

    > > >

    > > > Eles all have access to a 'you cant touch me but I can run away' utility. If you couldn't hit 10 targets with a 600 radius shout, thats on you champ

    > >

    > > What's the point of making professions undesirable and unfun to play? More and more people will start playing the less nerfed professions like necros atm, it's just a matter of time before the nerfs start rolling

    > >

    > > P.S What even is the point of throwing out **obsidian flesh** in every discussion involving eles? The skill is on a off hand weapon that lacks mobility and dmg and on a 50-60s CD and there are elites on a shorter CD than this skill , it's not like players can spam OF back to back within 10s span....


    > read above, obsidian flesh is far from the only escape skill available to ele.


    You should take notice of my "signature", that's coming from a world tournament winner not your average Joe so I believe there is "some" credibility to what he's saying. I am pretty sure there are plenty of very strong skills/traits for the profession you play and I am sure you'd be ready to list all the possible counterplay for all of them.


    I believe you play necro, not only this class hardcounter ele atm but it's also plenty strong in 1v1 scenario and devastating when supported in a teamfight...furthermore necro enjoys a healthy balance across the core class and the 2 elites...elementalist is not as lucky...and yet you are here "suggesting" that ele has stronger presence than necro?


    This is more personal bias than factual analysis

  7. > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > > > > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > > > > 10 target cap friendly skills were the dumbest thing introduced to this game since AoE caps on offensive skills.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Also WET tempest is by far the strongest support in smallscale post february. Zerging could be done naked anyway so who cares...

    > > > >

    > > > > They did not nerf druid at all and Rev is not an support class why is tempest THE ele support class nerfed?

    > > >

    > > > Replying to the wrong person?

    > > >

    > > > I also don't think WET tempest being the strongest in smallscale is at all a bad thing. Since the reason is just that its the most well rounded support with the most consistent heals and not that it provides any blanket immunities.

    > >

    > > More talking about the 10 target cap as the shouts where less about def and more about aggsive over all this update was about remove aggsive effects then support effects and most tempest shouts where used as such. Auras and there applied effects are not that good support and now they are worst.

    > >

    > > Wvw is becoming an all boon only game play no one can be stun or rooted to land real dmg so all the dmg can come from pure burst you cant see making what dose kill players harder to deal with and less fun over all. This is the WORST way to balance this game. You know when a tempest runs on you to be ready for a aoe root shouts as its a massive risk reward but now you just have ele root 5 ppl from a skill that you cant see and from a range its just silly balancing.

    > >

    > > > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

    > > > tempest shouts were nerfed because 10 target 3s immob was too strong by a wide margin.

    > >

    > > If you let a tempest get that close to land a full 10 target root that more on you then the ele as the class is still an ele lacking a lot of effects that let ppl get in with out getting destroyed.

    > >

    > > Just a compel lack of understanding risk reward ele is the highest risk class to get in melee ranged in the game there should be a real reward for going in with that risk for the tempest class.


    > Eles all have access to a 'you cant touch me but I can run away' utility. If you couldn't hit 10 targets with a 600 radius shout, thats on you champ


    What's the point of making professions undesirable and unfun to play? More and more people will start playing the less nerfed professions like necros atm, it's just a matter of time before the nerfs start rolling


    P.S What even is the point of throwing out **obsidian flesh** in every discussion involving eles? The skill is on a off hand weapon that lacks mobility and dmg and on a 50-60s CD and there are elites on a shorter CD than this skill , it's not like players can spam OF back to back within 10s span....

  8. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > It's a shame, because staff ele is the closest you get to a true "Mage" archetype in Gw2. It's just not worth using in any game mode except WvW... which is tough luck for me because my computer cannot handle zerg blobs, and even if it could zerging isn't fun for me personally.


    Even with your glassiest set up...you won't break any enemy zerg currently : barrier/protection/heal spamm will pretty much nullify your dmg to negligible levels while a random revenant hammer can literally oneshot you at any time, the base dmg is really low for what the weapon is supposed to be

  9. > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > Ele staff is actually one of the best designed and balanced weapons. Its just fallen very far behind after 8 years of power creep.


    It's not powercreep....every MMO will evolve during its life cycle.....new modes, weapons, skills and utilities get introduced with time.....the original content the one present from the start, must be kept on par with the evolving game, failure to do so will result in content being the opposite of what you state.


