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Posts posted by Firebeard.1746

  1. 1) flatten the reward structure, almost completely -> make gold and ascended shards even for all chests (not backloaded at the end of the tier), all chests are the same # of pips. In the last few seasons I've actually participated in, the end of the season becomes atrocious in terms of matchmaker balance. I THINK the explanation for this is anyone targeting legendary armor stops just after persimmon because Amaranth has the worst shards/pips ratio in addition to needing an inordinate number of pips, so there's almost no point in continuing to play if you don't think you can squeeze in that last chest sequence of 150 pips. Sure, the marks and the warlords chests need to be spaced out, but the other rewards should be flattened so someone can feel like they can actually earn something the last week or two depending on how active they are.


    Why I think this, based on this season (I have noticed other seasons as well): My win rate was around 40-50% this season until the last few days when I won literally one match out of a whole screen's worth of history. Most of the matches I've played hadn't been terrible until the last 2-3 days (I think there was better participation at the beginning of this season). 2 of those matches I didn't have rank taken away (which really doesn't mean much. I don't care about my rank. I care about my pips/wins for achieves/leggies, the people literally wasted my time and I wasn't reimbursed at all), at least 2 of the other matches had thieves that were literally not capping or assisting and hanging around. It's not like I got stupid randomly over the last few days. The matches are more lopsided, for whatever reason and that's a problem.


    2) Use bots to balance the matchmaker. Constantly throwing plat players at bronze all the time isn't going to keep players playing, and population isn't the best right now. It's okay to let the wolves feed every now and then, but the matchmaker should isolate players between tiers using bots to try to preserve population by not letting win rates of bottom players tank too much. Partition based on tier, fill with bots that don't suck. Also, does it really make sense for plat players to get all these extra pips feeding on noobs on ultra short matches while they cannibalize the player base? Like that's not a lot of effort (especially with all the queue dodging at the top). Also, adding bots to the mix allows there to be more than 1 match going on at once, which means rigging/botting from players to manipulate matches gets harder.


    3) For the love of all that is holy, require players to have purchased the most recent expansion in order to participate in ranked games. Without this, there's 0 economic damage to somoeone for getting their bot banned. It should hurt when someone is found.


    I'm sure people won't like #2 especially, but something needs to be done to put the game mode on life support so the population can actually grow.





  2. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > Do boneskiner each day.

    > You need 2 hfb, heal alac, heal srourge, druid .. In guldward there members find more easy than dps, trust me.

    > After that you need 5 dps. It most hardest part. Explain: dps is who do dps, but not only have dps gear.


    > Also some ppl ask ping(hold ctrl and spam) kp from cm100 fractal, or li(li is from raids).



    Hahahaha kp from raids and cm fractals so you can do beginner group content. Hahahaha

  3. > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > I'm honestly shocked that the devs put precursors as rewards for doing strike missions. I have been raiding with the same group of people for over a year and a half now and not once has a precursor dropped in the exotic spot on a raid. I'm convinced that it isn't even a possibility as I've never heard of one dropping from raids. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here.)


    > It's honestly insulting to us that the devs once again are hand feeding a guaranteed possibility of something so coveted as a precursor to the easy mode content that are strike missions, but not doing anything to encourage more people to join the raiding community. My suggestion of a change for this would be to create some sort of a similar chest/daily reward system in the aerodrome that can be opened weekly that has a possibility at obtaining legendary armor precursors. The common and uncommon drops could be mag shards, gaeting crystals, mini's ascended drops, etc. This would help newer raiders have a nice carrot of a possibility on top of already being able to work towards the collections and also keep it fair between the easy mode of strikes and the hard mode of raids.


    > Right now it just seems that being a raider is getting kicked in the teeth with the constant delays of releases of raid wings and then a new strike comes out every 2-3 months like clockwork.


    You talk like being able to earn a legendary ring isn't a big deal (or even armor from Maguuma ones), or like there's no super expensive ascended crafting material dropping from raids. Raids are super profitable if you have the stomach and the group for them. They're just so hard and require so much coordination that most of the community doesn't even bother.

  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

    > > Wouldn’t it be good for people wanting to get into raids to experience the raid bosses in a strike mode?

    > Nah. People that want to get into raids can just simply start doing raids directly. After all, there isn't anything in strikes that would help them on their way towards raids, so if they're not interested in strikes themselves, why even bother?

