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Posts posted by MetalGirl.2370

  1. - Community is not the nicest. Every game has good people and bad people, it just depends who you run into. In fact, raid and PVP are one of the most toxic communities in gaming but everyone ignores that fact. I'm playing since launch and I have yet to interact with a nice person.

    - Joko and Balthazar should've lived

    - Taimi, Kasmeer, Marjory and Caithe should die

    - I don't find Braham annoying.

    - I hate beetle mount

    - Raids shouldn't have been added....ever. It ruined the game. If you wanna raid, go to that other game where raiding is the main thing - yes you know what game I mean.

    - I don't care that people want LW-S1 remade, they shouldn't waste time on old content. It doesn't make sense to come in some time after game is launched and then ask that they meet your needs. Game has to go on, you were late, deal with it. It'd be waste of money and time

    - I also don't care that new people can't get all AP

    - I don't think new people should be able to get old rewards that they missed (example: being able to buy skins from laurel vendor)...you missed it, deal with it.

    - I hate how they keep adding shiny things to the game, this is not korean game

    - I don't like IRL giveaways because when bf and I buy gems, we want to support the game, not give money so that some random person can get a vacation or a keyboard or a car or whatever else

  2. If they don't make content, you'd have nowhere to play those races.

    So no, it's not worth it, it's not a dress-up game.

    Let's say they gave us new race... you'd finish maps and story, which would be exactly the same and which you probably did billion times before and then you'd come here to say how there's nothing else to do. Then you'd go back in and play dress-up and realize that 99.99% of armor pieces are clipping and look ugly and you'd come back here again to ask for content and they'd tell you "Ummm, I thought you wanted us to make a new race, so go have fun replaying the same thing just with different looking character".

    I don't think new race would make old content more fun.

  3. I love the idea for the outfit but the shoulders and floating crystals are horrible and also the...whatever it is...on the legs


    So much for them saying how they listen to people....

    How many times did people say [including me]

    - don't put unnecessary things all over the outfit/armor (belts, crystals, potions, pouches, etc.) and yet they still do it!

    - don't make it have gigantic shoulders, they still do it

    - don't have any floating things around, they still do it


    It took them 6 years to add pants for light armor and it's filled with nonsense - crystals and belts and some other whatever it is around calf area

    There are so many ideas for pants and they just decide to put pre-made accessories just to make them not too plain because they don't actually wanna put any effort into it, meanwhile raid gets new models for almost everything...oh but some nicer looking pants without unnecessary things, nope!

    I'm still waiting for my hairs for 3+ years... while humans got 20 or so with expansion. I didn't see sylvari get any with HoT....

    I'm so glad they have time to make useless chairs....

    I'd rather have nicer armors and outfits than a chair

  4. Most of them are ugly to me. I only like Confetti and Chak ones but they are so expensive that I'd rather just take the gold instead of an effect.


    I also hate the way they are implemented.... as in: I made all +9/+7 to have 150 AR cap, and now, if I happen to like any infusions the ones that I previously made are wasted because even though I have all 9 professions I only main mesmer.


    If they allowed Infusion skinning it'd be better a little bit, because then if I did like any, I can just skin my +9/7 instead of keeping them in my bank for nothing.

  5. - Fluffy cat skin for jackal

    - Pants for light armor WITHOUT belts and other nonsense all over it

    - New hairs, not copy-paste from other races (more than 3 because we didn't have them for 3+ years)

    - Fixed colors and physics on old hairs so that they're not stiff

  6. Here we go again with this topic .... for 100th time


    and im glad they removed it now that i play norn because norns always had these little animation and humans had that whole thing going on and now it's nice that they're the same.

    if they brought them back they should also make something more special for norns

  7. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:


    > The reason there was a content drought before Heart of Thorns was because up until a certain point they weren't even sure they'd make expansions. Expansions aren't done in a month or two and to finish Heart of Thorns in a reasonable time frame they had to allocate everyone to it. Further, we don't get less PVE content, that's absurd, we get way more content now than we ever did. 2 weeks to press F to pay respects and fix signs and a 2-min story instance, compared to 2-3 months for an entire new map with multi-part story missions, new collections and a whole lot of improvements to the game. That we never got during the 2-week period.


    Content drought was after they started hinting and announcing expansion.

