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Posts posted by Vayne.8563

  1. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > I'd prefer to see a video of an entire playthrough of someone leveling to level 80 in under 10 hours by killing just mobs only although there have been many people that have claimed to have done so based off some YouTube videos. One person claimed to do it in under 5 hours. Still, with how spread out mobs are, and how the bonus XP reduces after you've killed them, I'd prefer to see a video regardless. One of the videos from 2016 was misleading as they're doing their route once or twice in Queensdale and then essentially log off for many hours based on the clock.


    What you'd need to see is not just a video of this, but a video of this and other methods that are supposedly faster. WIth the exception of crafting and tomes, I'm not sure another faster method exists. Doesn't matter if you see a video like that or not, if you don't have videos of all the other methods.

  2. > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > Okay I've seen a lot of people in this thread saying killing mobs isn't a particularly fast way to level. My own experience is that I can get a level, with my buffs which are quite high, about every five minutes, just by killing. Mind you I don't recommend that as the best way to level, but it's definitely a way to level.

    > >


    > Assuming you are getting 0.5% mob experience per kill (and that is a very high assumption because it assumes max bonus experience and nearly all bonus experience buffs). You would have to kill 200 enemies in 5 minutes. That's 40 enemies per minute, at max bonus experience (aka 1 enemy killed every 1.5 seconds). There is no respawn that fast in this game, nor any route you can consistently run where you will get this amount of reliable enemies with max bonus experience. Even at 30 enemies, thus 0.66% per kill, you'd be hard pressed to find enough enemies. My guess is your 5 minute estimate is highly subjective "remembering" of how "fast" you leveled. I doubt you used a timer or did not get any other source of experience.


    > Yes, grinding enemies CAN be fast, because it cuts out all the downtime which naturally occurs (which can be avoided to some extent IF one focuses on leveling asap). It is a terrible suggestion on its own given that it is even highly inefficient compared to say crafting, which can yield levels a lot faster if one desires to skip ahead. The time saved more than makes up for the couple of gold required (cooking is 2.5 gold to 400, jewelcrafting 7.5 gold).


    > That is why the suggestions made are:

    > kill enemies when you can, but make sure to take as much of the available other experience along the way, most of it yielding a lot more than the process of killing the mobs.


    Everyone is different. I spend a disproportiate amount of time in game helping people and one of the biggest problems people experience is their perceived slowness in how they level. I've shown this method, your math aside to dozens and dozens of people over the years and it's always fast. It's not as fast as I do it when I do it, but it's always fast. There's always mobs that have big buffs, if you stay away from heart areas. Always.


    Then sometimes you can switch servers and do it again, because on your new server those mobs are back.


    This isn't guesswork based on math, this is personal experienced based on actually doing it with multiple people. I should add that one woman in my guild leveled a character from 2-80 in 9 hours by only killing. It's emminently doable.


    Eventually it would bore the hell out of me, but that's not the point. I've seen multiple people in this thread say it's not that fast to level by killing and that's just not true. I never said anyone should level that way, but that doesn't make it a slow way to level.

  3. Okay I've seen a lot of people in this thread saying killing mobs isn't a particularly fast way to level. My own experience is that I can get a level, with my buffs which are quite high, about every five minutes, just by killing. Mind you I don't recommend that as the best way to level, but it's definitely a way to level.


    The idea isn't to kill yellow creatures. It's to kill creatures with high bonus experience. The longer a creature is alive in the world, the more bonus experience accrues. Killing yellow creatures that have been killed recently gives you no more experience than anything else. When you kill a creature, usually, 2 types of experience come up, The second experience that pops is your bonus experience. Buffs will increase the numbers, but that bonus exists even if you're running no buffs. If the creature has been around a long time without being killed, it'll give you 2-3 times more experience than killing a yellow mob.


    A lot of people in my guild use this method to level fast if they just want a few levels. The trick is to keep moving, don't just keep yourself to yellows, but use a couple of kills as a litmus test. Kill a few things as you're running past and if the bonus experience is 2 or 3 times the base, kill everything in the area. Eventually you just learn to look for the high bonus experience. Is it a fun way to level? For some it is. For me it's fun sometimes, but not all the time. It's definitely good to work it into whatever else you're doing though.