    > And, of course, the _other_ side of the picture is that people that are doing strikes but _do not_ want to get into raids would definitely not want more raids in their strikes. For a lot of people there's way too much of it present already.



    I think strikes are actually a great middle ground and if you do them enough, you'll easily have an ascended level gear character as well (trade ice shards for lws4 currencies for trinkets, colored shards for gear). 2 strikes, Jormag and boneskinner are raid-like already and i don't want to see anything boneskinner level again. It's just too twitchy.


    Right now, as it stands, strikes are the best intro content for gearing: fractals are a bit chicken and egg as far as ascended gear for infusion slots go. Raids are just too punishing to start out with & require too much specialized gear for a new player without professions to craft gear. Also, so many of the strikes are easy that if you don't have great gear, you could still get away with easier ones until you built a set. Though doing forge and steel daily might be required to earn in a reasonable time.


    My biggest concern about strikes though is how tied they are to ice brood saga masteries. So many of the bosses have a point where the special skill is needed i'm a bit concerned it won't age well if new players are reticent to buy season 5.

  5. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > I'm completely serious, delete LFG for raids, replace with community finding/building tools.


    > Why not keep the LFG for those that still use and create better community finding/building tools? Why remove something that already exists and has its own use and replace it with something else, and not have both at the same time. I'd love to see an in-game guild browser where guilds can advertise their specific needs, it wouldn't be good for Raids alone but the entire game.


    Two reasons:


    1) raids are complex enough they're not intended to be pugged at all, and lfg tool implies puggable on some level.

    2) what's in lfg doesn't effectively communicate to players the right way to get into raids.


    You want the way your game is structured to communicate how to play the game. At least that's something i believe. But i wouldn't be opposed to better community tools before deleting it. But i don't think it's valuable to the game in its current state (especially NA).

  6. I'm completely serious, delete LFG for raids, replace with community finding/building tools. Raids themselves aren't bad (though still crazy difficult). Raid can actually be fun if you have a good instructor & geared people who are willing to learn. What isn't healthy is people going to LFG, and seeing insane requirements and tons of clears being sold in exchange for gold over actual training runs. And doing a training run over LFG is tacky because you dont' really know if the people who are joining the group will have the required gear for the roles you need (it doesn't tell you/let you filter who joins, etc). In other MMOs the technical difficulty isn't as bad (alot of the mechanics in GW2 are twitch) and the gear you need for whatever class you're playing also comes much more naturally (or even overlaps your multiple roles), whereas in GW2, you have have to spend a lot of time farming for the gear you need, and even gearing multiple roles between professions, just like there isn't a 1:1 mapping in how raids work in this game against other MMOs, there shouldn't be a 1:1 mapping for how groups are formed.


    I think deleting the raid LFG would be the healthiest thing for raids. And if there's a place for people to find the communities they're looking for instead, that will work. If they're not supposed to be puggable, don't imply it with a tool.

  7. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > > This is kind of a hilarious thread. Y'all realize that other MMOs get their raids reset regularly, right? So like if you're behind on say, EP and you come in late that tier, in WoW you can catch up as much as you can through other means and when the next tier hits, you're on the same level more or less as everyone else, so people can't ask for KP, etc before letting you in to groups at the beginning of the new tier. GW2 has this unique issue where there isn't really anything resetting anyone's progress and no content is ever outdated per se.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Not resetting progress means that there's no natural way that new players to jump into the content with experienced ones to allow for any kind of mixing. This is an issue with Strikes as well right now, they're starting to stratify just like raids (maybe not as bad, because plenty of people like me seem willing to PuG in a more casual manner and we still *GASP* actually succeed), but it's still a problem nonetheless that people are asking for KP in beginning group content. When I was learning boneskinner before EotN I actually didn't kick noob players I had in my group for this reason: I wanted them to have a good experience with the player base. That was probably my worst boneskinner clear ever and took longer, but I don't regret it at all for the impact it had on the new player who was fawning about how fun it was.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This "I just want my rewards and other people are a means of getting it" mentality is just becoming a symptom of the way progress works in high-end PVE content. I mean that's really what you're saying when you make LFGs like that, you're not willing to teach anyone else. Which is just as toxic as not being willing to try/learn new things. And makes the community seem unfriendly. Maybe that's why blow-out metas are the most popular content in the game. just sayin' some of you are the creators of your own problems...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > EDIT: I want to make it clear that I like GW2's horizontal progression system, and I like that old content still has some value, it just brings its own challenges with it that neither the playerbase nor anet has done a good job of addressing.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There is a diference.

