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Posts posted by MetalGirl.2370

  1. Honestly, I see loads of posts saying CS is bad and slow.... yet I submitted loads of tickets and all of them got answered within a day, only once I had to wait for a week and it was because I submitted it when PoF launched and they even apologized for taking so long. I even had to let one of them login my account because I wanted some Achiev reward skins back and since I didn't remember when I destroyed them [as it was before wardrobe system] he needed to check my Achievements to see if I indeed did the achievements, that too was done in 2 days [he even asked if he has permission to login or not], and I had no problems with it or after it, they gave me skins I destroyed so I can add them to wardrobe and they were absolutely nice and polite, some of them are even funny.

    Which then makes me think, maybe it's the players that are maybe rude or unintentionally come off rude or just don't say what they want/need clearly.

  2. I can see why they decided to price things higher.

    Because if the skin was 800-1000 gems for example, people would easily say "I'll just exchange my gold" and that way Anet earns no money, while when it's 2000gems for mount skin most people would decide not to spend 500-600g on it so they go for real money, which in return helps Anet keep the game up and running.

  3. I feel like Skimmer should've been underwater as well as land mount (so you can still hover over quicksand, brand area, sulfur and water).

    Special skills should've been like

    1- existing one - just hovering higher

    2- dive/surface

    (Just like griffon has 2 skills)

    Skill 2 would make Skimmer dive when you're above water and then in it you can move freely, just like character, so you can go deeper if you want and all that. To surface you would just use the skill again and it would just go up above and hover again. (to go deeper while you're in the water you wouldn't need to use skill again but instead, just control it like you would control character underwater)

  4. As I already said once. People will soon start to get offended by air.


    It looks almost nothing like it, ears are not the same, it doesn't have the torch thing on top and goats in general have same horns so just because it's a goat doesn't mean its a symbol for Satan.

    By that logic, we should then just go and point at all the people who own goats and call them Satanists.

    I hate how nowadays you can't do anything because it has been used for or portrayed as something bad.


    Edit: plus to me it looks like mix of goat and gazelle or an antelope

  5. Absolutely not. It needs to be fixed in some way but not removed because many people [including me] use them as goals so if it wasn't for AP, people would lose sense of accomplishment in a way as there is nothing else in GW that you can have that sticks out as Anet pretty much doesn't let players be different from each other skin-wise, meaning I have 35k ap, I unlocked Season 1 skins and instead of them being just for those players so they can have something special that says "hey i've been there", people can now just buy them for laurels. So really besides AP, vets have no ways of showing they've been in the game longer than someone who came year or so ago.


    Edit: Plus on top of it all, I've worked for my AP since day 1. There are only 21 days in total that I didn't login over 5+ years, so for them to remove AP would make me furious.

  6. I think those "(annual)" achievements should give some AP.

    Ideally 3 per achievement but I'd settle for even 1 just because I personally hunt achievements and because I don't like seeing when achievements don't display [don't have] points.

    Plus, people are asking for more AP but it seems like we're getting less, even expansion didn't have that many yet rewards go up to 60.000, so if I have 35.000+ after 5.5 years I'll need another 5 or more to reach 60.000.

  7. - she is a child yet is made smarter than all other grown asuras

    - I don't like that i have to save and chase her around just as a way to introduce an area or NPC, when it could've been done in a better/more interesting way


  8. Very greedy with this RNG nonsense.

    They should know that to earn far more money and get more costumers you should let us buy what we want and make what we ask for.

    So it's weird they do the opposite.

    Many have stated they'd buy over 5 or 10 even and more if they could only choose what they wanted.

    I'm hoping they'd do something about it.

    I'm guessing idea like - lower the price to maybe 300-350 and then give gems to people who bought them for more, so if they got 2 skins for 400, and its down to 300, return 200gems.

    Or start refunding skin unlocks, then if people want, they can rebuy the ones they want for less.

  9. After 5 years of people constantly telling them what they want, instead of listening and earning way more money, they choose to do this nonsense.

    This move is disrespectful to their whole playerbase and I'd assume they have lots of new players coming with POF so it's really good that they show them how they don't listen nor care what their players ask for.

    I understand they gotta earn money, but as i said, give players what they want and they would 100% be glad to buy and support the company. Many will not care to buy gems after this and if things like these continue.


    And I saw data-mined stuff. There are 10 or so town clothes outfits so I hope they won't do this RNG nonsense with those too.

    If this continues, I hope I don't like anything new on gemstore in the future otherwise I'll have to sell my kidney.

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