    When I was trying to level masteries in core Tyria, my wife and I stacked massive buffs (and we had a LOT of them), and then we went underwater in the cursed shore. There's a lot of stuff there people ignore. We were getting somewhere between 7 and 11 thousand experience per kill. And we were killing steadily. It's a very efficient way to level....but it's not necessarily fun.


    Sometimes I want to be efficient, but not most of the time.

  4. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > Let me play devil's advocate for a second. If LS episodes have uneven quality what makes you think expansions won't be subject to the same forces?


    > 1. The past has proven it (in GW1 _and_ GW2).

    > 2. Logic. It is _one_ project that gets _one_ evaluation at the end. It is well-rounded quality-wise, regardless of the different people working on it.

    > 3. Another big plus: you get the whole story in one piece.


    I'm saying it wasn't proven in Guild Wars 2. As much as I like HoT I think it hurt the game short term.

  5. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > Living World and Festivals are predominantly what I play. I dabble in WvW and Fractals, but if you took away the living world, I wouldn't be around very long. I assure you I'm not alone.


    > Same, though I prefer expansions over Living World episodes, for I am not a fan of the inconsistent quality and quantity of Living World releases. I'd rather see small Side Stories released in between expansions than LW episodes.


    Let me play devil's advocate for a second. If LS episodes have uneven quality what makes you think expansions won't be subject to the same forces? The difference is, if an expansion is bad, it's game over. The game will probably go directly into maintenance mode, because the game can't take a hit like this. If a single episode of the living world is bad, two months later something good might come out.


    When HoT came out, even though it had raids and a lot of more hard core players like it, it really hurt the game. A lot of casual players either played less or left entirely. The expansion, which I consider to be the best part of this game, didn't really help the game, which is why Path of Fire undid almost everything in HoT. They want with less important meta events and replaced them with bounties were weren't on timers. They made all hero points soloable fort a player of reasonable skill. They made masteries easy to complete with less "grinding".


    All because the expansion, Heart of Thorns, cost the company casual support. A good expansion is awesome, but what guarantees do we have that the expansion will be a good one and what will be the result if it's not.


    Anyway as it stands we're getting both expansions and living world, so it's not a one or the other anyway.



  6. I hope I'll get some WvW legendary armor this year, as well as finish up some achievements that have been sitting around for a long time, that I put on hold and pretty much forgot about. The Otter infusion is probably the next thing I'll finish.

  7. > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > @"Andrej.4293" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > If you're on a US server, hit me up in game on Vayne.8563 or better yet, message me here since I have multiple accounts. I can help you learn some of the end game stuff. I help a lot of people learn the game. It probably would help if you can jump on discord as well.

    > >

    > > Eu sadly ;-;


    > The great thing is that Vayne can still help you via Discord. For many questions, you won't need to be on the same server type! :)


    > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > @"Andrej.4293" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > If you're on a US server, hit me up in game on Vayne.8563 or better yet, message me here since I have multiple accounts. I can help you learn some of the end game stuff. I help a lot of people learn the game. It probably would help if you can jump on discord as well.

    > >

    > > Eu sadly ;-;


    > The great thing is that Vayne can still help you via Discord. For many questions, you won't need to be on the same server type! :)


    > @"Hesione.9412" said:

    > > @"Andrej.4293" said:

    > > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > > If you're on a US server, hit me up in game on Vayne.8563 or better yet, message me here since I have multiple accounts. I can help you learn some of the end game stuff. I help a lot of people learn the game. It probably would help if you can jump on discord as well.

    > >

    > > Eu sadly ;-;


    > The great thing is that Vayne can still help you via Discord. For many questions, you won't need to be on the same server type! :)


    It's true. I'm in discord talking to people about the game quite a lot. The only question if you're on the EU would be actual playtimes, because those may not line up.

  8. I don't understand this complaint. I'm in the Pof maps all the time. Most of the metas are done regularly, there's often bounties being done and even bounty trains. I don't have any problem on any character with the hit point you listed.


