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Posts posted by MetalGirl.2370

  1. > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

    > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > Honestly, I'd pay £30 just for them to patch in like 50 hairs or so. I'm desperate.

    > > Oh, and a cat skin for jackal.


    > I think the cat skins will be given to the Warclaw now. lool I'm hoping for a pretty Bengal, lion, jaguar, and a star one that I can dye bright pink!


    I know it will, said the same to my bf. I'm pretty pissed off about it tho, because even tho I do loads of wvw, i won't be mounted as much as i am in pve. I'd rather buy the skin that I get to see more. :(

  2. > @"Timelord.8190" said:

    > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > People need to stop overreacting. Those who act like it's end of the world and are leaving are the reason why GW2 is doing bad.


    > I think you got it wrong there. People leave cause the game has gotten stale. It's not right to blame the people for leaving or think they overreact. Anet has stopped with any thing that's interesting. Recycling old boring festival content, while adding some new sigil and a kitten rare infusion. They just add living story missions with boring worlds, and gem store updates for the most part.


    > They have just given us false/empty promises to keep us interested in the game.


    > Like for example a 2nd set of legendary set of weapons. Which were announced long before the first expansion and isn't even done now long after the 2nd expansion pack.

    > I also remember a promise about WvW being their top priority of 2017. Where not much good other than reward tracks and real auto loot happened.




    I know what's going on in the game, I'm playing since launch.

    My point is, people that are playing want to leave and are moaning and complaining, especially now after layoffs. So that's pushing new people away. You'd also avoid trying out a game if all you saw is "dead game" threads, what would be the point of getting into it if you thought it was "dead".

    So like I said, existing people are leaving and they make sure to complain which in process pushes other, potential players, away when they see it.

    So ofc that in the end Anet can't pay 143 salaries.

    How about we all just shut up about layoffs and support Anet. Like I said, it's their #1 priority again and it will probably get better now that ALL of them are working on it instead of just small amount of people.

  3. People need to stop overreacting. Those who act like it's end of the world and are leaving are the reason why GW2 is doing bad.

    For the love of all the cats, just stop with threads about layoffs. It happened and game will move forward and soon it will be just like it ever was, maybe even better because its their #1 focus again, which is what we all ever wanted.

    Just enjoy the game, talk nicely of it and people will come to it. If I was searching for an MMO and all I saw is depressing posts and stuff I'd be running away from it. You people are doing exactly the opposite. Just stop.

  4. While I'm not pleased with NCSoft releasing some devs, I also think people are panicking for no reason. It will be exactly the same as it ever was. It seems to me like you lot forgot how it used to be back in the day... literally no difference then and now.

    I'm guessing I'll finally get some new hairs now that NCSoft is back on top and GW2 is Anet's main thing again. All I got is a copy-paste ones from another race ever since Anet tried to be more on their own and do other stuff.

  5. I'm so mad over Josh leaving, he was the only dev who tried to make this game more challenging and less monotone. Plus, SAB was his project, we were already not going to see W3 and 4 for a loooong time, with him gone now it's even more less likely to ever happen.

    And how in the world do you fire devs that have been with the company for 15 years +/- ... Goodness how I hate NCsoft now

  6. > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > Do you even listen to your players ?

    > > We wanted an actual WvW update that would make it better and bring players in.

    > The thing is, this IS an attempt to bring players in.


    > Most players have tried WvW, and yet most don't seem to enjoy it enough to keep coming back. If you want more players, you have to make WvW more enjoyable for them.


    > Story time: I don't enjoy WvW (or most kinds of PvP, really), but I've jumped in from time to time to get something. My starting experiences were basically going in, hearing a bunch of yelling that I didn't understand, and heading out to attempt to find the location I was looking for. I'd try to avoid other players, but eventually I'd get lost or just run out of luck, and suddenly I'm dead. Respawn, spend another 5 minutes trying to find my way, wind up dead. Four tries to get to the wolf I wanted for my Ranger, and I was more than done with that kitten. Next time, I decided to try finding one of those groups and sticking with them. Jumped in, saw one on the map, and headed off to join them. But they kept moving, I got turned around, and... Okay, try again. Die again. Couple more times before I finally catch up to them, and by that point I was just about done with that kitten anyway.


    > Now, you can say "just get good", and yeah, that's the answer. But after that, why would I want to? Why would ANYONE that has that kind of introduction to WvW want to go back? But now look at the story again and ask yourself how that would play out with even a basic mount. Faster travel times and less frustration means more willingness to stay and maybe learn how to keep up with WvW. I know I'm not the only one that's had that kind of introduction to WvW, mounts will make the game mode much more friendly to inexperienced players, if they have/use them.


    > "Experienced" WvW players seem to dislike the Warclaw. I'm sorry, but if ANet just gives you guys what you want, WvW is going to continue to die a slow death. What you want isn't bringing in new players, and it's the nature of the classes that they'll never be fully balanced against each other. Only serious changes (many of which you may dislike or even hate) will get enough new players in to keep WvW going in the long run.


    What would bring players in is: Rewards, better maps, better matchups, and so on. Not a big pointless mount that would clutter the screen and ruin everything.

    Did you know that WvW gives almost no rewards? and WvW players spend most of their in-game hours in it...for what? ...

    The fact that there's literally 50+ and even 100+ queue for WvW during double exp week(end) just proves my point, that it's nothing to do with mounts but REWARDS. I'd prefer better maps myself really, we had same map since launch and people said they absolutely hate EotM map and what did they do? add a map that's basically like EotM ... which proves another point of mine, that they don't care to listen.