    -Increased mobility

    -Increased dmg and sustain

    -New boons


    .....Elementalist staff still follow the rules of 2012 GW2....the weapon is completely useless to say the truth **even though staff with scepter and focus are the original main weapons of the elementalist since GW1** , any new player coming from GW1 or even other MMOs, would expect to play a class like eleementalist with a staff or scepter...no to be thrown at melee range with a set of daggers

  10. Thank you everybody for the feedback...from what I can summarize yeah against revs is an uphill battle in their favour. Warrior is my 4th played main and it has its advantages, I like to play SB d/s+GS , the spec can do good at a certain level but will struggle the more you face professions with designed higher skill ceiling...they simply have more tricks up their sleeve . Overall I can't complain about warriors, they are more versatile the bigger the fights get

  11. > @"jpsssss.7530" said:

    > If you're losing to a reaper you're letting it get to close. If you're doing that as a ranger you probably need a build change. And yes if you let the melee damage machine go BRRRRRRRR on a class deisgned for range superiority.... well.... ooof.


    Necros do have a staff with 1200 unblockable marks and the gap closers of rangers have seen several CD nerfs so kiting a necro is not as easy as you make it sound

  12. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Swagg.9236" said:

    > > > @"CutesySylveon.8290" said:

    > > > > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

    > > > > .25 second immunity to all cc from a soft cc, .5s immunity from a hard cc.

    > > > >

    > > > > Global rule that way anet doesnt have to spend their interns time micromanaging every cc skill.

    > > >

    > > > This would absolutely destroy warrior even more. A thief tapping someone with Headshot before a warrior uses Bulls Charge would be handing them free stab. Either this concept is useless and does nothing because the effect is too short, or it's too strong and CCing someone is as wasted as if they had stab. It's already too easy to ruin CC chains by overriding longer CC with shorter or weaker after it lands, this would make it useless before it even lands.

    > >

    > > Shame that warrior was designed as "the easiest class to play" in a game without cross-classing. Half of this game was built in a way that doomed it to forever being outright overpowered or woefully ineffective with no middle ground.


    > you can say it about any class tbh, thief by design has no counterplay, so by default it will either win when its too strong or do nothing when its too weak.

    > necro class mechanic is RAW hp, so it either can facetank with the HP when its too much or it gets gibbed when its not, and so on and so fourth.


    This is something I stated always, compared to GW1......GW2 is just not up there in terms of design, we can say all we want about the art direction and engine which are both amazing...but the class design is simply awful and it's really a shame because this game could have been the greatest MMO ever created, they had everything in place...but squandered everything

  13. Is it me or it's just an impossible match up for wars? Be honest please if it's me I'd like some hints or help...I can't manage to beat a decent power herald no matter what I try:


    -They always outsustain me even if I avoid their glint heal

    -Their kiting is unbearable


    Any suggestion?

  14. > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > @"felix.2386" said:

    > > > @"Girth.9731" said:

    > > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > > Warrior is not even bad, it's just other things are still untouched or not touched enough. quit living in pre-nerf days, nobody likes to get hit with a lvl 1 burst skill on a 6s cd that chunks 11k+ out of your health pool. That was broken, still is broken. Nerf the other kitten that's still OP, then warrior will climb back to where it needs to be without touching it at all. Ez.

    > > >

    > > > I mostly agree with this. I don't really think we need to buff Warrior, but rather nerf a few over-performing specs.

    > >

    > > you still don't get it after 9 months of saying "nerf a few over performing specs"?

    > >

    > > most builds already hard nerfed multiple times, and meta shifted multiple times, warrior is now the support healer with 0 possible damage potential.

    > > power warrior is just completely trash,

    > > kalla renegade destroys power war

    > > holo still out performs power war in team play even after multiple hard nerfs

    > > core ranger still beats war side node, even tho it's non-existence in meta.

    > > condi core thief destroys power war

    > > most gimmick condi build destroys power war

    > > flamethrower scrapper destroys power war

    > >

    > > power war right now is literally bad in top end and bad in low end, only good at wrecking out-skilled noobs.

    > >

    > >

    > >


    Holos can be somehow played around....only impossible MU is against power heralds, everything else is a fair game

  15. > @"Grimjack.8130" said:

    > some skills that are pushed can have niche counterplay like lightning reflexes does now, the same is true for alot of skills, its good for the game, its annoying for the user of the skill, but good for the game


    > riptide has the same thing, and instead of asking for anet to remove it, i recommend players to counterplay it in this way if they recognize they have the opportunity


    This community is all about removing what they don't like instead than accepting it as part of the challenge necessary for the well being of the game

  16. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"GewRoo.4172" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > in my mind it was always a downside to the skill, that weights against how kitten OP the rest of it is.

    > > > >

    > > > > LR is no different than any other skill that functions exactly like it, of which there are many. But none of the others have a rando damage proc to ruin the skill usage.

    > > > >

    > > > > Also, we aren't talking a "downside" here. We are talking about complete neutralization of the skill vs. passive CCs, as if you had only brought 2 utilities into the match rather than 3. No other skill in the game has such a busted fundamental behind its mechanic.

    > > >

    > > > what other skills?

    > > > this removes stuns with almost no cooldown, creates massive distance evades and gives vigor, no other skill comes to mind that is even close to that value

    > >

    > > Roll for Initiative, Riposting Shadows are similar in some way. I am with you OP. You are a lunatic tho.


