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Posts posted by MetalGirl.2370

  1. @"Mordule Standish.2371" - "It is an "outfit" (a tee shirt - pre outfits) that was offered during beta"




    So how is it fair to people who pre ordered the game which they paid for ... and now people get it just by linking their accounts...insane.

    If they made it ingame reward, it'd be more deserving


  2. What are the rewards anyway? I see people say outfit ? If it's some new outfit I'll be fuming ... because I don't use FB or any other social media first of all, 2nd - people are getting banned, Chris said only new accounts got banned for abusing the promotion but I've seen even older accounts getting banned and I'm not risking my acc of 6 years, 13k hours and almost 37k achievs... hell no. .. and 3rd, even if it was safe and I used social media, there's no Kung Fu Tea in my country, so like... you know..... this is ridiculous.

  3. Don't do Razer....I have Razer Naga 2014... and my god, Razer Synapse keeps turning off on its own, mouse sometimes doesn't want to move for few seconds... it's just, horrible, and all of it is Synapse's problem, not hardware, because my boyfriend has exactly the same problem since day 1 we bought them. Get Logitech imo

  4. Goodness, this is exactly what I thought... I was also going to make post about it but didn't know how to name it. However I was gonna suggest that they make whole separate UI thing, just like this one, that would be just for food and utilities. So both sides would be happy, we get to have our food and people who do nothing but afk can have their chairs and instruments and balloons.

  5. I'm frustrated with the fact that humans got like 15+ hairs and 5+ faces for PoF exp... yet everyone else didn't have actual hairstyles for 3+ years and personally I don't even count the last time because they just copy-pasted hairs between races and called it a day ... lazy. And yet there's bunch of data-mined hairstyles since SW update years and years ago which they never added.. and not to mention that bug years ago where hair-kit had hairs that were never in the game and they removed them with patch right after

  6. > @"Thoraxe.5694" said:

    > @"MetalGirl.2370" It's 100% necessary we bring this to these forums. We all know Anet hardly looks at the reddit (which is completely exploding over this right now, justifiably) This is one of the only ways this issue can be brought to their attention. The fact that Anet has let the unprofessional behavior of Jessica Price go unaddressed speaks volumes and overall hurts company-player relationship, which is vital.


    Exactly ... and there was already thread on forums about it which got locked. So it just shows they are limiting our right to say what we want but they can go off on players all they want and have no consequences for it. She is a developer, she absolutely has to have an open mind and take any criticism...if she can't do it, quit and do some other work where you don't have to face peoples opinions.

  7. > And what complete strangers think of me is going to have direct consequences on my game play? No! I paid for my game etc and enjoy it regardless of who thinks what or why. People keep bringing this into the forums just to stir the populace imo, instead of leaving it to ANET to sort out if they feel the need. And ANET won't be losing any money because it's a MMO and gamers quit and others always fill the slots. Open door FTW


    They won't deal with it and you know it, unless people get mad about it. You can clearly see they basically even defend her because they're ultra-S-J-W.

    And well, if someone googles about the game to see if they wanna play or not, see how disrespectful devs are, they will choose not to come to it meanwhile people will leave if they keep doing it..so again, yes, it might have impact on your gameplay long-term if there's nobody to pay for it.


  8. > @"Tasida.4085" said:

    > Sighs* and awayyyyyyyyyy we go. Why bring this here when it just stirs people up both pro and con. Leave this off the forums. It has no bearing on the game play itself.....SERIOUSLY.


    It does tho...people are upset that they think so little of us and in reality, if it wasn't for us, they wouldn't be where they are... and that is the fact. So if they lose some players now, it's less money for them = less content... sure, few people leaving won't be a big deal, but if this keeps going on then yes it does have a big impact. Even you should be mad, because even if you don't buy gems, you still bought their game.. you still gave them your money and this is what they think of you behind closed doors.

  9. It's actually mind-blowing that Peter would say something like that considering that internet in general is public so just by posting anything on something public is going to attract thousands of different opinions. You don't need to ask or not ask for one...if its public, prepare to have different responses because every person is going to have one and it will all be different. If you don't want opinions, then don't post anything online. Simple. But ofc Anet supports her because of their SJW thing they got going on there.

    Plus if she gets offended by something constructive and not offensive at all then she is in the wrong profession... if you're game developer you need to have an open mind about everything and take criticism...


    Also no wonder story is bland lately when such person works on it, they are probably too scared to even tell her something should be changed out of fear she will start screaming "sexism" and pull a "victim card" on them ...


    Edit: - and it's hilarious that they censor forum as much as they can, not long ago they deleted somebody's post for no reason, he only said he'd prefer more "evil" armors... Yet devs can go off on people for no reason whatsoever... and then they wanna paint themselves to be this amazing welcoming company. She should be fired because she is representing company in a bad way

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