    If you're complaining about choya and hydra, I don't care how long you've been playing. you're not as good as you think you are.


    Hydras are easy enough to fight if you keep moving during the fight. Maybe if you're having trouble meleeing and you through on a ranged weapon.


    People complained about HOT being hard, but much fewer people complain about Pof being hard. The only complaint I've seen about the PoF maps I agree with is things aggro from too far. Beyond that, I do believe this is a l2p issue. Or you could travel with a friend, because two manning any of that stuff is perfect.

  9. It's true that changes take a while to filter down through the entire community, but there are pretty active meta sites out there that do keep up with stuff and do keep changing. I'm don't generally speed run content or run the type of content that needs the meta, but I remember back in the days when rangers and necros weren't allowed by some in dungeon runs, even though a good ranger with spotter and spirts was worth their weight. It's just that many people saw ranger and thought bear/bow.


    It took time but the community does eventually come around.

  10. > @"CaliforniaJuju.5840" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > Hey mate. If you're on a US server, I run a guild called Wardens of Destiny. It's a guild of people who like to hang out and play together. Mostly PvE, but we're generally casual and we don't raid. Other than that we do pretty much everything else in PvE. Many of us are older/mature. I'm 58 myself. If you have questions or would like to meet up with us on discord and say hi, just let me know.


    > Hi, are you still recruiting? I played the first GW religiously (4+) a day when I was my single. I went cold turkey right after Night Fall. I got into GW2 about 6 months ago because of COVID. I'm playing PVE in between replying work emails/calls and my kids' attentions.


    We are indeed, sent you a guild invite. Hope to see you in game.

  11. > @"Obfuscate.6430" said:

    > The oppressive aura of Bjora Marches, and then...the strikes. I fell off that horse and just have not been able to get back on with any enthusiasm. I REALLY wanted that Raven Shaman armor and thought if I grinded one of the strikes a certain amount of time I would get the top. Only later I found out the top was RNG from a particular strike I really hated more than the others. I grinded them a bit more for the runic armor and I will say THAT was worth it. New armor skins? YES PLEASE.


    > The second thing that is causing me to lose interest is the lack of meaningful rewards, as a veteran player. Even though I have 19+ characters, I have more than enough weapons and skins which I worked hard for and absolutely love. New weapons require more grind and gold to craft but aren't any better or necessarily prettier than those I already have and it isn't worth the struggle for a mastery point. There's no way to display them either as an achievement unless you use/wear it, but I have my looks and gear already down. So...those rewards /goals aren't rewards or goals for me.


    I felt like this too, but I want the otter infusion and salvaging charged stormcaller weapons give you 10 of the components you need to get that infusion. Making the whole set is expensive, but it gives you 160 infusions or about half of what you need for the infusion. My wife got it already, I still have a ways to go.

  12. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > While emotes are cool and everything, these map metas have turned GW2 into everything it wasn't at the beginning of the game. Just grinding away endgame content with LFG's and such ... other games do it better. It's a shame they gave into that traditional MMO approach.


    I agree that there's been a change in how the game is played, but I still played zones like Grothmar and Drizzlewood the way I played maps at the beginning. Nothing as changed for me, because I don't always do the meta or have to do the meta. I'm quite happy to jump into either of those two zones and do stuff. There are four metas in Grothmar, but there are tons of minigames. It's like an amusement park and I find that fun. There are events all over drizzlewood that award me keys and chests without doing the meta at all. I play it the way I've played any zone.


    To be fair I don't like Bjora Marches, but you don't have to focus on metas. IN fact chest runs for ice are fast for really quick T4 currencies for people who don't want to grind there, so there's a way in which Icebrood Saga makes farming currency in Season 4 less grindy.

  13. > @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

    > The end rewards are a bore. I don't care about a silly emote. I almost never emote, and when I do it's basic stuff like laugh, cross arms, sit, sleep. There is absolutely zero appeal in unlocking a new emote for me.

    > If you want me to grind metas, offer a unique armor skin (the bear and raven armors are nice), mount skin, ect. Even a title.


