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Posts posted by FrownyClown.8402

  1. Condi is not overpowered right now. In some instances it can be, like if you face a condi mesmer, burn guard and a necro at the same time, but you can argue the same thing if the team had a shatter mesmer a power thief and a holo bursting you down. Its definately more frustrating trying to avoid condition damage so ill give you that.

  2. Full power is 10x more fun than condi or hybrid imo. I find that solo play is far less enjoyable as the stats you need to hit 5k + burning speeds often makes you an easy target. I personally use full celestial with some marauders for the trinkets. Swiftness uptime is important for roaming, at least from my experience. Using air traitline instead of fire is helpful in that regard, though fire traitline offers more consistent damage.


    My advice for people trying d/d core for roaming is find a build that works for you. Recognize that you have a disadvantage vs most ranged classes and utilize line of sight in outnumbered situations.

  3. Historically, guardian is the best. Always meta in every game mode. Elementalist and warrior would probably be second. Necro and revenant third. Thief and ranger fourth. Mesmer last.


    The most fun are the most unique, which i feel is mesmer ele engi and revenant

  4. Ele isnt that hard once you grasp their skills. Weaver is the hardest so dont start with it. Core ele is the epitome at good at all master of none, making it unideal in pvp and pve, but can do okay at any role. Tempest is a great support option that is just as easy as core to learn. Weaver takes getting used to. People either hate ele or love it so play it and see if its something you want to invest time in

  5. Elite specs should be designed to change how the class plays. Tempest gave ele better support and weaver gave better damage options. The problem i feel is that if you go weaver you can still have a viable tank build and if you go tempest you can still have a viable dps build. Elite specs should only have 1 identity, hence why people choose them. Soulbeast was made in part for better boon sharing and team support. The option to not have a pet out was made with wvw zerging in mind. It should have traits that support that concept and nothing else, otherwise its just an alternative dps option.

  6. Core ele is okay on its own. It succeeds in its role of being okay at everything. It offers a bit of support via boons and some healing, but less than tempest. It offers damage in the form of either full condi or hybrid builds (power by itself is too hard to pull off in spvp, somewhat viable in wvw) but lacks the damage and stats of a weaver. Its just okay at everything making it not ideal for any spvp team. I perform fine with cele or sage amulet on a core build (minus having to deal with blind and cc spam engis), but tempest is a better choice for team fights. Core is good at 1v1 so is better as a roamer, but not as quick as thief or ranger for rotations. Weaver is better at 1v1 though is a bit slower without RtL.

  7. Tempest is a strong option in any team. Burst damage/target focus is one of the few counters to support, which is lacking these days. If they had two tempests your roamers should of out rotated. If they had 1 sitting on home I don't see why you couldn't have either rushed far with 2 ppl or pulled a 5 v 4 at mid. Blame your team for not recognizing the best way to fight that comp, or for just losing fights.

  8. The meta offers more off-meta builds to work in unranked. Meta favors team healing and cc. Not enough people to counter tempest with the damage nerf to power rev and thief. Some power coefficients for certain skills needs to be rolled back. The range on aura share maybe reduced.

  9. Best meta for me was the one right before heart of thorns. AoE wasnt everywhere and every class had a working build. Cele ele was overperforming though.


    The game now is just throw aoe on point. Id rather have 10k back stab thieves than the nonsense we have today

  10. The problem is multiple things. The first being core traitlines have too much focus on buffing one attunement while elite specs tend to buff all aspects of the profession.


    The second problem is tempest is a better support and weaver is a better dps. Core ele is argueably a worse dps than tempest and worse at tanking than weaver as well.


    Core ele is great at being average at everything but trying to spec for damage makes you below average at staying alive and specing tank makes you bad at dps.


    Air attunement needs adjustments that dont rely on being in air and earth attunement needs a straight overhaul.