    > exactly my point?

    > 30s cd vs 50s cd, massive difference

    > 30s cd vs 40s cd, massive difference

    > more over you always take cd reduction trait so realistically its 24s cd.

    > untraited roll has more then twice the cooldown bruh


    > edit there is also twist of fate, 75s cd vs 30s

    > the CLOSEST thing I can think of is sand through glass, but that skill is just not right for use, undeveloped per say





    If we're talking about stunbreaks creating distance on more or less the same CD untraited, while being basically the "same" CD if traited; if we're talking about CD then there are several others stunbreaks in the same CD category






  17. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > > @"Johnny.1634" said:

    > > it also makes hitting a mobile target near impossible


    > Seeing as most rangers play some sort of permanent or semi-permanent immobilization build in pvp,

    > I don't think rangers should get quicker pets.


    > If anything were to happen in that regard, those six pets should brought in line with the other 49.



    I believe @"Chaith.8256" explained the nature of PvP in a MMO in a very succinct way. We don't need any L2P argumentation , it's really a matter of self-reflection but really

    @CMC has been quite clear in the podcast....: **skilllevel is considered when talking about balance, otherwise things like dragon hunter would be constantly nerfed**...that's all I have to say, another would be to look at the PvP meta at the Top and for AT tournaments


    > @"Chaith.8256" said:

    > Conquest is not a 1v1 simulator, so he's correct that there are many ways to analyse and improve upon a lost encounter involving an enemy Necro if you were a core condi Engi. The majority of the time, improving would simply be learning to force match-ups not involving the Necro, and learning to drag the Necro out of position, ie: run away properly, and clobber him with teammates if he runs out of transfers. Even in Vanilla, when Toss Elixir X was added you could Moa condi burst a Necro and prevent transfers, so for a year in 2015 you could do something about it, just a lil easter egg trivia.


    > What CMC is saying is that a hard Rock Paper Scissors is relationship is sometimes okay. What he's not spelling out is this: Rock paper scissors is OK as long as the person that can be easily crushed can also provide value (crush others, put up big numbers/utility?) and remain viable despite this. A class that gets dumpstered by most things and remains in the dumpster is not doable of course. What he's also not spelling out is that on a team you can have 5 of any potential rock, paper, scissors, so even if every single engagement was rock, paper, scissors, all over the map, the wins and losses are spread out and hedged.



  18. > @"Kachros.4751" said:

    > I mean i dislike the fact ranger has only 4/5 viable pets (which jacaranda and smokescale are most likely the best) but buffing the pet and not ranger itself will make the community dislike it even more. The beastmastery traitline should be the only/one of the only ways to buff your pet (marksmanship helps a lot for the pet). Pets do quite literally more than half of the work in most cases and what i believe to be a better solution is not to buff pets but rather allow a lot more of them to be viable without the use of quickness (granted this is not the only reason they arent viable) but to make the class itself a bit stronger so the pet is the support/secondary damage and not the other way around.


    Fact is that Ranger was more than fine in GW1 with optional pets....then they went and made it mandatory for the class in GW2 , they have nobody to blame but themselves and now players are stuck with a mechanic that is barely usable...not really fair is it?




  19. > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

    > > Not just replying to you, but to all these suggestions to make Shocking Aura daze instead of stun.

    > >

    > > That is a horrible idea. This hurts many other builds which are not even close to being OP, like core D/D for example, badly. You do not know where the issue really is.

    > >

    > > The problem is, why can support tempest suddenly take Aura Share? Neither Shocking Aura nor Aura Share or the water traitline in general has received significant changes. So why did it suddenly become viable?

    > >

    > > The reason are the changes in the fire traitline. Fire gives elementalists the option to stack AoE cleanses with auras (which, in turn, has huge synergies with tempest and via Sunspot with weaver) so they did not have to take water for cleanses on regenration anymore. This has actually been asked for by many eles for years, so we could swap out of water. However, they simply swappd to Aura Share, which is still stronger in most scenarios than any other traitline.

    > >

    > > (This change was also the reason for the fire weaver abomination. It enabled high condition damage while keeping strong defense over these cleanses. Anet themselves failed to understand the real problem and nerfed burn durations and stab to the ground, making all other weaver builds basically unviable.)

    > >

    > > What are possible solutions?

    > >

    > > - nerf Aura Share. No other build is taking this trait, core has too few auras, weaver can only get many auras using the aforementioned Sunspot in Fire traitline. Reduction in "shared aura duration" might help here and enable support tempest to use other traitlines depending on the situation.

    > >

    > > - nerf Shocking Aura. This would also address the problem for sure, but as I said, it would hurt many other builds as well, making core D/D for example even more unviable and reduce build diversity.