    > > > > > If you see someone (you dont know) has a problem with math homework, you can decide to help him/her (in this example for free). This is you teaching strikes to new players. But at the same time you could go to a movie with friends.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > When someone join strikes (with some lfg demands) without them, its like a kid that comes to you and give you his homework so you do it for him

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And huge mistake you made is this: you asume that players ask for high requirements becausethey want loot fast. That is not always the case. I ask for high requirements (well, I only do strikEs with raid static but for same reason why I would ask for high requirements) because I dont care about the loot or kill.

    > > > > > When I do strikes or raids, I want to have fun. And I have fun if players come together, they take responsibilities, they comunicate and they try to make every effort to not only kill the boss, but do so in as efective way as possible. We could just take anything, go there and kill it while talking about cats but then it would be ~10 minutes of a chore. Or we can wait 30 minutes doing something fun while waiting for one pug to join and ten have 5 minutes of fun.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Well in the long run if players aren't teaching new people, the number of people for your PuG will keep declining. The value of any mmo activity is in how much of the playet base it involves. If you take time to teach more people, you'll still get the fun you want, because you're communicating with them. Also, let's be real, there's usually less communication when people actually know what they're doing, and you're probably an outlier in the intent behind those high requirements.

    > > >

    > > > I teach new raiders almost every week. But only when I want to.

    > > > Also I guess you never played with experianced raiders. There is alot of comunication required. Who cc on which bar, who block which mechanic, who does. Who use pulls when, the order of timewarps....

    > > > Alot of comunication required

    > >

    > > I almost never see training runs going. If you're willing to help people that's great, i can tell you based on the ratio of training to non training runs in lfg, that my opinion of raiders (and community as it matures in any content) as a whole is that they have no desire to work with newer players/teach mechanics. If you're truly doing as you say my comments were in no way aimed at you.


    > I never do training run in LFG. That is suicide. I do that in one of my guilds or training discord servers. If you want to learn raids (or strikes), then lfg is not a great place to start. And to be fair, not a great place to finish either.


    Then LFG for raids should just be deleted, period. They should have links or a UI for finding a community in the LFG tool instead. This content is not intended to be pugged in any way shape or form, that's what drives these insane requirements (and community furor), it doesn't build community and isn't healthy for the game. The raids themselves, I'm starting to change my mind, might actually be. But everything else around them, just is toxic poop unless you find a guild or community. Other games have puggable raids so it's just sending the wrong message to anyone experienced with MMOs to even have an LFG listing. Maybe they make an in-game feature like a community that has higher pools of players for people who like to PuG with experienced people, I don't know, but LFG tool and the way raids are designed is just plain tacky.


    I'm completely serious. I attempted a training run with raid academy for Mythwright gambit and it was actually fun. But I'm realizing, you need a lot of stuff in place to make a raid work (both in terms of people willing to teach as well as people with gear). And you have to really want to raid to build the gear sets to do raids, etc. It's best done helping people find people to play with and who will teach them what gear they need, and be willing to teach them how than to open up an LFG tool that is 90% full of crazy requirements and people advertising paid runs.

  8. > @"kiri.1467" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > > > This is kind of a hilarious thread. Y'all realize that other MMOs get their raids reset regularly, right? So like if you're behind on say, EP and you come in late that tier, in WoW you can catch up as much as you can through other means and when the next tier hits, you're on the same level more or less as everyone else, so people can't ask for KP, etc before letting you in to groups at the beginning of the new tier. GW2 has this unique issue where there isn't really anything resetting anyone's progress and no content is ever outdated per se.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Not resetting progress means that there's no natural way that new players to jump into the content with experienced ones to allow for any kind of mixing. This is an issue with Strikes as well right now, they're starting to stratify just like raids (maybe not as bad, because plenty of people like me seem willing to PuG in a more casual manner and we still *GASP* actually succeed), but it's still a problem nonetheless that people are asking for KP in beginning group content. When I was learning boneskinner before EotN I actually didn't kick noob players I had in my group for this reason: I wanted them to have a good experience with the player base. That was probably my worst boneskinner clear ever and took longer, but I don't regret it at all for the impact it had on the new player who was fawning about how fun it was.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > This "I just want my rewards and other people are a means of getting it" mentality is just becoming a symptom of the way progress works in high-end PVE content. I mean that's really what you're saying when you make LFGs like that, you're not willing to teach anyone else. Which is just as toxic as not being willing to try/learn new things. And makes the community seem unfriendly. Maybe that's why blow-out metas are the most popular content in the game. just sayin' some of you are the creators of your own problems...