  7. Do you even listen to your players ?

    We wanted an actual WvW update that would make it better and bring players in.

    You're literally constantly doing the opposite. You just want to grab cash, I bet there will be million skins for this mount as well. As if anyone would care or could see it in a huge zerg. You've just destroyed WvW in so many ways.

    And you're destroying little bit of hope we have that WvW will ever be good again.

    Listen to your WvW players for once.

    We DIDN'T want mounts in WvW.

    You just wanna clutter the screen even more with huge mounts as if your effects aren't doing enough of that.

    Wasn't there a video some years ago of you guys doing WvW with people and saying how "now you see what you need to do to make it better", nothing significant was EVER done since. You constantly ignore everything people are asking for.


    Hopefully you'll finally give me some HAIRS so I can look pretty riding this thing people never asked for, or actually you won't, cuz hairs are also the thing people are asking for and you don't deliver, the last time you did was a lazy copy-paste from race to race.


    Listen to your players! ...or you'll have none in the end.


  8. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:


    > > and HOPE


    > Eww, for real? :s Who wants to run around with a mix of a steam punk pistol and a sci-fi blaster in a _fantasy_ setting like GW? _I_ don't. :/



    Well I don't like HOPE either but it does fit what people would consider legendary, flashy and loud.

    I myself prefer something like Astralaria, to me it's not big, has trail but isn't flashy like Moot or anything similar to it.


  9. Imo, majority of the 2nd gen legendary weaps are not worth the title.

    Astralaria, Nevermore and HOPE are because it seems like more thought went into them, as for others, they're either a joke and meh or if they're more serious they lack what makes legendary - legendary.

    It's just weird that they'd make 2nd gen not tradable (which I support) but, you'd imagine they'd make it look more legendary since it costs more and you had to make it (while there are people who just buy 1st gen ones and it devalues it for us who actually made every single 1st gen legendary we have). They downgraded them in every way, less flash, shorter footfalls, etc.

  10. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:



    > There are too many legendaries around, because people don't want to skin over them, having worked so hard to obtain them.


    That's absolutely not right.

    I could see people not wanting to reskin legendary armor I guess...

    Weapons on the other hands - I'm pretty sure people have them because its "an end game item" and they like it.

    I personally have

    Bolt, Eternity, Minstrel (x2), Kamohoali'i, Shining Blade, Flameskeer Prophecies, Astralaria


    Bolt - I didn't use for 5 years, even tho my meta build ALWAYS had a sword, instead I made ascended one and skinned it

    Eternity - I didn't use for over 4 years

    Minstrel - 1 is in fact skinned with GW1 HoM skin and 2nd one is not used since HoT came out

    Kamohoali - is currently my UW weapon but I never see it unless I do Aquatic fractals

    Shining Blade - I made it the same night it came out, literally costed over 3000 gold to make it because prices jumped up and then next thing you know, Anet releases PoF

    shortly after and I never wore it again ... and as you can see I made it despite having Bolt sitting in my bank for 5 years

    Flameseeker - didn't use since PoF came out because I'm Mirage now

    Astralaria - I'm using atm as it is meta for Mirage and i absolutely adore the skin still because it has kind of like "steampunk-y" look to it


    So as you can see, all but 2 (one barely used because UW) are sitting in my bank for years and it doesn't bother me.



  11. > @"Mortifera.6138" said:


    > I feel forced to wear legendaries despite not liking their cosmetics, because I worked really hard to get them.


    Why in the world would you make it if you don't like the way they look. They're literally just cosmetics, no bonus dmg at all. So if you don't like the cosmetics, why make it.


  12. > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

    > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:


    > > Edit: I KNOW this was said before, so no need to tell me. It's just that Anet doesn't seem to care to finally add a simple line.


    > Oh the irony, posting things that have been posted before in an attempted to curb people posting things that have been posted before.


    and the difference is that there are not a handful of posts like mine, because something would've been done if people posted constantly.

    while you can find posts about cap every week.

  13. I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people post and ask about "AP bug" just to be told over and over that they've reached a cap and none of them bother googling what they think is a ''bug " themselves before posting.

    It's about time you just put a message under the achievement number.




    AP: 30.000

    (Daily 15.000 cap achieved: you will no longer get AP from dailies)


    Edit: I KNOW this was said before, so no need to tell me. It's just that Anet doesn't seem to care to finally add a simple line.

  14. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

    > > Scammers can easily be avoided imo.

    > > In GW1 and many other games you have to hover over the item in order to be able to accept trade, so surely you'd look carefully what you're accepting.

    > > So I don't see the problem.


    > and yet scams still happened.


    Then that's on people and the fact that they just hover over fast, not pay attention and just click fast. So in that case that's completely their fault and they should learn not to do it that way, simple.

  15. I'm pretty sure those are fox ears. Outfit is aimed to match jackal skin I believe.

    and you can always hide the ears.


    Edit: Although I do agree that they ruin outfits and armors with loads of unnecessary things, like belts and potions and stuff. For example, I loved the pants you get from Meta Achievement reward in new map and when I actually realized there's literally a dagger dangling on the side for no reason it put me off instantly. :(

  16. > @"Dalec.9853" said:

    > The axe requirements seem to be fairly buggy for both this and #2, took a while for the second one to count too.


    > But this 10% health achievement also goes against one of the original core ideas of this game that we should be 'happy' to have other people around. Not when they heal while trying to do this.


    Right. I've been trying to do it for a while now while doing meta and just as I reach 10% or close someone heals me or I get a sand barrier. Absolutely Annoying.

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