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Posts posted by Leo.3428

  1. Ninja or Wasp. Medium or light armor. Small sharp weapons. Highly mobile but no stealth or teleport. Climbing and leaping.

    Complete management of energy/initiative. Movement can be fast but spends energy.

    Now to make this work within the game's engine is probably a challenge.

  2. LOL. One mystery down. Regarding the smoothness, 20fps at a regular pace looks comfortable compared to a scattered 30fps. Also, even if the game doesn't send more frames, it might now have more time for other calculations such as movements, making the whole smoother - supposing that the game performs several updates in parallel as opposed to cramming everything into one pipeline.

  3. Game rules: Post a detail from a well known place, or a larger view of a lesser known place and have people guess the place. If nobody can find it, post another detail or an alternate view of the same place. Drop hints or answer yes-no questions if everybody is stuck. The mystery place can also be described by words that describe the place's features or lore.


    First try (relatively easy - I hope):


    ![](https://i.imgur.com/11xln0A.jpg "")


  4. > @"Sviel.7493" said:

    > Add more effective tutorials.

    Ditto. The same tutorial map could also be used for the WvW instances for below-PvE-30 players that I was suggesting.


    > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > Fighting for resources is basically what you do in most strategy games, so that would be fine.

    My concern with this is that GW2 is one big and complex software probably optimized for its specific gameplay - mostly static terrain and structures, few mobile assets, mechanics precalculated for the local terrain whenever possible. Trying to change even a bit of this is a risk of breaking the whole without even realizing at first.


    > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > In fact that sounds like a system I'd gladly try out.

    Me too ^^

  5. > @"Ben K.6238" said:

    > There is potential for other varieties of open-world PvP content that feed into the WvW ecosystem without the cap point thing.

    Agreed. One thing that would feel less mechanical could be fighting for resources instead (or would that be too close to real life?). The resources would not be stuck to fixed places and would provide boons to the team. From a development perspective, this is a leap into the void though, an almost complete rewrite of the game mode, not something done by one developer in a year I suppose.

  6. Not a bug but a new feature. Images are now styled with a maximum height of 400 pixels but there is no click function to toggle them to their native resolution. Not everyone wants or knows how to open them in a new tab then click to show them full scale. This is especially bad for gorgeous screenshots that are turned into thumbnails and long data tables that become unreadable.

  7. @"Speedylord.2798" - I think you can recover the image URL from the imgur page by opening the image in a new tab and copying the URL in the URL bar.

    I haven't started editing your images yet. When I do, I'll send you the links in a PM so you can post them yourself.

    PS: I'll stop posting images until that new auto sizing is removed or they add an easy way to display them full size.

  8. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > Yes, that's totally why you did it, not because you want to monetize reading wikipedia aloud on youtube. :sleeping:

    As far as I am aware, Cellofrag does not monetize his videos.


    PS: @"Lasiurus.4067" - Where did the Weaver build thread disappear :( You replied to my question on core ele on it but I can't find it back to read it in depth and reply to it.


  9. My research on this gave me no hope of a solution but I'm going to try anyway.


    * Monday through Friday I can only play during the night when the maps are empty. Patiently LFG'ing goes against the mood for roaming and exploring and meeting random players on the spot.

    * During the weekend I can play at prime time with my wife and friends and random players and do group events.


    Shortly after starting the expansions I stopped playing because the maps there are no fun soloing during weekdays and my old computer didn't meet the technical requirements. Now I'm back with a better computer, and I created a free-to-play account to test playing on the North American server, which is at prime time when it is night here. Higher ping but people to play with. So I'm looking for the best way to play on the NA server during weekdays and the EU server during the weekend.


    * Obviously I cannot transfer my account every Saturday and Monday.

    * I could upgrade the free to play account and redo all the progression. I'd rather avoid this.

    * Ideally, I would like to devote some characters on my existing account to the NA server while keeping some on the EU server. I know some games do this but GW2 does not.


    Is there any other solution that I'm not seeing? Any workaround? Any announcement of future features that I missed? Thank you for your help!


    (Edit for typo.)

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