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > EDIT: I want to make it clear that I like GW2's horizontal progression system, and I like that old content still has some value, it just brings its own challenges with it that neither the playerbase nor anet has done a good job of addressing.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > There is a diference.

    > > > > > If you see someone (you dont know) has a problem with math homework, you can decide to help him/her (in this example for free). This is you teaching strikes to new players. But at the same time you could go to a movie with friends.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > When someone join strikes (with some lfg demands) without them, its like a kid that comes to you and give you his homework so you do it for him

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > And huge mistake you made is this: you asume that players ask for high requirements becausethey want loot fast. That is not always the case. I ask for high requirements (well, I only do strikEs with raid static but for same reason why I would ask for high requirements) because I dont care about the loot or kill.

    > > > > > When I do strikes or raids, I want to have fun. And I have fun if players come together, they take responsibilities, they comunicate and they try to make every effort to not only kill the boss, but do so in as efective way as possible. We could just take anything, go there and kill it while talking about cats but then it would be ~10 minutes of a chore. Or we can wait 30 minutes doing something fun while waiting for one pug to join and ten have 5 minutes of fun.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Well in the long run if players aren't teaching new people, the number of people for your PuG will keep declining. The value of any mmo activity is in how much of the playet base it involves. If you take time to teach more people, you'll still get the fun you want, because you're communicating with them. Also, let's be real, there's usually less communication when people actually know what they're doing, and you're probably an outlier in the intent behind those high requirements.

    > > >

    > > > I teach new raiders almost every week. But only when I want to.

    > > > Also I guess you never played with experianced raiders. There is alot of comunication required. Who cc on which bar, who block which mechanic, who does. Who use pulls when, the order of timewarps....

    > > > Alot of comunication required

    > >

    > > I almost never see training runs going. If you're willing to help people that's great, i can tell you based on the ratio of training to non training runs in lfg, that my opinion of raiders (and community as it matures in any content) as a whole is that they have no desire to work with newer players/teach mechanics. If you're truly doing as you say my comments were in no way aimed at you.


    > Don't wait for training runs in lfg, join Raid Academy. It's how I started until I found a guild in my timezone willing to train and run raids.


    > https://snowcrows.com/raids/training/


    I'm trying this again. When i joined before, because i was told i couldn't ping PuG runs i thought it was unfriendly because i didn't see how to start a group as someone who was starting out and didn't want to just wait around until someone would finally take me (and my schedule is kind of chaotic, so static feels out of the question).


    I found out they have a process where you start a group and after you get 6 people, you can ping for an instructor, so now i have some hope, i can actually start a group with them.

  9. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > If you take time to teach more people, you'll still get the fun you want, because you're communicating with them.


    > Teaching is done when the teacher wants to, not when someone else demands to be taught.


    See my comment above to person who you basically parroted. I'm not saying force anyone to do anything.

  10. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > > This is kind of a hilarious thread. Y'all realize that other MMOs get their raids reset regularly, right? So like if you're behind on say, EP and you come in late that tier, in WoW you can catch up as much as you can through other means and when the next tier hits, you're on the same level more or less as everyone else, so people can't ask for KP, etc before letting you in to groups at the beginning of the new tier. GW2 has this unique issue where there isn't really anything resetting anyone's progress and no content is ever outdated per se.

    > > > >

    > > > > Not resetting progress means that there's no natural way that new players to jump into the content with experienced ones to allow for any kind of mixing. This is an issue with Strikes as well right now, they're starting to stratify just like raids (maybe not as bad, because plenty of people like me seem willing to PuG in a more casual manner and we still *GASP* actually succeed), but it's still a problem nonetheless that people are asking for KP in beginning group content. When I was learning boneskinner before EotN I actually didn't kick noob players I had in my group for this reason: I wanted them to have a good experience with the player base. That was probably my worst boneskinner clear ever and took longer, but I don't regret it at all for the impact it had on the new player who was fawning about how fun it was.