    While I get your point, I have a zillion skins now, but not enough emotes. I get you hardly ever do, but emotes are sorta cool considering how few have been added to the game. I can only use so many skins, even on the 51 characters I have.

  14. > @"jenthulhu.8516" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > The use of the word type in this context was around long before enhancement, pain and control existed in this game and have nothing to do with that. Nor does it has to do with minor, major or superior. It has to do with the basics of what the sigil does. You're right though, there should be some real clarity on stuff like this.


    > As I said in my post, I've only played this particular game for 2+ years. so I couldn't know the detail about the symbols of enhancement, pain, and control. That does provide clarity--thank you.


    > The wiki does say that you cannot pair the same sigil, i.e. a minor, major, and superior sigil of force, on the same weapon or weapon set. The wiki may not be run by Anet, but that part I buy.


    > However, > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

    > > > Type also refers to the stat stacking type sigils. You can't have both one that grants stacks of power and one with condition damage.


    > This is stated nowhere in the game that I have seen. It may be implied by the word "type," but how many aspects of gameplay are we expected to believe "type" refers to?


    > Either it refers to the base sigil--in our example that would be force: minor sigil of force, major sigil of force, and superior sigil of force. Two of these three could not be applied to a two-handed weapon or set of weapons.


    > OR it refers to the category of a stacking type of sigil. The word "type" cannot be used to mean both. We ruled out elements and these two are left.


    > So which is it?





    Scroll down to Sigil Categories

  15. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

    > > Just saw this. As an interesting aside, Orson Scott Card described Lord of the Rings as a milieu book. That is to say Frodo isn't actually the main character...Middle Earth is. It's not Frodo's story alone, but the story of the last days of the fourth age of middle earth. The reason why it has so many endings and why it doesn't end until the elves leave and the age ends is because Tolkien is telling the story of Middle Earth.

    > >




    > But The Silmarillion is also a book centered on the landscape, and choral in terms of characters. And was interesting from start fo finish, whereas I couldn't read again the first 100 pages and the last 100 pages of The Lord Of The Rings if my life hanged on it.


    Not everyone finds it so.

  16. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > Maybe will became like the last 100 pages of The Lord of the Rings: a total anti-climatic epilogue about Frodo fighting mafia goons in The Shire.


    Just saw this. As an interesting aside, Orson Scott Card described Lord of the Rings as a milieu book. That is to say Frodo isn't actually the main character...Middle Earth is. It's not Frodo's story alone, but the story of the last days of the fourth age of middle earth. The reason why it has so many endings and why it doesn't end until the elves leave and the age ends is because Tolkien is telling the story of Middle Earth.


    We're used to character driven books, and if that's your preference (as it is mine), you'll see Lord of the Rings the way you do, but there's another way to look at it.


    Guild Wars 2 isn't structured that way so it's unlikely to happen. This is definitely a character driven story.

  17. Hey mate. If you're on a US server, I run a guild called Wardens of Destiny. It's a guild of people who like to hang out and play together. Mostly PvE, but we're generally casual and we don't raid. Other than that we do pretty much everything else in PvE. Many of us are older/mature. I'm 58 myself. If you have questions or would like to meet up with us on discord and say hi, just let me know.

  18. A lot of the Trehearne hate is overblown, but years ago I did a poll.


    Most people who started with Sylvari characters like Trahearne because they were with him from moment 1. Most people who just ran iinto him ranodmly at level 50 or so felt he came out of nowhere and took over their storyline and therefore didn't like him.


    It didn't help that he used to say "this won't end well" a LOT which they thankfully have removed from the game.

  19. > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

    > > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > > No pay to win please.


    > Explain how mastery points in the gemstore can be in any way pay to win? They are not used in pvp or wvw, they do not make your character stronger faster or better.


    At least one mastery gives you a very good PvE only downed skill though, and another gives you access to a table that makes bar breaking a whole lot easier. Others can heal your mount, help them survive longer, even launch you off your mount to allow you to climb while gliding. They do make you more powerful at least in PvE.


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