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Everything posted by Katary.7096

  1. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > I think this has already been covered (i haven't argued back with anyone above who agrees with you), i was just calling them out on them misrepresenting what I was saying and completely sidestepping the issue that is guardian is basically the top profession right now. And in what context would guardian be the top profession currently? General PvE? Specifically DRMs? There are plenty of raid encounters which favor stacking mesmer, either as chronomancer or as mirage. Strike missions tend to give power soulbeast the greatest boost, thanks to the implementation of the SAK. With the exception of 100CM fractals promote power DPS and guardian is not the first choice for power DPS right now. The guardian might currently be the best profession when it comes to sacrificing maximum performance for ease of use and versatility, though that does not seem to be what you are talking about. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > Umm so what about those burn pulses the FoR boss stands in for many seconds at a time? I know for a fact that I was not even hitting my power GS dps from arc when i decided to power chrono. Admittedly I did die, but even before I did, I noticed those DPS numbers dropping lower. Pretty sure I know power Chrono decently well. I'm not a top SC player by any means but can get higher than 20k on a golem, which imo is acceptable and I haven't gotten yelled at when i have in my trainings. As of right now snowcrows is rating the average for the power chrono benchmark at 42.500 DPS, if you can produce slightly more than 20.000 DPS on the golem you would be roughly at 50% mastery of the build. Which leads me to believe that your own estimation for your expertise of the power chronomancer is likely the result of overconfidence bias.
  2. > @"Firebeard.1746" said: > To give people an alternative to WvW for legendary armor/ring mats? That is the optional of the optional. > Honestly no one needs to touch raids to cover every slot at this point. I can literally kill guards for hours on end roaming in WvW and the game will shove legendary crafting materials up my kitten. (sure I'll have to cap and/or kill another player every so often, but it's not that hard). Great. > Why would you, if you love raiding,... I don't actually. > ...be opposed to more people experiencing the same content you do, and progress at a slower pace? If you love the game mode, you should want more involvement, even if it's not at your level because then *GASP* anet has a reason to develop more of your difficult content of choice. Dev X: Holy! Have you seen the numbers for the new Infantile mode raids? Player engagement is 17 times greater than c. p. in the normal mode raids. Dev Y: Well, we expected that idea to be successful, but we certainly knocked it out the park with this one. Dev X: Say, if the vast majority of the playerbase is playing raids on the easiest setting, do we still need to make a hard version of a raid encounter? Barely anyone is playing them after all and it would save us a bit of work which we could dedicate to something else. Dev Y: Like World versus World? Dev X: What's that? Dev Y: Nevermind. But I think you're on to something. If we develop the raids with only the Infantile mode we can keep the largest amount of players engaged with relatively minimal investment on our end. Dev X: Wait a second, isn't that kind of like open world content? Dev Y: No no no no no. The raids are instanced group content. Dev X: That's it! > And heck, these people are also not trying to take anything from you by suggesting your more difficult method be more rewarding (as it should be). Hardcore players already whine the raids aren't difficult enough. There's no reason for people to complain about difficulty if there's an alternate method of getting the same rewards. If it is just about the rewards, ask Arenanet to put them on the gemstore, that way they have a meaningful incentive to do it. > And then you still get the *CHALLENGING* content you and the rest of the raid community claim you want (and you and anet don't have to worry about the haters if there's an easy mode and can go all-out). I am not part of the raid community. > it's a win-win and legendary armor/ring isn't so special any more. If legendary gear is not supposed to be special then Arenanet needs to redesign it asap. > Did you know the 2 versions of conflux are unique? You can leggie every slot not stepping into a raid ONCE (and honestly, I think that's great given the state of the content and community atm, it's great if it's with people you know/aren't judgy & in a static), I've never been able to make the second part of that happen, probably never will (the one guild I have that does training runs is completely open so kills are too hit or miss to be worth doing it all the time, even fi I could get my schedule to cooperate consistently)). You keep talking about legendary items, yet this topic is supposed to be about the problems that new players have with the game's raid content. > Also, I don't know about FFXIV, but in WoW, you can just go back and solo all the bosses in old content (n-2 expac for weaker classes, n-1 expansion and beyond for ones with self-heals) if you want the old tier sets. If Anet doesn't fix raiding, I think they should add a mastery in EOD or IB that makes farming the bosses easier like this. There is nothing to fix, as the content is not broken. And even if the developers were capable of changing the mentality of the playerbase I would not suggest them to do it. > It's old, mostly dead content, why not let players experience it/farm the cosmetics? WoW also changes the loot rules in this setting (usually to make it easier to get the transmogs, but in GW2 we have to consider breaking the economy), the same could be done in this scenario. maybe they wouldn't drop the 2g, the Exotic, anything that will break the economy, but relevant items for achievements etc still do. They can also disable special achievements that were intended for only high difficulty when the kill involved the mastery (just like AOTC in WoW). > > Obviously they should have a way to disable this mastery so what few people are still raiding are still raiding & get the full rewards, but honestly the content, especially W1-W4 are so old, they deserve a deprecation path like this if we want GW2 comparable to other MMOs. Some people are playing GW2 because it is different from the other MMOs. > I also believe the raiding community is getting weaker, not stronger right now, all I've seen is anecdotal but that's my impresson. Sure.