    > > > >

    > > > > This "I just want my rewards and other people are a means of getting it" mentality is just becoming a symptom of the way progress works in high-end PVE content. I mean that's really what you're saying when you make LFGs like that, you're not willing to teach anyone else. Which is just as toxic as not being willing to try/learn new things. And makes the community seem unfriendly. Maybe that's why blow-out metas are the most popular content in the game. just sayin' some of you are the creators of your own problems...

    > > > >

    > > > > EDIT: I want to make it clear that I like GW2's horizontal progression system, and I like that old content still has some value, it just brings its own challenges with it that neither the playerbase nor anet has done a good job of addressing.

    > > >

    > > > There is a diference.

    > > > If you see someone (you dont know) has a problem with math homework, you can decide to help him/her (in this example for free). This is you teaching strikes to new players. But at the same time you could go to a movie with friends.

    > > >

    > > > When someone join strikes (with some lfg demands) without them, its like a kid that comes to you and give you his homework so you do it for him

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > > > And huge mistake you made is this: you asume that players ask for high requirements becausethey want loot fast. That is not always the case. I ask for high requirements (well, I only do strikEs with raid static but for same reason why I would ask for high requirements) because I dont care about the loot or kill.

    > > > When I do strikes or raids, I want to have fun. And I have fun if players come together, they take responsibilities, they comunicate and they try to make every effort to not only kill the boss, but do so in as efective way as possible. We could just take anything, go there and kill it while talking about cats but then it would be ~10 minutes of a chore. Or we can wait 30 minutes doing something fun while waiting for one pug to join and ten have 5 minutes of fun.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Well in the long run if players aren't teaching new people, the number of people for your PuG will keep declining. The value of any mmo activity is in how much of the playet base it involves. If you take time to teach more people, you'll still get the fun you want, because you're communicating with them. Also, let's be real, there's usually less communication when people actually know what they're doing, and you're probably an outlier in the intent behind those high requirements.


    > I teach new raiders almost every week. But only when I want to.

    > Also I guess you never played with experianced raiders. There is alot of comunication required. Who cc on which bar, who block which mechanic, who does. Who use pulls when, the order of timewarps....

    > Alot of comunication required


    I almost never see training runs going. If you're willing to help people that's great, i can tell you based on the ratio of training to non training runs in lfg, that my opinion of raiders (and community as it matures in any content) as a whole is that they have no desire to work with newer players/teach mechanics. If you're truly doing as you say my comments were in no way aimed at you.

  11. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > This is kind of a hilarious thread. Y'all realize that other MMOs get their raids reset regularly, right? So like if you're behind on say, EP and you come in late that tier, in WoW you can catch up as much as you can through other means and when the next tier hits, you're on the same level more or less as everyone else, so people can't ask for KP, etc before letting you in to groups at the beginning of the new tier. GW2 has this unique issue where there isn't really anything resetting anyone's progress and no content is ever outdated per se.

    > >

    > > Not resetting progress means that there's no natural way that new players to jump into the content with experienced ones to allow for any kind of mixing. This is an issue with Strikes as well right now, they're starting to stratify just like raids (maybe not as bad, because plenty of people like me seem willing to PuG in a more casual manner and we still *GASP* actually succeed), but it's still a problem nonetheless that people are asking for KP in beginning group content. When I was learning boneskinner before EotN I actually didn't kick noob players I had in my group for this reason: I wanted them to have a good experience with the player base. That was probably my worst boneskinner clear ever and took longer, but I don't regret it at all for the impact it had on the new player who was fawning about how fun it was.

    > >

    > > This "I just want my rewards and other people are a means of getting it" mentality is just becoming a symptom of the way progress works in high-end PVE content. I mean that's really what you're saying when you make LFGs like that, you're not willing to teach anyone else. Which is just as toxic as not being willing to try/learn new things. And makes the community seem unfriendly. Maybe that's why blow-out metas are the most popular content in the game. just sayin' some of you are the creators of your own problems...