    Second, the sign fixing was back in either 2012 or 2013 (that was literally first episode of LW), so way before the lack of content, and even if we did look at specifically then - even that was more fun because soon after we got Molten Facility dungeon which people loved and farmed loads. We had SW which brought loads of content at a time and people very much liked and enjoyed it and also liked the fact that SW is not set on a timer. Now we have everything on timers and barely any content coming every 3 months. I run story within 2 hours and I'm done with achievements in 2 days at most. Maybe it's better for you if you play less than I do but to someone like me with almost 14.000 hours it's worse now with 3 months than it was with 2 weeks, back then I had something to look forward to with every patch and there was something new to do more often than now.


    basically - I'd rather have a medium sized bag of chips once every 2 weeks than a large one once every 3 months. And if I calculate how many bags I've eaten every 2 weeks for 3 months, it'd be more than the large one I'd get once every 3 months. - I guess that sums it up

  8. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Remember, before Raids were introduced, the game experienced a long period of content drought. And, ever since then, we have had pretty regular content releases.


    The only reason there was content drought before expansions was because they announced expansions and were working on raiding. Before that we had story every 2 weeks. Which just means that before raids were in the game they had time to work on actual content, now that there are raids we get less pve content - storywise and in LW maps.


    Most of the models for raid bosses are new and made for the raids and they have new attack patterns, meanwhile in open world, we get copy-paste mobs with different color and size. It's all just copy-paste and they don't care

  9. > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


    > Let's look at your post. You say we "always go back on our words." That it has "happened countless times before." When? Where? Give details and examples. Make your case


    Let's use one instance for example because I'm not gonna sit and list every single one.

    Remember when you guys said that PVP Legendary backitem will be just for 4 seasons ? My boyfriend took days off work so we can make it in time and have all achievements done. After season ended you guys said - "We decided not to remove them instead"


    Edit: Just to add a little bit to "post removing thing" - I was warned 6 times so far, in none of them was I name calling or insulting and all of them were removed, some of them faster than I could blink. One of them was removed for me simply saying - "Everyone is ignoring forums because they censored it heavily". How is that name calling or insulting ?


    Edit 2: Couple more people pointed out more things you guys went back on. So my point is proven.

  10. Well considering you always go back on your words, this doesn't surprise me...

    Happened countless times before

    You should've removed the titles instead, many didn't bother with the pvp and now you spit in their faces. Way to go.

    And I don't get why you always remove negative posts, seems to me like it's creating this "bubble" of positivity where everyone has to be fake and agree with whatever you guys do instead of allowing people to critique you, no wonder same mistakes are made when the critique never reaches the ears since it's instantly removed

  11. How hard is it to login for literally 10 seconds in 3 months to get story... :/


    As for people never playing a game for 7 years straight, you can speak for yourself because I played GW2 since launch every single day (my only 4 breaks were 7 days long each and that's because I went on a vacation with my boyfriend-other than that, I don't miss a day) and I plan on playing for as long as it lasts

  12. How about you keep mailing system for text only and add actual trading like in GW1 for gold and items ?

    Your post didn't tell us anything, we already knew this, the whole point that people are trying to make is that you shouldn't punish obviously innocent people for receiving gold from a seller, how in the world are people even supposed to know if it's a gold seller or not [unless they have a weird name] ...you don't punish a victim. How dare people unknowingly receive gold, how dare they not know who it's from and where the gold came from

  13. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > > > @"arthana the dark.8690" said:

    > > > > thx 4 answer

    > > > > wow and again anet do bad politics how to do an event worse then before

    > > >

    > > > There is an annual one that gives 50 AP.

    > >

    > > 50AP a year is nothing ... and also consider the fact that it will literally take 20 YEARS to finish that achievement


    > No, it is once a year.


    Once a year but it's capped at 1000, which makes it 20 years

  14. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > > @"arthana the dark.8690" said:

    > > thx 4 answer

    > > wow and again anet do bad politics how to do an event worse then before


    > There is an annual one that gives 50 AP.


    50AP a year is nothing ... and also consider the fact that it will literally take 20 YEARS to finish that achievement

  15. It's not showing for me either and I'm planning to contact support to give it back to me, together with some other tonics I got from achieves that I deleted

    Asked them to give me Flute and Dance Vol.1 back recently and they did, so pretty sure they can help me for this too

  16. We got several different tonics and other novelties over the years from achievements but before novelties tab was introduced, tonics and other toys were just taking up my bank slots so I decided to delete them all.

    But now that there's a place for them, I can contact support to give them back to me - as i did in the past for some skins from achievements that i deleted before wardrobe was added.

    So my question is - since wiki is not very helpful and neither is API ...

    Does someone remember which tonics and other novelties did we get through achievements and can you tell me the names ?

    Thank you

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