    Also the damage of some skills is really bad now. Offhand dagger is like the bread and butter of core ele but look how they hurt our boi

  11. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"steki.1478" said:

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > > > Any suggestions for a newbie? Ele is my least played class, and while I've poked around in OW as a FA Tempest, I think Weaver is just out of my league, and Staff Ele in WvW seems like looking for frustration when you're more likely to die from ret or get caught out position because skill lag then see any big numbers.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I was looking at the Meta build, but that's more focused on condi clear with Trooper Runes. What is your build better for?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I really like playing Medi Scrapper, but I hate having to kit switch (esp with skill lag) to get any DPS or tagging done. Looks like Tempest is at least able to send out some damage while supporting.

    > > > >

    > > > > Tempest can aura share and poop at cc like nobodies business. It's a natural support with flexible builds. I personally prefer staff even in small groups for the area denial.

    > > > >

    > > > > His current build is fine and probably what I'd go for as well. Maybe change out earth with fire if your struggling with condis

    > > >

    > > > Ok, so where I am struggling is just understanding the choices as far as weapons go.

    > > >

    > > > Why dagger? Why focus (on the meta) or why warhorn? Which specific abilities for those weapons interact with which traits to achieve what results? As I said, I'm a completely new at Ele, and with 28 different abilities across 3 weapons + traits and utility choices, it's a bit overwhelming and it helps my grasp of the mechanics when I know why the choices are made.

    > > >

    > > > For instance I can already see the leap from Dagger 3 under both Fire and Earth as being helpful with keeping on tag, so dagger has that advantage over scepter or staff. But what else?

    > > >

    > > > I hope that makes sense :sunglasses:

    > >

    > > Dagger because scepter sucks. Focus for personal defense/single target cc. Warhorn for boons and aoe melee pressure. Staff for strong aoe ranged CC and heals. For learning, staff is definitely the best choice because you can camp water for the most part and only use air 5 and earth 4 when CC is needed. On ele there's no traits that affect weapons, they only affect attunements and their skills.

    > >

    > > Reading skills and seeing their damage/heal/boon value or mobility/cc/other utility factor should give you plenty of information of when and why certain skill is used. Same goes with traits and utility skills. Practice makes it perfect, no one mastered ele from just picking a random build and spamming buttons or from reading the tooltips once. Take your time and go through them over and over again.


    > Gotcha. Have been giving it a try, and so far it's quite fun and interactive, much more than my Medi Scrapper.


    > 2 questions though:


    > 1) Tempestuous Aria extends my shouts to 10 targets over the usual 5. I run Eye of the Storm, Flash Freeze, and Aftershock, the latter two of which also give out auras to allies. So that means I'm hitting 9 other players with auras when I activate those shouts, which would trigger Smothering Auras and therefore cleanse 1 condition of all 10, right? I'm asking because I was considering taking Harmonious Conduit for situations where stability is an issue, as losing the auras from an overload seems bad as well, but I want to make sure I understand the downside.


    > 2) Also wondering why does metabattle then say that the 6th Trooper rune effect only hits 5 targets? If Aria extends my shouts to 10 targets, then why wouldn't all 10 also get a cleanse? Because 'reasons'?


    > Thanks!


    Losing regen for allies is significant to your healing

  12. > @"GummyBearSummoner.7941" said:

    > Thank you all for your feedback! Glad most of you agree. I rarely use conjure weapons but would use them more if they made this change possible. It would also be a good reason to take out the trait line for conjure weapons (because who really uses it compare to the other ones?) & give us a more useful trait if they were made into kits


    I use it right now lol

  13. > @"Idhayan Thomas.2697" said:

    > > @"FrownyClown.8402" said:

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAExflFwCZesO2JOePpr1Sm2cA-zZIDBtB

    > >

    > > Seen ppl run similar to this in pvp.

    > >

    > > Soulbeast better at support imo

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POAFcEG7TZFsQGE7hhiJ/1+rskpNH-z5AfCCcA


    > tried playing with the support build...was quite good ...needs some practice....but i get that it still wont be enough to be meta...useful for certain party composition but not always...lack of condi removal except for pet skill is terrible...when focused it s hard to survive...


    > speaking of cleanses, i was checking number of cleanses and interrupts warrior has and also their cds. and traited shrug it off (which is a stunbreak-automatic) and rangers have to compulsorily use WS for decent condi cleanse...rangers can never match bcoz it s all screwed up



    You could swap heals to bear stance and run more protection. Swap to moa stance, swap to protective ward

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