    > >

    > > EDIT: I want to make it clear that I like GW2's horizontal progression system, and I like that old content still has some value, it just brings its own challenges with it that neither the playerbase nor anet has done a good job of addressing.


    > There is a diference.

    > If you see someone (you dont know) has a problem with math homework, you can decide to help him/her (in this example for free). This is you teaching strikes to new players. But at the same time you could go to a movie with friends.


    > When someone join strikes (with some lfg demands) without them, its like a kid that comes to you and give you his homework so you do it for him




    > And huge mistake you made is this: you asume that players ask for high requirements becausethey want loot fast. That is not always the case. I ask for high requirements (well, I only do strikEs with raid static but for same reason why I would ask for high requirements) because I dont care about the loot or kill.

    > When I do strikes or raids, I want to have fun. And I have fun if players come together, they take responsibilities, they comunicate and they try to make every effort to not only kill the boss, but do so in as efective way as possible. We could just take anything, go there and kill it while talking about cats but then it would be ~10 minutes of a chore. Or we can wait 30 minutes doing something fun while waiting for one pug to join and ten have 5 minutes of fun.



    Well in the long run if players aren't teaching new people, the number of people for your PuG will keep declining. The value of any mmo activity is in how much of the playet base it involves. If you take time to teach more people, you'll still get the fun you want, because you're communicating with them. Also, let's be real, there's usually less communication when people actually know what they're doing, and you're probably an outlier in the intent behind those high requirements.

  12. > @"Jazz.4639" said:

    > ranked pvp with one dodge power mirage. i changed illusion of life for portal again. me still getting used to the very short kinda too nerfed duration of it.

    > the intro is just for fun, it is not meant in a mean or disrespectful way, dont get hurt over it pls ;)


    > mirage balance, esp power mirage, still in an insanely poor state and my content is for sure not meant to approve it.


    > this vid includes mostly one uncut match and 2 scenes from another match i found worth showing. i still have a problem with my hard disk storage, so i cannot record a lot of footage for a vid at once. i need to delete footage and the finished vid after 1-3 matches to have enough storage for new footage. next vid will be most likely wvw bc there i can work with shorter shadowplay files instead my 13 mins backward recording to cover a whole pvp match. hopefully i find a solution soon for that problem.


    > i hope you can enjoy! pls leave a like/ subs and a comment on youtube to support my channel! stay healthy all! <3




    Condi spam feels way stronger in the current meta.

  13. > @"Exedore.6320" said:

    > In general, I've never seen a huge condition damage problem in platinum. In your particular examples, a lot of it can be chalked up to poor use of condition removal rather than condition removal being too weak. For example, guardian and condi rev tend to stack a single condition very quickly and somewhat avoidably with a moderate cooldown. Using condi clear before they achieve that stack is mostly a waste.


    > Where I have seen as issues are:

    > * A team of mostly condition damage classes. This overwhelms condi removal and you don't know ahead of time to swap skills around.

    > * Ranger root + bleed builds. Stack a ton of bleeds with cover conditions on top of pulsing root and stun. It's not strong outside of that, but that combo is extremely frustrating if you can't teleport out of it.


    No. I've gotten as much as 10 stacks burn, cleansed, only to get hit with it again while the guardian goes immortal. It's too spammable and that's a fact.

  14. For kicks and giggles i set up a mesmer build with seize the moment, then alacrity well + mimic and equipped a scepter so i could shatter tons (so all quickness comes from shatering). The amount of boon i could sustain with 90% bd was insane and could easily be somewhat sacrificed (granted some of that alac was self only, because i was shaterring that much more). Has anyone tried this & got comparable results to traditional mesmer power bs builds? I'm thinking you may be able to sacrifice soi for another dps ability and you may be able to dump shield for another weapon instead.


    I guess dropping soi is only viable in fractals. In raids you would want it to help other boons last longer. Also, condi builds may be stronger with this set up.

  15. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

    > > > I would still argue that strikes are fairly profitable for how fast they are to do. Most of my strike groups run through all strikes in less than 20 minutes!

    > > >

    > >

    > > And if the group is wiping on Fraenir with players doing less damage than the Heal Scourge, and others asking that the fight be explained to them? It stops being profitable and efficient, yes? Aaaaaaaaannnd that takes us back to what the OP is talking about, and why players would want to set requirements for people joining their group.