    > >

    > > - nerf Fire traitline's cleanses. Make it personal cleanses only, make it only affect fire auras or give it an ICD. Personally, I would prefer the first change so fire weavers don't get hurt (again: barely viable at all at the moment). This makes support tempest having to choose between support via cleanses (Cleansing Waters) or AoE auras (Aura Share). The current builds would become extremely vulnerable to conditions again (as this build was before the condition cleanse change in fire) by not being able to help allies anymore. Or switch to cleanse heavy builds and using earth or arcane again (which could definitely need a buff in turn).

    > >

    > > I fully expect Anet to nerf Shocking Aura though.

    > >

    > > €: Another idea: If you want the daze, make it apply the daze _before_ the attack hits. This would promote more active gameplay too and reduce the spammability. Otherwise a 0.5s daze is a joke.


    > That's one very biased explanation...

    > All in all, if a profession's viability depend to much on a single effect (like you seem to claim), then this effect need to be reworked/removed and the profession adjusted to be "viable" without. _Shocking aura_ isn't a mechanism fun to play against just like it wasn't fun to have some traits return CCs onto the attacker. Having a rework of this aura done is long due if we expect a bit of consistency in this game's balance. (That said consistency in balance isn't this game's strength, so...)


    It's not a biased explanation at all, if you invoke the word balance to remove something without understanding the ramifications of that decision then what really is the meaning of biased opinion?

    Already made a thread in the past, not everything can be fun to play against....**if everything you fight against would be fun then no other class but yours would be viable** , ofc I don't expect people to find enjoyable to play against something they have trouble against and this is my biased opinion, asking to nerf professions out of viability is not balance at all...it's just **pandering to the mob mentality in an attempt to appease the angry nerf requests**

  20. > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

    > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > Remember when firebrand could give out stability to allies? Boy that would be a nice counter to shock aura spam.

    > >

    > Near infinite stability caused the opposite problem where people could just pop stab and brainlessly 12345 their skills without having to pay attention to any skill that might otherwise interrupt their 12345 monkey ways.


    > A smarter move would be to just nerf shock aura. There is no real reason for such a long lasting CC to be uninterruptible, unevadeable, unblockable, and unremovable. It really should either be consumed on hit, or not last as long, or no longer be unblockable/unevadeable. Honestly shock aura has been a root-level design mistake for ages.



    It's funny that you say near stability would allow people to play their 12345 monkey ways and then ask to remove what stop that from happening in the first place.


  21. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > > > Remember the days before damage was nerfed and Revs couldn't afford to run a glassy weapon like shortbow?

    > >

    > > Remember when power herald was single most broken build that had no bad matchups lmao (every rev could push mirage 1v1)


    > Was it? I didn't have too many issues with them back then, but it had a reputation of being a hard class so most people stayed away from it. I maybe saw one every 3 or so games. Either way, the builds I played at the time (Mesmer and Condi Holo) seemed to handle it well.


    Now double rev teams win tournaments :-)


  22. > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

    > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

    > > As far as I can see, **ranger is the only class with basically double CD on almost everything and sustain halved in PvP** compared to WvW and all other professions: the soulbeast utilities have double CD


    > By "almost everything" and "soulbeast utilities" you mean...... Dolyak Stance. Way to exaggerate. It'll definitely make people take your post seriously.


    > No, ranger is not the only class that has certain utilities/traits/weapons significantly buffed/nerfed between WvW and PvP. The premise of your post is un-founded.


    > And it's easy to understand why some things that might be okay in WvW, would be over/under-powered in PvP and therefore be nerfed/buffed accordingly; because they're very different game-modes with different objectives and scenarios.


    I don't get your **passive aggression**...no need for that...chill.

    I am not stating anything I am declaring facts: soulbeast boon uptime was completely gutted but holo and rev/guardian boon uptime is basically the same in both modes,**moa stance and dolyak stance CD was doubled** and no other professions don't have that...otherwise you can drop your aggressive stance and actually tell me where I am wrong.

    Druid has double CD on the main mechanic and double CD on **Ancient seed** but other professions don't seem to have same penalty on the same main traits which can be used freely both in wvw and in pvp with. **Some core traits** have halved duration like ** , some **soulbeast traits** have reduced percentage.


    I am only declaring facts...no need **to be so aggressive**

  23. As far as I can see, **ranger is the only class with basically double CD on almost everything and sustain halved in PvP** compared to WvW and all other professions: the soulbeast utilities have double CD, sustain traits are reduced by 2/3 and Druid has double CD on their mechanic.......I don't see with other professions that enjoy same benefits both in PvP and WvW.

    My question is simple : Why has ranger received such heavy handed changes when other professions have not?


    I may be wrong but as far I can see....playing ranger in PvP is truly a daunting experience compared to WvW...other professions don't suffer nearly as much with the same transition between modes.

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