  3. > @"chrispy.7182" said: > > I see your point. But you could remedy this by: > > 1) Severely nerfing the rewards. So in the normal Radi ti takes, what, 6 weeks is it to get 150 LI? So in the easy version it would take maybe 6 months or something. Frankly, all the people who play the easy version are the people who are never going to play the normal version because of the barrier to entry. So they will have no problem waiting 6 months to get their legendary armour. Why make the reward nerf this complicated? Simply remove LI, LD, Minis, Skins and Achievements and call it a day. > 2) I would imagine there will be two types of people. People who use want to face roll the easy mode raid and ignore mechanics. And then there would be people who genuinely want to follow the mechanics to learn the raid and then advance to the higher tier raid for Peter rewards. So in the Log there would be two types of groups for easy raids: the casuals who don't care about mechanics, and then the more serious types who would probably write something like 'LFM - WM'... 'WM' means 'With Mechanics' meaning that the group is for learning the mechanics and everyone must do them. Since the people that actually care about learning the mechanics of each encounter can already do this by playing the raid content that is in the game right now, that really only leaves the group that wants to face roll the content.
  4. > @"TaurusZA.5493" said: > I only have one character that I know how to play properly - a warrior / bannerslave. I was getting really good and accumulated over 100KP in fractals, well on my way to Fractal Prodigy. > > Unfortunately Sunqua Peak has ruined this completely for me, to the extent that I now no longer want to play fractals. This boss requires condi DPS, and at best the condi berserker's DPS absolutely SUCKS. I have tried and tried and tried, and I can't do this fractal. No matter what. So it's either learn to play some new character from scratch or quit fractals altogether. Nowadays it's impossible to find a decent group for the other fractals, since most parties start including 100CM. I just can't do this fractal. > > Thank you, A-Net, for ruining my favourite part of the game. Join lfg groups that are advertising for "old CMs" instead of "CMs". If none exist, start one yourself.
  5. > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > _They_ are trying to make others look inferior by putting up LI requirements for such simple content. I think they are trying to find a specific type of player, who has a specific mindset, to group up with because that kind of gameplay happens to be their preference for enjoying the game. And they attempt to communicate that to complete strangers. Nothing more and nothing less. > It's elitist and truly ridiculous. The way you phrased that makes it sound like a statement of fact. It would be reasonable if it was your opinion. > That's all I am saying, I don't see why it's so hard to understand and why I have to repeat myself time and again (I'm saying it's ridiculously elitist and completely unnecessary and exorbitant for this type of content, you claim I'm calling them inferior - logic?). So when you described their behavior as "pathetic" and that is makes you "cringe", that was your attempt to elevate them above others instead of putting them down? If so, I admit that I have misunderstood that.
  6. > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > It truly is pathetic to ask for LI/KP in simple content like this. Everytime I see it, I cringe. ;) So far, I have had nothing but positive experience with PUGs in CM DRMs. The way these players get enjoyment out of the game is different from the way you do. That does not make them inferior.
  7. > @"TheSoulTkr.6928" said: > With all 18 infusions at +30, which would be beyond expensive, [...] Expense is not even the problem here. A single +30 Agony Infusion contains 536,870,912 +1 Agony Infusions. The tradingpost does not have enough supply to make even one, assuming anyone could afford it. It can be a fun thing to theorycraft with thanks to the sheer scale of it, but it will never be practical.
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