    > >

    > Perhaps Fraenir could just not be so difficult that you need to heavy prefilter your squad in order to be able to kill him.

    > Just saying.



    You could probably carry fraenir with 1 high end DPS and 1 high end healer. The community has more than enough experience to clear it without filters. In fact every Strike I've done, even whisper, when we wiped, someone had a geared enough alt to fix some hole in the group. I don't organize anything, don't do any filters. Maybe I should make it clear I need more healers but still, never had an issue.

  16. > @"TheMightyNewb.6789" said:

    > 3 years ago i completed the Legendary Heavy Raid armor set for my Warrior. I took a long break from the game and when i came back to the game i no longer had any interest in playing warrior anymore or heavy sets all together. Now my raid armor i made is not in use anymore and it would be swell if i could swap it to another set so i could get some use for it. I don't want or need the skin for the other sets, i am totally fine with exchanging my heavy for light and losing the heavy skins and not even getting the light skins but getting basic ascended skins like how it works when you re-roll ascended pieces in the forge. Its not about finding a cheap way to unlock all the skins for free. I know that i can raid again or wvw but that's not really my point. i understand its my problem but i think if it was done right could be a nice system in case you ever decide to re-roll and don't have an abundance of legendary armor you could swap it to another armor set if you decided. just an idea. cheers


    You can also earn Legendary armor via conquest or WvW if you don't want to raid again....

  17. This is kind of a hilarious thread. Y'all realize that other MMOs get their raids reset regularly, right? So like if you're behind on say, EP and you come in late that tier, in WoW you can catch up as much as you can through other means and when the next tier hits, you're on the same level more or less as everyone else, so people can't ask for KP, etc before letting you in to groups at the beginning of the new tier. GW2 has this unique issue where there isn't really anything resetting anyone's progress and no content is ever outdated per se.


    Not resetting progress means that there's no natural way that new players to jump into the content with experienced ones to allow for any kind of mixing. This is an issue with Strikes as well right now, they're starting to stratify just like raids (maybe not as bad, because plenty of people like me seem willing to PuG in a more casual manner and we still *GASP* actually succeed), but it's still a problem nonetheless that people are asking for KP in beginning group content. When I was learning boneskinner before EotN I actually didn't kick noob players I had in my group for this reason: I wanted them to have a good experience with the player base. That was probably my worst boneskinner clear ever and took longer, but I don't regret it at all for the impact it had on the new player who was fawning about how fun it was.


    This "I just want my rewards and other people are a means of getting it" mentality is just becoming a symptom of the way progress works in high-end PVE content. I mean that's really what you're saying when you make LFGs like that, you're not willing to teach anyone else. Which is just as toxic as not being willing to try/learn new things. And makes the community seem unfriendly. Maybe that's why blow-out metas are the most popular content in the game. just sayin' some of you are the creators of your own problems...


    EDIT: I want to make it clear that I like GW2's horizontal progression system, and I like that old content still has some value, it just brings its own challenges with it that neither the playerbase nor anet has done a good job of addressing.

  18. > @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

    > Are we not forgetting something really important ? Raids were fine at the start of HOT, when ya know they got updated etc. But 10 months for 2-4 easy bosses is not okey.


    > We should stop caring about the type of player that spends alot of time at this game but has a very low skill lvl and yet still feel entitled. The real casuals dont give a kitten about balance and content, they wont post on any forums.




    Watch the Titania fight from FFXIV (i listen to the music version often), you'll notice that all the mechanics are clearly labeled and there's not a ton of multiple mechanics going on at once. I know that the small raid community doesn't want to see easier versions of their raids but i'm going to argue if you want them to be more popular and the devs actually give a crap, then it needs to happen (and they need to be fun too, the mechanics in GW2 raids aren't fun all the time). GW2 raids are actually the most difficult in the genre because (or at least the most difficult among popular mmos) because:


    Overlapping mechanics - it's not uncommon for there to be multiple fatal mechanics at once.


    Number of players - raids in Gw2 are so small with so many roles (instead of tank, healer, dps; it's tank, healer, dps, boon support roles, of which there's up to 3 (might, alac, swift)) that it's harder for a raid to succeed when someone dies. Also add in mechanics like Dhuum and sloth that require a subset of the players to literally just do mechanics, and it's even more punishing


    I've raided heroic on and off in WoW and can clearly say that raids in this game are intended for people bored with CM fractal modes instead of like other games where newish/lowish geared players can do them on the easier modes before stepping into the hard stuff. The difficulty of some of the bosses are literally mythic level WoW without cm mode on. LFR queues in wow are almost dead people pug normal instead because of the caliber of people that are too lazy to make/join group finder groups. That's also kind of my gripe with GW2 players they talk about lfr like it's a breeze, when it can literally be a kitten show because of the caliber of player who chooses to do it.


    So yeah, there should be some sort of filter on players to keep out people who aren't willing to learn. But anet also needs to encourage an environment where new players can learn from experienced ones organically. I really want them to introduce seasons with seasonal rewards (and mechanics both positive and negative). They could make it a mechanic that helping players with fewer clears than you that season nets you a reward. The greater the difference in clear numbers, the greater the reward. Strikes run the risk of becoming like raids without anything encouraging interplay between experienced and inexperienced players, i'm already seeing people say "experienced players only" in lfg. I usually create my own groups and succeed, but there needs to be less toxicity in the community.

  19. > @"Linthenius.3704" said:

    > Being an on and off player, typically dropping in for a month or 2 when there is a long drought of games i'm after, I tend to have alot of living world chapters not available since i'm not around for when they are given out for free most of the time.


    > I have both heart of thorns and path of fire. So i'm wondering which chapters are most worth picking in terms of gameplay aditions they add. Not nescesarrily story wise. I know 2 of the path of fire chapters give new mounts that weren't around at launch, which ones give those specifically?


    > Last time I dropped in was just before season 4 chapter 3 dropped, so I have everything up to that point in path of fire. But i'm missing pretty much all heart of thorns chapters except 2 and 5.


    > So if i'm looking for new stuff that will directly enhance gameplay like the above mentioned mounts. Any others I should pick up?


    You want all of LWS4 so you can unlock skyscale (and roller beetle too, if you so wish). I haven't done season 2 content yet, but I would recommend it as an easy way to get core tyria masteries if you haven't already. Without season 2, you have to earn an obscene percentage of normal core tyria masteries, which tend to not be easy at all.

  20. > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

    > > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

    > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

    > > > You get the noone worth their salt comment is the players that would say you need ascended and not insulting you in any way. I'm sure you already reported it but just letting you know

    > >

    > > Sure harriers exotic gear is dirt cheap to acquire /sarcasm. And the builds have changed over time as concentration has been added to the game and some abilities nerfed to compensate.


    > Yes it is, just gobto auric basin and buy bladed armor


    I believe someone else has already said this. This horse was beat. And died. And then raised in undeath by EotN...


    Though this is something frustrating for players who are newer. There's a whole breadth of content in this game and there's a huge difference between QoL for people who understand it vs. People who don't. I barely learned months ago about stat swapping on ascended weapons/armor. This game gets really easy the more you know about it, but until you do, it can feel like a brick wall.

  21. It makes reporting botters/etc that much harder. I was in a match and the opposing team had a bot. I'm not sure if it's someone on my team using it to rig or if it was someone on that team using it for controlled capping but in any case, I ganked it multiple times while it was trying to reclaim home, then one of the team mates showed up to help it, they tag teamed me, get me downed, the person who helped leaves, the bot literally let me heal myself back to full so I could kill them again. I would assume only a bot is that stupid.


    Anywho, without the original player names and/or classes when people insta log off the match, it makes reporting that much harder.

  22. > @"James.1065" said:

    > This must be an old thread cause mesmers suck - i farm them all day on my reaper.


    > The only OP classes right now are core necro (can be fixed easy by matching it's shroud de-generation to the same rate as reaper shroud), and ranger (need to reduce thier survivalbilty - too much block, evade, invunerbility, invisibility, protection, regen mobility etc etc)


    > Everything else seems to be feeling like its in a good position right now from a balance perspective, but that's just my opinion


    How does guardian spam block? I literally hit one with like 5 abilities and could never touch it. I think that sustain is crazy. Once I was up against one who could do that and could throw 10 burn stacks on me like it was nothing. I tried cleansing, hit me with it again. I think Guardian is in a crazy spot right now too.

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